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Text Chapter 1263 Mang Gurtai¡¯s Heartache

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    Compared with the embarrassment of Mang Gurtai's retreat, Obama and President Kobayashi's pursuit seemed very easy.

    Because of the speed of the heavy cavalry and infantry, both of them knew very well that they would not be able to catch up with the retreating Hou Jin army in a short time. Moreover, this was still a plain area, so the two men and the army seemed to be very leisurely as they advanced.

    Of course, although the pursuit process is very leisurely, vigilance is also indispensable.

    They don¡¯t want to be killed by Hou Jin¡¯s army and ruin the originally good situation.

    Therefore, numerous cavalrymen in Commander Xiaolin's army were sent out as scouts.  Specifically targeted at the retreating Hou Jin army's situation, effective spying was carried out.

    On the way, Obama and Nobunaga Kobayashi had an in-depth conversation.

    Therefore, President Kobayashi obtained a large amount of relevant information about the American continent from Obama.

    The more he understood, the more President Kobayashi became afraid of the empire.

    In Obama¡¯s words, the power of the Song Empire is beyond doubt.

    And some things that, in his opinion, were simply unimaginable, all existed in the distant Song Empire.

    For example, there is a monster called a "train" that can produce huge sounds and carry huge weights.  There are also 'wireless phones' that can communicate with people far away through the air, and even iron ships

    Such magical things only appear in fairy tales.

    However, according to Obama, these actually existed in the distant Song Empire.

    Of course, when Obama mentioned this, his tone was very sad and emotional.

    Because Obama said that he himself didn¡¯t believe this.

    But since he saw these things appearing in his life, he finally had to believe them.

    The railway from Manhattan to Ontario City has been opened to traffic, and a huge amount of cargo is transported between the two places every day.

    ??Europeans living in Manhattan and Ontario will see the "whining" trains driving on the railway every day, and they will never tire of such scenes.  It¡¯s all regarded as one scene.

    It¡¯s not surprising at all for these people¡¯s reactions.

    Based on people¡¯s cognition in this era, things like trains will indeed cause such a sensation and interest in people.

    You must know that the content contained in trains and railways is far beyond the cognitive scope of people in this era.

    ¡°However, trains did not appear on the American continent.  The only thing that shocks and shocks people is that the Song Empire controlled the city.

    There are many, many more things like this that give people strong shocks.

    With the efforts of Zhang Tie and others, some foundations with modern characteristics have begun to take shape in the Song Empire established on the American continent.

    After all, they have obtained the authorization from Zhao Hongyu and can purchase goods up to a certain amount through the virtual world, right?

    only.  The things that appeared in the Song Empire were beyond the understanding of people of this era.

    Since people couldn¡¯t fully understand it, Zhang Tie and the others had no choice but to use the excuse that it was something given by the gods.

    But it must be mentioned that it is precisely because of such an excuse that people really quickly accepted these shocking things in a very short period of time.

    It can be seen that in this era, people still have a huge market for superstition.

    Zhao Hongyu has been away from America for about a year.  Therefore, he had some understanding of the development of America through letters.

    In this era, after all, communication is a modern era in another time and space where such advanced technology is not available.

    Therefore, Zhao Hongyu only had an idea of ??the changes in the Song Empire he created on the American continent.

    But he still hasn¡¯t seen it with his own eyes as to what it has changed into.

    You must know that the development of the empire has been the fastest in the year he left.

    If Zhao Hongyu is really allowed to return to the American continent, he himself will probably be affected by the changes in the cities of the Song Empire on the American continent.  Shocked.

    If you can use an adjective to describe the Song Empire in the American continent, then "steampunk" is the most appropriate word to describe it.

    Because the development of America is not achieved step by step by first establishing basic industries and accumulating various technologies.

    Its development process is completely opportunisticcheating behavior.

    Therefore, it is not surprising that the Song Empire has become completely different.

    Although it is said in the Song Empire.  We also selected some good seedlings to teach them some knowledge.  But the basic knowledge of Lanxiang Technical School can at most train many basic workers for the empire, but it cannot train senior engineers at all.

    so.  For a long time, people's minds were still unable to achieve great liberation.

    With the emergence of Jiejiao, no matter what achievements people have in the future, they will definitely be attributed to the gods.

    Of course, the Chinese education within the empire is not like this.

    But no matter what, the America that Obama talks about is an amazing and magical land.

    Although President Kobayashi has never been to America, he has never seen the cities of the Song Empire in America with his own eyes to experience the living environment and customs there.

