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Text Chapter 899 Let¡¯s get in touch and see (third update!)

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    The Iga Shinobi who had previously assassinated Saburo Toyaya and the generals around him were part of a group.  But there is another group of Iga ninjas who are hiding among the chaotic Shira Castle defenders. Anyway, these Shira Castle defenders are in such chaos now that it is impossible to find anything wrong.

    "The purpose of these hidden Iga ninjas is to incite the soldiers at the bottom at the appropriate time.

    In this era, Japanese ninjas, in addition to being proficient in assassination and stealth, also need to incite enemy soldiers in a timely manner and cause chaos to the enemy.

    It can be said that if it can be used properly, it is still very beneficial to have a ninja army.

    According to Zhao Hongyu, strictly speaking, the ninjas of the Japanese country can basically be regarded as the same existence as the special forces of this era.

    He still has great expectations for the Iga Ninjas.

    Fortunately, the Iga ninjas did not disappoint him and fulfilled his instructions very well.

    After the Battle of Mirokuhara, he and Tokugawa Kayo split their forces.

    The complete Iga ninja was divided into two, one part followed Tokugawa Kayo to the Miyazaki territory, and the remaining half was handed over to Hattori Chizuru to follow Zhao Hongyu to attack the Satsuma domain.

    And Chizuru Hattori has obviously been sent to Zhao Hongyu by Hattori Kizo, and she will definitely become Zhao Hongyu¡¯s woman in the future.

    At the same time, in order to ensure Hattori Chizuru¡¯s status, she must have some capable people around her.  As for the configuration of these manpower, is there anything else that can compare to the Iga Ninjas?

    However, Chizuru Hattori did not understand his uncle¡¯s idea.

    The girl now only thinks that she can be a bodyguard.

    After all, she is not Tokugawa Kayo, but she has no desire to revive the family.

    "As for Zhao Hongyu, he has no thoughts in this regard.

    There are two women by his side now, which is enough in his opinion.

    Women, what are you doing with so much trouble?

    ¡°If there are too many women, he doesn¡¯t have to do other things every day. He will be too busy just to accompany these women.

    Therefore, since Zhao Hongyu had Emma and Sara, he basically had no intention of looking for another woman.

    Although neither Chizuru Hattori nor Zhao Hongyu had this intention, or in other words, neither of them thought so.

    However, it does not prevent others from making plans in this regard.

    It seems that the Iga ninjas who followed Hattori Chizuru already regarded Zhao Hongyu as his uncle, and they themselves were the dowry attendants of Hattori Chizuru.

    Now here in Shiliang City, they can finally show off their skills. There is no one who is not showing off their strength.

    ¡°After all, this is a matter of showing face to my young lady.

    Therefore, in order to avoid the failure of this mission, these Iga ninjas used all their means and tried their best one by one.

    It is precisely because of their good performance that things here in Shiliang City are going very smoothly.

    At this moment, after the assassination and conscious incitement, the morale of the defenders in Shiliang City was floating.  At the same time, they no longer have the courage to continue fighting while facing the offensive pressure of wolves and tigers.

    Although some people still hope to continue to resist, the guy who came forward to say that he will continue to resist has become the best example.

    His fate has severely shocked a group of people with similar thoughts.

    And after hiding their identity, the Iga ninjas took action to kill the guy who supported the resistance to the end, which completely ignited the desire of the lower-level soldiers not to continue fighting.

    Yes, there is nothing to be afraid of now.

    The Lord City Guard and so many generals are dead, what else can the rest of them do.

    Most of the soldiers are unwilling to continue fighting.  Under such a situation, if they want to continue fighting, they will definitely annoy these low-level soldiers.

    ??The fate of the ashigaru-gumi leader just now was seen by everyone.

    Although these low-level soldiers are usually as docile as lambs, you can bully them in any way you want.

    But when these people unite and dare to wield their swords against you.  Then you have to seriously consider and measure some of their wishes.

    Because once this happens, you still want to do what you usually do, arrogant over their heads, and use a little bit of power to scare the other party into agreeing with you.The method and decision is that if you don't do it well, it will be counterproductive and cost you your life.

    Isn¡¯t this the fate of the poor Ashigaru-gumi leader?

    In the crowd, there were many people who knew the unlucky guy.

    However, at such a time when one's own life is at stake, the usual friendships can no longer be taken into account.

