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Text Chapter 1242 This method is good

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    Regarding the command of the Japanese army, Jay Chou held it single-handedly.

    President Kobayashi has nothing to do about this. He is just following Jay Chou as a colonel in name only.

    President Kobayashi doesn¡¯t know what kind of official position a colonel is.

    But he felt that at least it was much better now than before.  After all, he was working with this Song general. As long as he had the chance, he could still achieve his ambition.

    Especially since this general seems to be a confidant of the Crown Prince, there will definitely be more opportunities.

    President Xiao Lin did not expect to be valued and promoted by Zhao Hongyu, but it would be the same if he could be valued by the Crown Prince's confidants.

    Therefore, President Kobayashi stayed by Jay Chou's side with peace of mind.

    Because President Kobayashi is confident that if an opportunity arises, he will definitely be able to seize it and make a mark.

    And because of the arrival of these 10,000 Japanese soldiers, the problem of insufficient troops here in Jincheng was greatly alleviated.  Now Jincheng's military strength has reached 40,000.

    When Sun Chuanting left the capital, he took with him 500 soldiers and horses from his own headquarters. In Datong, he also received more than 800 defeated soldiers such as Yang Fengyi and Wu Sangui.

    After arriving in the capital at the same time, they selected more than 3,000 people from the refugees, gathering together a force of 5,000 people.

    Jay Chou originally had 25,000 soldiers and horses under his command, plus 10,000 Jiuzhou soldiers.  Then it is not surprising that Jincheng's strength is 40,000.

    At the moment, Hou Jin, whom Zhao Hongyu is most worried about, has only more than 700,000 troops.  This is even when all men are included.

    So, I have these 40,000 troops.  It is more than enough to defend against the threat from Houjin.

    Ten thousand Kyushu soldiers wearing explosion-proof clothing and holding explosion-proof equipment began their half-month military training.

    Although they have undergone short-term crash training after being recruited from Kyushu, this is still far from enough.

    "At least, in Zhao Hongyu's view, it is impossible for these people to fight against the elites of the Eight Banners of Houjin.  Therefore, they still need to be trained again.

    The military training subjects for the Kyushu soldiers are very simple, and they are specifically focused on combat with the Houjin cavalry.

    The instructor is a mercenary from Portugal.  What he teaches is the European war phalanx, also known as the Spanish phalanx.

    This kind of square formation is very effective against cavalry attacks.  Of course, there will be a lack of mobility.

    " However, Zhao Hongyu didn't care at all about this. Anyway, he just needed these Kyushu soldiers to be cannon fodder, as long as they could hurt Houjin.

    For other aspects.  Zhao Hongyu didn't take it seriously at all.

    ¡°Besides, the Japanese are not afraid of death on the battlefield, and are a bit more fierce than the Eight Banners soldiers.

    Therefore, Zhao Hongyu is confident that using these Japanese cannon fodder will definitely produce unexpected results, which will greatly surprise and pain Hou Jin.

    The sophisticated muskets of the Song Empire.  Zhao Hongyu did not equip the Jiuzhou soldiers. Zhao Hongyu had to use and beware of these people.

    Because they eat well, these Kyushu soldiers train very hard.  In particular, the Japanese instructors and Jay Chou praised the Japanese for their obedience.

    ??Every day I have enough rice to eat, and there is also enough potatoes and beef to eat.  This made the Kyushu native soldiers feel grateful one after another and worship the people of Song Dynasty as Bodhisattvas.

    To know.  For the Japanese in this era, it was considered a good life to be able to eat a rice ball a day.  Basically, a commoner only eats two meals a day, and each meal is just a rice ball with wild vegetables and a bowl of soup with two slices of white radish floating on it.

    Therefore, life now is like heaven for them.

    Every day is just a bit of hard training, but what does this hard work mean?

    If you don¡¯t work as a soldier and farm at home, it will be even more difficult, and you will have to be exploited by the lords.

    Therefore, the enthusiasm burst out by these Kyushu soldiers shocked everyone.

    And these newly recruited Kyushu soldiers finally understood why so many people were willing to be recruited by the Song Dynasty.

    Grandma, this is simply a blessing.

    Not to mention anything else, just for the meat and white rice they eat every day, it is worthwhile for them to work for the Song people.

    You can¡¯t say that these Japanese people have no ideals.

    In this era, the environment here is indeed like this.?

    There are quite a few ronin who work hard for a rice ball. After all, the Japanese are quite weird, aren't they?

    In the Jiuzhou under the rule of the Song Empire, the lives of the people have greatly improved compared to before, and they are no longer as difficult as before.

    Every family can eat white rice balls and a meat dish every day.

    "Compared to before, it's really like a sky and a place.

    It is precisely for this reason that the Japanese people in Kyushu have no aversion to being ruled by the Song people, and they even feel that being ruled by the Song people is quite good.

    Therefore, few people here in Kyushu are willing to serve as soldiers, but they cannot stop those people who continue to escape from the territory controlled by the shogunate.

    The areas controlled by the shogunate are now experiencing frequent wars, and the three forces are fighting each other, which has completely destroyed the Japanese homes in Honshu and Shikoku.

