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Text Chapter 815 The war spirit is high among the people of Jiuzhou (Third update!)

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    Mirokuhara is located at the western end of the Miyazaki Castle area.  It is located on a plain between the Oyodogawa, Kobayashi and Kirishima areas, which is very conducive to the garrison of large armies.

    After all, the thirteen famous families in Kyushu have assembled a total of 150,000 troops.  Therefore, if we do not choose a good location, we cannot place so many soldiers and horses at once.

    In ancient times, when marching and fighting, this factor sometimes had to be taken into consideration.

    Even in modern or modern times, the Army still has to consider some geographical environmental factors.

    Maitreya was originally an uninhabited area, but since the 13 daimyo from Kyushu gathered their armies together, it has become lively.

    As soon as you walk into this area, you can see the densely packed flags and tents set up.

    "Report! The enemy has landed in Kawaguchi Town and is stationed in Kawaguchi Town."

    At this time, the 13 daimyo families gathered at Maitreyahara.

    When they learned that the enemy army had appeared, these Kyushu daimyo began to become nervous.

    Everyone is very clear about this. With the arrival of these enemies, there will no longer be any peace on the Kyushu Continent.

    "What other actions will the enemy take after entering Kawaguchi Town?"

    Fujita Koji, who was elected as the commander of the Kyushu Thirteen Daimyo Alliance Forces, asked with a serious expression while sitting in the main seat.

    The Kyushu soldier who came in to report knelt down on one knee, lowered his head and replied: "According to Shinobu Urama's report, the enemy has not taken any action since entering Kawaguchi Town. It seems that the enemy does not plan to take any action in the short term.  ."

    Fujita Gaoji frowned and ordered: "Notify the Urama ninjas and let them blend into the enemy's army, carefully check the enemy's information, and assassinate the enemy's senior generals if necessary."

    "Oh!" After responding, the reporting guy retreated.

    Fujita Gaoji glanced around the camp, and then said seriously and seriously to the twelve daimyo: "The enemy indeed landed from Miyazaki. It seems that our inference is not wrong at all. But now the enemy is not here  Launch an attack immediately, maybe we have to be more proactive."

    After hearing what Fujita said, the other daimyo said that his proposal was very correct.

    Now they have gathered all the troops in Kyushu to destroy these enemies.

    If these enemies have already landed in Miyazaki and are stationed in Kawaguchi Town.  Although the enemy has not made any further moves, they can take the initiative to fight with the enemy.

    And the amount of materials their 150,000-strong army needs to consume every day is very huge, so it is impossible to have to consume it with the enemy.

    Therefore, the most important thing for them is to deal with these enemies as soon as possible.

    Now, all the thirteen famous names are full of confidence.

    Because behind them, there are 150,000 troops as support.

    Such a large number of troops is the source of their confidence.  And everyone believed that no matter how powerful these foreigners were, they would not be able to fight against 150,000 of them with the few people they had.

    That is simply a mindless courting of death.

    But what none of them expected was that their enemies had indeed made up their minds to confront them at this time, and had already begun to make preparations.

    If the famous people in Kyushu knew about this, they would probably be shocked by the news.

    "Order the entire army to have a good rest. We will go to Kawaguchi Town early tomorrow morning to fight the enemy decisively."

    Seeing that everyone¡¯s morale was good now, Senior High School Fujita issued an order immediately.


    Everyone responded loudly, their fighting spirit at this time was very high.

    It¡¯s just that none of them could imagine what kind of enemy they would encounter and what kind of battlefield it would be¡ª¡ª

    Dividing line¡ª¡ª

    On the other side, Zhao Hongyu was unloading the artillery from the battleship, and then dismantling the wood of the Kawaguchi Town house to build a base for moving the artillery.

    For Zhao Hongyu, the enemy numbering 150,000 is certainly terrifying, but as long as he uses the artillery well, he may not be able to defeat the opponent.

    Although Hattori Kizo and the others were not very supportive of Zhao Hongyu's decision to fight with the Kyushu Allied Forces, they had no choice but to do so after Zhao Hongyu made the final decision.

    " Kawabe Yuuji seemed very grateful after receiving Zhao Hongyu's support.

      After all, Yuji Kawabe was originally a prisoner, and he has always gained Zhao Hongyu's trust since he took refuge in him.

    Such a feeling was something he had never experienced before.

