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Text Chapter 734: Two or Three Things in America (Third update!)

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    There are many poles on the pier, and a large number of albatrosses and seagulls are circling and flying over the pier.

    Some landed on the top of the pole and chirped twice, while others looked around to see if there was anything they could eat on the ground.

    Animals are also very smart, even if their brains are small.

    There weren¡¯t so many seabirds here before, that¡¯s because it was too deserted.

    However, since Zhao Hongyu established the city here and developed Manhattan, there have been more and more seabirds at the pier.

    The reason is very simple, because there is food here.

    Because Manhattan is developing and building every day, the pier has also been continuously expanded.

    Therefore, more and more people are looking for jobs at the dock. At the same time, due to the expansion of the dock, more and more ships can be berthed.

    ??The more people come and go, the more people eat.

    Then, there are more creatures left.

    Although there are rules here in Manhattan, leftovers are not allowed to be thrown away.

    But these leftover meals will be dumped into the trash can on the pier.

    The food in these trash cans is the favorite food of seabirds.

    They no longer need to go to places far away in the sea where fish are infested and risk fishing.

    Just wait on the pier for a while, then rush down when people are not paying attention, and you can have a full meal in the trash can.

    There is so much food there that you can¡¯t finish it all.

    So, birds are also very smart.

    Since the first seabird was found, more seabirds have gradually been attracted to this place and they have gained something for nothing.

    And people like these seabirds so much that they don¡¯t expel them.

    In this way, the birds will become bolder.

    After they feel people¡¯s kindness, they come here every day, waiting for people to eat the leftovers and then make themselves a full meal.

    "Now our Manhattan is becoming more and more prosperous. In addition to Europeans, Arabs and Turks are also here."

    Black Bear passed the school audit and probably knew some geographical knowledge of this era.

    He now also knows that in addition to the American continent, there is a land on the other side of the ocean, as well as some countries on the land.

    It can be said that Black Bear has transformed from a loser into an Indian tycoon in this era.

    This transformation is happening from the inside out.

    It¡¯s just that the black bear doesn¡¯t feel it himself.

    Nowadays, the property under Black Bear's name is very huge. Even if he does nothing, it is enough for him to enjoy it every day until he dies.

    Not to mention the fact that he helped his daughter Emma manage such a large area of ??land, as well as the income brought to him by the cattle, sheep and horses.

    "It's just that he, the black bear, doesn't have this awareness.

    As Black Bear¡¯s words fell, Zhang Tie looked around with his eyes.

    On the pier, Arabs wearing long robes with their heads covered, and businessmen from European countries wearing European costumes were coming and going, talking to each other in low or high voices, or arguing.

    The warriors with scimitars and cross swords on their waists gathered around their masters vigilantly, looking at the passers-by.

    Some vendors used small baskets made in Manhattan, filled with some fruits or cooked food, and started selling to the sailors along the pier berth.

    The children soliciting customers continued to promote their stores to the passing merchants, while the dock staff were holding notebooks at the berths of the ships that were about to leave, calculating with the shipowners their berth time.  There are handling charges.

    ???????????????? More are some laborers, carrying goods up and down on the merchant ships.

    Some black slaves, all black except for their teeth, were tied tightly with ropes and strung together in a string. Under the pushing and urging of slave owners and thugs, they walked towards the slaves not far away with numb faces.  Sales desk.

    There were also businessmen from the Arab world, dressed in luxurious clothes, surrounded by warriors and hot-bodied slave girls with veils on their faces, talking with some people from the Manhattan business department.

    It can be seen from the expression on the face of the Arab businessman that he is very flattering to the person in the Manhattan Business Department with whom he is talking.

    Here, neither Arabs nor Europeans dare to offend the people of the Song Empire.

    Because when they come here, if they getIf you offend these people, then they will have no way to do business.

    ¡°Everyone comes out to seek money. As long as you can make money, why not worry about your health?

