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Text Chapter 993 Outside Hangzhou

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    Outside the city of Hangzhou, Zhejiang Province, Master Wang, dressed in a green shirt with a green scholar's scarf tied around his head, rode a big green mule along the official road.

    At this time, Mrs. Wang was completely like a scholar, without the aura he had when he was a pirate.

    After leaving Amami Island, he took a boat to Dinghai, Ningbo. After buying a mule from somewhere, he started to go to Hangzhou alone.

    Along the way, Mrs. Wang was in a high mood, because this time he came back to take his relatives to enjoy the happiness.  And he can also get rid of his pirate career, and no longer have to be in a profession where there is today and no tomorrow.

    After taking his family to America, he and his family can live a life of a landlord with 200 acres of fertile land.

    So, along the way, Master Wang was in a pretty good mood.

    He could even imagine the shocked expressions on his family¡¯s faces when they went to America with him and saw such a large piece of fertile land of their own.

    I think the mother-in-law from home will definitely praise me well.

    ¡°And after going to America, I no longer have to be secretive.  If you have money, you don't have to keep hiding it and not dare to use it, and you have to let your family live a fake life.

    Of course, the more important thing is that I no longer have to worry about being exposed as a pirate and causing trouble to my family.

    Yes, although Mrs. Wang¡¯s family is here in the Ming Dynasty, their life is not very good.

    "It's just better than ordinary people, that is, they don't have to go hungry.

    It¡¯s not that Mrs. Wang has no money. He has been a pirate for more than 20 years. How could he have no money?

    Over the past twenty years, he has actually saved thousands of taels of silver.

    But why did his family live a slightly better life than ordinary people in the Ming Dynasty?

    This is a very strange opinion.

    The literary style is flourishing here in Zhejiang, and the economy is also very developed.  It was the place where taxes were collected during the Ming Dynasty, and it was also the place where officials developed their literary style.

    But it was fine on the Zhejiang coast, but when they arrived in Hangzhou, Mrs. Wang discovered something was wrong.

    Because he found that the further west he went, the more refugees and ragged people there would be.

    "But Mrs. Wang is not in the mood to pay attention to these things. He just wants to go home and take his wife and children away from the Ming Dynasty in the shortest possible time, and buy some maids and so on along the way.

    In this way, Master Wang finally arrived outside the city of Hangzhou after three days.

    Here, Master Wang found that the number of refugees was even larger, and they were all densely packed outside the city. At a rough visual inspection, there were almost 70,000 to 80,000 people.

    There are many soldiers stationed at the gate of Hangzhou Prefecture, and they are constantly driving away the refugees who want to enter the city.

    There are also many refugees who are constantly praying on both sides of the official road, hoping that passers-by can give them some money or food.

    However, the pedestrians coming and going did not pay much attention to these refugees.

    Even Mrs. Wang didn¡¯t look at them seriously.

    It¡¯s not that these pedestrians don¡¯t have compassion, nor does it mean that Mrs. Wang has a considerate heart.

    Because they didn¡¯t dare to look at him at all, and they didn¡¯t dare to show any compassion.

    There are a lot of refugees on both sides of the official road. If you show anything, you will be surrounded.

    "If you give it to one person, it will attract hundreds of people. What will you do when that happens?"

    ¡°If you don¡¯t continue to take money, then these refugees will make a noise.

    It will cause trouble then.

    As the saying goes, good intentions can lead to bad things. This is the truth.

    Therefore, the passers-by decided not to care about any of them.

    There is nothing we can do about this.

    To be a good person, you should ensure your own safety first.

    Is it possible that in order to be a good person, you would even risk your own life?

    ¡°These refugees may look pitiful in their ragged clothes, but once they turn against them, they will be very ruthless.

    ¡°And you don¡¯t know if there are some black-hearted guys among these people.

    The further you go towards the city gate, the more refugees there are on both sides of the official road.

    At the same time, many refugees are no longer begging for money, but there are many menChildren, all with one or more straws stuck in their heads, were kneeling there with numb faces. Some fat-headed guys in gorgeous clothes and four-sided hats were constantly shuttling here.

    It seems that this is a person who sold himself into slavery.

    ¡°And those gorgeously dressed guys may be the brothels in Hangzhou, or they may be the domestic slaves who look for beauties for some gentlemen.

    Master Wang once lived here, and he has seen too many such things.

    I still remember seeing this situation many times when he was a child.

    "Master, master, please buy me. I can work and eat little. I can only eat one meal a day."

    "Here, please do me a favor and buy us a family, and I'll be a cow and a horse for you!"

    "Sell yourself to bury your father! Just give me three taels of silver!"

    "Give us a way to survive. We don't want wages. We just need to take care of two meals a day."

    Mrs. Wang sighed deeply.

    In recent years, the Ming Dynasty has been really troubled.

