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Text Chapter 511 About the Inca Empire

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    in history

    On the American continent that seems to be like ancient times, there once was a splendid ancient country "Inca".

    This is a ¡®powerful¡¯ country that appeared on the American continent after the mysterious ¡®Mayan Civilization¡¯.

    It¡¯s just a pity that this country¡¯s civilization level is not very high, and due to some external reasons, it has disappeared in the long river of history like a epidemic.

    It¡¯s not a pity.  The Inca Empire is also called the Mayan Empire.

    Because some people believe that the Inca Empire was based on the Mayan civilization that mysteriously disappeared.

    But most people still use a new name "Inca".

    When the Inca Empire was powerful and glorious, it ruled the entire coastal area of ??Central America, and its tentacles even extended to part of South America.

    And several large cities were established, with a population of hundreds of thousands, which is not far behind the population of European cities.

    And the total population of the entire country even exceeds 10 million people.

    It can¡¯t be said that it was not powerful for a while.

    It¡¯s just that the Inca Empire had a very ancient and cruel and bloody activity, human sacrifice.

    It is precisely because of this activity that a huge empire collapsed and died.

    I have to say that this is really a big joke played by history and the Inca.

    The origin of human sacrifice is unknown, but what is known is that this activity has been practiced all over the world since the beginning of human history.

    This is true in the West, the East, and even on the American continent.

    Let¡¯s not talk about the East and the West for the moment, let¡¯s just say that the human sacrifice activities on the American continent are a continuation of the mysterious Mayan civilization.

    The Mayan civilization also had such activities.

    After the mysterious disappearance of the Mayan civilization, the Inca Empire completely inherited this activity.

    The best sources of human sacrifice are divided into two categories. One is to voluntarily become a sacrifice to obtain the gift of God.

    The other way is to use prisoners of war as sacrifices.

    The former is a desire for happiness and devotion to God.

    But the latter one is completely different.

    Especially when there are unexplainable natural disasters or riots in Inca.  Human sacrifices will appear frequently.

    Many times, the Inca Empire¡¯s sources of sacrifices were captured from surrounding primitive tribes that did not join the empire.

    After all, here in the Caribbean, although the Inca Empire was very powerful, there were still densely populated small primitive tribes scattered around.

    The population of these tribes is usually small. Basically, there are hundreds of people in a tribe, and some small tribes even have only a few dozen people.

    The existence of these tribes provided a source of sacrifices for human sacrifice.

    The Inca Empire was not as stupid as later Europeans or the Spaniards said.

    Their leaders also understand.  What are the disadvantages of human sacrifice.

    If you don¡¯t know how to kill people from your own country, then just kill people from the ¡®wild¡¯ tribes outside.

    And the arrival of the Spaniards added a fire to this activity.

    After the Spanish came into contact with the Inca, some Spanish soldiers became prisoners.

    The Incas have always treated captives as sacrifices.

    It can not only offer sacrifices to the gods, but also please the gods.

    And it can also destroy enemies.

    This is a very good method.

    Unfortunately, what the Incas didn¡¯t know was that when they brought back these Spanish captives, they also brought back a disease they had never encountered before.

    Typhoid fever!

    If typhoid fever is not treated in time.  It will spread rapidly and cause a large-scale plague.

    Europeans have experienced many plagues in history.

    Therefore, Europeans of this era.  There is some resistance to the plague.

    But the Incas were different.

    The American continent where they live is not as prone to wars as Europe, or else it is plagued by epidemics.

    The Inca cities of this era were very clean compared to those in Europe.

    It¡¯s almost the same as the East.  The sanitary treatment and conditions here in the Inca Empire were quite good.

    They even have public toilets and washing facilities.

    Therefore, there were basically no large-scale epidemics in the Inca Empire.

    Because they pay attention to their own hygiene.

      But that¡¯s why.  The Incas, who had not been baptized by the plague, were completely tragic.

    Their bodies have no resistance to the plague.

    Therefore, the plague spread very quickly in the Inca Empire and was very violent.

    Regarding the menacing plague, all grassroots levels of the Inca Empire were very panicked.

    They had no idea what was going on.

    In the end, everyone regarded the plague that claimed countless lives as a punishment from the gods.

    Since it is a punishment from the gods, then you must make the creatures happy and let the gods stop punishing you.

    How can we please the gods?

    Human sacrifice!

    At this point, the Inca Empire began to launch aggressive invasions into the surrounding areas, capturing living people from the 'wild' tribes as sacrifices.

    At this time, another thing happened in the Inca Empire, which led to the rapid collapse of the empire.

    From the history books, the Inca Empire was a huge country.

