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Text Chapter 1031 Commander Jay Chou¡¯s worries (third update!)

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    The raiders were a large tribe of people near the beach who had no name.  They just worship a local animal, a primitive tribe that uses this animal as a totem.

    There are many primitive tribes like this on the Nanyang Islands.

    ¡°Jay Chou can only say that he is unlucky to have met such a brain-dead guy.

    And these idiots didn't even look at the enemy's weight, so they easily made the decision to get themselves into trouble.

    ¡°It can only be said that they are really mentally retarded and have no limits.

    Facing the sudden attack, this imperial team of 250 people immediately began to fight back after the initial panic.

    Because the incident happened so suddenly, there would inevitably be some casualties among the team.

    Several of the soldiers were hit by blowguns and died of poisoning.  Some soldiers were injured. Fortunately, the number of attackers was not very large, so the team quickly stabilized the line and organized a position to fight against the attackers.

    At the same time, the other half of the people who were on guard on the beach came to help immediately after hearing the gunshots.  By the time they arrived, the fighting here had largely become less dangerous.

    ¡°However, this is the territory of the indigenous people after all.

    Among the indigenous people who took the initiative to attack, some of them ran back to the tribe for help as soon as the attack was thwarted.

    Facing these tribesmen asking for help, the leader of the tribe was of course furious.

    In his opinion, if anyone dares to fight him on his own territory, then his enemy must be right.

    "My own people are just robbing a few women, so the other party should obediently offer them to me."

    But things are different now. Not only did the enemy not sacrifice the woman, but they also counterattacked and killed their own people.  Then it is tantamount to saying that he has become an enemy of his own tribe and will not stop fighting.

    ??Besides, if he, the leader, does not react in the face of such a situation, how will he face other tribes around him in the future?

    By then, other tribes will definitely think that their own tribe is weak and easy to bully.


    We must not let this happen.

    Therefore, the leader of this tribe made a decision to organize manpower to reinforce his tribe.

    ?????????????????????? This tribe mobilized about 2,000 warriors, and they came over in a mighty manner.

    Because they were fighting in the jungle, the troops on the empire side suffered a bit.

    In such an environment, the power of imperial firearms could not be effectively exerted, so they quickly fell into a disadvantage.

    Seeing that this situation was very unfavorable to his side, the commander in charge of this team immediately ordered to retreat while fighting instead of staying here to fight these natives to the end.

    Dense jungle and plant leaves blocked the soldiers' sight.

    You simply don¡¯t know when or where the indigenous people¡¯s blow darts will be shot and cause harm to you.

    Therefore, it is very unwise to continue to stay and fight.

    The attack by the indigenous people can be said to be very troublesome.

    They will attack from trees, suddenly rush out, and from various blind spots.

    Fighting in such an environment makes them very depressed.

    And, when the indigenous reinforcements arrived, they had already engaged in several hand-to-hand combats with the indigenous people.

    Although they had repelled the indigenous people in these hand-to-hand battles, the losses of their own soldiers were also considerable.

    ¡° Even three female genetic medical soldiers were captured by the other party.

    After all, during hand-to-hand combat, everyone was fighting together, and there was no way to see them at this time.

    How shameful!

    The Imperial Army, which is invincible in the Americas, was beaten like this by the indigenous people in Nanyang. It is really embarrassing.

    Especially since even the female medical soldiers accompanying the army were taken away, this was so meaningless that the indigenous people slapped themselves twice.

    It¡¯s uncomfortable!

    Very uncomfortable!

    However, their military strength is now at a disadvantage, and the combat environment is also very unfavorable.

    So, they can only retreat temporarily and wait until reinforcements arrive before they can take revenge.

    Therefore, they rescued the corpses of some of their companions and the seriously injured casualties as much as they could, and evacuated them with them. If they couldn't, they could only leave them there.

      Don¡¯t abandon, don¡¯t give up, after all, this is the slogan of the Imperial Army, isn¡¯t it?

