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Text Chapter 890 Are they crazy?

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    The Miyazaki Domain had now fallen into the hands of Tokugawa Kayo, and was indirectly controlled by Zhao Hongyu.

    At this time, the early military operations against Kyushu were considered very smooth and did not encounter any major obstacles.

    As long as Tokugawa Kayo and the others are given some time to rest, they can then launch a strategy for Bungo and Kumamoto Domain.

    Everything is going on in an orderly manner.

    On Zhao Hongyu¡¯s side, he personally led 6,000 Imperial Army troops and temporarily hired 800 Portuguese troops to attack Shira Castle, an important town in the eastern part of the Satsuma Domain.

    Shiliang City

    Known as the city of Kyushu tribes, it serves as the eastern barrier guarding the territory of the Sosatsuma domain.

    If you want to enter Satsuma Domain, then Shira Castle here in the east is the place you must pass.

    Therefore, if Zhao Hongyu wants to capture Shiliang City, he must first capture Shiliang City.

    Facing Shiliang City, which is known as the eternal city in Kyushu, Zhao Hongyu really had a headache at the beginning.

    Because after his initial observation, he found that the structure of Shiliang City was really not what it was boasted about.

    "However, even if Shiliang City's defense is very strong, Zhao Hongyu still has to crack this hard nut.

    Therefore, he first asked the artillery team led by himself to launch an artillery bombardment at Shiliang City.

    After three rounds of shelling, Zhao Hongyu suddenly discovered that Shiliang City was not as indestructible as he had observed.

    In the face of powerful firepower, Shiliang City is not insurmountable.

    Three rounds of shelling have beaten the Japanese defenders of the lower three-layer defense circle to the point where they could not lift their heads, and suffered heavy losses.

    After seeing this situation, Zhao Hongyu's confidence increased a lot.

    Immediately, he ordered mercenaries to be the vanguard, and at the same time dispatched a thousand-man Imperial Army to launch an assault on Shiliang City.

    Under three rounds of artillery bombardment, the gate of Shiliang City has been blown to pieces.  At the same time, the defenders on the city wall had been overwhelmed by the bombardment of artillery shells, and there was no way to effectively organize resistance.

    Therefore, when Viscount Roderny led his Portuguese mercenaries, they rushed into Shiliang City and immediately occupied the first level of the defensive circle and killed the conscious defenders.

    These adventurers from Europe are quite unambiguous in their approach.

    They have no idea of ??sympathy, and each one is more ruthless than the other.

    I don¡¯t know if it¡¯s because they are fighting in a foreign country, so they are very crazy when fighting.

    ??????????????? The kind of regularity that they used to fight on the European continent was basically abandoned by them at this time.

    In Europe, generally speaking.  They will not kill the wounded.

    ¡° Even when the battle was over, they agreed to send people to carry their wounded back for treatment, which fully demonstrated the moral style of the medieval seventies.

    But at this moment, Rodelney and his men did not do this.

    When they took control of the city head of the first layer of defense circle, they immediately found the wounded defenders who were seriously injured but had not yet completely expired, and sent them to see the King of Hell with the swords in their hands.

    The battle at the head of the first defensive circle was not that fierce, and Roderny and the others encountered very slight resistance.

    It is estimated that it may be due to the previous three rounds of shelling.  The defenders were stunned by the shelling. When Roderney and others rushed to the city, they had not yet recovered.

    Therefore, Roderney and the others easily eliminated these defenders.  Quickly captured the city head of the first layer of defense circle.

    The bright five-star red flag slowly rose on the first floor of the city, announcing the fact that the first floor of the city had changed hands.

    At this time, the imperial army brigade that rushed into the city behind the mercenaries also rushed to the top of the city.

    After the handover between the two parties.  Roderny led his men and began to attack the city head of the second defensive circle.

    The winding mountain road in Shiliang City is very narrow, which is not conducive to the soldiers of the attacking side being able to attack at the same time.  spread out their massive forces.

    Therefore, based on this situation, Rodelny divided his mercenaries into several teams of ten, and then began to attack the second layer of defense circle.

    Charging upward in a spiral way consumes a lot of energy.

    At the same time, some of the defenders on the second floor had calmed down and quickly entered a fighting state.

      They pushed the prepared defensive equipment to the edge of the city.

    For a time, rocks, arrows and scalding hot oil made it difficult for Roderney and the others to move forward.

    Fortunately, the results of the previous three rounds of shelling were remarkable. The defensive tools on the top of the lower three-layer defense circle were basically destroyed in the shelling.

