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Text Chapter 1185 We want to save His Highness

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    "Colonel, the situation is very critical now. The villages around Tongzhou have been plundered by the Manchus. Presumably the Jurchens' siege of the capital has been successful. There is no need for us to continue waiting here. And His Highness is still in the capital of the Ming Dynasty,  We must take His Highness out of danger."

    When the capital was besieged, Zhao Hongyu took the opportunity to provide loans to Zhu Shangwu and started an immigration plan and arms sales. However, Zhao Hongyu left Tongzhou troops behind, and a heated discussion arose at this time.

    Among them, most of the imperial soldiers believed that they should leave Tongzhou and immediately go to the capital to rescue Zhao Hongyu. They could not let the crown prince stay in the city besieged by the Jurchen army.

    However, there are also a small number of people who believe that it is not appropriate for them to leave Tongzhou and go to the capital now.

    Just like the colonel, what he considered was that although the Jurchens besieged the capital, he thought that the Jurchens could not break the capital.

    In the end, the Jurchens will be forced to retreat due to the gathering of King Qin¡¯s troops, just like the historical development of another time and space.

    After all, the Jurchens at this time do not yet have the strength to conquer the capital and occupy the capital at the same time.

    It¡¯s okay to fight against the autumn wind, but it¡¯s not very realistic to break through the capital and defend it to the end.

    ¡° In this way, the crown prince Zhao Hongyu who is trapped in the capital will not be in any danger.

    They should just stay here in Tongzhou.

    ¡°Besides, it¡¯s not of much use for them to go to the capital.

    According to intelligence from the Tongzhou garrison, the Jurchen army numbered approximately 50,000 to 60,000.

    And the number of people Zhao Hongyu left in Tongzhou was only more than 2,000 people, and they also included the sailors on the three battleships.  ''

    Although Kyushu can defeat the coalition army of 150,000 people with 10,000 people, that is based on having many artillery.  And based on basic military strength.

    Now they don¡¯t have many artillery and few troops.

    In such a situation, it is simply impossible to hit more with less.

    ???????????????????????????????? It¡¯s not impossible that with their small number of troops, the whole army will be annihilated.

    In such a situation.  It was not without reason that the colonel did not agree to the proposal of his men.

    Wherever you are, you have to consider what kind of things you are in.

    Even more, you have to think further than your subordinates.

    The colonel shook his head and said: "No! We can't leave Tongzhou. Now we don't have much advantage in terms of military strength. If we leave Tongzhou and encounter the Jurchen cavalry, the consequences for us will be  Disastrous."

    After hearing this, the imperial generals who gathered around the colonel once again put forward their own suggestions.

    "Sir! The Jurchens have nothing to fear. Their weapons are very primitive and backward. Our weapons are much more advanced than theirs. I think with this advantage, even if we encounter their troops, we can defeat them.  "

    "Yes, yes, sir, we have no reason to be afraid of the Jurchens. They have nothing to fear. The Japanese in Kyushu are also very powerful, but they were defeated by us in the end."

    "Sir, let's leave Tongzhou. The Crown Prince is very important to us in America. But there must be no mistakes."

    Seeing the excitement among his subordinates around him, the colonel remained quite calm and did not make a decision in a hurry to comply with the request.

    After all, his decision is simple, but it affects the lives and futures of many people.

    It¡¯s not that easy for those in power.

    "Everyone, please be quiet, please be quiet and listen to me."

    The colonel raised his hand and pressed it down, signaling everyone to quiet down.

    After everyone calmed down, the colonel said to everyone very seriously and firmly: "I have made up my mind. We can't leave Tongzhou. I don't think there will be any danger to His Highness. The capital is the capital of the Ming Dynasty, and the defense  The number of soldiers is not comparable to other cities. The Jurchens came all the way from Liaodong, wouldn't their rear be empty? "

    Having said this, the colonel sneered.

    "I think it's impossible for the Jurchens to besiege the capital for too long. Because they don't have the strength to attack the capital. I think it won't be long before they leave from the periphery of the capital."

    The colonel has already conducted some strategic deductions on this. He and his staff agreed that the Jurchens' siege of the capital would not exceed ten at most.When the time comes, they will retreat.

    The reason is very simple. They have not yet completely conquered Liaodong.

    In other words, Liaodong was actually still under the control of the Ming Dynasty.

    The reason why the Jurchens were able to pass through Liaodong and reach the capital this time was because of some very complicated reasons.

    Under such circumstances, aren¡¯t the Jurchens afraid?

    "If the Ming army in Liaodong rises once, then all the Jurchens' 50,000 or 60,000 soldiers and horses will be left here.