    It seems to be a centralized type.

    In fact, this is not the case. The composition of the Inca Empire is actually somewhat similar to that of a confederation, and there are also noble lords involved in it.

    The highest emperor and priests, in fact, sometimes they have to look at the faces of these people.

    And the plague epidemic in Inca suddenly aroused all the contradictions that were usually hidden.

    A certain little Inca nobleman, because there were no "wild" tribesmen around to catch, but he had to find a way to organize human sacrifices, so he turned to another little lord nearby.

    ¡° Anyway, they usually have frictions, so it¡¯s not impossible to take the opportunity to retaliate now.

    Nowadays, everyone has too much time to take care of themselves. It seems that as long as they do it without being noticed, there will be no problem.

    But he didn¡¯t know that his actions led to the final collapse of the Inca Empire.

    At this moment, the Inca Empire is full of scenes of human sacrifice.

    The scene in the capital is larger, while the territory of the minor noble lords is smaller.

    In short, the activities of human sacrifice were very vigorous in the Inca Empire.

    A large-scale sacrifice, one event.  Cutting off thousands of heads is nothing strange.

    Dozens of heads will be chopped off even in small events.

    People have fallen into a fanatical atmosphere and forgotten the frightening plague.

    People have a need for this. In order to stabilize and retain the power in their hands, how can those nobles and small lords not work hard.

    However, this kind of activity must take a long time to start, because as the plague spreads, more and more people will be infected.

    ? People are becoming more and more afraid of this.

    So, people need to be numb.

    There are fewer and fewer ¡®wild¡¯ sacrifices around, and some tribes have begun to flee.

    This makes it increasingly difficult to capture sacrifices.

    However, the activity of human sacrifice must be maintained.  Otherwise, the people in the territory will riot and their status will be unstable.

    The first minor noble attacked a nearby lord for a sacrifice.

    He started a vicious cycle, and all the nobles and lords found a new goal.

    Yes, you can also capture the people of the nearby lords from their territories and use them as sacrifices.

    ¡° Moreover, there are many people here who take advantage of this opportunity to kill lords or nobles who disagree with them.  Occupy their territory to expand your territory.

    In this way, the civil strife began in the name of the people in his territory and under the banner of justice.

    The epidemic of plague greatly weakened the Inca Empire.

    Human sacrifice.  Let the various noble lords fight each other, and the number of people in the Inca Empire will die even more.

    No one fights to expand the number of people. Whenever they defeat their opponents, everyone from nobles to ordinary people will be beheaded as sacrifices.

    People of the Inca Empire who died because of human sacrifice.  There are actually more people who died in the plague, which I have to say is really an irony.

    The entanglement of various powers, coupled with the expansion of ambition.  This led to the situation getting worse and worse.

    The Spaniards could not have imagined that the powerful Inca Empire would be so stupidly involved in civil strife.

    ??And they don¡¯t need prisoners, they actually beheaded all the people who could expand their strength.

    A barbarian is a barbarian.

      However, this matter is a good thing for Spain.

    At this point, the Spaniards, who got the news, immediately joined the battle.

    At this time, the Inca Empire was already in decline due to the plague and the killings among the noble lords.

    The fields are barren and bones are exposed on the roadside.

    The Spaniards were very smart. They did not challenge the entire Inca Empire, but only participated in the battles between the lords as mercenaries.

    They helped the Incas and killed them more effectively.

    And those lords and nobles would pay gold and silver in order to hire the Spaniards.

    In this way, the Spaniards made a fortune in the process.

    "The Inca people really suffered a big loss.

    ??In the end, the Inca Empire became weaker and weaker, and the Spanish became stronger and stronger in the process.

    The reason is very simple. Through the war, the Spaniards gathered a group of Incas around them.

    In the later stages of the war, the Spaniards took the "Inca Doglegs" coalition and began to set off towards the capital.

    Because the Spaniards heard that the Inca emperor had a lot of gold.

    As for the final result, it has been recorded in the history books.

    The poor Inca emperor was scalded to death by the Spaniards who poured water from melted gold down his throat.

    Of course, the Spaniards did not record anything about the Inca coalition.

    The record of the destruction of the Incas is just to say how powerful they are and how weak the imprinters are.

    But this is not the case.

    If it weren¡¯t for the plague, if it weren¡¯t for human sacrifice, if it weren¡¯t for the nobles and lords killing each other among the people.

    So, it is still difficult to say whether the Spaniards will win in the end.

    However, there are no ifs in history, and it was the Spaniards who ultimately won.

    And the Inca Empire has disappeared in the long river of history (To be continued)
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