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Text Chapter 518 You can¡¯t imagine this world (third update!)

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    There is nothing surprising about Zhang Tie's appearance in the picture.

    Because the script of this film was created by Zhang Tie, Wang Shan, Song Hu, and Professor Liu.

    ??Among them, the protagonist Zhao Hongyu has an even greater number of appearances.

    Based on the dnd system, after coming up with this grand but painful script, they immediately handed it over to Chen Zhenbang in the virtual world, and then Chen Zhenbang was responsible for contacting the United States for production and filming.

    The film and television companies in Hollywood in the United States vomited three liters of blood after receiving the script, and they all said that they were not qualified to shoot such a wonderful film.

    In such a situation, Chen Zhenbang had no choice but to contact Zhang Tie and Wang Shan.

    Fortunately, Zhang Tie and Wang Shan had money on hand, so after a financial offensive, the desperate Americans finally gave in.

    A film and television company that was on the verge of bankruptcy finally took on this bloody bad script for the sake of money and hired a big director to film it.

    Of course, the reason why the famous director came to film this script was because of money.

    "However, people also requested that his name not be tagged during the screening.

    Wang Shan and the others certainly agreed with this request. They didn¡¯t plan to produce subtitles in the first place, right?

    In this way, under the magic of money, the bloody script finally started filming.

    With Hollywood¡¯s perfect shooting system and various high-tech film and television productions, this bloody film was finally completed.

    Is it a big scene?

    The scene is huge, from the beginning to the end, it is full of fighting in various scenes.

    There are all kinds of creatures inside, it is simply a hodgepodge of imaginary life forms.

    At the same time, modern three-dimensional technology was used to copy the images of Zhao Hongyu and others and put them in the film to be shown in the 17th century. There was no need to worry about being seen for any flaws.

    Those in the virtual world would never imagine that the films they shot would not be shown in that world, but would be shown in another world.

    Therefore, their so-called worries are simply unnecessary.

    It¡¯s just that, in this case, Wang Shan and the others will not tell each other.

    But even so, after the filming was completed, the United States solemnly asked Chen Zhenbang to tell the investors, namely Wang Shan and Zhang Tie, not to tell the outside world that they filmed and produced the film.

    Because in the eyes of Americans, the film they shot simply embarrasses them.

    "If the film company hadn't been going bankrupt and was in desperate need of money, I don't think they would have made such a bad movie.

    But what everyone didn¡¯t expect was that in the future, this company would actually become a company specializing in mysterious productions. The production of mysterious films alone actually made this company a fortune.

    As for the investor, after receiving the film, he did not show it anywhere in the world. This approach is simply shocking.

    "However, the other party paid quickly and was not sloppy at all. On the contrary, it made Americans think that Chinese people have more money."

    This is a typical example of people who have too much money and are stupid.

    No one will have trouble with money, and the other party will not show it.

    It can be seen that the other party is simply unreasonable.

    But no matter what, it¡¯s always good to have money, right?

    Of course, these are all things for later¡ª¡ª

    Dividing line¡ª¡ª

    "Why, seeing my appearance makes you feel incredible, right?"

    Jenny¡¯s shocked look made Zhang Tie feel very unhappy.

    ??????????? I just appear in the picture, showing off my power and killing the enemies wildly.

    ¡°After all, I am also a ¡®god¡¯, so there is nothing strange about taking action. Why do you have to show such an expression? It¡¯s really annoying.

    "Yes, it's a bit unbelievable. Could it be that everything you said is true."

    Jenny blinked her eyes, then stumbled and said.

    Zhang Tie rolled his eyes when he heard this, and thought to himself: What do you mean, everything I said is true? After all, everything I said is true, right?

    "Okay, you are really a girl with a lot of curiosity. Let me explain it to you." Zhang Tie felt that after seeing Jenny's shocked face, but at the same time confused about many things,  It would be better for me to educate her about it.