    But just hearing what Obama said made him yearn for it very much.

    I really want to see this magical country.

    President Kobayashi lamented this about Obama.

    Obama smiled and patted President Kobayashi on the shoulder, encouraging him: "As long as you are loyal to the empire and do your best for the empire, then you will definitely have the opportunity to visit America."

    In response, President Kobayashi just smiled and did not respond.

    As an Oriental, President Kobayashi, who has an Oriental mindset, does not think it is that simple.

    Loyalty is of course the key, but is loyalty alone enough?

    ¡°Obviously, if you want to go to America, you need more than just loyalty.  You must also be able to do things well, have a good eye, and be able to win the favor of the Crown Prince or General Zhou.

    Going to the American continent dominated by the Song Empire is definitely a pilgrimage.

    And, only those who are recognized.  Only then will it be possible to go to America.

    ¡°Obama didn¡¯t know that the Japanese man next to him had such complicated thoughts.

    This is where the thinking of Europeans and Easterners differs.

    Europeans like Obama don¡¯t think about problems in such a complicated way.

    On the contrary, Easterners are different.

    President Kobayashi secretly determined that he must work hard to make progress and strive for an opportunity to go to America, and even become a member of the American Song Empire.

    Rather than like this now.  They were just the Japanese people of Kyushu under the control of the Song Empire.

    Yes, President Xiaolin wants to be a Song Dynasty person, not a Japanese person.

    Zhao Hongyu is not here, and no one knows about President Xiaolin¡¯s decision.

    But even if he knew about it, Zhao Hongyu would not object, and would even add fuel to the flames.

    Because if such a trend of thought spreads, it will be very difficult for the Song Empire and himself.  There are only advantages and no disadvantages.

    No one at this moment knows that the decision made by President Kobayashi at this time will affect all Kyushu Japanese people in the future, and even extend to the entire Japanese country.

    In the future, the Japanese people will try their best to pass the identity of the Song Empire and become Song people.

    It¡¯s just that when such a trend forms.  It is very difficult to become a true "Song Dynasty person" and obtain identity, but it is not without hope.

    Therefore, this led to countless Japanese people working hard for the Song Empire.

    This trend can be said to have continued into the modern era. At that time, the Song Empire was already very long and powerful.

    It has become more difficult for Japanese people to obtain status, but they still cannot stop their enthusiasm.

    Therefore, a very strange phenomenon will occur in the future.  That is, there are Japanese people in every industry in the empire. In order to gain status, they are willing to do anything for people with status any lowly occupation, and they work very hard

    Because a certain descendant of Zhao Hongyu had a very strange idea and set up a model of a Japanese manure digger to promote it, and also gave honor and imperial status and deeds.

    Such a typical example.  The excitement for those Japanese was very great.

    This shows that in the eyes of the empire, there is no distinction between high and low professions. As long as you work hard, you will have a chance.

    So, in that generation.  Countless Japanese people have contributed to the cleanliness of the city but what those Japanese people don't know is that this is exactly what Zhao Hongyu's descendants did to deceive them.

    His eyes turned to Mang Gurtai.?At this time, the retreating Hou Jin army had retreated five miles away. It was finally out of the attack range of the Kyushu Army and the heavy cavalry, and it was considered relatively safe.

    Unlike the high-spirited troops before, the Zhenglan Banner army led by Mang Gurtai now has its flags tilted all over the place, and the soldiers all look gray and defeated, which is not a good look at first glance.

    Although they did not lose much troops in previous battles.

    However, in that battle, the enemy's mental blow was too great.

    "Master Baile, we lost about 3,000 people through the inspection."

    At this time, the army had stopped retreating, and Mang Gurtai began to prepare to reorganize the army and fight the enemy again.

    But before that, he needs to do some statistics to see how much damage he suffered in the battle just now.

    ¡°Isn¡¯t that right? After some statistics, his subordinates reported a number to him.

    When Mang Gurtai heard this, the corners of his eyes twitched rapidly.

    It hurts!

    Strictly speaking, the loss of three thousand soldiers and horses is not very big.

    But the problem is that such a number is not small for Houjin.

    Especially for Mang Gurtai, the leader of the Zhenglan Banner, the loss of three thousand people really made him feel dark.

    The loss is too great!

    Mang Gurtai¡¯s body swayed as he sat on the war horse. If his men hadn¡¯t stabilized him with quick eyes and quick hands, he might have fallen off the horse.
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