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Text Chapter 1068 Focus on the East

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    The problem of frostbite has been noticed, and Wang Shan finally taught these Indians how to stay warm in a yurt.

    Of course, after he taught these Indians, he also asked these Indians to pass on the knowledge he taught them to others.

    You know, there are still many people here suffering from frostbite.

    Furthermore, Wang Shan also left a group of people behind to go to other settlements to see if the situation there was the same, and if so, correct it.

    After dealing with this matter, Wang Shan took the people back to the camp.

    What followed was Wang Shan¡¯s treatment of the guy who was suspected of being a ¡®traveler¡¯.

    After all, it was this guy¡¯s oversight that led to this problem.

    "If Wang Shan hadn't come back, found the problem and finally solved it.  So throughout the winter, God knows how many Indians will be troubled by frostbite. If it is serious, there will be a large number of people with amputations due to frostbite.

    With the end of the Great Plains War, the five major tribes of the Plains were destroyed.

    Here in San Francisco, Wang Shan no longer has any opponents.

    Although there are still some small tribes and fish that have slipped through the five major tribes, it is impossible for these people to make any waves.

    At this point, Wang Shan¡¯s business in San Francisco will focus on development¡ª¡ª

    Dividing line¡ª¡ª

    Kyushu, Nagasaki.

    Zhao Hongyu has left Nagasaki for three days. Although Zhao Hongyu is not here, he has left eight thousand army troops and forty-nine battleships in Nagasaki.

    After Li Xiang took refuge with Zhao Hongyu, she began to focus on preparing the navy.  Among the men who followed Li Xiang to Nagasaki, only a small number entered the navy, and most of them were young people.

    Those old pirates who are old, or have some hidden injuries or disabilities are tired of this kind of life, and they no longer want to continue living on the sea.

    Therefore, with the approval of Li Xiang and the consent of Zhao Hongyu who left, this group of more than 3,000 former pirates under Li Xiang will live in Nagasaki for a short period of time.

    After Kyushu has established contact with San Francisco, San Francisco will send a group of transport ships to Kyushu to take these people to San Francisco.

    In other words, these old pirates under Li Xiang will be the first batch of Eastern immigrants in San Francisco.  And they will receive 200 acres of land per household in San Francisco, which is enough for them to support themselves.

    If you have the ability and sufficient capital, the empire will of course sell the land in San Francisco to you, allowing you to become a real big landowner.

    You know, King Mountain in San Francisco spent the entire summer last year cultivating hundreds of thousands of acres of fertile farmland, so it can definitely accommodate these immigrants.

    On the Great American Road, I dare not say anything else, but there must be a lot of land.

    The pirates who followed Li Xiang to Nagasaki finally lived the most comfortable life since they became pirates.

    They no longer have to worry about being attacked by their enemies.

    The relaxed pirates felt for the first time that life could be so beautiful.

    Especially after they came to Nagasaki this time, they suddenly discovered that there were many more products in Nagasaki. They had never seen these products before, and these products were closely related to life and made people's lives better.

    For the pirates brought by Li Xiang, their favorite places are the big bathhouse in the military camp and the medical center in the military camp.

    The reason why they like big bathhouses is very simple, that is because in this cold winter, they can take a hot bath comfortably there, which makes the whole person very energetic.

    At the same time, in the bathhouse, there is also a very thoughtful scrubbing service.

    Those Japanese who provide bathing services in the bathhouse take their work very seriously and will definitely take care of you and make you comfortable.

    ¡°And the skills of these Japanese bathers are very good, and at the same time, they don¡¯t ask for much remuneration.

    Three or four copper coins are enough for each bath. For the Japanese people who are short of copper, giving them copper coins is simply an incomparable good thing.

    And the kind of bath towels used by those bathers are also very special. When you rub them on your body, mud will immediately come out. Although it was a bit uncomfortable at first, butAfter finishing it, I felt really refreshed all over my body, and the feeling of taking a dip in the hot water was unparalleled.

    And when you take a bath in this large bathhouse, they also serve a kind of pasta and some snacks, and you can even drink alcohol if you want.

    Several good friends and brothers came to take a bath together. Everyone soaked in the pool, drank wine, ate snacks, chatted and farted. This kind of life was really leisurely and leisurely.

    Therefore, the pirates who followed Li Xiang to Nagasaki immediately fell in love with bathing.

    And because there were so many people taking a bath, the bathhouse in the military camp could no longer accommodate them.  At the same time, some genetic people of Chinese descent saw the business opportunities brought by bathhouses, so bathhouses sprung up like mushrooms after a rain in Nagasaki.