    After all, there are many things that differ from the times in what I said

    It is indeed a bit too difficult for a seventeenth-century girl to understand.

    "My master was seriously injured during Ragnarok, and then fell into a deep sleep. After all, he is a god and one of the ten major gods, so he is an eternal existence, so he is only sleeping and not dying."

    Zhang Tie began to answer the questions that Jenny had asked earlier, and gave the answers one by one.

    "When a god falls into a deep sleep, it is very troublesome to wake up again, because it takes too long." Zhang Tie was deeply involved in the play, matching his tone and his pretentious expression,  It seems as if that is really the case.

    If Zhao Hongyu were here, he would definitely look down upon him.

    But Jenny is starting to believe it.

    "After sleeping for who knows how many years, my master woke up, that is, seventeen years ago."

    When Zhang Tie said this, he paused and then looked at Jenny who was listening to his story.

    "Unfortunately, my master consumed a lot of divine power during Ragnarok and slept for too long. At the same time, his power has not been fully recovered. This has caused a big loss in his memory, so he has forgotten  Those things that happened in the ancient times."

    He sighed deeply, as if he felt very distressed about this.

    "We are the master's servant gods, so we will also wake up." Zhang Tie took a deep look at Jenny.  "And our master calls him the heir of the Song Empire. It is a coincidence that I won't tell you in detail."

    Jenny nodded: "I'm not interested in this. I just want to know what planes, universes, and spaces are."

    Jenny reminded those questions again.

    Zhang Tie nodded: "Space is the world we live in. I think you can understand this statement, right?"

    After Jenny thought for a while, she nodded to show that she understood.

    In fact, Zhang Tie¡¯s explanation is very reluctant. The real space theory is not like this at all.

    However, based on what Zhang Tie said just now, it is still possible to fool a seventeenth-century girl.

    If you say it too rigorously, the other party will not be able to understand it.

    "The universe is a bit difficult. Do you believe that the world we live in is actually a sphere?"

    Since he wants to explain the universe, Zhang Tie feels that he must first talk about the earth.

    That¡¯s why he asked.

    "Copernicus's theory? The priest who taught me told us not to believe in these, nor in so-called science." Jenny sat on the edge of the bed, her eyes continuing to focus on the video playing, but she was distracted by two things.  Replying to what Zhang Tie said just now.  "However, the Portuguese and Spanish proved this theory through navigation more than a hundred years ago, but the church still does not recognize it."

    What Jenny said is true.

    Zhang Tie also understands this.

    The church has always suppressed science. The main reason is that science has a great impact on the church.

    It was for this reason that Copernicus in the Middle Ages was labeled a heretic by the church and burned to death.

    The purpose of doing this is just for the church to continue to fool the European people.

    ¡°What do the people do if they know so much? The more they know, the more difficult it will be for the church to fool people.

    You must know that this world was created by God. How could God create the world into a round ball?

    This is simply nonsense.

    However, Copernicus¡¯ theory has been passed down.

    Until the fifteenth and sixteenth centuries, with the rise of great navigation, the Portuguese and Spanish sailed around the earth in search of the golden country in the East, thus proving this theory.

    However, even so, the church has been suppressing this theory.

    It is precisely because of the suppression of the church that science still did not develop on the European continent in the seventeenth century.

    Europeans in this era basically talk about science as if they are learning magic.

    You know, even the famous Leonardo da Vinci studied science and conducted scientific research for the purpose of alchemy.

    Because she came from the Inquisition of the church, Jenny certainly knew these things very clearly.

    Although Copernicus was burned to death, his theories were kept in the Vatican for the bishops to study.

      The people in the church studied Copernicus¡¯ theory, not for science.

    Their purpose is much more trivial. They want to confirm whether Copernicus¡¯ theory is true. If it is true, what kind of statement should the church adopt to deal with it in the future?

    Unfortunately, it may be because most of the experience of the bishops and priests of this era was spent on keeping mistresses, intrigues and collecting money. Until now, they have not come up with a good solution.

