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Text Chapter 656 Fuma Kotaro (Third update!)

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    Facing Raiko's question, Ishida Hiroshi just smiled.

    "Don't worry, I'm responsible for everything. According to what you conveyed to my father-in-law, then my father-in-law will definitely be fine. Although those ministers will definitely say something, I just ignore them."

    Ishida Hiroshi said to Raiko with a smile.

    Hearing what Hiroshi Ishida said, Raiko was completely relieved.

    For Hiroshi Ishida, Raiko still understands him very well.

    Although Ishida Hiroshi is a perverted person and has a small genetics, he can basically do what he says.

    At this point, the manly gene still exists in his body.

    Therefore, after Raiko received Ishida Hiroshi's guarantee, her hanging heart completely relaxed.

    With Hiroshi Ishida¡¯s guarantee regarding her father¡¯s affairs, Lairaiko no longer has to worry.

    Since Hiroshi Ishida has promised himself, he will definitely do it.

    Regarding this, Lailaizi is still very relieved.

    After all, she knew Ishida Hiroshi very well after following him for so long.

    And Hiroshi Ishida also has strong confidence in dragging his old father-in-law Takeuchi Jin out of what happened in Osaka.

    The reason is very simple. Lailaizi found a good excuse for him, didn't he?

    That incident was entirely due to the unreasonableness of those foreigners. They did not want to pay the normal parking fees, and they shamelessly launched an attack on Osaka Commercial Town, which caused immeasurable losses to the economy of the Osaka region.

    Hehe, after getting rid of his father-in-law, Lailaizi and himself can rest assured.

    And Tajima still has a single wave of daimyo from the two places joining forces together, thinking that they can also deal with those foreigners.

    That¡¯s it, what else do I have to worry about.

    Of course, now Ishida Hiroshi still has one thing to solve, that is, he must make everyone believe this at tomorrow's council meeting.

    "However, my father-in-law has offended too many people, and Ishida Hiro feels that there will definitely be a lot of talk tomorrow to resolve the matter.

    ¡°And you can¡¯t say this yourself. You must let your father-in-law appear in front of everyone, and let him say it in front of everyone to make it more credible.

    Thinking of this, Ishida Hiroshi lowered his head and looked at Raiko who fell in his arms.

    "Well, I guess that at the council meeting tomorrow, the ministers will definitely mention my father-in-law's matter again. But fortunately, my father-in-law told the truth, but I am the only one who knows about this matter now, and this matter cannot be  I¡¯m going to tell the ministers, so I think it¡¯s better to have my father-in-law come to the council meeting tomorrow and let my father-in-law tell me the reasons for this.¡±

    Of course Raiko would not refuse this small request from Hiroshi Ishida.

    After all, Lailaizi¡¯s own plan was to have his father tell this excuse in front of everyone.

    Therefore, she agreed to Ishida Hiroshi's proposal without hesitation.

    "Okay, I will ask someone to see my father and inform him that he will attend the council meeting tomorrow." Raiko said to Ishida Hiroshi.  However, Raiko paused for a moment, then showed a rather worried look, and looked at Ishida Hiroshi hesitantly.

    Seeing Raiko's expression, Ishida Hiroshi quickly asked: "Is there anything that worries you? You might as well tell me and don't frown like that. It makes my heart hurt."

    Ishida Hiroshi really cares about Raiko, and judging from his reaction, he is not hypocritical at all.

    Although Raiko has no love for Ishida Hiroshi, some of it is just false love.

    But facing Hiroshi Ishida who cares so much about him, even the extremely hypocritical Rairako was somewhat moved.

    However, this feeling was quickly suppressed by Lailaizi.

    She knows very well that a woman like herself cannot have feelings.

    Once she has feelings and shows true love for Ishida Hiroshi, she will definitely not end well.

    Because of her status and environment, she had to do this.

    In Lairaiko¡¯s view, once a person becomes emotional and gives her sincerity to someone, her flaws will be revealed and others will catch her.

    This is a very fatal thing.

    If someone catches her flaws and tricks, she will die without a burial place.

    Even her father Takeuchi Jin will not end well.

    ¡°Besides, Lailaizi can have this day¡±?¡¯s status and power, except for the favor of Ishida Hiroshi.  Behind this, she spent so much blood and tears, and killed so many opponents.

