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    ps: The chapter number of the previous chapter was wrong, it should be chapter 1008.  Ahu is extremely sorry for the inconvenience caused to everyone!  I'm sorry to you parents!

    Zhao Hongyu¡¯s welfare benefits to the genetic people under his command are extremely generous. Compared with the monarchs of all countries in this era, they are quite generous.

    But this is not surprising at all. After all, the way Zhao Hongyu makes money is definitely not comparable to the monarchs of other countries in this era.

    At the same time, the speed at which Zhao Hongyu makes money is beyond what those people can imagine.

    Needless to say, Europeans, the annual income of each European country is only a little bit, which is like a small shrimp compared to the Song Empire in America.

    ¡°Originally, if the Song Empire had not emerged, the wealth from America would have poured into Europe in an endless stream.

    However, since Zhao Hongyu occupied the Americas, it has become impossible for Europeans to have any idea of ????the Americas.

    Therefore, the wealth of Europe, Africa and the Arab world began to flow rapidly into the American Song Empire.

    If it were an ordinary country, such a large influx of wealth would have caused a financial shock long ago.

    For example, the original historical Ming Dynasty was like this, and the Manchu Qing Dynasty was also like this.

    But the problem is that Zhao Hongyu can purchase large quantities of materials from the virtual world to fill the country. Therefore, with a large amount of materials, the supply of goods in the Americas is sufficient, and there is no fluctuation or shock caused by the influx of wealth.

    This is something that no country can achieve.

    At the same time, a more important point is that bulk commodity trade is basically done through the ¡®umbrella¡¯ company and the Imperial Royal Trade Department.

    So, there was a large influx of silver and gold into the Song Empire.  All of it went into the national treasury or Zhao Hongyu's personal pockets. As a result, there was not much silver and gold flowing in the world.

    Under such circumstances, inflation is impossible to occur.

    Even in an environment where a large amount of materials are abundant, the people of the Song Empire in America are able to buy high-quality and low-priced goods, and their quality of life has improved a lot.

    Zhao Hongyu hoarded all the gold and silver he had accumulated, and waited until the price of gold rose in the virtual century to sell it.  gain profit.

    ? If the price of gold plummets, then he will keep the gold on hand.

    In short, no matter what, Zhao Hongyu did not lose money.

    Of course, the wealth of Europe, Africa and the Arab world in the seventeenth century could not always flow into Zhao Hongyu's hands. When appropriate, Zhao Hongyu would also purchase large quantities of goods from them to let the other party  Also earn a little bit of sweetness.

    Otherwise, it won¡¯t take many years.  The wealth of Europeans, Arabs and Africans will be drained by the Song Empire.

    Zhao Hongyu doesn¡¯t want to see this happen.

    So, Zhao Hongyu purchased a large number of black slaves from Europeans.

    And buy a large number of dancing girls and some woolen products from Arabs.

    In this way, prosperous trade can be maintained for at least many years.

    This also created an environment for stable development for the Song Empire.

    As long as the Song Empire is given a few years to develop.  After strengthening its maritime power, the Song Empire would have nothing to worry about even if there was turmoil caused by trade deficit.

    If such a problem occurs.  With its powerful fleet at sea, the Song Empire could easily find any excuse to invade Europe.

    You must know that in the vision of Zhao Hongyu, Professor Liu and the three big mazai, Yanhuangism is to unify the earth in this era.

    In the tavern, Li Xiang and Zhao Hongyu sat down.

    A young waitress wearing a Japanese kimono, with a slim waist, served two bottles of Tsingtao beer.

    Because it¡¯s winter, we don¡¯t even have to worry about not having a refrigerator, the beer is already cold.

    Li Xiang looked at the beer curiously. He didn't know what this thing was.

    "This is beer, you can have a taste."

    Zhao Hongyu poured himself a glass.  After drinking it all in one breath, he let out a sigh of relief.

    Then, he reached into his arms and took out a pack of high-quality Huanghelou cigarettes, took out one, lit it and took a deep breath.

    These are all good stuff from the virtual world.  Because this year Chen Zhenbang's brother-in-law and Zhao Hongyu's "cooperation" really made a lot of dirty money.

    So, it¡¯s almost the Chinese New Year, heI also took out some good things and gave them to Zhao Hongyu as gifts.

    Chen Zhenbang¡¯s brother-in-law just hopes to continue to ¡®cooperate¡¯ with Zhao Hongyu in the coming year to expand his fake business of deceiving people.

    "Who told Zhao Hongyu and others that they are stupid, have a lot of money, and have a wide range of opportunities.

    No matter what kind of deceptive product it is, we can sell it to them at a high price, and the full payment will never be in arrears.

    Anyone who is not a fool would like to do business with people like Zhao Hongyu and others.

    Especially the situation in the virtual world is the same as Zhao Hongyu¡¯s original time and space.

    Today¡¯s economic environment is not very good. Any business has very little profit, and everyone is fiercely competitive.