    Therefore, the obstacles that made it difficult for Rodelney to move forward only blocked a little bit of their time.

    When the defenders on the second floor ran out of hot oil, arrows, and stones, Roderney and the others seized this opportunity and rushed between the first and second floors.  at the iron gate.

    Yes, in addition to the narrow winding road in Shiliang City, there are nine passes and iron gates.

    Therefore, it does not mean that after rushing into the city, Shiliang City can be truly captured.

    No matter what the enemy is, if they want to truly occupy Shiliang City, they must fight all the way to the top of the mountain and destroy the nine passes.

    Of course, Shiliang City was built on a mountain. At the same time, some residential buildings and shops in the city were built on streets carved out of the mountain above the sixth floor.

    Therefore, as long as we can attack the sixth floor in one go, we can bring effective damage to the defenders of Shiliang City.

    However, facing such a city, it is difficult to achieve the above just by using the army of the cold weapon era.

    It is precisely because of this reason that Shira Castle has the reputation of "the city that never falls", which was praised to the sky by the Satsuma Domain.

    ¡° If the army led by Zhao Hongyu is also an army using cold weapons, maybe there is really nothing we can do about it.

    Even if he can capture Shiliang City, he will definitely lose a large number of soldier lives and use human lives to pile up Shiliang City.

    However, the troops under Zhao Hongyu can be said to be the most advanced troops in this era.  They can be regarded as the army closest to modern hot weapons, and they are incomparable with today's cold weapon armies.

    therefore.  Facing Shiliang City, Zhao Hongyu is not saying that he is incapable of attacking difficulties.

    And the defenders of Shiliang City did not expect that the enemy they encountered this time was no ordinary enemy.

    As the battle began, Zhao Hongyu's confidence became stronger and stronger.

    On the contrary, the defenders of Shiliang City began to waver.

    The previous three rounds of shelling completely shocked the defenders of Shiliang City. They had no idea that the enemy had such sharp and powerful weapons.

    And within a short time, the first layer of defense circle was broken.  At the same time, he killed the defenders over there.

    This was completely unexpected to them.

    According to the judgment of Toyotani Saburo, the defender of Shiliang Castle, if these enemies want to capture the first floor, they will have to lose at least 30% of their troops.

    However, the current development was completely beyond his expectation and judgment. The enemy actually did not suffer much losses at all, and conquered the first layer of defense circle in a short period of time.

    The current result is too different from the judgment he made.

    Even his eyes widened and he didn¡¯t know what to say for a moment.

    But now.  It is no longer time to think about these things, because the enemy has already begun to attack the second layer of defense circle.

    "Sir, the enemy has begun to charge at the pass on the second level. The defender of the second level city wall sent someone to ask for reinforcements. Because the enemy's 'thunder bombing' just now destroyed the defensive equipment at the top of the second level city.  , they are now simply unable to withstand the enemy¡¯s attack.¡±

    What are you really afraid of coming?

    ??What if this person is in bad luck?  Even taking a sip of cold water will clog your teeth.

    "Let Otsuka lead the five hundred young men to rush to the second-level city for reinforcements. At the same time, let them tell the generals over there that they must defend the second-level defensive pass no matter what."

    Toyaya Saburo made a decision quickly.  That's reinforcements.

    There are not many defenders in Shiliang City, but fortunately he has organized all the young men in the city, which can alleviate the problem of insufficient troops.

    Although these young men are civilians, they cannot be compared with elite trained regular soldiers.

    But at this moment, who cares about this issue?

    "Anyway, as long as he can wield the weapon, that's fine.

    However, there is also aA problem that gave Toyotani Saburo some headaches was that there were no extra weapons provided in Shiliang City, so these young men who were temporarily recruited could only hold wooden sticks or bamboo spears to resist the enemy.

    Originally, there were some weapons stored in Shiliang City.

    However, these weapons were taken away by Yamaguchi Shigenobu, the lord of Satsuma Domain.

    When Yamaguchi re-received these weapons, they were used to arm his elite troops.

    After all, at that time, Yamaguchi Shigenobu and the Satsuma clan¡¯s army were going to Mirokuhara.

    Therefore, Yamaguchi Shigenobu hopes to arm his soldiers to the teeth.  Then, to the other daimyo, show off the style of the Samurai clan warriors.

    "It's a pity that the Kyushu Allied Forces were defeated in the First Battle of Mirokuhara. Yamaguchi Shigenobu led 20,000 people out, but he only fled back to Satsuma Domain with less than 2,000 soldiers and horses like a bereaved dog.

    As for those weapons, it goes without saying that they must have been lost on the battlefield of Mirokuhara.