    For a moment, Yuji Kawabe's mind immediately had the idea of ??dying for his confidant.

    In fact, Japanese people are also human beings.

    There are perverts among them, but there are also some hot-blooded guys.

    Although Yuji Kawabe, a fat man, is very good at assessing situations, he also does not lack passion.

    It¡¯s just that he didn¡¯t have such a stage before.

    And when he was in Osaka Castle, he had never met a lord like Zhao Hongyu who could give him such unconditional trust and support.

    At this time, Kawabe Yuuji and Zhao Hongyu were standing on the pier of Kawaguchi Town, watching the genetic soldiers shouting slogans and unloading heavy artillery from the battleship.

    "Your Highness, thank you so much for your support. I really don't know how to thank you." Yuji Kawabe thanked Zhao Hongyu sincerely at this time.

    After Zhao Hongyu heard this, he just smiled faintly: "Xiongji, you are wrong if you say that. What I support is not you personally, but your proposal, because I personally think so too. After all, if we are like this  If we just retreat, it will have a huge impact on morale. And personally, I don¡¯t think we are really no match for the Kyushu Allied Forces.¡±

    Zhao Hongyu told Yuji Kawabe the truth.

    Although it is impossible for Yuji Kawabe to really understand, after all, he is a native of the seventeenth century, and it is impossible for him to know the destructive power and power of weapons that are more than a hundred years ahead like Zhao Hongyu.

    The main reason why Zhao Hongyu had such an idea was because the weapons at his disposal were very 'advanced'.

    This is something that Yuji Kawabe does not have, nor does he know or understand.

    "Your Highness, I am actually quite optimistic about fighting against the Kyushu Allied Forces. Please believe me on this point." Kawabe Yuuji didn't mind Zhao Hongyu's words. For him, Zhao Hongyu was a superior person, and  I am just a little shrimp.

    It is quite normal that His Royal Highness the Crown Prince did not accept what he said just now, which was almost flattering.

    So, Kawabe Yuuji changed the topic and talked about other things.

    Where does Kawabe Yuuji get his confidence?

    ¡°It is impossible for him to have such confidence because he has the same understanding of weapons that are more than a hundred years ahead of this era.

    Therefore, what Yuji Kawabe said really aroused Zhao Hongyu's interest.

    He was going to ask Kawabe Yuuji.

    In fact, since Kawabe Yuuji took refuge with him, although this guy has behaved very low-key, the words he sometimes says and the things he does make him very special.

    ?? If nothing else, it is very accurate to say that he is sensitive and sure of some things on the battlefield.

    Strictly speaking, this guy is not just smart.

    In this era of cold weapons, Yuji Kawabe fully possesses the qualifications that a famous general can possess.

    These are all things Zhao Hongyu felt little by little.

    ¡° If this fat guy really has the qualities I guessed, maybe it¡¯s not impossible to cultivate him.

    The very least thing you can do is take him with you when you go to the Ming Dynasty. Then you can let this guy deal with the wild boar skin, right?

    Of course, this is just Zhao Hongyu¡¯s random thought.

    After all, if Kyushu is stabilized, people must stay here to create some checks and balances on Tokugawa Kayo.  Therefore, people like Yuji Kawabe and Zouzou Iguchi must stay in Kyushu.

    Suppressing his random thoughts, Zhao Hongyu turned his head and glanced at the fat Yuji Kawabe, then turned his head and continued to look at the genetic soldiers who were working hard to unload the cannon.

    "Yuji, why do you have such an idea? Although you and I experienced the battle in Osaka Castle together, you still know some things about the military system of our Song Empire. It's impossible for you to know everything that well.",  Zhao Hongyu asked.  "And you also know that there are as many as 150,000 enemies we are about to face." After speaking, Zhao Hongyu turned around and winked at Yuji Hebian.

    Facing Zhao Hongyu¡¯s doubts and inquiries, the fat Yuuji Kawabe¡¯s face did not change much, as if he had long expected that His Highness would ask him such questions.

    "Your Highness, you are not worried. You must be worried about your subordinates."The army has very strong self-confidence.  So what do I have to worry about.  "The fat Yuji Kawabe spread his hands and shrugged, and made a little joke with Zhao Hongyu.

    Through this period of contact, Kawabe Yuuji actually discovered that Zhao Hongyu is a very good-tempered person, so it doesn't matter if he makes such a harmless joke.

