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Text Chapter 1110 They are very strong

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    Which country was the Song Empire?

    Among the countries surrounding the Ming Dynasty, there is no such country at all.

    To the north are Goryeo and Houjin, as well as the Mongolian tribes.

    To the west are the Tubo tribes in Tibet, and there is no Song Empire.

    As for the south, let alone Siam, South Vietnam, Myanmarwhere did the Song Empire come from?

    As for the east, there is only one country, and that is Japan.

    Thinking that the Zheng family has been at sea for so many years, they are very familiar with the Southeast Asian countries and the Japanese country, and they often come into contact with merchants who travel all over the country.

    They had never heard of the existence of a country like the Song Empire.

    Now, his cousin actually told him that behind the destruction of Wang Ren, there was actually a shadow of the Song Empire. How could this not make Zheng Tianlang very surprised?

    "What, what is the Song Empire?"

    Zheng Tianlang, who was too shocked to react for a moment, actually stuttered.

    "A country that calls itself Song seems to have come from the other side of the sea." Zheng Zhilong knew more than his cousin.

    After all, the court elder had some news in this regard, so because Zheng Zhilong often paid tribute to him with a lot of property, he did a slight favor.

    Anyway, this news is not worth keeping secret, so there is no harm in letting Zheng Zhilong know about it.

    But for Mr. Ge, this news is not that important, but it is different for Zheng Zhilong.

    Therefore, when Zheng Zhilong was in the capital, he immediately sent people to Southeast Asia to find out some news about the Song Empire.

    In the end, the hard work paid off, and he got more detailed information from the Folangji people entrenched in Southeast Asia.

    Fortunately, Zheng Zhilong¡¯s matter in the capital was settled at this time, so he quickly led his people back to Fujian.

    So, let¡¯s go back to the previous scene.

    "The other side of the sea?" Zheng Tianlang pointed to the east, gestured and looked at Zheng Zhilong.  Zheng Zhilong nodded: "Yes, it is the east. But it is further than where the Japanese country is. It is a place that none of us know."

    My grandma!

    Zheng Tianlang was not sure what it meant, but he heard that after crossing the Japanese side, there was still a country, so he raised his hand and touched the top of his head.

    To be honest, Zheng Tianlang has always meant that there will no longer be any country to the east of Japan. What else is there except the endless sea water.

    But, it seems to be different now.

    ¡°I heard what my cousin meant is that there is a country on the other side of the ocean.

    "So what about the Song Empire? We are the Fujian navy of the Ming Dynasty. I think this country that calls itself Song is just the same existence as foreign countries like Goryeo or South Vietnam."

    Although he was a little surprised when he first heard about it, when Zheng Tianlang came back to his senses, his mind was suddenly occupied by Mingism.

    In this era, Easterners, especially Ming people, are very proud.

    The mentality of being in a state of heaven is not only possessed by high-ranking officials and dignitaries, this mentality has even penetrated into the bones of ordinary people.

    If they hadn't been massacred by the Jurchens who took over the Central Plains in the end, and some so-called "traitors" were brainwashed and beaten several times to interrupt the signs of this kind of thinking, then Orientals wouldn't still have such low self-esteem in modern times.  .

    "It's hard to say! I got some useful information from the Franji people. I heard that the Song Empire is very different from those foreign countries that pay tribute to the court." Zheng Zhilong recalled what he reported to himself after the men sent to Southeast Asia came back.  When he had news about the Song Empire, he spoke carefully to his cousin.

    "What's different? I'm very surprised. Is it possible that the Song Empire is more powerful than the Ming Dynasty?"

    When Zheng Tianlang talked about the Song Empire, he had a very disdainful look on his face.


    This is the expression shown by a typical Ming Dynasty chauvinist.

    Zheng Zhilong did not argue with his cousin on this issue, because it was completely unnecessary.

    "Do you think the Japanese are strong? I mean the Japanese infantry, not their so-called iron-clad ships." Zheng Zhilong asked.

    As for when Zheng Zhilong asked this question for Hehe, it was not without reason that he had to just take out the Japanese armored ship.Because the so-called iron-clad ships of the Japanese were just a joke in the eyes of the Ming pirates.

    The Japanese say that their army is very strong, and everyone agrees with this.

    But if they say that their maritime power is very strong, then many people will laugh.

    In this era, the most powerful force on the Eastern Sea is the pirates of the Ming Dynasty.

    Its power is so powerful that it can even attack the surrounding foreign countries.

    But the Japanese navy was different.

    Throughout the history of the East, except for modern times, the Japanese navy was a team of garbage in the 17th and 18th centuries!

    The so-called iron-clad ships and so on are just a way for the Japanese to put money on their faces.

    The so-called iron-clad ships can only sail in coastal waters and are not suitable for distant sea operations at all.

