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Free Web Novel,Novel online - All in -> Historic -> Rise of America 1620

Text Chapter 496 Encounter at Sea

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    The Dutch flew the flags of other countries.

    The Spaniards were no better.

    Today¡¯s Spaniards can be considered as people without a country.

    The originally huge empire was defeated and divided by the Portuguese and French.

    Therefore, the original merchants of the Spanish Empire all flew the flags of Portugal and France.

    ?Using the banner of citizens under the rule of Portugal and France, we continue to do business with Manhattan.

    Unlike the noble lords, these merchants don't care who rules whom. What they care about is that they can continue to trade and make money.

    You know, if the goods produced here in Manhattan are shipped to Europe or Arabia, it will be a huge profit.

    In the past, the commodities were food and ceramics.

    But after more than two years of development, the products in Manhattan have become diversified.

    Armor and weapons made of fine iron, and the famous Thirteen Incenses have now become commodities traded in bulk.

    Especially the thirteen incense and armor weapons can earn more profits in Europe and the Arab world, even more than ceramics and food.

    How could businessmen who are very obsessed with money give up a commercial treasure like Manhattan.

    This is simply impossible.

    Zhao Hongyu¡¯s fleet kept its speed unchanged and did not panic when a Dutch warship suddenly appeared.

    After all, the opponent only has one battleship.

    Although the Dutch were a little nervous, the hanging five-element red flag seemed to make them feel that the Song Empire was not as dirty as the Europeans.

    ??Besides, the two sides are now so close. If the Song Empire really has any plans, they can't escape, right?

    "It's better to just go straight through the fleet.

    As the fleets of both sides get closer and closer, the deck of the Golden Tulip is observing the face of the captain of the Song Empire fleet through the telescope.  His expression began to become more and more solemn.

    Oh my God!

    What kind of battleship is this? Is it simply a giant beast on the sea?

    The densely packed gunports are enough to prove the terror of these battleships.

    And the number of artillery guns possessed by those warships is simply too many.

    Even our own Tulip only has twenty-one cannons.

    But the other party has almost more than 60 artillery pieces on any ship.

    The captain of the Tulip observed very carefully. The copycat frigate under Zhao Hongyu had more than seventy guns, which was absolutely shocking in this era.

    Not to mention the configuration of the heavily armed battleship with 108 guns.

    No wonder the captain of the Tulip was so stunned after seeing the configuration of the fleet battleship.

    Fighting against such a fleet would be an absolute nightmare.

    The captain of the Tulip.  Slowly put down the telescope in his hand, thinking to himself.

    When he first came into contact with Manhattan, Manhattan did not have such a large fleet.

    ¡°I have only been away for more than a year, but Manhattan actually has such a fierce fleet, which shows how powerful the Song Empire is.

    And according to his guess, this fleet is just one of the fleets of the Song Empire. If all the warships under the imperial fleet are like this.

    So how powerful would the Song Empire¡¯s navy be?

    Thinking of this, the captain's heart jumped.

    Fighting against such a fleet would be an absolute nightmare.  If you have a choice, you absolutely cannot fight against such a fleet.

    This is no different from seeking death.

    In his mind, he had already had the idea of ??not fighting against the imperial fleet.

    Speaking of which, the appearance of the imperial fleet is too fierce.

    The European bumpkins of this era.  Where have I seen the big world?

    Before Zhao Hongyu and the others came to this era, the most powerful European warships at sea had only twenty-four cannons, but this was already impressive.

    But since Zhao Hongyu¡¯s battleship was born.  It brought nothing but shock to Europeans.

    In this era, naval battles are neither tactics nor tactics.

    What they rely on is the strength of the ship and the power of the artillery.

    Which side¡¯s fleet has the largest number of warships.  And the number of artillery piecesThe more you do, the greater your chances of winning.

    On the other hand, it¡¯s hard to say which side has fewer warships and fewer artillery configurations.

    Therefore, the Song Empire warships had an absolutely huge spiritual shock to Europeans.

    What¡¯s more, after a series of naval battles in the Caribbean Sea, various intelligence on the Song Empire¡¯s warships had already spread to Europe.

    Fast sailing speed!  The artillery has a long range!

    These two items alone made Europeans realize how powerful the imperial warships were.

    Not to mention that once you get closer, there is a shoulder-mounted disposable rocket launcher.

    This is simply a killer weapon in naval battles.

    The enemy cannot get close to you, and your own artillery has a long range.