    ¡°Besides, there¡¯s nothing wrong with surrendering.

    After surrendering, they will no longer have to face those enemies who are like wolves and tigers, right?

    By then, everyone can go home and reunite with their families.

    Besides, even if they continue to resist, apart from unnecessary casualties, what benefits can they gain?

    There is no benefit at all.

    "If this is the case, there is no reason for me to continue fighting with the enemy.


    Because of the chaos among the defenders on the fourth floor, opportunities were given to Roderney and the others who had already occupied the third defense circle below, as well as the Imperial Guard regiment under Zhao Hongyu.

    They took advantage of the opportunity when the fourth floor defenders were in chaos and quickly destroyed the pass from the third floor to the fourth floor, opening the way to the fourth floor.

    When the pass was destroyed, Roderney led his Portuguese mercenaries to rush forward¡ª¡ª

    Dividing line¡ª¡ª

    "Your Highness, the Iga Ninjas have successfully assassinated the defenders of Shira Castle. Now the defenders of Shira Castle have fallen into a leaderless state. At the same time, the Iga Ninjas have incited the defenders to surrender.  Now as long as we send envoys to contact them in a timely manner, I think we will definitely gain a lot."

    The Iga people who successfully completed their goals have returned to Hattori Chizuru one after another.

    When Hattori Chizuru received the report from his subordinates, he immediately informed Zhao Hongyu.

    "Haha, Igazhong did quite well. It seems that you are quite capable. With your support, I am even more powerful."

    Zhao Hongyu was in a good mood, especially after listening to Hattori Chizuru¡¯s report.

    "Your Highness, what should we do next? The enemy's military morale is already unstable. If we continue to fight with them, it will be counterproductive."

    Hattori Chizuru reminded.

    Zhao Hongyu nodded, of course he knew the current situation.

    "Order Roderny and the others to stop attacking, and at the same time let the Guards stay in place, and send envoys to have some contact with the defenders. Tell them that as long as they surrender, I will guarantee that they will not die."

    Yes, ensuring that these defenders survive is the biggest concession that Zhao Hongyu can make.

    He is not like Yuji Kawabe. If the attacker of Shira Castle is Yuji Kawabe, then Yuji Kawabe will not accept surrender after the opponent resists.

    ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?Otherwise, Yuji Kawabe would not have taken advantage of the attack on southern Miyazaki to achieve great fame.

    So many years later, people in the southern part of the Miyazaki clan would use Kawabe Yuji's name as a tool to scare children when they used it to teach disobedient children at home.

    Therefore, to a certain extent, the defenders of Shiliang City were very lucky to meet Zhao Hongyu.

    ¡°At least, Zhao Hongyu will not kill indiscriminately.

    Of course, he will do so when necessary.

    But, at least he won¡¯t do that now, right?

    For Shiliang City, Zhao Hongyu is of course destined to win.

    After all, Shira Castle is an important place leading to the hinterland of Satsuma Domain. If Zhao Hongyu wants to enter Satsuma Domain, he must capture Shira Castle and control the city in his own hands.

    As long as Shiliang City is captured, everything will be smooth sailing forward.

    By then, General Satsuma will have no power that can stop him and his army.

    At the same time, Zhao Hongyu was not willing to spend too much time on Shiliang Castle. After all, the entire Satsuma Domain was such a large area, and he needed to conquer it in a short time, right?

    Therefore, if you can pay a small price, you can avoid getting into a long battle.  For Zhao Hongyu, it was the best, and it was also the path he chose when he returned.

    Now, the whole opportunity presents itself.

    Therefore, Zhao Hongyu would not object to accepting the surrender of the defenders of Shiliang City.

    "It looks like the eastern castle in front of us has almost been captured by us, right?"

    Hear it from the sidelinesSarah, who had watched Chizuru Hattori and Zhao Hongyu talking, galloped over and asked.

    Zhao Hongyu nodded: "Yes, the defenders of Shiliang City have already expressed their intention to surrender. Then there is no need to continue fighting. I will accept their surrender, and as the victor, I will spare their lives. But  The wealth in Shiliang City belongs to me."

    "Haha, plunder the enemy's wealth and their women. My man is a warrior. This is what should be done to losers. It seems right for me to choose you as my husband."

    Emma also rode her horse closer at this time, and she shouted very happily.

