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Text Chapter 820 All-Army Assault

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    "Your Highness, the enemy has begun to advance."

    When the Kyushu Allied Forces' front began to move slowly, Zhao Hongyu put down the telescope in his hand.

    And Hattori Chizuru, who was beside him, spoke at this time.

    The corners of Zhao Hongyu¡¯s mouth curled up, revealing a calm smile.

    "It doesn't matter, I want them to have a taste of it."

    Zhao Hongyu saw in the telescope that the Kyushu Allied Forces first sent out archers to prepare for a long-range attack on themselves.

    Behind the archers are the spearmen.

    As for Kyushu¡¯s sparse cavalry, as well as the elite Hatamoto samurai from various daimyo, they still did not move at the rear of the military formation.

    But even so, the number of enemies Zhao Hongyu and the others have to face now has reached 130,000.

    Haha, in order to eliminate themselves in a short period of time, it seems that the Kyushu people sent almost all their troops up at once.  They seemed to be planning to launch a charge and then defeat themselves.

    It¡¯s a good idea, but I can¡¯t let them get their wish.

    Zhao Hongyu saw through the other party's plan at a glance, so he sneered in his heart.

    The way the Kyushu Allied Forces fight is quite satisfactory.

    First, they sent out archers, preparing to cause a lot of damage to Zhao Hongyu and the others before the army charged.

    When the spearmen at the rear began to charge, the archers were still able to shoot four or five rounds of arrows.

    With this kind of attack method, Zhao Hongyu and the others are really unable to resist.

    Of course, the premise is that Zhao Hongyu is also a cold weapon team.

    But the problem is that the team commanded by Zhao Hongyu are basically genetic people cultivated from the virtual world. The weapons used by these genetic people are all muskets.

    The shooting range of bows and arrows in this era is about one hundred to one hundred and fifty steps, that is, a distance of about fifty to seventy-five meters. If it exceeds this distance, the degree of damage will be greatly reduced.

    Of course, if it is ejected, the distance may be further.

    As for the Kyushu Allied Forces, there are about 12,000 archers, so they will definitely use the chrysalis projectile method to deal with them.

    Once the opponent enters the attack range, it can really cause a lot of trouble to oneself.

    After all, Zhao Hongyu¡¯s command, except for the anti-riot shields of the Imperial Alliance Army of Yuji Hebian, the soldiers who lined up to kill the party had no tools to resist arrows except flintlock rifles and machetes.

    However, Zhao Hongyu is not worried at all.

    Because he has artillery here.

    "Compared to a hundred or even a hundred and fifty steps, or a bow and arrow that can reach 250 steps, artillery has a longer range and is more powerful and lethal.

    The artillery pieces under Zhao Hongyu were all unloaded from the battleships.

    This kind of ship-based artillery has a normal shooting distance of six nautical miles and is very accurate.

    Although it is now used as an army artillery and is equipped with a gun mount, it may not be able to shoot that far, but it can still attack the enemy at a distance of six to seven hundred meters.

    Therefore, when the enemy's archers come within range and can cause damage to their own side, they must first be baptized by their own artillery.

    ¡°Artillerymen prepare!¡±

    Observing the distance, Zhao Hongyu found that the Kyushu Allied Forces on the opposite side were still almost 1,200 meters away from him.

    Therefore, he did not panic at all and asked his messenger to convey his order to the artillerymen behind.

    After receiving Zhao Hongyu¡¯s order, the artillerymen in the rear began to load gunpowder and then stuffed explosive shells.


    Boom!  boom!  Boom boom!

    When everything was ready, the cannons started bombarding one after another with an order.

    Yes, Zhao Hongyu¡¯s gunners did not fire together.  But after one artillery fires, the next artillery continues to fire.

    This function allows the shells to fall on the enemy's heads without interruption, without giving them any time to breathe.

    Zhao Hongyu now has more than 200 artillery pieces in his team.

    Therefore, from the time the first artillery fires to the last artillery firing, the first artillery will be reloaded with gunpowder and shells.

    It can be said that it does not waste time at all.

    "Adjust the artillery parameters,"Mark the distance of one thousand meters!  Reload!  "

    Boom boom boom!

    After Zhao Hongyu opened fire, the advancing archer formation of the Kyushu Allied Forces was immediately riddled with holes.

    As the shells exploded one after another, and the exploding shells splashed and shot, all kinds of blood mist and broken limbs were constantly thrown into the air, or suddenly turned into minced meat.

    The human body appears so fragile in front of steel.

    For a time, the Kyushu Allied Forces were stunned.

    The second-year Fujita students in the back also had their mouths wide open with expressions of astonishment on their faces.

    "What kind of weapon is the enemy using? Is it the kind of artillery on the Nanman warships?"

    After being shocked, Fujita Koji screamed loudly.

    Yes, artillery is not unfamiliar to the Japanese.

