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Text Chapter 1039 Manila

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    The imperial fleet has enemies here in Nanyang.

    That is the Spanish after the destruction of the country, and the Dutch who are now allied with the church states.

    The influence tentacles of these two countries have extended to Southeast Asia a few years ago.

    However, because the voyage is too far, neither the Spanish nor the Dutch have very strong maritime power in Southeast Asia.

    It is precisely because of this factor that they were bullied by Zheng Zhilong and had no power to fight back.

    Although the empire will not be afraid, it will always be a bit troublesome if it encounters it, right?

    ¡° Moreover, the Spaniards and the Dutch, who have been operating here for more than ten years, also have the support of local indigenous tribes.

    Therefore, Jay Chou¡¯s order to sink the opponent¡¯s ships on sight is absolutely correct.

    There is no need to say anything to the other party and use that set of hypocritical stuff.

    I am your enemy and I will kill you whenever I see you.

    This works better than anything else.

    ??Besides, if the Spanish and Dutch forces can be expelled from Southeast Asia, it will also be a good thing for the Imperial Navy in Kyushu.

    Although Zheng Zhilong will take advantage of the situation and completely control Southeast Asia.

    But Zheng Zhilong is of Chinese origin after all, and it is always better for him to control Southeast Asia than for the maritime trade channels in Southeast Asia to be controlled by Europeans.

    Jay Chou¡¯s idea is very good, but he doesn¡¯t know one thing.

    That is, at this time, His Highness has already gone to the opposite side of Zheng Zhilong.

    In other words, His Highness and Zheng Zhilong have a real hostile relationship.

    Between the two gangs, His Highness and Zheng Zhilong, only one can survive in the end.

    What¡¯s more, there is Li Xiang in the middle, and he will not let Zheng Zhilong live.

    ¡°In addition, Li Xiang has defected to Zhao Hongyu since then, so it is tantamount to breaking up with Zheng Zhilong.

    There is absolutely no possibility of peace talks between Li Xiang and Zheng Zhilong.

    And the Song Empire, which took over Li Xiang's troops, was destined to become a thorn in Zheng Zhilong's side.

    At the same time, Wang Renzeng, one of the twelve leaders of Zheng Zhilong, was killed again.  At the same time, Wang Ren was cut into pieces and sent to Zheng Zhilong. How could Zheng Zhilong be able to swallow this breath?

    The name Song Empire has already been hated by Zheng Zhilong.

    Therefore, even if they leave the waters of Nanyang, Jay Chou's army will definitely not be so peaceful.

    From Nanyang to Kyushu, the voyage is destined to pass through the waters controlled by Zheng Zhilong. Who knows whether Zheng Zhilong will cause trouble by then.

    Jay Chou is still unclear about all this.

    "Okay, Commander! I will tell the captain your order right away."

    The soldier sent over by the flagship captain straightened his body and performed a military salute.

    Jay Chou raised his hand to stop the soldier who was turning to leave.

    "Don't leave in a hurry. Let me tell you, this order is not just given to your superiors. You must give this order to me to other warships."

    The soldier nodded and expressed that he remembered, and then Jay Chou let him go.

    ??What was Manila in the seventeenth century and Luzon, a city with a large Chinese population, like?

    Historically, the Chinese in Nanyang have been oppressed by Europeans and indigenous people since the seventeenth century.

    I hope we can change all this so that the Chinese people will never have to suffer such things again.

    Jay Chou is not very clear about the detailed historical development, but he still knows some general events.

    Especially what the Chinese ethnic groups living here in Nanyang have experienced, Jay Chou is very clear about it¡ª¡ª

    Dividing line¡ª¡ª

    The weather in Manila in winter is still very hot.

    This aspect is completely different from the Ming Dynasty in the north.

    Manila, the capital city of the Philippine Islands controlled by the Spanish, has a population of about 130,000.  There are more than 6,000 Spaniards living in this city, the Chinese ethnic group has a population of 50,000, and the rest are the local indigenous people.

    In this era of Southeast Asia, Manila, with a population of 130,000, can be considered a big city.

    However, in modern times, this city is just a fishing village in Tubulaji.

    Even, say he isThe whole village is bragging.

    But this is the seventeenth century after all, not a town in modern society.

    There are several Spanish-style galleons docked at the Manila port.  At the same time, at another berth, there are several Ming-style flat-bottomed boats and local single fishing boats in Manila.

    There are many busy people on the port pier.

    Most of them are wearing Ming-style clothes, and they are all men.

