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Text Chapter 928 It¡¯s time to prepare

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    Balian is like ¡®One Hundred Thousand Whys¡¯, there are always so many questions.

    Although he was a little helpless about this, Zhou Yufa still had to give a reasonable explanation and then let Balian explain it to the people below.

    Therefore, when faced with Balian's question, Zhou Yufa patiently gave an answer, letting him understand why he made such a decision.

    In the end, through Zhou Yufa¡¯s unremitting efforts and explanations, Balian finally understood this truth.

    "Okay, Brother Fa, then I will tell the people below."

    Seeing Balian say this, Zhou Yufa breathed a sigh of relief.

    Because he no longer has to explain these problems. If he continues to explain, God knows whether the secret will be exposed.

    "Baby, you know, I got information about Bill and the others. The current situation has become a little unfavorable for us. I think you need to understand this."

    After explaining his change of revenge plan, Zhou Yufa thought of another very key thing to tell Balian, and that was about the gangs like Bill and others in the labor community that had united together.

    Yes, when these gangs unite, their power suddenly becomes very large.

    ??Even surpassed the overall strength of the Manhattan gang, and the number of subordinates was several times greater.

    Even if Zhou Yufa didn¡¯t say anything about this matter, it would take a while before his subordinates would know about it.

    Rather than saying this, it would be better for you to tell everyone clearly first.

    At the same time, we also want to see if there are some guys in the organization who will waver and make the entire organization purer.  Zhou Yufa will definitely deal with those who waver without mercy.

    "Brother Fa, what are you talking about? Our organization is now very strong. We are the most powerful organization in the entire Manhattan. Bill, this guy is just a blind little bastard. Just with his ability  There is no way that more than a hundred people can be our opponent, so why are we at a disadvantage?"

    Balian doesn¡¯t know anything about the changes in the labor community, so it¡¯s normal for him to have such doubts.

    After all, before he came to see Zhou Yufa, he was dealing with the three unlucky guys who were caught in the warehouse.  Therefore, Balian has not seen any of the people who came from the community to report the news.

    Looking at Balian¡¯s puzzled and confused expression.  Zhou Yufa said: "Our people in the community have reported that the European gangs in the community have united together. They are preparing to fight with Bill together. Now they are waiting for us to enter the community and then give us  Here¡¯s a head-on blow.¡±

    What!  These guys have banded together!

    After listening to Zhou Yufa¡¯s words, Balian couldn¡¯t help but shout out.

    "Don't be so nervous. Although what I said is true, you don't have to have this reaction, right?" Zhou Yu'an glanced at Balian and said calmly.  "Why. Are you scared?"

    Balian had a shocked expression on his face. He never imagined that these people would join together. This was beyond his expectation.

    He never imagined that these guys were always stumbling.  But at this time they will actually unite.

    Of course, he was not afraid, just surprised.

    So, when Zhou Yufa said something about himself jokingly.  Balian shook his head quickly and replied: "No! No! No! Brother Fa, I'm not scared, I'm just a little surprised and surprised."

    "What's so unexpected and surprising? In fact, these guys have been jealous of us for a long time. This time it was just Bill who provoked the matter and let them see an opportunity." Zhou Yufa said lightly.  "In fact, they are not stupid. They understand that their individual strength is not enough to fight us, so they united. After all, they are still very powerful after joining forces."

    Balian nodded silently.

    Of course he knew this, so he became even more worried.

    "Brother Fa, is it because of this that you changed your revenge plan?" he asked cautiously.

    Zhou Yufa smiled and said: "This is one of the reasons, but it is not the main reason. Although these guys have joined forces, they have more than 7,000 people, which is much stronger than our less than 2,000 people. But I haven't yet  Taking these people into consideration, the reason why I changed my plan is because my brother revealed some information to me."

    Balian Essence?Shocked!

    Zhou Yufa is of Chinese origin, and in the Song Empire, he is the one standing on the top of the pyramid.  Although he is not a very high-ranking person among Chinese descendants, for European-Americans like them, he is already rich and handsome.

    ¡° Moreover, as a Chinese descendant, there are many tangible and intangible benefits in the Song Empire.  At the same time, most ethnic Chinese have entered the government and the military and have good positions.

    As for the eldest brother Zhou Yufa, his friends and brothers must also be in high positions.