    After hearing what the little girl Emma said, several people had different reactions.

    As an Oriental, Hattori Chizuru is not used to having a moderate mindset.

    In her opinion, even those who are defeated should be given due respect.

    After all, these enemies have also proven their bravery.

    But Emma is the lord¡¯s wife after all, and as a subordinate, she can only remain silent.

    ¡° Sarah¡¯s thinking is the thinking of Europeans, and it is also the thinking of European aristocrats.

    This kind of thinking is somewhat similar to Hattori Chizuru, but it is also slightly different.

    The same point is that she doesn¡¯t think that she should do this to the loser. After all, the other party has already been defeated, right?

    Therefore, respect is still necessary.

    You know, on the European battlefield, principles like this are actually very popular.

    The difference between Sara and Chizuru Hattori is that Sara thinks it¡¯s okay to defeat the opponent for money.  After all, you can do this in Europe.

    However, she also knew that this was the East, and there was no market for her European thinking and concepts. At the same time, she didn't know what her little husband would think.

    Therefore, she could only very wisely choose to remain silent and see what her little husband said to his wife.

    Zhao Hongyu didn¡¯t think about it that much. He just thought that Emma was very straightforward and said whatever was on her mind.

    As for him, he still understands Emma.

    Although Emma said this, it does not mean that she is a cruel girl.

    After all, Emma is an Indian, and her thinking must be that of an Indian.  This is definitely different from the ¡®mainstream¡¯ concepts in the East and the West.

    As an Indian, the tribal wars Emma has seen and heard about in the past were all based on killing all the male members of the opponent or capturing them as slaves, and capturing the women became the people of the victorious tribe.

    Therefore, in Emma's concept, both victory and defeat are very simple.

    That is, the winner has the right to plunder everything from the loser, but the loser has no say in this, because they can't even save their own lives.

    Of course, in the current war against Shiliang City, the victorious side belongs to her husband.

    ? ? ? ? ? ? ? Therefore, they are now the winners.

    On the other hand, if it was her husband who was defeated, then Emma, ??as a wife, would definitely take out a knife and kill herself.

    After all, she is no ordinary woman, she is the wife of the crown prince of an empire.

    Therefore, it is impossible for her to be captured and humiliated by the enemy in order to survive like an ordinary woman.

    This point, when she married Zhao Hongyu, her father and mother specifically told her about this matter.

    These are the words she has never said to Zhao Hongyu.

    At the same time, there is no chance to teach Sara, the little wife in her eyes.

    "Hey, what expressions are you making? Am I wrong in what I said?" Seeing the faces of Sarah and Hattori Chizuru, Emma seemed to disagree with what she said.  He pouted his mouth angrily and looked at the two of them.

    "The mistress is too worried, and the subordinates are frightened."

    The first one to react was Hattori Chizuru. Seeing that Emma was a little angry, she quickly apologized.

    Sarah, who was naive and didn¡¯t understand much about Eastern culture, didn¡¯t hear anything, but Hattori Chizuru¡¯s subtext was not hidden from Zhao Hongyu.

    ¡°Oh, Hattori Chizuru, this girl has quite a personality.

    Although she was confessing on the surface, there was no way in her words that she admitted that she agreed with Emma's words.

    Thinking about it, Hattori Chizuru really disagrees with what Emma said.

    Unlike Chizuru Hattori, although Sarah is older than Emma, ??her identity is?Wife.  So when facing Emma, ??the eldest wife, she was always a little shorter involuntarily.

    Therefore, Sarah looked at Emma with an apologetic smile and said: "Yes, yes, everything you said is right. We are the winners, and there is nothing to pity the losers. Their wives, children, and wealth are all  They belong to us, and now our husbands have left them alive, so they are already very merciful."

    With Sarah¡¯s words, Emma became happy.

    A little girl doesn¡¯t have so many scheming ideas. Anger comes quickly but also goes away quickly.

    Zhao Hongyu was a little dumbfounded by this.

    "Wait for a while. I think we will have the result after a while. We have already sent someone to notify Roderny and the others. I think the Imperial Guards who have entered Shiliang City will also send envoys to contact them."

    Zhao Hongyu spoke and diverted the attention of the three women so that they would no longer be entangled in that sentence.  (To be continued. Please search Piaotian Literature, the novels will be better and updated faster!)
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