    After all, you will also encounter many Nanman people here in Kyushu, that is, those businessmen from Europe.

    These European merchants have such artillery on their warships.

    And some Japanese merchants would also encounter battles between Europeans and some pirates at sea, so they knew how powerful this kind of artillery was.

    However, this kind of artillery is generally used on battleships, and no one has ever used it on land.

    Therefore, no one can imagine that this kind of artillery can actually be used in land warfare.

    It has to be said that the Japanese are still a bit weak in terms of knowledge.

    In fact, Europeans in this era have already begun to use artillery in land warfare.

    Moreover, not only Europeans, but the Ming Dynasty Army in the East also had examples of using artillery, and they were still small artillery.

    It¡¯s just a pity that the technology of manufacturing small artillery in the Ming Dynasty was not up to standard, so this kind of small-caliber artillery loaded on a small trolley often exploded due to poor craftsmanship.

    Therefore, the Ming Dynasty ended the research on this small-caliber artillery.

    Then, slowly began to build large-caliber red cannons.

    Furthermore, due to people¡¯s lack of awareness, artillery eventually became a defensive weapon that could only be placed on city walls, instead of developing into a weapon for land warfare.

    Having said that, in addition to people¡¯s inadequate thoughts and consciousness, it also has a lot to do with the quality of iron and crafts, etc.

    After all, no one can be like Zhao Hongyu, who can be so outrageous as to purchase the antique artillery just built using modern technology from the virtual world.

    Although the materials of this kind of artillery are scrap iron and scrap steel, after all, modern water products are here, so it is better to build them than those of the seventeenth century.

    "Order! All charge!"

    Fujita High School sophomore immediately noticed that his side was in a somewhat passive situation.

    If we follow this style of play, we may not know how many people will die on the way forward.

    Now, the Kyushu Allied Forces are still one thousand meters away from Zhao Hongyu¡¯s position.

    On this side, the second round of artillery firing has begun.

    As the second round of shelling began, the Kyushu Allied Forces began to charge, and their actions became obviously faster.

    However, they are still one thousand meters away from Zhao Hongyu.

    Therefore, it is inevitable to continue to withstand artillery attacks.

    When the shells of the second round of bombardment fell, the Kyushu Allied Forces' charging formation, which was attacking in a dense formation, suffered a ruthless blow.

    ¡°Almost every shell that falls will take away more than a hundred living lives, and its cruelty is beyond people¡¯s imagination.

    When the cannonball explodes, a blank area will appear.

    The soldiers within the killing range were either destroyed or fell to the ground.

    After the first round of shelling and the second round of shelling, the 12,000-strong archer team was completely crippled.

    A large part of the archer soldiers began to turn around and run back.

    In their view, continuing to move forward is no different from seeking death.

    Such guys were basically killed by the generals who rushed up from behind and led the spearmen.

    "U-turn on the battlefield and no order to retreat. According to the Japanese military orders, they can be killed on the spot.

    There are also some archers who have begun to shoot arrows even though they have not yet entered the attack range.

    They don¡¯t care at all whether their arrows can reach the other side. They just want to send their weapons as far as possible.Cause harm to the other party.

    It can be said that they no longer have the ability to judge.

    There are also some people whose expressions are dull and confused.  Some people giggled, some sat on the ground and cried, and some looked around with numb faces, and finally muttered something.

    ¡°These are people who have completely suffered a mental breakdown.

    For these people, no one has pity for them.

    On the battlefield, no one cares about these things.

    The charge of hundreds of thousands of people was a huge scene.

    No movie scenes or pictures can express this kind of shock.

    "Load the ammunition! Release!"

    Boom!  Boom boom boom!

    The third round of bombardment began, and the target of this bombardment was the charging Kyushu infantry.

    It may be that the people of Kyushu do not understand Zhao Hongyu¡¯s fighting methods, nor do they understand the real power of artillery, and because of their lack of knowledge, the Kyushu Army uses an extremely dense charging queue.

    But such a formation allowed Zhao Hongyu's artillery to be put to great use.

    It can be said that every time a cannon falls, more than a hundred people are killed and more than a hundred people are injured. That is normal.

    Therefore, after two hundred rounds of artillery shells have passed, at least five to six thousand people in the charging team will be killed, and thousands more will be seriously injured.

    Therefore, if you can look down at the ground from the sky, you can see that there are many gaps in the charging Kyushu Allied Forces column.

    At this time, the Kyushu Allied Forces were still 800 meters away from Zhao Hongyu's position.

    "Hehe, it's really useful when you have more artillery."

    Facing the enemies charging at them fiercely, Zhao Hongyu was still able to keep a smile on his face.

    This impressed Hattori Chizuru who was beside him.

    And when Emma and Sarah saw their men being so calm, they both admired from the bottom of their hearts.  (To be continued. Please search Piaotian Literature, the novels will be better and updated faster!)
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