    ¡°This His Highness is not like other famous names in the Japanese country, who keeps a straight face and pretends to be serious all day long.

    ¡°Afterwards, Yuji Kawabe¡¯s expression immediately changed and he became serious and serious.

    "The tactics and weapons used by His Highness's army are things I have never seen or thought about. And I found that this kind of tactics and that kind of flintlock rifle are an incomparable fit" Yuji Kawabe  He began to tell Zhao Hongyu seriously.

    "This tactic is somewhat similar to the three-stage shooting of the Warring States Period, but it is much stronger than the three-stage shooting. Moreover, the flintlock guns used by the soldiers in your army are more powerful than the iron cannons we purchased from the Nanman people.  It is much larger. Whether it is the rate of fire, ease of use, power or range, it is much higher." At this point, Kawabe Yuuji paused, and then continued: "So, according to this  Tactics, if the Kyushu Army charges head-on, I think we can definitely cause a lot of damage to them."

    "At the same time, the most important thing is that the Kyushu people have definitely not been exposed to tactics like ours, so I think we can take advantage of this and give them a head-on blow."

    Listening to Kawabe Yuji¡¯s narration, Zhao Hongyu began to nod unconsciously.

    Because what Yuji Kawabe said is very accurate.

    With the more than 9,000 soldiers under his command, excluding the more than 600 Japanese Imperial Alliance troops and the 300 European slave cavalry, the remaining 8,000 or so land troops can definitely kill many Kyushu soldiers with one shot.  .

    If calculated based on speculation and proportion, more than 8,000 people are divided into five queues.

    Then there are at least 1,600 people in a queue.

    So, a one-time shooting is to shoot 1,600 rounds of lead bullets.

    Even though the accuracy of the flintlock gun is not high, it can still shoot hundreds of people.

    So in other words, hundreds of members of the Kyushu Army can lose their combat effectiveness in the blink of an eye.

    ¡°Then if the five teams rotate, they will be able to kill and injure thousands of people on the other side.

    And Zhao Hongyu¡¯s team can continue firing endlessly as long as they have enough ammunition. This is definitely a nightmare.

    Therefore, a rough estimate can cause casualties of more than 10,000 to 20,000 people on the other side.

    At the same time, after suffering such heavy losses and casualties, the Kyushu Army must stop charging.

    So, this will give yourself time to replenish your ammunition.

    Kawabe Yuuji must have considered such a situation, so he made such a suggestion to himself.

    "Your Highness, especially when we have weapons like artillery in our hands, I think the people of Kyushu would never have imagined it." When Yuji Kawabe talked about artillery, Zhao Hongyu actually saw some kind of light in his eyes.  Flashing.

    "I can't imagine that after two hundred artillery salvos, can the Kyushu Army still maintain their courage? To be honest, I can't help but want to know the answer right now."

    Because he participated in the war in the Osaka area, Kawabe Yuuji knew the power of artillery very well.

    This kind of existence, which is generally not a mainstream weapon in the Eastern countries, has been deeply imprinted in Yuji Kawabe's mind, and is regarded as a weapon of war by Yuji Kawabe.

    In other words, Yuji Kawabe saw the advantages and advantages of artillery, and the role it could play in war.

    In fact, artillery was already used in the military in the Ming Dynasty. It can be said that the Ming Dynasty used artillery no later than the Europeans.

    It¡¯s just that in the Ming Dynasty, artillery was often used as a weapon to defend the city and could not be used on a large scale in field battles, so it was a pity.

    This is mainly due to the cannon-making technology of this era.

    After all, the cannons produced in this era were very heavy and difficult to move.

    Therefore, it becomes very difficult to use it in the field.

    Only people like Zhao Hongyu can use artillery as he wishes and put it into field battles.

    You must know that the weight of the artillery in his hands is much lighter than that of the artillery of the same era.  At the same time, it is not easy to explode, and the quality is much better.

      Although his artillery was made of scrap steel, in another era of time and space, it would have been a garbage knockoff.

    However, the level of technology is different. Even if this thing is junk, it is still better than the ones of this era.

    And after Zhao Hongyu heard Yuji Kawabe mention the artillery, he already knew that this guy was a talent worth cultivating.  (To be continued. Please search Piaotian Literature, the novels will be better and updated faster!)
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