    It seems that there was another disaster somewhere nearby, and people couldn't survive and ran to Hangzhou.


    Mrs. Wang simply stopped looking at the refugees selling themselves, and followed other pedestrians toward the door.

    Because he was holding a big green mule and wearing a scholar's green shirt, he looked somewhat elegant, so no one would confuse him with the refugees.

    Therefore, Master Wang can easily cross the first checkpoint and walk to the city gate.

    "If they were refugees, they wouldn't even be able to pass the first level.

    After reaching the city gate, Mrs. Wang was restrained.

    A soldier from the city guards looked at Master Wang up and down, and then said: "What are you doing in the city? Where do you come from?"

    Although she was interrogated, Mrs. Wang was not panicked at all.

    He took out a Lu Yin from his arms and handed it over, and at the same time placed a Song Empire Da Long Yang under the Lu Yin.

    "For those who came from Northern Zhili and went to the city to find relatives, my wife, children, children, and children are all in Hangzhou, and they live near Maochangxing in the west of the city."

    The Dalongyang of the Song Empire is one or two silver coins. Because they are customized from the virtual world, the patterns are very exquisite.  It is not comparable to the silver ingots and scattered silver of this era.

    Therefore, when the soldier guarding the city saw the exquisite imperial silver dragon ocean, his eyes suddenly bulged out.

    Just by weighing it with my hands, I could tell it weighed six or seven cents.

    (Note: During the Ming Dynasty, weights and measures were based on the hexadecimal system, one pound was sixteen taels, and one tael was sixteen qian)

    When ordinary merchants enter the city and are questioned, in order to avoid trouble, they will give some benefits to the soldiers guarding the city, but usually they only give a few tens of pennies.

    "There are really not many people who make a move like Master Wang, giving six or seven pieces of silver at once.

    "But now that I have received the money, of course I can't continue to embarrass others, right?"

    So, when the soldier turned his hand, the exquisite silver dragon fell into his arms, and then a sincere smile filled the soldier's face.

    "It turns out that we are looking for relatives, so let's go in. There are refugees outside the city. In order to prevent the refugees from entering the city, the prefect issued the order to set up a blockade. We, the soldiers, are just following orders.  "

    Xiao Bing smiled and explained to Mrs. Wang, after all, he was paid.

    "My name is Chen Laosan. My family also lives in the west of the city. There are three markets away from Maochangxing. If you have any difficulties in the future, just remember to find your brothers. You can't handle big things, but you can still solve some small things."

    This gatekeeper named Chen Laosan waved to Master Wang to let him enter the city. At the same time, he also revealed his name so that Master Wang could find him if anything happened in the future.

    This is not because of Chen Laosan¡¯s conscience, but because he feels that this middle-aged man in blue shirt is so generous when he makes a move, so he must be a rich guy.

    When dealing with such people, as long as the cracks between the fingers of the family members are just a little leaky, it is enough for them to eat and drink.

    Although Chen Laosan didn¡¯t know that there was a saying in another time and space, ¡®rich man, let¡¯s be friends.  ¡¯, but that¡¯s what he was thinking.

    Mrs. Wang smiled, then raised her hands and cupped her fists to thank the other party for his kindness.

    In fact, Master Wang certainly knew what this man named Chen Laosan was planning, but he wasThis doesn't matter.

    ¡°Anyway, after he meets his family, he will leave here soon.

    Therefore, he will not have anything to do with Chen Laosan, and he will not offend him.

    Therefore, let¡¯s just let him get used to it here.

    However, Master Wang is curious about why there are so many refugees outside Hangzhou and along the way.

    So, he asked this question.

    "Brother Chen, I saw many refugees along the way. What is going on?"

    Chen Laosan glanced at Master Wang and said to himself: It seems that he is another stupid guy who studies and thinks that he can know the world's affairs at home without going out.

    Although I complained a bit in my heart, I was still very polite when facing such a "rich" Chen Laosan.

    Isn¡¯t this all caused by that big dragon?

    "Let brothers know that there have been recent floods in Anqing Prefecture, Tongling, Wangjiang, and Raozhou. These are nothing. There was also a Taoist rebellion in Ningguo and Guangde, although it was suppressed.  But the people in both places have withered and fled to Zhejiang."

    After listening to Chen Laosan¡¯s explanation, Master Wang finally understood why he saw so many refugees along the way.

    Dare to love, except for the water and the trouble, what a way will be rebelled in a good trouble.

    And the places where floods and Taoist rebellions occurred are very close to Hangzhou.

    It seems that the Ming Dynasty is getting more and more chaotic here, so I should pick up my family and leave quickly.

    After Mrs. Wang cupped her hands and thanked her, she walked into the city (To be continued. Please search Piao Tian Literature, the novel will be better and updated faster!)
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