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Text Chapter 767 We are better than the Europeans

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    On the plain outside Jinshan City, in addition to the busy construction sites, there are countless Indians who are reclaiming land further away.

    These Indians are basically from the surrounding areas.

    They belong to different tribes, because Indian tribal wars occurred in the Great Plains further away, and small tribes like them had no way to survive.

    Small tribes like this can only migrate to the vicinity of Jinshan Mountain in the end.

    "Otherwise, what awaits them is that the men will be killed and the women will become the trophies of the big tribe.

    Even some defeated and withered tribes will migrate to this place.

    However, at this time, Jinshan is no longer the land of its previous owners.

    Now, there is a new owner here.

    And, these new masters are still very powerful.

    Therefore, these migrating Indian tribes made a wise choice to become their vassals in order to seek the blessing of God.

    Of course, there are also some tribes that failed in the battle for hegemony on the plains, but were unwilling to do so.

    They want to conquer the small tribes here, merge them into their own tribe to increase their strength, and then fight back to the plains.

    "It's a pity that they met the Song Emperor's army who protected these small tribes, so they suffered a tragedy.

    Wang Shan¡¯s troops have already encountered many tribes like this.

    It was precisely with the heads of these tribes that the powerful Song Dynasty in the Jinshan area achieved its prestige.

    Because of their power, small tribes flocked to join them.

    Let Wang Shan here in Jinshan solve the big problem of shortage of manpower.

    Originally, according to the general situation, so many people came to defect.

    So, there will definitely be some crisis on the food issue.

    However, no one would have thought that this problem was not a big trouble at all for Wang Shan.

    after all.  Wang Shan is also a genetic person with some authority.

    Therefore, he can alleviate the food pressure Jinshan faces due to the increase in population by purchasing enough food from the virtual world.

    Isn¡¯t it just some old rice? And if he is willing to buy old rice, it can be regarded as solving a lot of troubles for a certain Chinese city in the virtual world, and even bringing a lot of political achievements.

    As the leader of this "foreign trade", Chen Zhenbang has achieved a real political achievement, which has been praised by internal reports.

    For Wang Shan, buying physical objects from the virtual world like this supplements the situation here.  It will only appear this year.

    After all, the land here in Jinshan has just been reclaimed. If you want to use it, you have to wait until next spring.

    In the six months since Zhao Hongyu left, Wang Shancai organized manpower to reclaim 10,000 acres of land. When potatoes and wheat are planted next spring, there will be no need to buy food from the virtual world.

    Of course, some seasonings and so on are definitely still needed.

    Who told the Song Empire to not produce these things at all?

    Even salt, iron, and other items may have to be purchased from the virtual world.  There is no way around it.

    However, the land can continue to be reclaimed starting next year.  Even after the land is expanded, more crops and vegetables can be grown, giving people more varieties of food.

    All this must be done slowly, without any rush.

    Wang Shan still knows this truth.

    By then, when His Highness has brought in the population from the Ming Dynasty, Jinshan¡¯s development will accelerate.

    It only takes about three or four years.  This place will once again become as prosperous as another Manhattan city.

    Wang Shan is very confident about this.

    this day

    Wang Shan and a group of his men came to the shipyard under construction next to Jinshan Bay to inspect.  The shipyard is very important for going to Wangshan.

    The ships now being built in shipyards in Manhattan, Ontario and Quebec will definitely be used in the battle for hegemony in the Atlantic Ocean in the future.

    Therefore, it is unlikely that too many battleships will be mobilized to our side.

    Therefore, after considering this situation, Wang Shan felt that the fleet on the Pacific side needed to find a solution on its own.

    You know, the warships built by the shipyards on the east coast will now be used to defend the imperial waters.

    nowThe empire's maritime territory is very vast, including North America, Central America, and South America, which is such a huge territory.

    If there is no huge fleet and a large number of warships to defend it, it will be a disaster for the empire.

