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Text Chapter 1016: Thunder or not, as long as it works (third update!)

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    Only a great country can produce great people.  Our great Crown Prince, His Highness, has upheld

    All kinds of disgusting, outrageously sour compliments and boasts are constantly played through the loudspeaker.  The voice on the loudspeaker sounds like that of a female announcer from the 1960s from another time and space, which is a major feature.

    I don¡¯t know if this is because of Zhang Tie¡¯s bad taste, so the announcer chose such a voice.

    Anyway, Professor Liu complained endlessly about this.

    ??The contents broadcast by Infinite Radio are basically all kinds of bragging for Zhao Hongyu. This is like a certain stick general shooting down an enemy plane with a rifle.

    Anyway, the content about the Imperial Crown Prince on the radio station is basically extremely exaggerated.

    There are all kinds of visions and auspicious signs before birth, such as dragons and phoenixes circling in the sky and flower petals falling from the sky. Scenes like this must exist.

    At the same time, the crown prince as a child was even more of a child prodigy.

    There is a saying in another time and space that when a lie is repeated a thousand times or ten thousand times, it becomes the truth and fact.

    Especially the imperial government, which controls public opinion, broadcasts these brainwashing videos from morning to night every day. How could the residents living in Manhattan not accept this argument?

    You know, Zhang Tie also knows the power of ccxv. Now when it is used to deal with people in the seventeenth century, the effect is simply amazing.

    People in this era simply have no resistance to such brainwashing propaganda.

    But think about it, every morning when you get up at 6:30, the broadcast will start.

    With the female voice saying, "For the sake of the empire, for the sake of the crown prince, please stay healthy," everyone began to wash up and start working.

    From 6:30 to 11:30, various copycat red songs are played in turn, and at noon it is another expression of loyalty.  From noon to afternoon, there was another bombardment of red songs with copied lyrics. At night, even before going to bed, a female voice would say, "For the sake of the crown prince and the empire, please have a good rest"

    How can people not fall for such brainwashing methods?

    Although this is a bit silly, you have to say that the effect is really awesome.

    If he didn¡¯t want to suppress some methods for a period of time and use them when this method of brainwashing slowly began to decline, Zhang Tie even wanted to produce a red book and let the citizens of the empire start to recite the quotations.

    Where did you get the quotations?

    Isn¡¯t this simple? You can just do it directly from the virtual world.

    You must know that the historical process and environment in the virtual world are exactly the same as the time and space before Zhao Hongyu traveled to this era.

    Therefore, getting the basic red book is still a very simple matter.

    Song Hu and Professor Liu who were far away in Ontario City, as well as Wang Shan in San Francisco, and even the Somali Lao Hei in Quebec and the leader of the Gurkhas could not imagine that Zhang Tie would use all kinds of brainwashing methods.

    At that time, they were really shocked that they were charred on the outside and tender on the inside.

    However, when they discovered that the effect was indeed very good, everyone¡¯s complaints gradually became smaller.

    Professor Liu even took the initiative to contact Zhang Tie and put forward a lot of suggestions to Zhang Tie so that he could improve his method.

    So much so that Professor Liu actually produced imperial model plays and presented them to Zhang Tie, asking him if he could modify the eight model plays and use them to perform for the people In this regard, Zhang Tie said that he could give it a try.  Give it a try.

    And, after everyone saw that the effect was very good, several cities controlled by the Song Empire on the American continent have begun to use such a method.

    Therefore, the poor residents living in the Song Empire enjoyed the cultural atmosphere of the 1760s and 1970s in another time and space in the 17th century.

    Of course, those who enjoy the cultural atmosphere and treatment of the copycat are actually much happier than the people in another time and space.

    After all, such an environment was created under the Song Empire just to brainwash everyone.

    It has no other purpose than brainwashing.

    But in the history of another time and spacewell, many people died.

    So from this point of view, the people of the Song Empire were still happy.

    But they are still very pitiful.

    ??Also, no matter who opens their eyes in the morning, they will begin to accept invisible brainwashing propaganda. That is very pitiful.

    But, in the seventeenth century, people who lived in AmericaMigrant workers here in the empire, as well as those who have joined the Song Empire International, as well as businessmen and diplomats from various countries, all think those songs are very good.

    And the slogan shouted by the female voice is also catchy.

    In this way, through this method, Zhang Tie achieved the purpose of brainwashing everyone invisibly.

    After all, no matter who is taught every day that His Royal Highness the Crown Prince is great, glorious, correct, and a born prodigy who can do all kinds of miraculous things, they will believe it in the end.