    You know, through trade with the American Song Empire, no one knows how many people have made a fortune.

    As long as a businessman can make money and make a lot of money, let alone flattery, they will not hesitate to ask them to kneel down and lick your feet.

    Some female slaves from Europe, Arabia, and Africa often walked by the dock.

    The slave trade, a business full of blood and cruelty, has been slowly accepted by Manhattanites.

    Zhao Hongyu and the others had a headache over this before, but after everyone's discussion, they did not stop it in the end.

    There are no too noble people in this world.

    The development of Manhattan also requires population, and a large number of people.

    At the same time, large areas of land in America also needed people to cultivate, so black slaves became the best choice.

    Anyway, even if no one buys them in America, these miserable black slaves will still be sold to other places by Europeans.

    ¡°In this case, it¡¯s better for people from Meizhou to buy it.

    "At the very least, the Chinese slave owners living in the Americas will treat these black slaves better.

    ¡°We will not torture these black slaves like the white European slave owners in history.

    At the same time, the Chinese slave owners were able to keep them fed and not hungry.

    This is a bit better than the white slave owners in history.

    Of course, this is all the Chinese slave owners can do.

    They will not be too stupid to believe in these black slaves, so some necessary measures will still be taken.

    ¡°For example, put iron shackles on them to prevent them from rioting or something.

    At the same time, if these black slaves engage in gangs or other things, the Chinese slave owners will not let them go.

    "The best place to manage slaves is the manor under Black Bear.

    ??Here, the one who takes the greatest credit is the black butler under Black Bear.

    Although his black butler was also a slave and is still a slave, this guy no longer seems to regard himself as a black man.

    ¡°He even often told other people that he had an American heart.

    And under his influence, many black people from the same area or neighboring tribes as him were persuaded by him to slowly accept their fate.

    Because they became honest, the black bear took the opportunity to give them some freedom that was better than other black slaves, and the food they ate was also upgraded to a higher level.

    The black bear did a wonderful job, it was simply wonderful.

    Although he didn¡¯t say anything, through this method, he really sent a signal to the black slaves, that is, if they work hard and honestly, their lives will be better.

    As a slave, what else can you ask for? This is all you ask for.

    Being able to eat well and wear warm clothes.

    Black Bear¡¯s better method was to ask his housekeeper to select a group of black people like him and let them manage and take care of other slaves.

    These black slaves are basically out of work, and they have become the top of the slave pyramid.

    ¡°After they made a comeback, their management of their black compatriots became even stricter than that of Black Bear and other slave owners.

    "Whenever someone doesn't do things as required, they will be very cruel."

    For these people, Black Bear will always give them some small favors as rewards to make these people work harder for him.

    ¡°Black people like Black Bear Butler have emerged in increasing numbers among the huge group of black slaves in the Song Empire.

    I don¡¯t know if this is a good phenomenon or a bad phenomenon.

    At least, in Zhang Tie¡¯s opinion, it¡¯s still good now, but as for the future¡­ I can¡¯t see anything happening now.

    Because the slave trade was very popular in the Song Empire in America, bachelors of Chinese origin had more choices to choose from.

    ??Among the ethnic Chinese groups, there are originally more men than women.

    ¡°And those girls of Chinese descent are still picky.

    Now because of the appearance of European and Arab female slaves, they suddenly became panicked.

    Because they can¡¯t get along with the Europeans of this era, their best choice is those of Chinese descent.Young people.

    At least, everyone has a common language, and they don¡¯t have the same problems as men of this era.

    It turns out that the Chinese girls here in Manhattan started to have some new thoughts about the concept of marriage.

    However, because boys have more choices, they have no choice but to cancel their plans.

    Yes, girls originally followed the example of later generations. When choosing male friends, they should judge based on their profession and work.

    In their view, the Chinese ethnic group has more men than women, so they should be very popular.

    But what they didn¡¯t expect was that in this era, besides them, boys had more choices.

