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Text Chapter 1062 San Francisco (10)

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    Wang Shan made this decision not without reason.

    ¡°If the gold mining here in San Francisco comes to a standstill, he will be in very big trouble due to financial problems throughout the winter.

    After all, the construction here in San Francisco is supported by Wang Shan selling gold in the virtual world.  If gold mining stops, San Francisco will soon be in a food crisis.

    In this cold winter, everyone living under Wangshan¡¯s command has clothing and yurts to keep out the cold.  But there has never been much food, and now there is only enough food to last for half a month.

    So, Wang Shan couldn¡¯t help but feel less nervous about it.

    But the good thing is that we only need food here, and there is not much demand for other materials.

    Otherwise, Wang Shan will definitely have a headache.

    Those vassal Indians who are free people are unwilling to work this winter, so in order to solve this problem, let the captives do this.

    "And I can't feed them for a whole winter. This is a very loss-making thing."

    You know, after the Battle of the Great Plains, Wang Shan captured more than 200,000 prisoners.  For such a large group of prisoners, they consume a lot of food every day.

    Even if you feed them chaff, it will consume a lot of money.

    Therefore, it is impossible for Wangshan to feed them for a whole winter and make them live so comfortably.

    To a large extent, these prisoners are also from the enemy.

    For the enemy, there must be a way to treat the enemy, and it must not be as comfortable as treating one's own people.

    In Wang Shan¡¯s decision to dig for gold this winter, he was even ready to sacrifice 10,000 prisoners.  In other words, he would rather lose 10,000 prisoners this winter than let the gold mining business come to a halt.

    Absolutely not!

    After hearing this, the secretary looked at Wang Shan with a serious face and asked: "Mr. Governor, it is a good idea to let those prisoners mine gold. I just don't know how many people you plan to hand over to the gold mine?"

    This European secretary had the same idea as Wang Shan, and he also felt that Wang Shan's decision was very correct.

    Of course, it is impossible for this European scribe to know the secrets of the empire. The reason why he feels that Wang Shan¡¯s decision is correct is because the scribe feels that these captives can be used for mining instead of feeding them for a winter.


    Compared to the lives of those savage natives, that is the most important thing.

    You know, in this era, gold is something that can drive people crazy in Europe.  It was precisely because of the desire for gold that Europeans created the Age of Discovery.

    Yes, the desire for wealth and gold is their driving force.

    The Age of Discovery has nothing to do with technology and exploration. The reason why Europeans in this era set their sights on the sea was because they were eager to discover gold and wealth.

    And the great geographical discovery was just an unexpected product of their exploration of wealth and gold.

    So, this European scribe who has been brainwashed and became a citizen of the empire still has a desire for gold in his heart.

    It¡¯s just that his desire for gold is based on letting the empire obtain that gold and then become stronger.

    This is completely different from those who want to take gold as their own private possession.

    As long as you can get gold, it doesn't matter if some people die.

    People are the most worthless things.

    What¡¯s more, it will still be the captives who die by then.

    Besides, after this war, they have no shortage of manpower at all.  There are more than 200,000 prisoners. Even if some of them die, it doesn't matter.

    What I have to say is that in this era, Europeans really take life and death very lightly.  Their thoughts seemed very strange to Wang Shan and others.

    "Twenty thousand people, the gold on the surface has now been mined. If we want to continue to obtain gold, then we need to start collecting gold underground, so there are too few people to be of any use. What's more, if we want to mine underground gold  To get gold, you need to dig tunnels and so on, so I plan to send 20,000 prisoners to the gold mines in the southern and northern forests."

    After the secretary heard his Governor Wang tell the number of people, he couldn't help but burst into a bright smile.

    "Twenty thousand people, if there are twenty thousand people"If you go mining for gold, you don't have to worry about anything this winter.

    These prisoners are definitely good tools that can squeeze every last drop of their usefulness out of them.


    What about the harsh winter?

    "If the Indians who came over as vassals are not willing to do it, then they should not be allowed to do it.

    Without them, there are still prisoners here.

    And it is much easier to manage captives than free people.

    If the prisoners disobey, they can also be tortured.