    Based on the current number of shipyards in the empire and the number of warships launched every month, it will take at least ten years for the empire to form a complete coastal defense fleet.

    If you want to conquer the ocean at the same time, it will take longer.

    This refers to the situation on the Atlantic side, not the time that includes the Pacific side.

    If you include the Pacific Fleet, it will take at least twenty years.

    You know, this is still under the condition that Zhao Hongyu cheated.

    If Zhao Hongyu didn¡¯t have a cheating device, it would be almost impossible for him to do all this in twenty years.

    You must know that the reason why Europeans had such a powerful force at sea in another time and space was the result of the efforts of several generations.

    ¡°If nothing else, skilled and experienced sailors cannot be trained overnight.

    Fortunately, there are no enemies in the Pacific Ocean on the west coast.

    Therefore, the shipyards here in Wangshan do not have to face the same pressure as those on the east coast.

    But considering that in the near future, many ocean-going ships will be sent to the East to transport immigrants from the Ming Dynasty, that's why Wang Shan spared no effort to start building warships.

    Of course, after the shipyard is built, the ocean-going ships built are basically transport ships.

    This kind of transport ship takes into account some defense and combat effectiveness. The main thing is that the transport cargo space is increased.

    Because there are no ocean-going ships in the East like Europe, the empire will not encounter enemies in the Pacific.

    Even if you go to the East and encounter pirates from the East, this kind of ocean-going transport ship that does not think too much about firepower can still protect itself.

    In addition, Wang Shan is also considering building some large fishing boats. You must know that the Pacific Ocean in this era is rich in fishery resources.

    At the same time, this rich fishery resource can become another source of funds for Jinshan City, and it is also very easy.

    To know.  In Manhattan and Quebec City, this kind of fishing business has brought Zhao Hongyu a lot of money.

    As long as Wang Shan and the others do not conduct destructive fishing on the fishery resources here like the Europeans in another time and space history, then there will be no problems.

    During Zhao Hongyu¡¯s voyage to the East, he also discovered Hawaii by the way.

    Wang Shan has already stationed troops on this island country.

    The queen of the Hawaiian Indians was very afraid of these powerful outsiders and expressed her surrender without letting the empire take action.

    For Hawaii.  Wang Shan attaches great importance to it.

    Not only because Hawaii¡¯s geographical location is very important, but also because Hawaii can become the source of raw materials for the empire¡¯s sugar production.

    In another time and space, Hawaii was an important sugar producing area in the United States and even the world.

    The climate here is pleasant all year round and is very suitable for growing raw materials for sugar production.

    So, how could Wang Shan not care.

    You know, if you can produce some goods independently, you can buy one less product from the virtual world.

    At that time, the saved expenses can be used for investment.

    Don¡¯t look at the fact that everything in the empire can be purchased from the virtual world, but faced with such an easy transaction, whether it is Zhao Hongyu or Wang Shan.  Or perhaps Professor Liu and even Song Hu and Zhang Tie felt uneasy.

    They have always thought that.  Producing these goods yourself is the most important thing.

    God knows what will happen when the trading machine becomes unusable.

    By that time, there will be no development for the empire.

    And the empire will also experience violent turmoil.

    It¡¯s just that now is not the time to invest in those bottomless pits that consume money.

    ¡°After all, Zhao Hongyu¡¯s money now has to be used to buy genetic people of Chinese descent.

    at the same time.  The development of the empire requires the purchase of large quantities of building materials.

    Therefore, it is impossible to have excess funds.  It¡¯s a bottomless pit for investment.

    Besides, as an empire, there are onlyPopulation is what matters.

    This is the cornerstone of an empire and the top priority.

    Soldiers must be generated from the population, and taxes must also be generated from the population.

    Therefore, if the empire does not have enough population, Zhao Hongyu will not be able to control such a large America.

    At the same time, what Zhao Hongyu needs is not just the general population.

    What he needs is the Chinese population.