    These men were constantly unloading goods from the Ming-style ships, forming a striking contrast with the aboriginal people who looked aching in the sun.

    There are two main ethnic groups working here at the pier, one is Chinese and the other is a local aborigine.

    However, whether it is the Spaniards or other businessmen, when they come to Manila, they will look for Chinese people to work for them, and they will never look for the local indigenous people.

    The reason is very simple. The Chinese people who work on the dock are hardworking and hardworking, and they are very serious about their work.

    On the contrary, these local indigenous people are very procrastinating and lazy in doing things.  And they don't take good care of the goods, which always causes a lot of damage to the goods, and their hands and feet are not very clean.

    What originally took half a day to complete, these natives would take three or even four days to complete.

    But the Chinese people are different, they are very efficient.

    So, it is much easier for Chinese people here in Manila to find food than for local indigenous people.

    This made the local indigenous people very unhappy.

    But what can you do if you are unhappy?

    "Those businessmen are unwilling to hire you. Is it possible that you can put a knife to the businessman's neck and make them hire you?"

    This is obviously unrealistic.

    "And these indigenous people want to find trouble with the Chinese people, but they don't have the courage.

    There are tens of thousands of Chinese people living here in Manila, and they stick together very closely.

    If you offend one of them, you have offended a whole bunch of people.

    ??Especially the Chinese people who make money on the docks, they have organizational support behind them.

    Therefore, these local indigenous people do not dare to provoke the Chinese people at all.

    They can only watch helplessly as the hard-working Chinese people cannot find food to eat but have no way to do anything about it.

    ?????????? Actually, who can be blamed?

    Who made you so lazy?

    There are no large buildings near the pier in Manila.  Some are just rows of small wooden houses. These small wooden houses are very simple and can only provide shade and rain protection at most.

    However, this kind of house is considered pretty good in South Asia.

    After all, the climate here is hot. Living in such a simple house is not so hot and unbearable.

    Of course, there are three stone European-style buildings standing not far away, but they are the Spanish Governor's Palace in Manila.

    These three stone fortress-like buildings can be regarded as the most luxurious buildings in Manila.

    ??The place where the Chinese people live is in the north of Manila, still some distance from the pier.

    In the simple houses at the dock, those who open some small businesses and shops are basically Chinese.

    Some local indigenous women hold small baskets made of rattan on their heads and are constantly walking back and forth near the pier, selling fruits and bananas collected by themselves.

    If the indigenous men in Manila want to live, they basically rely on their wives.

    If we count on them, the whole family will probably starve to death.

    ??The pier runs through the north-south avenue, and a group of people are coming on horseback.

    This is the Governor of Manila, Flar, coming to the dock with his own guards.

    This guy, who came from a declining noble family in Spain, is a real king here in Manila.

    As Flair and his guards rushed along the road to the dock, the natives on both sides of the road shrank and retreated to the side with a look of fear on their faces.

    Different from these natives, although the Chinese also retreated to the roadside, their faces did not show the panic like the natives. Instead, they looked at the Governor of Manila with infinite fear.  despise.

    "Hmph! The looks in the eyes of these Easterners are really annoying. Is this Governor a beggar in their eyes?"

    Of course Flair saw the eyes of those Chinese people, soHe felt very uncomfortable.

    ??In this era, to the Chinese, Europeans are the same as the difference between a loser and a tall, rich and handsome person.

    Even if an ordinary Oriental person is standing opposite a European lord or governor, the Oriental person will look at him like a loser.

    This sense of superiority is normal for Easterners in this era.

    The mentality of the Heavenly Kingdom has been engraved in the bones of Eastern people.

    Of course, according to normal historical development, Chinese people who have been enslaved for some reasons will no longer have this sense of superiority.

    Even in modern times, it has not been restored.

    I have to say, this is really disappointing.

    Flar came to the dock mainly to greet the important guests.

    This guest is the largest sea master in the East, one of the twelve leaders under Zheng Zhilong, and he is an absolute heir apparent.

    Although he is the governor of Manila, in front of Zheng Zhilong and his men, he, Flar, is nothing at all.

    Therefore, he did not dare to neglect this guest who came to Manila.

    At the port, the Ming-style ship lowered its deck, and a dozen well-dressed men stepped off.

    The man at the head has a dark face, thick eyebrows and big eyes, and he looks quite heroic.  However, his height is not good, and it is only a little over 1.6 meters by visual inspection.

    However, no one who knows him dare to underestimate him, because he is one of the twelve leaders under Zheng Zhilong.  (To be continued. Please search Piaotian Literature, the novels will be better and updated faster!)
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