    They heard that life here in Kyushu is good. As long as you have the strength and are not lazy, you can basically live a good life.

    ¡°And the people of the Song Dynasty were not that cruel. They would not draw their swords to kill people at every turn like the lords and samurai masters under the shogunate.

    Kyushu has been described by many people as being like a fairyland.

    So, the homeless people began to take risks and rushed to Kyushu.  Even if the lords of Shikoku and Honshu discovered this problem, and the shogunate issued a kill order, it would not help.

    ??This is indeed a good thing for Kyushu, as the population continues to be enriched.

    And because the lives of Kyushu people are getting better and better, very few Kyushu people are willing to serve as soldiers.

    Under this premise.  These people from the original state and Shikoku who fled into Kyushu became good targets for recruitment.

    It is precisely in this situation.  Zhao Hongyu's letter hoping that Kyushu would mobilize a group of troops was delivered to Kyushu.

    In response to this situation, Kyushu, driven by Tokugawa Kayo and a group of imperial officials, began to issue recruitment orders, and in a short period of time, a total of 10,000 soldiers and horses were recruited.

    Ninety-nine percent of these conscripted soldiers were homeless people who had escaped from Haranshu and Shikoku.

    For these people, joining the army is a way to survive.  After all, although they had fled to Kyushu, the people of Kyushu seemed to reject them.

    For a while.  They couldn't find any work to do.

    But if you don¡¯t do something, you won¡¯t make money.  And if you can¡¯t make money, you will go hungry. This is a very real problem.

    So, for them, the sign order issued at this time is nothing more than a choice that allows them to survive.

    Being a soldier is nothing.

    ¡°If everyone is going to starve to death, what¡¯s the point of being a soldier.

    that's all.  There is an army of ten thousand people.

    When we were in Kyushu, these people didn¡¯t eat very well.  Because they will be sent to Jincheng soon, no one is willing to spend time on them.

    But even so, they ate quite well.

    But compared with what we ate here in Jincheng, the food we ate in Kyushu was nothing.

    Thank you Song people.  Thank you, Crown Prince!

    Well, this is what the political officials of the Song Dynasty who were inserted asked them to say before eating every day.

    ¡°Unknowingly, these people were brainwashed, and even they themselves became really grateful to the people of Song Dynasty and the crown prince.

    So much so that when we fight against the Houjin Eight Banners in the future.  Those Kyushu soldiers who were not afraid of death would hold their weapons high and shout fanatically, 'die for the Crown Prince'.  He rushed towards the Eight Banners soldiers, and even if he was hit by several swords, his combat effectiveness was not reduced, which shocked the Eight Banners soldiers.

    "Who brought you these delicious foods!"

    "Crown Prince!"

    "Whose food are you eating?"

    "Crown Prince!"

    "Think about your past life, and then look at your current life. I think as long as you are not fools, you all know what is good and what is bad, right?"

    "Thank you, Crown Prince!"

    "So what are you going to do!"

    "Whoever is an enemy of the Crown Prince, we will kill him!"

    On this day, the morning training ended and it happened to be lunch time.

    These Kyushu soldiers lined up neatly and began to wait for the Huotou Army to bring them a delicious lunch.

    During this gap, the imperial political officials who were inserted started to work again.??I brainwashed these people and chanted slogans.

    Zhao Hongyu and Jay Chou came here for inspection at this time, and happened to hear them shouting slogans.

    After listening to the slogans shouted by these guys, Zhao Hongyu smiled and nodded with satisfaction.

    "Well, it's very good. This kind of ideological education is very good. Who came up with this should be greatly rewarded!"

    To be honest, Zhao Hongyu couldn¡¯t be more in favor of and satisfied with the method of brainwashing these Kyushu soldiers by shouting slogans before eating.

    Because this approach will unknowingly allow these Kyushu soldiers to really eliminate some barriers in their hearts and serve the empire in the future.

    And over time, these Japanese people will develop a deep sense of loyalty to themselves.

    You know, this kind of brainwashing method is very powerful even in modern times.

    Not to mention that the effect is even more powerful when used on the bumpkins of this era.

    Sun Chuanting, Yang Fengyi and Wu Sangui also followed Zhao Hongyu and the others to the training ground of Kyushu soldiers on this day.

    They had already heard about the Japanese soldiers coming to Jincheng.

    However, they had a lot of things to do during this period, so they did not see these Japanese people.

    Today they happened to have some free time, and they heard that Zhao Hongyu was coming here to inspect, so they followed him.

    Zhao Hongyu rode in front of them, but none of them heard what Zhao Hongyu said.

    But when Sun Chuanting looked at the Japanese who kept shouting slogans loudly, he looked deep in thought.

    After a long time, Sun Chuanting turned over and whispered to Yang Fengyi: "This method of training Japanese people in the Song Dynasty is really novel, but I thought about it carefully and found that this method will be very effective in the future."

    After all, he is a person who can leave his name in another time and space, so after a little thought, Sun Chuanting saw one of the benefits of doing so.
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