    Passionate Indian girls, dilapidated European aristocratic girls, Arabian dancers with incomparable figures, African black pearls As long as you have money, you can achieve what you want, and as long as you have the ability, you can find any number of girls.  no problem.

    In this regard, the empire has no restrictions.

    Since there is such a better choice, girls of Chinese descent are panicking.

    Because they insist on monogamy.

    And in the hearts of men, there are more or less other ideas.

    Therefore, the girls from the Chinese ethnic group began to compete with the girls from outside.

    However, the prospects are a bit not good.

    " Take the most famous noodle shop owner in the Manhattan Harbor business district as an example. He married three Indian Lolita wives. If these girls were of Chinese origin, they would definitely cause a stir.

    There is no need to spend this day at all.

    But, look at how this little boss is doing.

    Although he married three little Indian lolita, his life was prosperous. He himself was very hard-working and able to work. He was not chauvinistic and loved his wife. His three little wives loved him.  Love to death.

    As the husband and wife became more and more popular, their noodle shop became more and more prosperous, and their days became better and better with each passing month.

    At the same time, his three little wives are also very capable, and it is enviable for a family of four to live a comfortable life.

    With an example like his, other Chinese boys would be lying if they said they were not moved.

    And because they are of Chinese origin, everyone¡¯s jobs are decent. Even those who do small business can make a lot of money. They are not short of money.

    ¡°Although the price of female slaves sold by Arab merchants and European merchants was very high, it was not unaffordable for everyone.

    As a result, the life of Chinese girls will not be easy.

    I want to find a boyfriend, but everyone says they are not interested.

    Occasionally, a few girls muster up the courage to find a few European boys, but some of their living habits are still wrong, which is really unacceptable to Chinese girls.

    This era is not the time and space that Zhao Hongyu was in. Europeans are strong in everything and good in everything.

    In this era, people of Chinese descent from the Song Empire were looked up to, while Europeans were pure losers.

    Since the halo on them is no longer there, of course they are less attractive to girls of Chinese descent.

    The few girls who had plucked up the courage but failed, finally felt that they should choose boys of Chinese descent.

    "At the very least, they have no machismo and love their wives very much Only then did they realize that boys of Chinese descent actually have many advantages.

    It¡¯s just that they usually don¡¯t pay attention, or they don¡¯t want to pay attention.

    Zhang Tie also heard about these things.

    "However, he can't control so much.

    How big of a heart does he have to care about this matter?

    He immediately thought of this problem when he looked at the female slaves being led by the merchants on the dock.

    Zhang Tie, who smiled bitterly, felt that in fact, even if he intervened in this matter, it would have no effect.

    Nowadays, boys have more choices, so if Chinese girls don¡¯t change, they really won¡¯t be able to find boyfriends.

    Now, it depends on whether they can change their thinking.

    "Oh, I don't know when my son-in-law will come back. His palace in Manhattan is empty and has a lot of dust. This is not good." When he saw Zhang Tie's eyes on the slaves, Black Bear looked at him.  The side said.  "I plan to buy some Arab eunuchs and let them make some sundries in the palace to save money.?My son-in-law's palace is so empty and deserted.  "

    Having spent a long time with Zhang Tie and the others, and always going to the school to audit, Black Bear also knows a lot about things in the palaces of Europe or the Arab world.

    Of course, he also knew that there was such a group as eunuchs.

    "As for Black Bear, he doesn't reject such a group, and even thinks it's good to have such people in the palace.

    "If you want to buy an eunuch, you have to ask the merchants. The price of these eunuchs is generally very expensive."

    Zhang Tie smiled and responded after hearing this.

    ¡°Money, how rich I am!¡±, Black Bear raised his face proudly.

    No, the black bear is now in Manhattan who can enter the top ten of the wealth list, but it is a real local tyrant.  (To be continued. Please search Piaotian Literature, the novels will be better and updated faster!)
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