    Therefore, he probably got some information that the outside world didn't know, otherwise he wouldn't be so calm.

    After all, there were many reasons why Balian chose to join Zhou Yufa.

    "I can't say more. Anyway, we'll just have to kill Bill when we have the chance. Even though they may seem powerful together, in my eyes they are just paper tigers. No matter how powerful they are, can an empire be powerful? What a joke!"

    Anyway, Zhou Yufa¡¯s truth and lies made Balian no longer have to explain anything to him.

    And Zhou Yufa¡¯s words also made Balian¡¯s heart churn.

    Haha, I know that the boss, as a Chinese, must have connections with the government.  My original choice was indeed correct. A local snake is a local snake.

    Balian was very smart and did not continue to ask. At the same time, he began to think wildly in his heart and felt lucky for his previous decision.

    In fact, Zhou Yufa didn¡¯t say anything, not even what his so-called brother¡¯s position was, or what his brother told him.

    Only Balian thought wildly and imagined countless possibilities.

    "By the way, are the weapons and armor ready?" Zhou Yufa asked.  Balian came back to his senses from his random thoughts and quickly replied: "Everything is ready. The weapons that the boss got are very sharp. The brothers have tried them very well."

    Zhou Yufa felt secretly proud.

    Nonsense, these weapons are all obtained from virtual time and space. They are definitely weapons (machetes) commonly used by gangsters. How could they not be useful?

    Coupled with the modern technological level of the virtual world, even if the scum over there use scrap steel, the quality of the weapons they produce is much better than that of this era.

    No wonder these uninformed bastards, guys like Balian, would be so impressed.

    "As long as it works, remember to prepare more chili powder and pepper. We gangsters will use any method to kill people. The means are not important, even if others criticize us, but in the end, as long as we are the victor, then  That¡¯s enough, isn¡¯t it?¡±

    Zhou Yufa said to Balian solemnly.

    Balian nodded repeatedly and said yes.

    "Yes! Yes! Brother Fa, you are so wise. Didn't we rely on this move to defeat so many enemies and then unify the dock?"

    Balian flattered Zhou Yufa profusely and praised Zhou Yufa for his wisdom and martial arts, but he was just short of saying that he could unify the world with his civilized and martial virtues.  It's a pity that Balian doesn't understand this. If he did, he would definitely say it.

    ??Actually, it can be seen from here that in fact, the means of making a living by flattering and grooming are basically innately mastered by both Easterners and Europeans.

    "Okay, you guy, please stop talking nonsense. Remember to do all the things I told you seriously. When the opportunity comes in two or three days, we will enter the labor community, find Bill, and kill him. At the same time,  Clean out all the gangs that dare to join forces with him and prepare to deal with us together."

    "Dare to go against Fa Ge, I think these people are tired of living. If you don't let them know how powerful they are, they don't know that Lord Ma has three eyes." Balian has lived here in Manhattan for two years and also participated.  He has received intensive language training organized by New Oriental Language School, so he knows some Eastern idioms, but he doesn't understand them if they are too profound.

    Zhou Yufa said calmly: "Maybe we have been too kind to people in the past year and a half, so these guys think that we are really that easy to bully. So they think they can replace us. This time I want to  Let them know that some things are not easy."

    Balian nodded in agreement and said: "Yes, since we defeated the previous gangs, there have been basically no underworld conflicts in Manhattan. I think it is because of this relationship, so the new guys, no  You know how powerful we are. And because of this, you have ambitions, thinking that we are easy to deal with."

    In this regard,Brian feels the same way.

    What the two of them said was actually quite good.

    ¡°Because there are new Europeans entering Manhattan by boat every day, and those people don¡¯t know how the Manhattan gang caused such a bloody storm in the first place.

    Since the old residents told them, these new immigrants don¡¯t believe it either.

    On the contrary, I thought it was an exaggeration to scare people.

    ¡°In addition, the Manhattan gangsters control the enviable interests and wealth, how can it not make people feel jealous and ambitious.

    Originally, these new immigrants had little chance.

    However, due to some mistakes, the hidden church forces actually supported the gangsters in the community and formed gangs.  Suddenly, the ambitions of those who had gained power became even greater.

    With their ambitions growing, there will definitely be people who can¡¯t stand it anymore.

    ¡°Butcher Bill, this is the first person to take action.  (To be continued)
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