    In the dead of night, she would always think about the faces of the women she had ¡®killed¡¯ before, and their expressions before they died.

    It can be said that these are her lifelong nightmares.

    It was precisely because those women had feelings and showed their sincerity that she saw the flaws and found the excuse, and was easily sent to hell.

    Therefore, Lailaizi definitely does not want to become like those women and end up like that.

    There is a saying in the Ming Dynasty that says, "If a man does not serve himself, he will be punished by heaven and earth." Lailaizi strongly agrees with this statement.

    But it is precisely because Rairako is so ruthless and ruthless in doing things, coupled with her unreliable father, that many people, when they despise Takeuchi Jin, also wish behind Rairako's misfortune.

    Lailaizi is well aware of all this.

    Although Ishida Hiro loves himself very much now, Raiko doesn't dare to take it lightly.

    Now she is still young and her appearance remains beautiful.

    But, there will always be a day when she becomes old and yellow.

    By that time, can Hiroshi Ishida still maintain such an attitude?

    Lailaizi didn¡¯t dare to think about it, nor did he want to think about it.

    Now she is still favored, so she can still respond to every call in the harem, and she is still valuable to some officials outside who want to do with her.

    But as soon as she falls out of favor, or another woman steals Ishida Hiroshi's heart, the end will come for her and her father.

    Lailaizi has a very deep understanding and precautions against such things.

    ¡° Moreover, she has been telling herself that she must not give sincerity and affection to Ishida Hiroshi, so that she can plan her future in advance.

    Once the situation becomes unfavorable to herself, she can also quickly take ruthless actions.

    "However, if she has true feelings for Ishida Hiroshi, she will become very passive when she encounters the things she is worried about in the future.

    Lailaizi doesn¡¯t want this, nor does he want to become like this.

    Therefore, she can't move Ishida Hiro's feelings.

    Her failed father would not understand these things.

    Because his mind would never think of these things, this was what made Lailaizi the most helpless.

    "You are so kind to me, Lailaizi loves the general so much."

    Facing the worried Ishida Hiroshi, Raiko showed her strength as a movie queen, shyly clinging to Ishida Hiroshi and thanking him softly.

    Ishida Hiroshi is actually a very easy person to fool, especially for Raiko.

    "Trying to fool him is just like playing.

    "If I'm not good to you, who else can I be good to? You are my wife." Hiroshi Ishida hugged Raiko very seriously and said to her.  "Hmph!" Lailaiko snorted after hearing this, and then her youngest daughter Jiajia raised her hand and pinched the flesh of Ishida Hiroshi's chest with her fingernails.  "You are the shogun of the shogunate, with a high status. And I am not the only woman who has the title of your wife in this residence. Who am I, Lailaizi?"

    "No! No! No!" Ishida Hiroshi tightened his arms.  "Don't say such things, it makes me very sad." Ishida Hiroshi's expression became bitter.  "In my heart, you are the only wife, because only you can make me return to myself and live the life I want. The other women just have a name, and I don't care about them at all.  You should know something."¡ª¡ª

    Dividing line¡ª¡ª

    In the residence of the shogun's harem and female family members at the foot of Tianyu City, Hiroshi Ishida and Raiko were talking between men and women.

    Outside, the sky has gradually darkened, and the bright moon has replaced the golden sun and risen into the sky.

    On the second floor of Tianyu City, in a very secret attic.

    A man wearing a navy blue warrior costume with a men's ponytail on his head was sitting in the center of the room.  Opposite him, kneeling down was a man dressed as a ninja.

    The man dressed as a ninja seemed to be reporting something to him.

    The man with the ponytail looks to be sixty or seventy years old. His silver-white hair makes him look very old. When paired with his wrinkled face, he looks so fragile.

    However, anyone who is familiar with him knows that he is a very scary guy.

    ¡°If you take it lightly just because he looks like he is in his twilight years.  Then you will definitely?I don¡¯t even know how he died, because this old man was Kotaro Fuma, the commander of the Koga ninja who was in charge of intelligence, assassination, and surveillance under the Ishida shogunate.

    Fuma Kotaro was very famous during the Warring States Period.

    He is as famous as Momochi Santao, Hattori Hanzo, Kirigakure Raizo, Kato Danzo, Sarutobi Sasuke and other ninjas. At the same time, he also made great contributions to the establishment of the shogunate on the third floor of Ishida.