    "The navigation of the sea depends on the helmsman, and the growth of all things depends on the sun. Our great crown prince, you are the onethe golden light shines thousands of feet!"

    The disgusting lyrics made Zhang Tie, the guy who copied this song, shiver involuntarily.

    Standing in his office and opening the window, he could see the entire city of Manhattan clearly.

    The location of the Governor's Mansion in Manhattan is quite good, right in the center of the city.  And it is right next to Zhao Hongyu's palace, so it can be said to be in the center.

    From the window, you can see the bustling commercial street and the busy Manhattan Pier.

    Although it was snowing heavily at this time, there were still many pedestrians on the street.


    "What does this mean? In the future, I will still bring my watch, the Eight Great Concepts of Honor and Disgrace, and various political ideas to attack the minds of Europeans and brainwash them.

    Of course, these opinions must be put forward by the boss of our family.

    After spending so much effort, I can now turn the boss into a great and upright image, which is really not easy for me.

    ¡°I just don¡¯t know, will it be a little hard to accept when the eldest brother, the crown prince, comes back?

    Zhang Tie stood by the window, holding coffee in his hand, thinking about this problem.

    ¡°Forget it, don¡¯t think about it.

    There is absolutely no need for him to worry about this problem. The things he has done will ultimately benefit his crown prince, and he will not blame himself for this matter.

    Although this method is a bit bloody, at least in my opinion the effect is pretty good.

    ?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????OUT I didn't use any more bloody methods, otherwise the current atmosphere would become even more shocking.

    You should know that Professor Liu proposed to get a red book, recite quotations every day, and dance the loyalty dance.  All of these have been suppressed by myself, otherwise Manhattan would be more than just this.

    Zhang Tie slowly withdrew his gaze. He slowly walked to his desk and placed the coffee cup on the table.

    On the table of the desk, there is a copy of the Imperial Times.

    On the page of the Times, there were several bold black traditional Chinese fonts with the title "Two hundred tons of humanitarian supplies to warm Europe's harsh winter", which suddenly caught Zhang Tie's eyes.

    Damn it, these guys in the newspaper office have learned this kind of falsehood now.

    Zhang Tie smiled dumbly.

    When he saw the title, he knew what was going on.

    The content here is nothing more than praising him as the governor of Manhattan. After seeing the frequent wars in Europe and the desperation of the people, he suddenly became so kind that he provided 200 tons of food as free aid to the other party.

    ¡°Anyway, for a good thing like this, the newspaper must brag about it. After all, it is a positive image.

    "It's just that the guys at the newspaper also know the inside story. The two hundred tons of food aid are actually genetically modified food Why don't they report this stuff?

    Learning is bad, these guys are bad.

    For this newspaper that he built by himself, Zhang Tie certainly knows the purpose of reporting some news.

    In short, even if a Chinese kid helps an old lady cross the street, he will be bragging about it in the newspaper.  But when it comes to the European population or the population of other ethnic groups, it cannot be reported in this way.

    "Other ethnic groups can only report on things like bravely saving children from drowning, or using their abilities to obtain imperial household registration after many hardships.

    Of course, such reports must also be mixed with jokes about heroes being inseparable from the environment of the empire, and those who become citizens of the empire have to expose the darkness and hardships of Europe.

    Although doing this is very shameless and even a bit obscene.

    But Zhang Tie believed that what he did was not wrong.

    Moreover, the newly opened radio station will also broadcast some such news from time to time to let everyone know.

      Compared with newspapers, wireless radio stations spread more widely and have a larger audience.

    And after such publicity, basically no one will doubt the authenticity of this news.

    Only Zhang Tie and a handful of people knew that in fact they had made up such things.

    "However, they will not expose this truth.

    ¡°It¡¯s all used to fool those European guys anyway, isn¡¯t it?

    The establishment and start of broadcasting of wireless radio stations can be said to have brought about earth-shaking spiritual changes to the people of the empire.

    They were shocked by this artifact that made sounds, and at the same time they were constantly being brainwashed by some thoughts.

    Only the Chinese ethnic group will not be affected by such ridiculous things.

    Because they all know what this is about.

    ¡°However, no one in the Chinese ethnic group will expose this.

    The diplomats from Europe and the Ottoman Empire living here in Manhattan, as well as the emissaries from the Arab world, study the Mandarin of the Song Empire every day, and are invaded by the content of this kind of broadcast for more than ten hours a day.  Influence.

    Even among these diplomats, some believed the propaganda that the crown prince of the Song Empire really had visions when he was born.

    Of course, the content of wireless broadcasts is not just brainwashing content and brainwashing songs.  At the same time, there are also some news broadcasts about prices in other cities, which are very popular among businessmen.

