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Text Chapter 732: Two or Three Things in America (1)

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    The docks in Manhattan are bustling with people coming and going. Here you can hear the languages ??of various European countries. Of course, the most common ones are the Mandarin with the weird accent of the Europeans living in the Americas, who have almost integrated into the Song Empire.

    When foreigners speak Mandarin, it always sounds weird to people.

    At least, Zhang Tie thinks so.

    Here in Manhattan, speaking Mandarin is the most popular.

    Because the standard of living in the Song Empire was very high and it was a country that European diaosi longed for in the 17th century, the European diaosi who came here felt that being able to speak Mandarin would make them superior to others.

    Of course, this so-called superiority refers to how they faced their former compatriots.

    Therefore, you can often see that when several Europeans are talking here in Manhattan, they will mix one or two sentences of Mandarin with their hometown dialect.

    This is just like the reason why some so-called elites in China in later generations always pop up a few English words from time to time when they speak.

    However, in this era of the American continent, in a country where the Chinese ethnic group is at the top, this situation has to be reversed.

    Here, everyone is proud to speak Mandarin.

    The better you speak, the clearer you will be here.

    If you can speak and write well, then congratulations, you will definitely have a great future in America.

    Therefore, for all European diaosi who come to America, the first thing they have to do is to learn Mandarin well.

    However, it is well known that Chinese language is the most difficult to learn, so this has stumped many Europeans.

    "But with the longing for a happy future and the yearning for a good life, the potential of these Europeans who came to Manhattan in America was forced out.

    ??This person can basically maximize his potential whenever he is pushed.

    Therefore, after arriving in Manhattan, the average person can basically speak a few broken Chinese sentences within half a year, at least there are no obstacles in the communication process.

    Therefore, they have a basis for living in Manhattan.

    It¡¯s just that when Europeans speak Mandarin, their accent always becomes very weird.

    And because the people they come into contact with are different, the Mandarin they learn is also different.

    The Chinese genetic people under Zhao Hongyu are basically from the impoverished mountainous areas of southern China in the virtual world, so the accents of these Europeans also have a southern flavor.

    Southern dialects such as ¡°Diao you black¡± and ¡°Stupid¡± can often be heard in Manhattan.

    Zhang Tie was helpless about this.

    After all, the easiest language in the world to learn is swearing.

    So it¡¯s not surprising that these Europeans living in Manhattan adopted these words as a spoken word.

    Zhang Tie even thought maliciously that if the genetic people who cultivated China and Sichuan came out in the future, then these Europeans would even be able to learn the words "the ancestors of the ancestors are in trouble" or "the mother sells her skin".

    Of course, Zhang Tie just thought about it, he was not that bored yet.

    ¡°Besides, now is not the time to cultivate Chinese genetic people from other regions.

    After all, China¡¯s language is also a problem.

    Now these Europeans in Manhattan have finally learned Southern-style Mandarin. If they hear Sichuan dialect-style Mandarin, these guys will definitely get dizzy.

    Fortunately, what is taught to students in schools is Beijing-style Mandarin. In the future, when the children in those schools grow up, there will basically be a lot of greetings like "your bastard" in Manhattan.

    At least, this tone is better than southern Mandarin.

    If you want to live in Manhattan, language is a certain foundation.

    At the same time, they also need to learn the laws and regulations in Manhattan and the city¡¯s living regulations.

    Here, you cannot urinate or defecate anywhere, and household garbage cannot be thrown away at will. These are very strict management matters.

    Once you violate such a rule, not to mention being punished, you will have great obstacles when applying for citizenship of the Song Empire in the future.

    Those who refuse to change despite repeated admonitions will be sentenced to hard labor.

    Such a policy was formulated because there was no other way.

    ??????????????????????????????????????????????????????Europeans of this era say they are poor are just praising them.

    You know, in this eraEuropeans basically live in feces and urine.

    The reason is that they don¡¯t pay much attention to hygiene.

    Therefore, every group of people who come to Manhattan in the Americas will cause headaches to many people.

    They don¡¯t abide by the rules here and always throw garbage, feces and urine on the road or at the door, letting the disgusting smell float in the wind.

    You know, Manhattan is very clean here.

    And the first Europeans to live and settle in Manhattan also got used to and liked this clean city.

    Because they feel very comfortable living in such a city.

    If they are allowed to return to the pile of shit in Europe, this is something they really don¡¯t want.

