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Text Chapter 932 Jie Jiao is in action (third update!)

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    I don¡¯t know when, but some people in very strange costumes suddenly appeared on the streets of Manhattan.  They wore white robes with exquisite golden patterns embroidered on the edges.

    At first glance, the immigrants who came to Manhattan from Europe felt a little familiar with such attire.

    Suddenly they thought that in Europe, the priests, priests and bishops of the church dressed like this.  It's just that when we were in Europe, the robes passed down by people were usually black or gray. The bishops in the Vatican wore red. I haven't seen white ones yet.

    Is it possible that these people are from the church?

    Therefore, some people have such curiosity.

    "This universe is very big, and it is not what we mortals can see with our naked eyes. Even what you see may not be real. If you want to know what this universe is like, then join our Jiejiao, as long as  If you join the Jie Cult, you will see a real world under the guidance of the true God"

    "These people in white robes who appear on the streets in twos and threes will say these two sentences to every pedestrian passing by them, and then stuff some papers full of words into the hands of those people.

    It turns out that these people are not members of the church, but missionaries who intercept Christianity.

    ??What is the Jiejiao thing?

    Residents of Manhattan don¡¯t know much about this.

    The Chinese citizens who knew what kind of organization this was had a kind smile on their faces after seeing the missionaries who intercepted the religion.

    Of course the Chinese people know what is going on, but they will not tell other ethnic groups about it.

    ????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????The missionaries all look kind and kind-hearted, people will not feel bored at first glance.

    They have a strong affinity.

    They have handsome guys, beauties, and middle-aged handsome guys who are full of maturity.  Each of them was polite when talking to pedestrians, and they took the trouble to give answers when asked. They did not give those people the feeling of being superior at all.

    ¡°These people are all fanatical believers of Jie Jiao, and it is perfectly appropriate to use them to spread Jie Jiao¡¯s teachings.

    Furthermore, after undergoing closed training and brainwashing, and during the training period they were constantly exposed to the so-called artifacts given by God, their loyalty and belief in the Jie Cult are absolutely unparalleled.

    Especially through genetic cultivation in the virtual world, Zhang Tie falsely 'resurrected' the family members of those outstanding members. The enthusiasm of these guys who were selected as the first batch of followers of Jie Cult scared everyone.  One jump.

    Yes, this is a living miracle.

    It¡¯s not a joke, it¡¯s the real deal.

    Although in Europe, the church would often brainwash believers and so on.  But those people in the church are basically just talking about it, unlike the people here in Jiejiao who are serious about it.

    Not to mention the incredible artifacts, just talking about the method that can resurrect family members, it exceeds the church by countless levels.

    Over the years, the church has not seen any miracles. They say there are miracles, but who has seen them?

    "Anyway, the miracles here at Jiejiao are real.

    Therefore, these selected Jiejiao believers are really convinced by their faith.

    "Oh, what kind of sect is Jiejiao? This is the first time I've heard of it?"

    Although many pedestrians are not very interested in this, some people are interested after all.

    The missionaries and pastors selected by Jiejiao also know that they have just begun to spread the faith for the Lord God, and it is impossible to achieve great success in a short period of time.

    You have to eat food one bite at a time and do things step by step.

    As long as they work hard, I believe the Lord God will definitely see it.

    They firmly believe this.

    At the same time, when they spread the glory of the Lord God, some of the difficulties and setbacks they encountered, God knows, were they tests set by some god in charge of life?

    Therefore, no matter what kind of difficulties and problems they encounter, they must face them seriously.

    The handsome middle-aged pastor who was teaching the church had a faint smile on his face, and he looked so comfortable.

    "Yes, this is our first time to preach the doctrine. If there is anything you don't understand, you can ask me and I will answer it for you one by one. In the eyes of the Lord God, we are all pitiful beings who have been deceived.Worm, only by following the Lord God can we understand the reality of this world.  "

    "What is the main god you believe in? It can't be the so-called animal gods believed by Indians in the American continent, right?"

    "Can your god bless me with wealth?"