    And in the eyes of Ming pirates, this type of ship is actually no different from a floating coffin.

    Neither Li Xiang nor Zheng Zhilong, nor even a small group of pirates, would take Japan's maritime power seriously.

    Therefore, when Zheng Zhilong asked about the military strength of the Japanese country, in order to avoid misunderstanding, he first picked out the Japanese navy.

    After hearing this, Zheng Tianlang thought for a while, and then replied: "To say that the Japanese are still very powerful, the Japanese rebellion along the coast decades ago gave us a thorough understanding of the power of the Japanese warriors, didn't it?"

    Zheng Tianlang¡¯s words made Zheng Zhilong curl his lips.

    "Cousin, don't you know what the Japanese rebellion along the coast was really about decades ago? In fact, in the Japanese rebellion along the coast at that time, how many of them were real Japanese countries, and they were not the coastal Japanese at that time?  Are pirates even done by the people on the coast themselves?"

    Speaking of this matter, Zheng Zhilong is really very clear about it.

    Because back then, someone from the Zheng family pretended to be Japanese pirates and led a group of brothers to rob homes and homes.

    In the end, a guy named Li Guanglu appeared in the court. After he and his Li family troops quelled the "Japanese Rebellion", they finally discovered the truth hidden in this turmoil.

    And he wrote a memorial and submitted it to the big shots in the DPRK and China.

    The content of this memorial is very simple. It is nothing more than telling the big bosses in the DPRK and China that there is no need to guard against Japanese invaders at all, because those so-called Japanese pirates are not Japanese at all. Basically, 90% of them were pretended by Ming Dynasty himself.

    Of course, it is also true that there are a few Japanese pirates among them.

    However, it is undeniable that the main force in this turmoil is still Akito.

    They dressed up like Japanese pirates and burned, killed and looted everywhere. Their ferocious methods were even more brutal than the Japanese.

    Therefore, if you want to control this turmoil, you must first control the people along the coast.

    After this memorial was submitted, it caused great shock in the cabinet.

    Because the big shots in the court could never have imagined that this coastal Japanese rebellion that frightened them and cost the court countless silver taels was actually caused by their own people.

    This is so embarrassing!

    It can even be said that it is completely embarrassing.

    "Such a shameful thing, of course, cannot be publicized to the outside world.

    Therefore, the memorial was shelved and was not presented to the emperor for review.

    After all, this is not a good thing, and if it is not good, it risks expanding or even spreading.

    So, after several final discussions in the attic, everyone decided not to make the truth public.

    ¡°Anyway, everyone thinks it was the Japanese who did it, so let¡¯s just accept the mistake and let the people continue to think so.

    Of course, Mr. Ge also wrote a private letter to Li Guanglu and promised that as long as he did not tell this matter, the benefits would be great.

    ¡°And this Li Guanglu was not a fool. He knew what he should do at that time.

    Therefore, after everyone¡¯s efforts, the Japanese rebellion decades ago was truly blamed on the Japanese.

    The general public may not be very clear about this.

    But for Zheng Zhilong, who already lives in the temple, it is no secret.

    What¡¯s more, there were people in his family who pretended to be Japanese pirates back then.

    Therefore, when Zheng Tianlang used the coastal Japanese rebellion as an example, Zheng Zhilong was quite disdainful.

    After hearing this, Zheng Tianlang giggled like "hehehe".

    ¡°That¡¯s right, they are all brothers from the same family, and he, Zheng Tianlang, is also?Maybe he doesn¡¯t know the truth of what happened back then.

    Therefore, if we use the Japanese rebellion to describe the military strength of the Japanese, it seems that it is really unreliable.

    "But you are right about one thing, that is, the Japanese military is still very strong. In the battlefield when they invaded Goryeo, although our Ming Dynasty sent troops to finally defeat the Japanese, you know how many soldiers and horses our Ming Dynasty lost back then.  General?"

    Zheng Zhilong¡¯s words made Zheng Tianlang shake his head.

    ¡°Just kidding, although he is the deputy chief of the navy, he cannot know too much about these things.

    ¡°Besides, these are all events of the past, and the people who participated in that war were all Northland frontier troops.  Therefore, it is impossible for him to find insiders here in Fujian.

    Thinking about it, only Zheng Zhilong, who has a good relationship with the big guys in North Korea and China and has a huge network of connections, can know this information.

    "The Japanese military strength is 300,000! The Ming Dynasty dispatched 200,000 troops. Although the Japanese were finally defeated in Goryeo, the Ming Dynasty lost 100,000 soldiers and horses!"

    Zheng Zhilong said a shocking number.

    However, Zheng Zhilong did not stop talking, but continued: "This shows that the Japanese military strength is strong, but the Song Empire forced the Japanese to cede Kyushu" (To be continued. Please search Piao Tian Literature,  The novel is better and updated faster!)
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