    Chen Zhenbang¡¯s brother-in-law got to know people like Zhao Hongyu and others, so he entered an industry where he can make money without any high technology, as long as he is evil.

    So, giving gifts is inevitable.

    For Zhao Hongyu, the only gift from Chen Zhenbang¡¯s brother-in-law was cigarettes.

    ¡° Zhao Hongyu didn¡¯t like other velvet antlers, bear gall bladders, abalone, shark fins, sea cucumbers, etc. at all.

    In a virtual world with the same environment as another time and space, these things are very fake now.

    Zhao Hongyu lived in the seventeenth century. If he wanted the real thing, he could buy it casually.

    ¡° Even wild ginseng that is more than a hundred years old can be bought as long as you have money.

    But it won¡¯t work in another time and space, or in a virtual world.

    In the Ming Dynasty, the asking price for a century-old wild ginseng was only a few thousand taels of silver.

    This is still the price of the Ming Dynasty.

    If you buy it from the Koreans, you can get it at least half the price.

    Zhao Hongyu can purchase a large amount of industrial silver from the virtual world. Recently, the price of industrial silver in the virtual world has plummeted, with the price of 50 cents per gram.  How much does it cost for thousands of taels?

    You must know that even the industrial silver of later generations has a higher purity than the silver of this era.

    So, if Zhao Hongyu uses industrial silver from the virtual world to make Longyang silver coins, there is nothing to worry about.

    It can be said that relying on the heaven-defying treasure in his possession, Zhao Hongyu's life in this era is quite nourishing.

    Of course.  The dark period when he first came to this era does not count, after all, he was nothing at that time.

    Li Xiang took a sip of beer and found it very unpleasant.

    "Your Highness, Lao Li, I can't get used to drinking this stuff. If you have any strong liquor, give me some liquor, Lao Li."

    What Li Xiang said is true. Even in Zhao Hongyu¡¯s original time and space, everyone was not used to drinking beer when it appeared.

    Some people even say that beer tastes like horse urine.

    therefore.  As a native of the seventeenth century, it is normal for Li Xiang not to be accustomed to drinking.

    Zhao Hongyu didn¡¯t take it seriously either. He called the Japanese waitress and asked her to bring a bottle of Erguotou.

    "I just want to drink strong wine, what's the big deal?"

    This pub is not much like others, it only has enough beer and Erguotou supplies.

    The waiter quickly brought a bottle of Erguotou in bulk.  Li Xiang took a sip and said it was much better than that beer.

    "Now that all your people have left Amami Island, what are their plans now?"

    After Li Xiang finished the Erguotou in the wine glass in his hand, Zhao Hongyu directly entered the topic.

    Li Xiang gently put down the wine glass in her hand.  Then after refilling the bottle, he sat up straight and looked at Zhao Hongyu and replied: "Your Highness, a large number of my old brothers are tired of life at sea. They all hope to go to America, and then  After receiving 200 acres of fertile land, I will be a good citizen. Some of you hope to stay and join the Kyushu Navy to serve you, Your Highness."

    Of course, Zhao Hongyu also knew that the people under Li Xiang would definitely have two ideas, which he had expected a long time ago.

    "Those who want to go to America are all old brothers. They have been working as pirates with me, Li Xiang, for twenty or thirty years. To be honest, they can have a decent ending now. I am really grateful to Your Highness."

    Li Xiang¡¯s words were very sincere.

    "Those who want to stay and serve His Highness are basically young people. Because they are young, they still have ambitions and will not be willing to live a plain life in America."

    After Zhao Hongyu listened to Li Xiang¡¯s story.  After thinking for a while, he said to Li Xiang: "I want to go to America."I will accept all of them, but you have to tell them that if they join my household registration in the Song Dynasty, they will become the subjects of the Song Dynasty.  I don't care what they did in the past. They will be good citizens in the future, but as subjects in our Song Empire, they must abide by the laws and regulations of our Song Empire.  The way they used to be pirates can no longer be used. If someone continues to do evil, I will be merciless.  "

    Li Xiang nodded repeatedly: "Your Highness is right, and I, Old Li, am not an ignorant person. I must make this clear to those old brothers. I can be a real landlord with 200 acres of fertile land."  Good people, what else are they dissatisfied with? If anyone dares to let go of their good life and do something dirty, I, Li Xiang, will be the first to let them go."

    Zhao Hongyu just listened to what Li Xiang said.

    If something like this really happens, it can be dealt with according to the laws and regulations of the empire.

    Even Li Xiang couldn¡¯t say anything.

    However, I think that after Li Xiang got this reminder from him, he should have warned his old brothers again.

    Therefore, these old pirates who are willing to go to America to be good citizens and landlords should not do anything dirty.

    "As for the young people who want to stay, it is not impossible to join the Navy. But I can't give them a high position just for your sake, otherwise it will be unfair to other people. Once I do this  , then it will be difficult for you people to do so in the navy"

    After talking about those who wanted to go to America, Zhao Hongyu talked to Li Xiang about the arrangements for the young people who wanted to stay and join the navy.
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