    Fortunately, the wounded all retreated slowly with the team, and only the dead companions were left behind.

    However, they all held a breath in their hearts, that is, after the reinforcements arrived, they would definitely come back to take revenge and collect the bodies of their companions.

    Regarding reinforcements, the imperial soldiers are not worried at all. They know that reinforcements will definitely be there.

    Therefore, what they have to do now is to preserve their vitality at a low volume.  And try to get out of this unfavorable combat environment as much as possible and wait until reinforcements arrive.

    During the retreat, everyone still had to face endless sneak attacks by the indigenous people.

    Fighting in the tropical jungle can be so helpless sometimes.

    Three hours have passed since they were attacked until Jay Chou arrived with reinforcements.

    And the entire team has now lost more than sixty soldiers.

    A large number of these more than 60 soldiers had died in the initial sneak attack, and some were killed by sneak attacks on the way back.

    There were even a few soldiers who were captured by the indigenous people and then tied up and dragged into the dense jungle and disappeared.

    It is foreseeable that the fate of these captured soldiers will not be good.

    But no matter what, the team still maintains its intact structure.

    When Jay Chou led the rescue army to find this team, Jay Chou saw their miserable appearance and immediately became furious.

    However, what was supposed to happen has already happened, and he has no ability to turn back time and go back to the beginning.

    Therefore, what Jay Chou has to do now is to immediately rescue the captured soldiers and three medical staff.

    At the same time, he also wants to destroy the tribes that dare to sneak attack on his own side!

    Until now, the empire has never suffered such a big loss.

    I never expected that here in Nanyang, I would be tricked by monkey-like natives.

    You can¡¯t swallow this breath no matter what!

    It¡¯s impossible for Jay Chou to swallow this bad breath!

    There is only one way to calm him down, and that is to kill this tribe and kill them all.

    "In charge, the environment here is not conducive for our army to form a linear formation, so there is no way to effectively use the power of our muskets. I just asked the commander of the team that was attacked, and he told me what happened at that time  their situation.¡±

    The army began to move forward, and the teams that had withdrawn were incorporated into the army, and they also turned around and walked back.

    At this time, Jay Chou's adjutant came to him and reported to him.

    Jay Chou looked around and admitted that fighting in such an environment was indeed very disadvantageous for them.

    After all, he had fought in the Mayan jungle in South America and fought against Mayan tribe warriors under Spanish control, so of course he knew this.

    "You go and select the Indian soldiers in the team. I need to reorganize them. Now, the only ones who can have strong capabilities in the jungle are these Indian soldiers."

    Jay Chou ordered.

    After the adjutant received Jay Chou's order, he immediately turned around and left.

    Yes, if you want to fight in such an environment now, you must make good use of the Indian soldiers in the team.

    After all, he is very familiar with forest combat.

    Although the forest environment in North America is different from the tropical jungle environment.

    But after all, there are some things in common.

    The Chinese soldiers and European soldiers of the Song Empire were still a little weak to all this.

    When Jay Chou thought of this, he couldn't help but miss the Mayan natives in South America.

    He regrets it now. If he had found some Mayan warriors from South America, he might not have had such a headache here.

    The combat effectiveness of the Mayan warriors is much more powerful than that of the natives of Southeast Asia.

    With everyone using cold weapons, the Nanyang natives would definitely be defeated.

    You must know that the Mayan natives are extremely ferocious, and from time to time they go to other tribes to capture slaves.  At the same time, their bodies are also relatively strong and tall, and compared with them, the Nanyang natives are not at the same level.

    The most important point is that the Mayan indigenous soldiers,?Very accustomed to fighting in the tropical jungle.  Not bad at all compared to the natives of Nanyang, even stronger.

    Especially after the Mayan natives used the sharp iron weapons provided by the empire.

    ¡° In this way, the natives in Nanyang who still use stone tools are even less of a match.