    And Zhao Hongyu did clean up the battlefield of Satsuma Domain and collected a lot of armors and weapons.

    These weapons were all given to Tokugawa Kayo by Zhao Hongyu and used by Tokugawa Kayo to recruit troops.

    After all, those weapons and armors are very sophisticated, so it would be a pity to just throw them away.

    ¡°And Tokugawa Kayo has now begun to take the lead, so he needs to form an army.

    ¡°In addition to people, an army also needs armor and weapons.

    If Zhao Hongyu buys it temporarily from the virtual world, it will cost money and time.

    Therefore, it is much more convenient to have these weapons and armor.

    Zhao Hongyu was relieved and happy, but the Satsuma clan was unlucky.

    ??Here in Shiliang City, due to the lord¡¯s mistake, there are actually not enough weapons now.

    However, the enemy came so quickly, they had no time to prepare anything.

    therefore.  Toyotani Saburo could only bite the bullet and let the young men pick up the wooden sticks and go to the battlefield.

    There is no other way.

    ¡°At least, it¡¯s better than using bare hands.

    After receiving the order from Toyotani Saburo, a military general left in a hurry. After a while, he selected five hundred young men and left.

    Toyaya Saburo came to the edge of the city, leaned out and looked down.  Because of the height below, everyone looks like a little person.

    At this time, there is an attack on the second layer of defense circle.  It has reached a fever pitch.

    Although the defenders¡¯ defensive equipment is no longer usable, they will still pick up some items they can find and drop them in the hope of causing damage to the attacking Roderny and others.

    On the narrow winding mountain road, ten or twenty people wearing European clothes and armor have fallen. These people are Portuguese mercenaries under Roderney.

    Some of them died on the spot, and some were just seriously injured and fell there.

    Around them, there were stones and spears, and it seemed that these things had caused them harm.

    Roddelny stood in a safe place and watched the two attacking teams fall on the road.  Therefore, he couldn't help but feel angry in his heart.

    Damn Japanese monkeys, they actually cost me twenty men.

    However, if you want to make a fortune, you must conquer Shiliang City.

    Under the control of wealth.  Although twenty companions have been lost, the mercenaries' fighting spirit is still very high.

    Ahead is the gate leading to the second defense circle. As long as this gate can be opened.  Then they can rush to the top of the second defensive circle, kill the defenders and seize the second level.

    But the problem is that the gate at the pass is very strong.  At the same time, they also have to worry about attacks from above when attacking.  Therefore, in a short period of time, Rodelny had no good way to solve this problem.

    Therefore, Rodelny can only take the oldest method now, which is to make people pile up.

    However, this method will cause great losses.

    But right now, I don¡¯t care about that much anymore.

    They must now seize the three-layer defense circle as much as possible before the enemy can react.

    If it takes too long, it may become difficult.

    At this moment, the Imperial Army sent thirty soldiers from the rear. One of the leading squad leaders came to Rodelny and asked:??: "Our general asked me to ask you, why is the offensive frustrated now?"

    Hearing this, Roderney explained.

    After listening to Rodelny's explanation, the squad leader said to Rodelny: "Let your people stop attacking for the time being. Your attack will only lose your men. Leave that city gate to us."  Once we destroy this city gate, I think your attack will not be frustrated."

    "As long as you can destroy this city gate, then my men and I will definitely kill the defenders!" Roderny said firmly.

    The gene man team leader waved his hand, and two of the gene man soldiers following him came out.

    One of the arrowheads of the two genetic soldiers was carrying an iron pipe.

    Roddelny was very curious. He didn¡¯t know what this thing was?

    The genetic man team leader raised his hand and patted Roddelny on the shoulder and said: "Get ready, that city gate cannot be an obstacle. In a moment, the enemy's defenders will be handed over to you."

    ????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? No way!

    Could it be that these guys just want to use this iron pipe to destroy the city gate?

    Hearing this, Roderny immediately understood what these Song Empire soldiers were going to do.

    However, after guessing this result, Rodelny felt very surprised.

    He simply couldn¡¯t figure out what these people could do with such ordinary iron pipes.

    ¡°If you want to destroy that city gate, it¡¯s probably impossible to just use this thing.

    This kind of iron pipe has no power.

    It¡¯s really nonsense, isn¡¯t it?

    It¡¯s not just Rodney who¡¯s complaining about this.

    The surrounding Portuguese mercenaries also felt that these people from the Song Empire were crazy.

    But soon, the empire¡¯s genetic soldiers opened their eyes (To be continued)
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