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Text Chapter 934 What do you believe in?

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    The name that the priest said made all the European people present at the meeting involuntarily stunned.

    Yes, the guy who yelled just now, he was talking about the flame legion composed of twelve-winged angels. In fact, everyone understands it very well, because he is talking about the angel legion under the command of the Lord.

    There is nothing incomprehensible about this.

    But how come you have become the villain in hell when you reach the innermost part of the Jiejiao Priests?

    And there is also a terrifying name ¡®natural disaster¡¯.

    If nothing else, just from the literal meaning, everyone can understand what this ¡®natural disaster¡¯ means.

    But, is everything this religious priest said true?

    "If it's truethenit's incredible.

    Although many people were stunned for a short time, they immediately came back to their senses.

    However, after they thought about it carefully, it seemed that it was not unreasonable.

    What's more, they have all seen the projection of the god to the mortals, so maybe this is really the case.

    "No! It's impossible, you are slandering, naked slander!"

    The believers in that church shouted again.

    "Whether it's slander or not is not my fault. It can't be true, and it can't be true." For the fanatical believers of this church, the religious priests have no good impression at all.

    Now that he can talk to him so kindly, it is already a great honor.

    You must know that the battle of faith is often endless.

    This point is also the mainstream thought within Jiejiao.

    ??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? out of the sect, these priests are also crazy fans Oh, no, they are fanatical believers.  Because they had been trained here by Jiejiao and had seen the artifacts left by the gods of Jiejiao, they were constantly brainwashed.

    At the same time, I have to watch some kind of so-called projection every day, and I am constantly indoctrinated into the idea that the church believes in a ¡®false god¡¯.  The projection on the plane contained all kinds of slander, so these fanatical believers of Jiejiao really didn't have any good impression of the church.

    Even most of the European believers within the Jie Church are those who have experienced being oppressed by the church on the European continent.  Therefore, they hate the church even more deeply and have all kinds of deep hatred.

    Now there is no battle of faith all of a sudden, it has been very restrained.

    However, this is also because we need to leave a good impression in front of the public. Otherwise, a guy like this who blatantly serves the church will definitely be dealt with.

    Of course, we won¡¯t deal with it now, but later we still have to deal with it.

    "Has the Lord whom you believe in performed any miracles?"

    The priest who was trying to teach him was too lazy to argue with the other party, so he directly asked the question that made the other party tangled.

    "Did the Lord you believe in leave any artifacts for mortals to admire?"

    "Has the Lord you believe in told the world what God's world is really like?"

    "The god you believe in tells you that he is the only god in the world. Do you think it is possible?"

    A series of questions immediately left the fanatical believers in the church speechless.

    Yes, although he wanted to refute, he really couldn't come up with anything to refute the other party.

    It seems that the Lord I believe in has never performed any miracles.

    There are no artifacts left behind.

    No!  wrong!

    It seems there is!

    Suddenly, this fanatical believer in the church seemed to remember something.

    At this moment, the European people attending the meeting were already very excited.

    Because what they saw and heard today is enough for them to talk about for a lifetime.

    Most importantly, this debate is about the gods.

    Is there any gossip or news that can be more exciting and shocking than this?

    there is none left.

    And, they also want to know.


    If all this is true then it's really crazy!

    Although they have already seen the projection, they have already made a preliminary judgment.

    But, in the hearts of these people, they are actually still?Want to believe that this is true.

    After all, the church has been established in Europe for more than a thousand years, and Europeans have been brainwashed for such a long time. People¡¯s thinking cannot be changed just by changing it.

    "The scriptures say that our Lord was resurrected after being killed by the Romans!"

    "Who has seen it? What's the proof?"

    "It's recorded in the scriptures!"

    "That scripture was written by people from the church. They can write whatever they want. Didn't the projection just play it? Do you think it is still true? If you really still think so, I can only say that you are really a  idiot."

    The priest looked at the believers of this church with contempt.

    Indeed, this thing was written by someone from the church, so it doesn¡¯t matter how you write it.

    ¡°Moreover, this matter cannot stand up to scrutiny at all.

    What¡¯s more, that scene was shown in the projection they just played, so it must be unreliable.

    The believer trembled all over and his face turned red.

    "It's still a shroud!"

    "I have plenty of that stuff. If you want it, I'll give it to you in batches." The priest who taught the church said something that made the church member almost vomit blood.