    Jay Chou knew that he did not have enough time this time.  Therefore, he had no way to carry out an extermination-style massacre and attack on the Nanyang natives here.

    However, he secretly kept this hatred in his heart.

    The empire will definitely pursue a global hegemony strategy in the future, so Nanyang is definitely within the empire¡¯s goals.

    When the time comes when the empire begins to dominate the world, he can ask for troops to be responsible for the attack on Nanyang.

    And when he arrives in Kyushu, he can send a message to America and put forward some of his ideas.  At the same time, he proposed to recruit some Mayan warriors and send them to his command in Kyushu. He could slowly train and wait, and one day he would definitely take revenge.

    I have to say that Jay Chou thinks very far and is very realistic.

    And he really did this in the future.

    Furthermore, the Mayan indigenous warriors indeed played a big role in Jay Chou's hands, and they caused great damage to the Nanyang indigenous people in their attack on Nanyang many years later.

    If you want to deal with one animal, it is most correct to use another more ferocious animal.

    And the ferocity of the Mayan natives cannot be compared to the Nanyang natives.

    Even though history has brought mankind into a new era, the 21st century, Mexico, composed of descendants of the Mayans, is still a ferocious land.

    Various beheadings and tortures have made the world aware of the ferocity of people in this area.

    How can these monkeys in Nanyang compete with each other?

    The team moved forward quickly, and the Indian soldiers in the team were selected, and Jay Chou organized them into a vanguard investigation team.

    The main task of this team is to clean up the surrounding indigenous scouts, and try their best to find nearby indigenous tribes and determine their strongholds.

    After receiving the order, these Indian soldiers immediately took off their military uniforms, then used surrounding plants or vines to camouflage themselves, and then set off.

    What I have to say is that after such disguise, these Indian soldiers have indeed become completely different.

    When you are only two or three meters away from them, if you don¡¯t observe them carefully, you won¡¯t notice their existence at all.

    Jay Chou is very satisfied with this kind of disguise.

    Damn it!

    This time, let the natives know how powerful it is.

    And with these Indian scouts, the area around the army will become safer.

    Of course, although Jay Chou praised the Indian soldiers repeatedly, he knew one thing very well, that is, fighting in the tropical jungle, these Indians still cannot compare with the Mayan warriors.

    There is no way. After all, the forests on the North American continent are different from the tropical jungle environments of South America.

    The figures of the Indian soldiers disappeared into the dense tropical jungle.

    With their presence, the march of the army became a lot cleaner.

    Jay Chou encountered several small-scale sneak attacks along the way.

    It can be seen that the tribe that attacked them also knew what this strange visitor was going to do.

    However, the number of these attackers was too small, so they had no results.

    But just like this, Jay Chou felt a little tired.

    In the jungle, the secret battle between the Indian warriors and the indigenous monkeys was going on silently.

    Basically, killing and being killed are carried out silently.

    About an hour later, Jay Chou led the army to the place where they were attacked.

    Here, there are still many corpses of imperial soldiers, and of course more corpses of indigenous people.

    Jay Chou¡¯s face is not very pretty.

    After all, dozens of soldiers from the empire died.

    "Control their corpses, we are going to take them back. If we don't abandon them, don't give up. Even if they die, they are still our comrades."

    Jay Chou ordered.

    He only needs to give the order to collect the corpse.

    Someone will naturally do the rest.

    ? ??We must now find the tribal stronghold of the indigenous people and rescue the captured girl in a short time.  If it's too late, I'm worried something might go wrong.  Especially the small team that was attacked by the indigenous people and retreated. During the retreat, several soldiers were captured by the indigenous people. I have a bad feeling, I'm afraid"

    Jay Chou thought about some of the cruel situations he encountered when he was fighting the Mayan tribes in South America, so his face was full of worry.  (To be continued. Please search Piaotian Literature, the novels will be better and updated faster!)
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