    It can be said that the reason why Ishida Mitsunari defeated Tokugawa Ieyasu's coalition forces in the Battle of Sekigahara was indispensable to Fuma Kotaro.

    It was precisely because he led his Koga ninjas to spread false news everywhere, confusing Tokugawa Ieyasu and making him make wrong judgments and commands. This allowed Ishida Mitsunari's army to control the situation on the battlefield.  And finally defeated Tokugawa Ieyasu.

    More importantly, before the Battle of Sekigahara, in order to prevent Tokugawa Ieyasu's ninja army from functioning, Fuma Kotaro did not hesitate to consume a large number of elite Koka ninjas and launched an attack on Hattori Hanzo, the leader of Tokugawa Ieyasu's ninja army.  The suicidal attack seriously injured Hattori Hanzo and killed a large number of Iga ninjas.

    This made Tokugawa Ieyasu¡¯s ninjas unable to play their role in the Sekigahara War.

    Otherwise, only God knows how the war will go.

    Of course, in order to severely injure the Iga ninjas, Fuma Kotaro and his Koga ninjas also paid a heavy price.

    Even he himself was blind in one left eye, which shows the tragedy of the time.

    But compared to what he could get after winning the Sekigahara battle, Fuma Kotaro felt that the sacrifice of one eyeball was still worth it.

    At this moment, he was lowering his head slightly, with a cold light flashing in his one eye, listening to the report of his subordinates.

    "Master Fuuma, the Ninja Department received information from the Osaka Ninja Soldiers. They discovered information about the remnants of the Tokugawa and the Ten People of Iga in the Osaka area. However, this information was transmitted back using special means. It seems that Iga was discovered.  After everyone and the Tokugawa remnants, those ninja soldiers have died."

    Back then, the Koga ninja discovered Hideyuki Kikuchi and fought with him.

    However, before that, those Koga ninjas also knew that Hideyuki Kikuchi was not that easy to deal with.

    Therefore, before the battle with Hideyuki Kikuchi, they had already used special means to release the news.

    This method can only be used by Koga ninjas, it is very unique.

    Of course, Iga ninjas also have their own methods of delivering messages, and each ninja school is different.

    And these means of delivering news at a critical moment are simply not used.

    " Whenever it is used, it means that the ninjas who sent the message are dead.

    It is precisely because of this relationship that the ninja who was reporting the situation concluded that the ninja soldier was dead.

    The man sitting in the center, Feng Moxia Kotaro, slowly raised his head, and his one eye slowly turned blood red.

    ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? Jealous!  Jealous!

    He opened his mouth and let out an ugly laugh like a night owl.

    "Have the remnants of the Tokugawa finally appeared? This is a good opportunity for us to deal with them in one fell swoop, and at the same time, we can also eliminate all those Iga ninjas!"

    As he spoke, he raised his right hand and touched his black eye patch.

    ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? Jealous!

    I will never forget Iga-ryu's kindness in my life.

    My eyes were taken away by Iga-ryu, how could I forget.

    Fuma Kotaro seemed to be talking to himself, but he also seemed to be chatting with the ninja in front of him who was reporting the news.

    The black-clad Koga ninja opposite Fuma Kotaro had trembled on the ground since Fuma Kotaro spoke, and did not dare to raise his head at all.

    It can be seen that this black-clothed ninja is very afraid of Fuma Kotaro.

    In the eyes of outsiders, Fuma Kotaro is nothing more than a frail old man in his dying years.

    For a person like him, a gust of wind would probably blow him to the ground and make him unable to get up.

    However, it is really puzzling to face such an old man, that black-clothed ninja in his prime, to be so frightened that he trembles all over.

    "Hattori Hanzo! I will let your Iga lineage die without a burial place, otherwise I will really be sorry for the eyeball you took away!"

    Fuma Kotaro¡¯s voice slowly getting louder as he muttered to himself.??


    As if he exhaled inadvertently, the black-clothed ninja kneeling in front of him seemed to have been cut by countless sharp blades, and his body became torn into pieces.

    That guy died without even letting out a scream.

    A cloud of blood mist burst out in front of Fuma Kotaro, and Fuma Kotaro looked at the blood mist in front of him as if he was possessed.  (To be continued. Please search Piaotian Literature, the novels will be better and updated faster!)
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