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Text Chapter 550 Worry about Rumors

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    "Quiet! Everyone, please be quiet!"

    ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?

    Carlos looked at the fat bishops, as if they were gossips in the market, where they kept talking about how rich the Americas were and how useful their products were.

    And began to slowly deviate from the original intention of attending the meeting.

    Under such circumstances, Carlos had to speak up.

    Because the proposal to form a crusade is completely unrealistic.

    He knocked on the ground with the golden scepter in his hand, which represented the power of the Pope.

    As soon as Carlos opened his mouth, the bishops finally calmed down.

    Although Carlos was very indifferent to these guys, he couldn't say anything.

    "These guys are definitely good at making money and persecuting people, and getting people accused of unfounded crimes, but it's really difficult for them to do other things.

    Carlos took a deep breath and comforted himself.

    Only by thinking this way can he make himself feel more comfortable.

    "Everyone, do your best, let's talk about business."

    Carlos raised his hand and gestured left and right.

    Afterwards, the bishops who had stood up and left one after another because of the heated discussion just now came back and sat on their chairs.

    "Don't forget, everyone is summoned today for two main reasons. First, those barbaric Song people on the American continent massacred our priests and priests in a very cruel way. At the same time, they also publicly promoted some remarks that slandered our church.  , I want everyone to talk about how we should fight back."

    ¡°Some bishops just talked about forming a crusade, but unfortunately this method was too stupid, and Carlos didn¡¯t take it seriously at all.

    What he needs now is a real solution to the problem, not whimsical nonsense.

    ¡°We are God¡¯s spokespersons in the world, and those pastors and priests are shepherds who shepherd God¡¯s sheep in the world. As shepherds, they were actually killed by the sheep. This is absolutely unacceptable.¡±

    Carlos had a serious look on his face, and his piercing eyes swept over the faces of everyone present one by one.

    "So, I need everyone to come up with a solution that can completely resolve this matter. I don't think I need to remind you, but you should also know in your hearts the things that are happening on the American continent, as well as the things that Americans say that slander the church.  It won¡¯t take long for the remarks to spread to the European continent. At that time, what do you think we should do?¡±

    Yes, what Carlos said is very realistic.

    This is indeed something we need to find a solution for now.

    This statement about confessing and collecting secrets immediately hit the weak point of the church.

    I have to say that this made the church a little panicked.

    The reason is simple, because the church leaders know that this is exactly what they did.

    The other party¡¯s remarks are not rumors at all, but ironclad facts.

    They know it clearly in their hearts, but they can¡¯t say this to the outside world, and they can¡¯t admit it like this.

    They still have to cry to the sky and wipe their eyes with tears. This is because the American Song Empire is trying to smear them, and it is a huge rumor.

    In a word, their church will not admit this.

    ¡°However, the church must also worry about the impact such remarks will have on believers in Europe.

    After all, believers in this era are not as easily deceived as those in the Middle Ages.

    After speaking, Carlos paused and continued: "Besides, we have one more thing to solve, that is, at the southeastern border of France, the Holy Roman Empire is confronting the American Legion. The priest accompanying the army has urged them a lot.  times, but the commander ignored them. It seems that the Holy Roman Empire was afraid of being beaten by the Americans, and they did not want to confront them head-on. Please tell me how to solve this matter."

    Yes, in general, the church now has to deal with these two things.

    Although there are not many things, it is very difficult.

    The American continent is hanging priests and pastors, and public trials have spread the rumor that worries them. This must be faced and resolved.

    One bad thing is that this matter may shake the foundation of the church.

    Although the church has been established for a thousand years, if it wavers, it will only happen in an instant.

    Of course, it is unlikely that the church will collapse.

    After all, there are still a large number of brain-dead lunatics on the European continent.Disciple.

    However, as long as rumors spread more and more widely, people will continue to explore and seek the truth.

    You must know that many of the things the church does cannot withstand scrutiny.

    "As long as people are interested in exploring, then the secret will definitely be revealed.

    This is a very fatal thing.

    Therefore, they have to treat it with caution.

    And during the public trial, the Americans raised a lot of questions and criticized some of the things the church had done in history.

    For example, the Joan of Arc incident.

    This is a typical example.

    Although so many years have passed since this incident, as the church¡¯s senior leaders, they certainly know what is going on.

    Strictly speaking, Joan of Arc is a heroine, but she was betrayed by the church leadership, and her accomplices were also some nobles.

    Because Joan of Arc touched the interests of the church and some of the rights of the nobility at that time.

    Therefore, both sides killed Joan of Arc.