    ??And cultivating a population of Chinese descent requires a lot of money.

    The price of 420,000 virtual world soft girl coins may not seem like much, but if you calculate it carefully, it is staggering.

    You must know that last year, Zhao Hongyu accumulated a whole year of funds in his account, but in the end he only managed to cultivate a population of more than 70,000 Chinese people.

    "It's only 70,000 a year, and it's only over 700,000 in ten years."

    For a continent as big as the Americas, such a small number of people is simply not enough.

    Of course, as long as Zhao Hongyu¡¯s level can be improved, he will make money much faster.

    After all, there are only eight genetic people under his command who have opened their permissions, which is still too few.

    But, if he wants to upgrade, he needs a process.

    This process must take time.

    Although the eight genetic people who have opened their permissions have developed eight cities, they only have a monthly spending quota of one billion yuan.

    Therefore, they allocate the one billion yuan quota very carefully.

    At the same time, the raw materials needed for urban construction, as well as some food and condiments that stabilize people's livelihood, and non-staple food, all need to be purchased from the virtual world.

    Therefore, only half of the funds can be used to cultivate genetically Chinese people.

    ¡° Even so, it¡¯s pretty good.

    So, we can¡¯t be too demanding.

    The development of Manhattan, Quebec, Ontario City and four other cities is already very stable.

    As long as nothing goes wrong and they maintain such stable development, big cities will appear one after another in the near future.

    However, Jinshan City on the west coast of America controlled by Wang Shan is different.

    Because this city has just begun to develop.

    Therefore, more raw materials for construction are needed.

    You must know that buying cement and bricks from the virtual world is more convenient and faster than building cities with stones in this era.

    But these all require money to buy.

    There is no money in the virtual world, and you won¡¯t even have a hair.

    This is very realistic, and very cruel.

    If all the money Wang Shan has is used to cultivate genetic people, then the construction and development of Jinshan will be completely out of the question.

    " Moreover, the cheap food and non-staple food supplies for those Indians, as well as cotton-padded clothes to keep out the cold, are no longer available.

    ?????????????????????????????????????????????? If these commodities are no longer available, then the Indian vassals in the Jinshan area will greatly reduce their recognition of the Song Dynasty. This is for sure.

    Now, it is all thanks to these commodities that the vassal Indians can see the benefits of following the Song Dynasty and the bright road.

    So, these advantages must be maintained and we must not give up halfway.

    The color of the sea here in Jinshan Bay is darker than that in Manhattan.

    There is also a small island about thirty nautical miles across from Jinshan Pier.

    This island, in another time and space, was named St. Louis Island.

    But in this time and space, this island was renamed Xiangdong Island by Zhao Hongyu.

    There are a thousand troops stationed on the island, and it has not yet been developed.

    However, it is only a matter of time before it is developed. After all, the scope of this island is not small.

    It is absolutely impossible to waste it.

    At this time, in the shallow sea of ??Jinshan Bay, there are already many small fishing boats wandering on the sea.

    And the people on these small fishing boats are all Indian fishermen who originally lived near Jinshan.

    These Indian ships are very strange, and they are completely different from the ships in the East and Europe.

    This kind of boat can generally only carry two people, and it can only sail in shallow waters, making it impossible to go further.

    Strictly speaking, this kind of fishing boat is somewhat similar to a canoe.

    For such a smallWang Shan doesn¡¯t like boats at all.

    He stared at the Indians fishing on the sea for a long time, and then left with a group of his men.

    Because of their existence, the current era has gradually begun to change.

    ¡°At least, when it comes to treating these Indians, Wang Shan himself feels that they have done much better than the Europeans in another time and space.

    Because the Song Empire could accept the integration of Indians, instead of bringing massacre to the Indians like the Europeans in another time and space.

    When Wang Shan led a group of his men to the beach, he was thinking silently in his heart (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to vote for recommendations and monthly votes. Your support is mine.  The biggest motivation.)
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