    So, if these new people who come to Manhattan are ignored, it won¡¯t be long before the beautiful Manhattan will be covered with garbage dumps and pee pits in Cotton City.

    But no one living here wants this to happen.

    It is precisely because the earliest Europeans got rid of some of their bad habits and became citizens of the Song Empire, so they really couldn't stand the bad habits of their former compatriots.

    And, I hate it from the bottom of my heart.

    Even, because of these bad habits, they began to look down on these compatriots.

    This kind of mentality is like those who have been gilded in China or those who stayed abroad in later generations.

    They will also have this mentality, because they are used to some things abroad, and then when they return home and see some unqualified things by their compatriots, they will feel that they have become a higher level.

    Often people like this are very annoying to everyone.

    However, as long as you understand their mentality deeply, you can completely understand it.

    Of course, a small number of people who are just pretending to be compared can be excluded.

    Therefore, Europeans here in Manhattan began to become polarized in terms of concepts and thoughts.

    This kind of polarization seems good to Zhang Tie, because the so-called differentiation refers to the differentiation of qualities and concepts.

    Europeans who identify with and have acquired imperial status believe that the quality of European communications needs to be helped to improve them so that they can fully integrate into the city and not discredit the city.

    ?????????????? But those Europeans who are new here feel that the severe punishment for throwing garbage or something is just a trivial matter. Isn¡¯t that how they lived in Europe?

    Europe is so dirty because people have been throwing away garbage for hundreds of years.

    But here in the Americas it¡¯s very clean because people don¡¯t throw away much garbage.

    It is precisely because of this that it doesn¡¯t matter if everyone throws away garbage.

    Anyway, judging from the environment here in the Americas, it will take hundreds of years for people to throw away garbage before it becomes like Europe.

    So, why should everyone worry about this?

    These two concepts collided among the old and new Europeans.

    Fortunately, the new people who came to America want to make a living in America.

    Therefore, in order to survive, they gradually become disadvantaged, and they have to accept this concept whether they are willing or not.

    In fact, the older Europeans living here have completely accepted the entire concept of the empire.

    ? Especially some concepts and policies regarding the environment.

    You know, Zhao Hongyu and Professor Liu from Ontario take the environment very seriously.

    In China at that time and space where Zhao Hongyu was, it was precisely because the environment was not very good that natural problems of one kind or another occurred every year.

    Even looking at some photos sent back from outer space, looking at the east side, the green area in China is very small, and the yellow area representing the desert is constantly expanding.

    These are all the consequences of not paying enough attention to the environment.

    Therefore, both Zhao Hongyu and Professor Liu take the issue of environment very seriously.

    Although the environment here in America is very primitive, it has not been damaged.

    But I can¡¯t use it destructively just for this reason.

    If this head is opened, it will be difficult to deal with.

    The people at the bottom won¡¯t pay that much attention.

    Therefore, Zhao Hongyu and Professor Liu decided not to even open this door.

    Of course, there are some natural resources?Things that are used still need to be used, but they also need to be replenished during development.

    For example, after cutting down those trees to obtain wood and sell it into the virtual world, Zhao Hongyu will also buy a batch of saplings to plant.

    In this way, it will not cause too much damage to the nature of the Americas, and it can also leave something valuable to future generations.

    In short, here in Manhattan, America, people live a completely different life than in Europe.

    There are no lords or nobles who oppress the people, there are no taxes with various names, and there are no vicious-looking tax collectors.

    The taxes here are very clear.

    Business tax, personal income tax, and other taxes.

    Furthermore, these taxes will be written on some white paper and then posted on public message boards at those intersections for everyone to see clearly.

    At the same time, those tax propagandists will be obliged to publicize to everyone the purpose of paying taxes every day.

    In this way, everyone will know where the taxes they paid are used.

    Rather than thinking like before, thinking that all the taxes you paid were used by the gentlemen to enjoy themselves and have fun.

    Of course, this is really the case in Europe.

    ¡°But, that¡¯s not possible here in America.

    People¡¯s taxes will be spent on education and public facilities, as well as the military.

    ??For this, the people are very much in favor.

    Therefore, everyone is willing to pay taxes.

    ¡°Here in Manhattan, America, you don¡¯t see any tax resistance happening at all. This is unimaginable in Europe.  (To be continued. Please search Piaotian Literature, the novels will be better and updated faster!)
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