    She was betrayed to the British and burned alive.

    Speaking of which, the role of the church behind this matter is very dirty and despicable.

    The Vatican also issued an order at that time, placing many unfounded charges and labels on Joan of Arc.

    It¡¯s just that no one has mentioned this matter now.

    Historically, the story of Joan of Arc was only constantly mentioned during the French Revolution.

    The main reason is that the rebels want to attack the power of the church.

    Because the cause of the French Revolution was the collusion between the nobles and the church to oppress the people.

    Therefore, in order to undermine the prestige and prestige of the church, Joan of Arc¡¯s affairs were repeatedly brought out and put on the table.

    People also know the truth about Joan of Arc.

    It¡¯s just that the French Revolution was still two hundred years away from this era. At this time, the church hid this matter very well, and the people on the European continent were not very aware of some of the dirty things behind it.

    Although the church finally established Joan of Arc as a saint, it was also because of the interests of the church.

    You must know that the banner that Joan of Arc was flying at that time was because she received the guidance of God, so she stepped forward to lead the French to fight against the British.

    And under her leadership, the French did win several battles.

    This is also an indisputable fact.

    People all think that Joan of Arc has indeed gained the favor of God.

    Although the church betrayed and framed her in the end, it could not withstand people's good impression of Joan, so the church finally made a compromise and erected it as a model.

    However, the church¡¯s senior leaders never took Joan of Arc seriously.

    Who made Joan of Arc declare to the outside world that she had received guidance from God?

    You must know that God¡¯s guidance can only be obtained by the pope of the church. You said that a little girl from the French countryside can also obtain the favor of God, so where do you put the pope?

    Especially after the church came into contact with Joan of Arc, and Joan of Arc made a series of requests to the church for the women who were wrongly accused at that time, Joan of Arc's fate was doomed.

    ¡°Yes, miko, this was initiated by the church.

    ¡°Jane, you are a country girl, but you actually want to negotiate terms with the church.

    Isn¡¯t this a joke?

    ¡° Moreover, because it had the right to try witches and convict people, the church at that time was very reluctant to stop this vigorous movement.

    Not only the church, but even the men on the European continent also got crazy and perverted pleasure and entertainment from this activity.

    ¡°Based on this, the church will certainly not comply with Joan¡¯s request.

    Unfortunately, Joan of Arc finally stated that she was guided by God and listened to God¡¯s words. She said that God asked her to tell the church to stop killing women.

    It can be seen that Joan of Arc is actually a smart girl, and she may be the first person to see through the nature of the church.

    Therefore, she will lead the French against the British in the name of God, and hopes to save the women on the European continent with her own strength.

    But it is a pity that Joan of Arc's power alone is too small. Although she also borrowed the name of God and gained a great reputation herself, she still cannot compare with the powerful and deep-rooted  Church power.

    Moreover, because Joan of Arc used the name of GodWith his title and name, he led the French to defeat the British several times, so the French soldiers at that time believed in Joan of Arc very much. Joan of Arc almost thought that she was God's favorite.

    This made the French nobles very frightened and frightened.

    Because their status and rights are all brought by the army.

    Now those soldiers only know that there is Joan of Arc, but they don¡¯t know that they are the real lords. This is something that they find very difficult to accept.

    ¡°If Joan of Arc is allowed to develop like this, won¡¯t Joan of Arc eventually gain the love of all French people, and even be elected as queen by them?

    If this really happens, what will these nobles do?

    Indeed, the situation at that time was like this.

    Therefore, the nobles and the church colluded, and they simply betrayed Joan of Arc as soon as they discussed it.

    And history cannot be recorded in such detail.

    Therefore, the truth of the matter has been buried in the long river of history and unknown.

    But you have to say that Joan of Arc was a smart and brave girl. She had to come up with such a way to save all the female compatriots who were suffering on the European continent at that time.

    Although she didn¡¯t succeed in the end, she was really a hero.

    Of course, in the eyes of the church, Joan of Arc is a person who has touched their fundamental interests.

    Because the methods used by Joan of Arc were exactly the same as theirs.

    They all use God as their name and excuse.

    This is also one of the reasons why Joan of Arc was eventually killed.

    This matter has been brought up by Americans. If anyone really wants to explore it, once the dirty things done by the church in the past are exposed, the impact will not be small.

    You know, in France, Joan of Arc's influence is still very large.

    Don¡¯t look at the hundreds of years that have passed.

    Therefore, the church has to worry about this.  (To be continued. Please search Piaotian Literature, the novels will be better and updated faster!)
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