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Text Chapter 906 Focus on Manhattan (1)

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    Zhao Hongyu's side stirred up troubles in the Japanese country in the east, making the entire Japanese country uneasy.

    But on the American continent on the other side of the ocean, the domestic situation of the Song Empire he created was good and its development was very stable.

    In this world full of hunger, war, famine, natural disasters, and violence, America is as peaceful as an outdoor peach orchard.

    The port of Manhattan is still under constant construction and expansion.  And after three years of development, the Port of Manhattan has become the largest shipping port in the world.

    Every day, there are hundreds of European and Arab merchant ships traveling to and from Manhattan.

    This has also made the Manhattan Pier more prosperous.

    It can be said that in the seventeenth century, no country in the world had a more prosperous port than the one in Manhattan.

    ¡°It¡¯s especially important to note that the Port of Manhattan is still under construction and shows no signs of stopping.  This shows that Manhattan in the future will be able to withstand more ocean-going merchant ships berthing.

    ¡°When these merchant ships from across the ocean arrived in Manhattan, they not only drove local business prosperity and stimulated economic growth, but also stimulated another part of the economic growth because of the local spending of the sailors on these merchant ships.

    It can be said that the wealth of Europe and the Arab world is pouring into the American Song Empire at a very rapid speed.

    The war in Europe has swept across Europe. The war has even involved the Russian Empire, and even Ottoman Turkey has not been spared.

    However, these have nothing to do with the American Song Empire. After all, the war has not yet reached the other side of the ocean, right?

    It was precisely because the Europeans had no time to care about other things that they gave the Arabs the opportunity to allow their merchant ships to leave the Mediterranean and try to start ocean-going trade.

    Although the British were excluded from the beginning, and they had their own selfish motives.

    These British guys.  People who were jumping up and down wanted to inherit the African colonies left by the Spanish Empire and use them to open up sea routes to the East.

    Unfortunately, under the attacks of Portugal and the French, the British never succeeded.

    Furthermore, the British fleet, the Portuguese and French fleets have been entangled near the British Channel.

    Now, with the deliberate connivance of Portugal and France, the Arabs have begun to gradually accept the interests left by the Spanish, and have joined the Portuguese-French Alliance as allies.

    ¡°At this moment, it is even more impossible for the British to succeed in their calculations.

    About this.  Although the British were annoyed, they had nothing to do.

    Therefore, the British can only think of ways to see if they can return to the alliance of church princes.  And he pinched his nose and let the British merchant ships begin to go to the Song Empire in America for commercial trade.

    After all, British people also need to make money, don¡¯t they?

    Of course, when British merchant ships came to the Americas, they had to change to the flags of other countries.

    ¡°If they came flying the British Union Jack flag, they would probably be killed before they reached Manhattan.

    at the same time.  Off the coast of the Song Empire, plunders between the British, Portuguese, French, and Arabs often occurred.

    The instigators of such things are usually the British.

    It can be seen from this.  The British are very used to being robbers.

    Don¡¯t look at another time and space where they always brag about being gentlemen, but anyone with a brain will basically complain about it.

    Because the British rely on profiteering and plunder.  There are also those who exploit the hard work of others to make a fortune.  This has nothing to do with the gentlemanly demeanor they brag about.

    ¡°Isn¡¯t it funny that a robber says he is a gentleman?

    So.  In addition to being evil-hearted, the British are also not generally thick-skinned.

    European merchants brought a large amount of gold, silver and black slaves, and then purchased a large amount of food and luxury goods from Manhattan.  Arab merchants also brought a large number of black slaves, and then purchased a large amount of spices and some medicines from Manhattan.

    These things are very profitable commodities in the Arab world.

    At the same time, due to the war in Europe and the incompetence of the British, basically the slave business is now monopolized by the Arabs.

    Although some Europeans were able to secretly obtain some slaves from Africa, they could not compete with those Arabs in terms of quality or quantity.Comparable to other businessmen.

    The Ottoman Turkish Empire specially set up an office in Manhattan because it joined Zhao Hongyu and the Portuguese-French "Axis of Evil".

    With the Ottoman Empire setting up offices in Manhattan, the Turks brought a sense of luxury to Manhattan.

    Of course, it only affected those European immigrants who came to Manhattan to seek life. As for the Chinese class in Manhattan, it was not affected much.

    Maybe it¡¯s because it¡¯s easy to make money in the Song Empire, and life is relatively free.  So these Europeans working in the Song Empire began their transition from being a prostitute to being a nouveau riche.