    Especially the opening of the wireless call center allowed some businessmen to call other cities under the Song Empire, and allowed them to station their own staff in those cities to grasp local business opportunities.

    And with the opening of the railway from Manhattan to Ontario City, the flow of people and the transportation of goods between the two cities has been greatly improved.

    Although there is only one train line in operation from Manhattan to Ontario City, Zhang Tie is already very satisfied with it.

    The construction of the three railway lines from Quebec to Manhattan, Quebec to Ontario City, or Ontario City to Quebec has just begun. It seems that it will take some time before they can be officially opened.

    But with the example of the line from Manhattan to Ontario City, Zhang Tie is full of confidence in the future.

    The opening of the railway is a good thing for Manhattan and Ontario.

    Because Ontario City¡¯s coal, iron ore, and other minerals can be quickly transported to Manhattan.

    Especially during this winter, a metropolis like Manhattan with a population of more than two million has a huge demand for coal.

    Not to mention the operation of thermal power plants built to maintain the electric street lights that have been built and are still expanding, as well as the electricity consumption of high-end Chinese residents.

    These are all inseparable from the large amount of high-quality coal produced in Ontario.

    It is precisely because of the opening of the railway from Manhattan to Ontario that Manhattan has a sufficient supply of coal this winter, and it also allows the residents of Manhattan to have a warm winter.

    At the same time, some fresh dishes from Manhattan can also be quickly transported to Ontario City, so that residents living in Ontario City can eat a richer variety of dishes.

    However, now the railway plan can only consider three cities first.

    Like some other cities, there is currently no way to consider it and plan the construction of railways.

    As for King Mountain in San Francisco, there is no way to consider it.

    ??In this winter, the Manhattan area is covered with heavy snowfall as in previous years.

    However, in this cold winter, the quality of life of people living in this region and city has improved a lot compared to previous years.

    With the New Year just around the corner, merchants in several major commercial districts in Manhattan have begun to decorate their stores and have started various promotions before the New Year.

    The strong oriental Spring Festival flavor has spread thickly.

    Because there are Chinese ethnic groups, the Song Empire also celebrates the Spring Festival like the East.

    And the Europeans who come here to work, or the Europeans who have been naturalized, will also spend the Spring Festival together as the locals do.

    ?Compared to the year before and last year, the festive atmosphere here in Manhattan is more intense, and the variety of products has also become more diverse.

    ¡°But think about it, Zhao Hongyu¡¯s development was not so fast the year before last and the year before last.

    But in this third springBefore the crisis was about to come, Manhattan had already undergone earth-shaking changes.

    Zhang Tie walked to the door of the office, opened the door, and greeted his secretary.

    Afterwards, he left with his secretary and several guards.

    He is also planning to prepare some New Year goods and buy a few couplets.

    So, how about buying some for Song Hu and Wang Shan who are far away in San Francisco?

    Zhang Tie thought seriously about this problem on the road.

    Generally speaking, the operation of the empire has slowly entered a stable state. Zhang Tie and the others only need to grasp the general direction.

    So, their daily life has become easier.

    Zhang Tie is quite satisfied with this kind of life.

    The New Year is coming soon. I hope that Your Highness can have a good New Year in the East without any danger.

    When Zhang Tie suddenly thought of his own crown prince heading to the east, he couldn't help but pray secretly¡ª¡ª

    Dividing line¡ª¡ª

    Under the leadership of Zhang Tie and Song Hu, some ironic changes are taking place in America.

    As for Wang Shan in San Francisco, he was still building his city of San Francisco. At the same time, he began to have some conflicts with the large Indian tribes in San Francisco and the West Coast region.

    However, overall, the development of San Francisco is going smoothly.

    Zhao Hongyu, who had already left Nagasaki with Emma and Sarah, didn¡¯t know anything about what was going on in America.

    He is very relieved about Wang Shan, Zhang Tie and Song Hu.

    He doesn¡¯t think there will be any problems in the empire under their management.

    Therefore, Zhao Hongyu was in a very good mood on his flagship Sea King.

    Hehehe, we are about to go to the Ming Dynasty.

    West Lake, Jinling, Qinhuai River, Yangzhou Shouma Oh, no!  It¡¯s Yangzhou and I¡¯m coming!

    Zhao Hongyu, who left Nagasaki with three heavy battleships, three hundred European coated slaves, and a thousand Roderny's European mercenaries, and two hundred Royal Guards, stood on the bow of the ship and faced the Ming Dynasty in his heart.  Call out (To be continued. Please search Piaotian Literature, the novel will be better and updated faster!)
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