    "Is your Lord God as powerful as the one the church believes in?"

    In short, these missionaries will encounter all kinds of problems.

    "However, when faced with these strange questions, these missionaries and pastors will patiently give answers one by one, and you can't see any impatience on their faces.

    This fact makes those who come into contact with them feel comfortable.

    In this way, Jiejiao began to appear in front of the American people and began to spread their sect.

    On the fourth, fifth, and sixth days, with the efforts of these pastors and missionaries, in just three days, the people in America had learned more or less about  The matter of interception.

    Those incredible artifacts, no matter who sees them, will know that they are definitely not products of this world.

    Because in this world (this era), it is impossible for anyone to create such a magical thing.

    ¡°In the end, if we want to give an explanation, it can only be something given to mortals by gods.

    For example, walkie-talkies with a range of ten kilometers, psychedelic drugs that can cause hallucinations after consumption, and war scenes about the divine world played on the big screen, all these made the people of the Song Empire begin to accept the teachings of Jie Jiao, and also  They exist.

    Some people even secretly used Jiaojiao to compare with European churches. In the end, they found that there was really no comparability at all.

    At the very least, it is impossible for the church to obtain so many artifacts, and it is impossible for mortals like them to see some scenes about the divine world.

    And there is only one master in church belief, but Jiejiao has a very strict theology.

    Although there are many gods in Jiejiao, there is only one main god.

    That is the Lord God of Hope who is still sleeping.

    The servant gods under him are in charge of many things in the world. Believers can believe in these servant gods according to your profession and preferences.

    However, believing in the Servant God only ensures that you will have more development on your career path. At the same time, you must also contribute your loyalty to the Lord God.

    On the contrary, as long as you are loyal enough, after a test, the gods will give you a great reward.  For example, a small artifact, or directly resurrecting your family members.

    Yes, the artifacts can be ignored, but the reward for resurrecting family members made many European people who came to America feel very shocked and shocked.

    For them, things like resurrection can only be done by true gods.

    Although the church claims that the boss they believe in has been resurrected, it is only him.

    ¡°In all these years, I have never heard that one¡¯s family members can be resurrected by the words of the one who believes in them.

    No matter how you look at it, it is very shocking.

    Of course, resurrecting family members requires a few small conditions.  Because the Lord God was still sleeping, the war between the gods had cost the Lord God too much power, and he was also seriously injured.

    Furthermore, the king in charge of life, death and hell, the wife of the Lord God, is also still sleeping.

    Therefore, if you want to resurrect your family, it will take a little trouble.

    For example, you must first have a bone of your family as a medium, so that the servant god who has restored his divine power can resurrect your family.

    Yes, I just need a bone from your family.

    However, after the Servant God resurrected your family members, due to some small reasons, the souls of your family members were unable to escape from hell.  Therefore, only the bodies of your family members will be resurrected. As for memories, there is no way to restore them yet.

    If you want to release the soul from hell, you need to wait until the wife of the main god in charge of hell wakes up.

    At the same time, you must have enough faith and loyalty. God will not just spend divine power on believers casually.  He will only expend his power for the most devout believers.

    This made those people who came into contact with Jiejiao pastors and missionaries immediately became interested.

    Especially with the testimony of those fanatic believers whose family members have been resurrected, Manhattan wanted to join the interception for a while.The number of people began to increase.

    Even if they don¡¯t want to join Jiejiao, many people attend Jiejiao¡¯s gatherings every day and watch the brainwashing videos played by Jiejiao missionaries.

    At noon on the seventh day, a small party was held in a medium-sized warehouse near the Manhattan Pier.  This party was held by a Jiejiao priest. He needed to use this warehouse to entertain many people who were interested in Jiejiao, and at the same time, he needed to use some special means to show them the power of the gods.

    The warehouse has been slightly decorated, and a large high platform has been erected at the front end of the warehouse.  The stage can accommodate almost twenty people standing at the same time, and the space is not too small.