    Regarding such a situation, Zhang Tie, as the governor of Manhattan, is also happy to see the outcome.

    After all, if these people want to enjoy a luxurious life, they must purchase a large number of goods produced by the Song Empire in order for them to maintain such luxury.

    And in the end, it was the Song Empire that made money.

    Therefore, instead of suppressing this, Zhang Tie deliberately condoned it.

    Some advertising slogans from later generations, such as luxury, imperial glory, nobility and coquettishness, etc., all impressed those European ladies who had some spare money in their hands.

    What Zhang Tie didn¡¯t expect was that it was the Arabs and Turks who were moved by these advertisements and took action, and even crazier.

    Therefore, on the main commercial streets that have been built in Manhattan, you can often see businessmen with fat bellies wearing traditional Middle Eastern costumes, surrounded by dozens of tall warriors, as well as charming and charming women.

    These guys all wear rings inlaid with precious stones on their ten fat fingers, and the belts around their waists are all eye-catchingly golden.

    If you want to enjoy luxury in the Song Empire, hire Indian warriors.  If you want to carry a weapon at the same time, you need to pay a very high fee and apply for a permit from the Sheriff in Manhattan.

    The hiring price of Indian warriors is not cheap. After all, the Indians in Manhattan at this time have all registered as citizens of the Song Empire.

    As a citizen of the Song Empire, how could its price be compared with those of European silkworms who came to seek a living.

    At the same time, the Indians¡¯ life here in Manhattan is very comfortable. They are basically militia reserves and receive a salary every month, even if they do not have to enter the military on duty.

    Although this salary is not a lot, you must know that the purchasing power of Song Empire Long Yang is very high, and at the same time, the consumption of consumer goods for citizens here in Manhattan is very low.

    Although citizens have a consumption tax and are required to tip when eating out, this is really nothing for Indians who can earn twenty or thirty yuan a month.

    ¡°Besides, Indians have never had the concept of saving money. They use as much as they have.

    So, they live a very chic life in Manhattan.

    However, for those rich people from Arabia or Turkey, it is a very honorable thing to be able to hire strong Indians.

    Therefore, no matter how much it costs, they always have to hire a few Indian warriors around them, so that they can show that their status is extraordinary.

    In fact, behind such a trend, it has something to do with Zhang Tie¡¯s promotion.

    And as the father of Emma, ??the current Indian Queen here in Manhattan, Black Bear has nothing to object to.

    After all, there are many benefits for Indians here.

    You know, those rich people hire Indians and pay them very high salaries, and they also don¡¯t let the Indians do risky things.

    Every day, the Indians who have accepted the employment are nothing more than following the rich people around from the time the sun rises in the morning to setting at night to save their face.

    Only a fool would not do such an easy job with a monthly salary of fifty or sixty yuan.

    Of course, it¡¯s not that the wealthy Arabs don¡¯t want to hire people of Chinese descent.  Just because Chinese people basically worked as civil servants or members of the military in the Song Empire, it was impossible for them to accept such employment.

    So, these rich people turned their attention to the Indians.

    ??According to Zhang Tie, how could a Chinese descendant work as a subordinate for these fat-bellied guys? This must be a loss of face for him.

    Speaking of wealth, the Song Empire was much richer than Arabia.

    ??Don¡¯t think there is oil in the Middle East, but in the future as long as the empire develops??, the Middle East will definitely be included in the empire's territory.

    Even if they are not included, with the technological level of this era, if those Arabs want to make a fortune from oil, they will have to wait for more than two hundred years.

    In other words, before oil had no value, it was really impossible for Arab businessmen to be richer than the people in the Song Empire.

    You must know that in the Song Empire, ethnic Chinese basically occupied the top level of the pyramid.

    ??Basically, it¡¯s either a big farmer or a big businessman.

    ¡° Moreover, some businessmen of Chinese origin have begun to slowly take the form of trusts.

    Of course, Zhang Tie encourages and supports these trusts.

    It¡¯s just that these newly formed trusts must be owned by the ¡®umbrella¡¯ company controlled by Zhao Hongyu.  At the same time, the shares must account for 40%. Only in this way can Zhang Tie support it.

    If you don¡¯t agreehehe

    Zhao Hongyu doesn¡¯t know this.

    The reason why Zhang Tie did this was to safeguard the interests of the empire and Zhao Hongyu.  (To be continued)
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