    No one dares to say that such a thing is impossible.

    ¡°After all, war is something that changes rapidly.

    Even Huang Taiji did not dare to pat his chest and say that he was not worried at all.

    The Ming Dynasty¡¯s army was very corrupt, but there were also troops and generals who dared to fight and were good at fighting.

    ¡°If the Ming Dynasty suddenly breaks out, it will really be enough to panic Huang Taiji and the others.

    Huang Taiji also had to guard against such things.

    ¡°Besides, the Ming Dynasty¡¯s capital was besieged, and this matter was no small matter.

    It is related to the safety of the emperor, as well as the safety of the capital and the people. The Ming army and generals around the capital have to send large armies even if it is just a pretense.

    Once these armies reach the outskirts of the capital, if the Jurchens still retreat at that time, they will be surrounded.

    It is absolutely impossible for Huang Taiji to let such a thing happen.

    Because once such a situation occurs, it will pose a great threat to the Jurchen army.

    Especially when Liaodong was not yet under the control of the Jurchens, Huang Taiji did not dare to take too many risks.

    Although Liaodong has now lost all its elites, and the generals and generals are all staying in their own territories and cities in order to preserve their strength, leaving Huang Taiji to stay in Liaodong to protect the Jurchen army galloping and clamoring for retreat.

    "But Huang Taiji didn't dare to say that it would never happen that a stupid young man would actually go out to fight in the city.

    If Liaodong¡¯s retreat is blocked, the Jurchen army entering the hinterland of the Ming Dynasty will face catastrophic consequences.

    The colonel and his staff analyzed this.

    It is impossible for Huang Taiji to expend too many troops to launch an attack on the capital.

    At the same time, he did not dare to waste too many troops in the siege of the capital.

    Because Huang Taiji had many things to consider.

    Under these factors, it is impossible for the capital to be breached.

    " Then, if the capital is not destroyed, His Highness will not be in any danger.

    Those of them who stayed in Tongzhou had no need to risk going to the capital.

    "Besides, the Jurchens are all cavalry, while they are infantry.

    Although they are ahead in terms of weapons, after all, they have a small number of troops and cannot maximize the power of the muskets.

    And because of its strong mobility, once it encounters the Jurchen cavalry, the outcome of the battle is really hard to say.

    The colonel told his subordinates his worries, as well as his analysis and speculation about the war situation.

    After hearing what the colonel said, all the officers fell silent.

    The colonel¡¯s words are not unreasonable. After listening to them, they can think clearly after thinking about it for a little while.

    ¡°At the moment, it¡¯s safest to stay here in Tongzhou.

    There are 15,000 Ming garrison troops here on the Tongzhou Canal.

    Although the Jurchen cavalry appeared on the periphery from time to time, they did not launch an attack here.

    ¡°They just carried out inhumane killings and looting of the surrounding villages.

    ?Obviously, the Jurchens do not want to attack a city that has good defense facilities and a certain number of defenders stationed there. Obviously, they do not want to lose too much force.

    Based on this point of judgment, the Jurchens will think the same thing about the capital.

    "Colonel! I hope your judgment is correct. I reserve my opinion. After all, you are the commander, and we still have to obey your orders. But I hope you can take control of the situation. If the situation changes, you will become correct.  If His Highness is unfavorable, then we have to go to the rescue no matter what."

    An officer with the rank of lieutenant colonel finally spoke to the colonel after being silent for a while.

    Hearing this, the colonel glanced at the lieutenant colonel.

    "Don't worry! The Jurchens will not do this. I have strong confidence to guarantee this. Of course."?If the situation worsens, I will not fail to respond.  "

    After speaking, the colonel looked around at the officers.

    "Then everyone, please go back to the boat. In the recent period, try not to get off the boat. Now there are Manchu cavalry outside Tongzhou. Who knows if there are Manchu spies in Tongzhou City."

    The officers nodded one after another and then left the flagship.

    After everyone left, the adjutant standing behind the colonel asked in a low voice: "Sir, are we really going to do nothing? Just watch the Manchus killing and looting in the surrounding villages. And we are indifferent?"  Although we are not people of the same time and space, after all, we have now come to this era of time and space, and we also have the blood of Yanhuang flowing in our bodies."

    After listening to the adjutant¡¯s words, the colonel¡¯s teeth creaked.

    "We can't be so rash, we must endure all this at this time. After His Highness escapes from the capital, I think we will have a chance to go to Liaodong. In fact, Your Highness has always wanted to go to Liaodong and see the Manchu soldiers.  At that time, it is time for us to avenge the Ming people who died at the hands of the Manchus. A little impatience will mess up the big plan, and we can't mess up here."
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