    At this time, there was a white-robed priest standing on the stage. This priest looked to be in his early forties, and he was also supporting a man who looked a little abnormal. This man was about thirty years old.  about.

    In front of this missionary, people of European descent sat in a circle.

    They are all Europeans who came to Manhattan from Europe and took advantage of the lunch break to attend this religious gathering.

    Because in today¡¯s gathering, the missionary who intercepted the church will show up to prove that his father has been resurrected.

    In this way, some people who got the news came here during their lunch break at this time.

    Everyone looked at the middle-aged missionary eagerly. They didn¡¯t understand what the missionary was doing supporting a man who looked very abnormal.

    The man supported by the missionary seemed to be about thirty years old and was very strong.

    It¡¯s just that his eyes were blurry and unfocused, and at the same time, he was always muttering something unconsciously in his mouth.

    No need to search carefully, everyone can tell at a glance that this guy is a mentally retarded person.

    "Priest Garde, didn't you say you wanted to prove something today? Then hurry up. You must know that our lunch break time is very precious. If you don't start it, we will leave?"

    Among the people who came to the party, there were some people who were not doing their jobs properly.

    After a lot of noise from these people, those who like to join in the fun also started making noise one after another.

    Fortunately, the priest named Garde has a good temper. He does not have much emotional fluctuations in the current scene, and always has a light and kind smile on his face.

    ¡°This is my father who has been dead for many years!¡±

    He spoke, and with a simple sentence, the noisy people fell silent.


    This guy who looks like a mentally retarded guy is actually the father of Priest Garde?

    This is a bit too nonsense!

    There was a look of disbelief on everyone¡¯s faces.

    ????????????????????? There is no basis for your words. Are you saying that it is your father who is your father?

    Who knows if you were walking on the street, randomly picked up someone and said they belonged to your father?

    Everyone present at the meeting thought to themselves.

    "Father Garde, we are not here to joke with you. How could this stupid-looking guy be your father? And you are not young, you must be forty years old anyway.  If this guy is your father, it would be a bit ridiculous. Because he looks about thirty years old."

    Immediately, someone asked a series of questions.

    "Yes, yes, Father Garde. Even if you are joking, please be more serious. This man seems to be too young to be your father."

    After a short period of silence, the guys started talking to each other one by one.

    By this time, people attending the party had begun to lose their patience.  Because they felt that they had been deceived and completely deceived by this religious priest.

    What kind of resurrection are you really treating these people as idiots?

    In the back corner of the crowd, a middle-aged man wearing ordinary European clothes and a felt hat with his head lowered looked up at Gard who was standing there, and then curled up the corners of his mouth to reveal a sneer.

    "Hmph! I thought it was something special. What kind of bullshit resurrection seems to be a lie. I originally thought it was some powerful organization, but now it seems that there is nothing to worry about at all."

    The middle-aged man sneered and thought to himself.

    This middle-aged man is one of the church forces hidden in Manhattan.

      The only reason why he appeared at this party today was because he was assigned by the leaders.

    The so-called Jiejiao that appeared on the third day was noticed by them that day.

    Because if nothing else happens, the Church will be the opponent that the church will face in its missionary work in the Americas.

    Therefore, they have to pay attention.

    First, they need to understand what the teachings of this Jiejiao are.  At the same time, we also need to know what they can do, and then we can think of a targeted countermeasure.

    In this way, this middle-aged man came to this party.

    In today¡¯s Manhattan, there are many gatherings like the one held by Garde, and without exception, members of the church are hiding in them.

    Looking at the people who started making noises, Gard asked his companions to lower the curtains, making the room dark.

    "I have no way to ask the gods to show you the process of resurrection again, because you mortals are not qualified, and even I am not qualified."

    Gard¡¯s tone was very unpleasant.

    "However, I have an image here that the gods used their power to create. It contains the process of my father's resurrection Maybe this can give you an answer" Although everyone was a little unhappy, and some people wanted to fight back.  But after what Gard said next, people fell silent.  (To be continued. Please search Piaotian Literature, the novels will be better and updated faster!)
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