    ?????????????????????????????? But it cannot be done with those free men.

    Therefore, the secretary absolutely supports using prisoners to mine gold.

    And the captives are definitely easier to manage than the free people, and they are also very easy to use.  Although food is provided to these captives, the so-called food cannot be compared with that of free people.


    After all, there is currently a shortage of food in San Francisco, so even if there is food, it is impossible for the prisoners to enjoy it.  After all, there are many freedmen and imperial army soldiers in San Francisco, right?

    Therefore, if we really cannot replenish food within half a month, we must first feed the imperial soldiers.  Then it was the turn of the free people of the Indian tribes who came over as vassals, and finally the prisoners.

    In other words, even if all the prisoners starve to death before this, they still have to hold on to the two groups of people in front of them first.

    As for the prisonersdo prisoners in this era have human rights?

    ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?Joke!

    "My Lord Governor, 20,000 prisoners are enough to start several mines. Although it is already the harsh winter, the prisoners will not be picky about this."

    This European clerk actually felt a little humorous.

    Wang Shan is really not interested in this guy's sense of humor.

    But he also agreed with what this guy said. The prisoners were obviously not picky about working in winter.

    The reason is obvious. As prisoners, they have no choice at all, right?

    Yes, even I have become a prisoner, and my personal freedom is gone.

    What other choices do they have?

    In the current situation, they can't even control their own life or death.

    "My Lord Governor, the problem of the gold mine has been solved. But I still want to ask you, after these prisoners go to the mine, how will they solve the problem of food and drink? After all, we only have half a month of food left.  ¡±

    Yes, the gold mines can continue to produce because the large number of captives solves the problem.

    However, if 20,000 prisoners are invested at one time, other problems will arise.

    Those freedmen who worked in the mines before winter basically brought their own food to work.

    Right now these free people do not do it in winter, so they have to change to a group of captives to continue their work.  But after these prisoners go, you always have to provide food.

    If they are not fed, these prisoners will starve to death in a few days, and then there will be no one to work.

    You must know that Wang Shan does not intend to use them for a period of time, but for a whole winter.

    If there is no food to feed them, these prisoners will not be able to do anything for five days.

    Therefore, when he provides prisoners with work, he also needs to provide a batch of food to the mine, so that the mine can meet the prisoners' daily food needs, so that they can have a full stomach and have the strength to mine.

    "I will write to Manhattan. Manhattan can provide us with a lot of food. So you don't have to worry about anything here. This matter can be solved."

    Of course Wang Shan would not tell the secretary his secret, but would use the excuse to get food back from Manhattan.  For people like Wang Shan, the biggest secret of the empire is something they have to keep for the rest of their lives.

    You must know that the empire can come from scratch and rise in the American continent in just over three years. It is also making waves in Europe. This is not unrelated to the "plug-in" owned by Zhao Hongyu.

    Think about it, this thing can connect to a virtual modern world. Through that time, they can purchase countless supplies and materials they need, and at the same time, they can also sell the resources of this world.

    This is beneficial to both partiesvery big.

    "Zhao Hongyu and the others have a lot of resources on the coast of America. It can be said that there is gold everywhere.

    ¡°The virtual world is a ¡®modern world¡¯, and it is more than ten times larger than the world Zhao Hongyu lived in before.

    Therefore, the population of such a large world has expanded tenfold.  Then the same resources required have increased tenfold.

    At the same time, because the virtual world is similar to the real world before Zhao Hongyu, China in the virtual world has a huge thirst for resources.

    It can be said that Zhao Hongyu¡¯s resources in America are in short supply in the virtual world.

    It is precisely because of this that the empire has achieved an abnormal development speed, all of which has something to do with sufficient supplies and materials.

    "And this secret is only known to the Chinese people in the empire. Except for the European and Indian citizens other than Chinese people, they will not know this secret at all.

    Wang Shan also wouldn¡¯t make it too clear to the European secretary.

    "Send food from Manhattan to solve the problem?"

    The secretary frowned when he heard this.

    He was somewhat noncommittal about this (To be continued. Please search Piaotian Literature, the novel will be better and updated faster!)
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