    "I won't say anything else. As long as the Lord you believe in can give you an artifact that is comparable to what our gods have given, then I will take back what I just said. As the saying goes, seeing is believing,  Isn¡¯t it true that what you hear is false?¡±

    The old priest of Jiejiao is here.

    ¡°Nima, you asked our church to come up with something.

    The church members hidden in the crowd began to complain secretly in their hearts.

    Yes, as a member of the church, he really knows the nature of the church too clearly.

    In fact, the church has nothing to offer at all.

    "If it's a quarrel, maybe it's possible.

    But the problem is that if you want the church to come up with something, it is absolutely impossible.

    The reason is simple, because they don¡¯t have it here at all.

    Curling his lips, the priest who taught the religion picked up a dark object and turned it around on the table: "Everyone, take a look. This is a practical artifact given by our messenger god. It's called a walkie-talkie  "



    It¡¯s really amazing!

    It is indeed a divine weapon. Unexpected, unexpected.

    Jiejiao is not that stingy. Just like the church, the broken stones or rags belong to God, and they have no practicality at all and are always hidden away from others.

    The priest who taught the religion gave the walkie-talkies to the people attending the meeting, allowing them to experience the magic of the artifact for themselves.

    Let them personally touch the artifacts given by the gods and feel the supreme glory and the breath of the gods.


    We all have brains, and we can also weigh things in our own hearts.

    ¡°Everyone now understands what is going on.

    To be honest, 99% of the people attending the meeting are of European descent.  They are basically inseparable from contact with the church on the European continent, and they have to deal with the church in more or less every aspect of their lives.

    So, everyone is no stranger to the church.

    However, precisely because they are no strangers, they also know what the church is like.

    Although we don¡¯t know the nature of the church, everyone basically doesn¡¯t have a good impression of the church.

    After the priests of Jiejiao showed several ¡®artifacts¡¯, they asked people to put the ¡®artifacts¡¯ away.

    "The world we live in is actually just a small part of the billions of planes dominated by the gods. Originally, a low-level plane like ours could not enter the eyes of the gods at all. Just because in the eternal time,  In the divine war years ago, the righteous Lord God fought against the evil Demon King Thor. Both sides suffered losses. They fell into our plane and fell into a deep sleep. Together with the many servant gods under the Lord God, they also came to this world.  ¡­¡±

    ??This routine is easy for the priests who follow the Jiejiao religion.

    ¡°After all, you have been training for such a long time, haven¡¯t you?

    Therefore, for them, it is a piece of cake.

    It¡¯s just that the so-called secrets of the divine world they know also include information about the gods.  In fact, Zhang Tie collected them from a Chinese online novel website in the virtual world.

    ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?It is to organize a lot of fantasy, magic and science fiction content, and then it becomes the promotional content of Jiejiao.

    After all, online novels also have a complete experience and can withstand scrutiny.

    At the same time, those endless vocabulary, as well as some world views and cosmology, were really able to deceive these bastards in the seventeenth century.

    I guess they don¡¯t know a thing.

    They don¡¯t even know what the moon is like.

    They don¡¯t even know about the solar system and the Milky Way, so there is nothing wrong with using these to fool them.

    "Feeling the insignificance of us humans, the Lord God pities us mortals very much. So he gave the artifacts and planned to use the God of Learning to select some mortals to learn these artifact-making abilities that are very useful to us. One day we will also  Maybe this kind of artifact can be made to serve the gods!"


    Will the gods teach us how to make this kind of artifact?

    Everyone was stunned.

    I am a Ma, this is really incredible.

    You know, a mortal can also create artifacts?

    It seems that only gods can create artifacts. As a mortal, it is impossible, right?

    This is the voice of everyone.

    Looking at the big guy who looked like a goose, the priest smiled.

    "Only devout believers can suddenly learn such skills. We are planning to open a church school to recruit believers to learn. As for whether you can obtain the knowledge given by the gods, it depends on you."

    Damn it, we need to open a school under Jie Jiao

    The church members who were hiding below now only have pain in their balls.

    And the believers from the previous church are now standing in the crowd with pale faces, unable to say a word.

    Because he had no way to refute this religious priest.  (To be continued. Please search Piaotian Literature, the novels will be better and updated faster!)
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