    These bathhouses are somewhat similar to saunas of later generations.

    I don¡¯t know how these Chinese genetic people came up with this thing.

    And they are quite sensitive to doing business.

    It was like this when we were on the American continent, and it¡¯s still like this now in Kyushu.

    ¡°However, both Zhao Hongyu and Wang Shan are very supportive of the idea of ??Chinese genetic people doing business.  Even in their opinion, it is not impossible to provide support if possible.

    ¡°Maybe there will be another commercial trust in the future.

    After all, there are so many businesses in the world, and it is impossible for Zhao Hongyu to do them all by himself.

    He can¡¯t do it either.

    So, for example, some other businesses can be done by genetic people of Chinese descent.

    Future Chinese people in the Americas can plunder the living space and wealth of other ethnic groups through commercial invasion.

    Sometimes, force is not absolute.

    Today¡¯s Chinese Americans, everything they do is just a prototype, because everyone¡¯s business is not very big.  It's nothing more than a tavern or a restaurant, or a canteen or something.

    The Chinese business district here in Kyushu has just begun, and the Chinese business district in Manhattan in the Americas has just taken shape.

    As the earliest city to be built and developed, Manhattan, the business in this city is basically dominated by Chinese people.  Among them, the "Umbrella" company with a strong background is the most important, because the "Umbrella" company controls the most profitable businesses, such as porcelain, wood, food, human trafficking, gold and silver ore, etc.

    At the same time, one-third of the land near Manhattan is owned by "umbrella" companies.

    Therefore, those who have lived in Manhattan for a long time or those maritime merchants who travel around the world are very aware of how powerful the umbrella company is.

    At this time, due to the collapse of the Spanish Empire, their East India Company was on the verge of bankruptcy.

    "The British are still wandering around the North Sea, unable to break through the Mediterranean blockade of Portugal and France to reach Africa to take over the colonies left by the Spanish Empire.

    Therefore, the so-called Indian Company of the British no longer even has a shadow.

    On the other hand, the Song Empire's 'Umbrella' company's reputation spread throughout Europe, and his reputation became bigger and bigger as the maritime merchants spread the word.

    With the fall of Kyushu, after Nagasaki was designated as an imperial garrison city, the Umbrella Company personnel accompanying the army immediately opened an office here in Nagasaki.

    It can be said that wherever the empire¡¯s tentacles reach, umbrella companies will definitely exist.

    The logo of the Umbrella Company from another time-space movie "Resident Evil" is adopted, so that the employees of the Umbrella Company always look so mysterious when walking on the street.

    When the Japanese look at that mysterious sign, they always feel as if they want to worship it.

    Protective umbrella!

    ¡°Well, the name of this company is really weird.

    And, what is a company?

    With the intelligence of the Japanese, it is difficult for them to understand this kind of thing, which is not surprising at all.

    After all, a name like the company didn¡¯t appear until the 19th century.

    With the emergence of umbrella companies, administrative departments and military departments of the Song Empire, such as the Ministry of Intelligence in Nagasaki, etc., all appeared in Nagasaki.

    It can be seen that the empire is ready to truly control Kyushu.

    For all the developments here in Nagasaki, the Japanese and the brothers brought by Li Xiang were very surprised.

    Because they never imagined that the city could be developed and constructed like this.

      This is a city style and environment they have never experienced.

    Li Xiang¡¯s old brothers, in addition to going to the bathhouse to take a bath, also often go to the medical center in the military camp.

    Because the treatment methods of the doctors accompanying the army are very superb, some old injuries on their bodies often recur, but after treatment by the doctors accompanying the army, they will become much better than before.

    Moreover, for minor injuries, the other party¡¯s treatment methods are even more effective, and the injuries heal quickly.

    In fact, they know that drugs such as anti-inflammatory drugs are much more effective than modern people because they have no resistance at all.

    This is why Li Xiang¡¯s brothers thought that the army doctors of the Song Empire were all miracle doctors.

    Especially the way they used threads to suture the wounds shocked and surprised them even more.

    Song Empire!

    After carrying the imperial lineage of the Zhao and Song dynasties hundreds of years ago, why did it suddenly come up with so many strange methods?

    Could it be that hundreds of years ago, the Zhao and Song royal family encountered any adventures when they went to America?

    Many people have thought of passages in certain legendary novels (To be continued. Please search Piaotian Literature, the novels will be better and updated faster!)
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