    You should know that Copernicus¡¯ theory has now been proven.

    It can be seen that today¡¯s priests and bishops are simply weak compared to their predecessors who created the church as a faith organization and wrote the Bible and mythology.

    "Yes, the world we live in is actually a round sphere." Wang Shan nodded.  "This round sphere is called the earth in the divine world, and humans are one of the many lives on the earth."

    "Around the earth, there is a vast, almost endless world. You can't even imagine how big it is. This world is called the universe!", "In the universe, there are many spheres like the earth, and even  Some spheres are millions of times larger than the Earth."

    Jenny opened her mouth and was shocked by the world Zhang Tie told.

    Is the earth big?

    Big, of course it¡¯s big.

    In Jenny¡¯s view, there are so many countries in Europe alone, not to mention the Arab world.

    In addition, there are Africa, which is larger than Europe, and the distant eastern countries.

    How could it be possible that these things added together are not big?

    And, there is also a blue ocean.

    In the eyes of Jenny, a seventeenth-century girl, the world is already huge.

    After all, this is not the technologically advanced world of later generations, where cars, planes and various means of transportation are extremely convenient. It only takes twelve or three hours from China to the United States by plane.

    But in this era, it takes several months to get from the East to the Americas, which is simply not comparable.

    But what is the concept of a sphere that is millions of times larger than the earth she thinks is the world?

    This means that the size of the sphere is unimaginable.

    Therefore, how could Jenny not be extremely shocked.

    Seeing Jenny¡¯s silly look, Zhang Tie just felt funny in his heart.

    "Don't think I'm joking with you. Cosmic light is a variety of spheres, as numerous as fine sand on the seashore. It's beyond your imagination."

    To be honest, Jenny only slightly understood what Zhang Tie said.

    She didn¡¯t quite understand most of the information, which even made her even more confused.

    "As for planes, to put it in a more understandable way, only worlds as big as countless universes can form a plane."

    After listening to Zhang Tie¡¯s story, Jenny thought of what Wang Shan had said earlier.

    Our god controls countless planes and is the overlord among gods.

    Controlling countless planes is an indescribable universe. At the same time, there are so many spheres in the universe. This is simply

    Jenny felt that her little brain was a bit exhausted.

    She can understand a little bit of what Zhang Tie said in a superficial way, but she doesn't quite understand things that are too in-depth.

    ¡°However, Jenny cannot be blamed for this.

    After all, how can the differences across generations be made up in a few sentences?

    This is very unrealistic.

    ¡°Besides, many of the ideas Zhang Tie told her were orthodox ideas.

    ??It incorporates some systematic views of YY novels, some non-mainstream scientific judgments, and some miscellaneous subjective guesses.

    Therefore, we can¡¯t blame Jenny for not understanding and giving herself a headache.

    "This world is so big."

    Jenny took a long breath, and then said something faintly.

    "Yes, our world is very big, so big that you can't imagine it. And there are many lives that you haven't seen before, as well as those weird guys."

    At this moment, the scene in the film changed from the vast starry sky to a continent with towering mountains reaching into the clouds.

    This continent is very desolate and primitive, full of the atmosphere of ancient times.

    Of course, thisIt¡¯s the feeling shown in the film, at least Jenny, the viewer, feels this way.

    A god fell from the starry sky, and his fall cut through the silent sky, creating a black swirling cloud.

    After a series of turmoils such as landslides, howling winds, volcanic eruptions, etc. calmed down in the place where the gods fell, a man driving a flock of sheep appeared in the distance, wearing a robe and a flaxen beard.  .


    The image of this man is very familiar!

    Jenny couldn¡¯t help but be stunned, and focused all her attention on the video.

    "When Zhang Tie knew that the film was showing here, the corners of his mouth curled up unnoticed.  (To be continued. Please search Piaotian Literature, the novels will be better and updated faster!)
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