    You can completely rely on your own speed to control the distance and rhythm of the battle, keeping the enemy within the range of your own artillery.

    This is a completely one-sided battle. Anyone who encounters the Song Empire's fleet will probably face this situation, and there will be absolutely no exceptions.

    Furthermore, when the Song Empire fleet attacked the Caribbean, many of the survivors of the last unusual naval battle returned to Europe.

    They told people all their personal experiences.

    The battle at that time was like this.

    If you can¡¯t have a range comparable to the artillery of the Song Empire, you still have the speed of a battleship.

    ¡°Then don¡¯t provoke the Song Empire.

    This is the advice of those who survived.

    As for those who said that they should approach suddenly and use the tactics of boarding battle, these survivors were very dismissive.

    This method has been proven to be useless.

    Therefore, in the eyes of Europeans, the Song Empire fleet has become synonymous with power and mystery.

    Although the people on the Tulip did not know this, they were still naturally shocked when they saw the warships under the Song Empire's fleet.

    "There are so many artillery pieces, what kind of scene would it be if it were fired in one salvo?"

    Some sailors licked their dry mouths and murmured.

    "Facing such artillery fire, it is estimated that few warships can escape. If it is a large-scale naval battle" The sailor who said this could not go on anymore.

    Yes, it is not difficult to imagine such a scene just relying on their imagination.

    The battleship turned sideways, and there were at least thirty artillery pieces on one side.

    This is just the number of guns on a battleship.

    Dozens of such warships would have thousands of artillery pieces.

    How could these sailors who have been making a living at sea all year round not know the impact that thousands of artillery pieces can fire at the same time in a naval battle?

    So powerful.  Song Empire.

    This is the thought that comes to everyone on the Tulip.

    Slowly, Zhao Hongyu and his fleet approached the Tulip.

    One by one, battleships passed by the Tulip.

    The shock from a distance is not as strong as the shock from close range.

    The tall hull is inlaid with iron plates.

    It proves that the battleship has strong defensive capabilities.

    And the Gundam's hull also shows that it is not that easy to carry out a boarding battle.

    The dense muzzles have been opened at this time.

    The huge muzzle has already shown that its power cannot be underestimated.

    Zhao Hongyu¡¯s flagship is located in the middle section.  So his flagship has not yet missed the Tulip.

    But the three heavy battleships have attracted the attention of the Dutch on the Tulip for a long time.

    "Your Highness, there seems to be a person tied up on that Dutch warship. He doesn't look European."

    ????????????? Because the distance was still quite far.  Therefore, even if Zhao Hongyu had a telescope, it would be impossible for him to see so clearly.

    But now the distance between the two sides is very close, so Liu Dashang, who is tied to the Tulip, has inevitably fallen into their observation.

    The first person to observe this was the genetic sailor on the observation deck.

    Because Liu Dashen¡¯s appearance is very different.  So I got the idea right away.

    He has black hair and the clothes he wears are obviously not European or African or even Indian. Instead, they give people a very familiar feeling.

    Followed.  The warships that passed by the Tulip at close range also waved semaphores.information coming from them.

    ¡°Stop this Dutchman!¡±

    Zhao Hongyu picked up the telescope and looked at it carefully for a while, and then veins appeared on his forehead.

    This time he could see clearly that the man tied to the pole was obviously an Oriental.

    Judging from the clothing, this Oriental is very likely to be from the Ming Dynasty.

    The Chinese bloodline!

    Why did you end up on the Dutch ship?

    Zhao Hongyu¡¯s heart moved and he suppressed his anger.

    When he saw the man tied to the pole and confirmed his identity, as a member of the Chinese ethnic group, he suddenly became furious.

    However, he immediately suppressed his anger and raised a series of questions.

    You know, this is still the Caribbean.

    In this era, it was obviously uneconomical to sell slaves from the Ming Dynasty.

    ?????????? Then it¡¯s a bit unreasonable for an Oriental to appear on this Dutch warship.

    "Captain, what are they going to do?"

    The Song Empire's warship slowly stopped, opened its gun doors and pointed its muzzle at the Tulip.

    At the same time, the genetic sailors on the deck placed their flintlock guns on the guardrail and pointed them at the Tulip, making the people on the Tulip very uneasy.

    It is impossible to rob us. With such a large fleet, there is no profit in robbing us.

    The captain of the Tulip was also frightened at this time, but he could not think of any resistance.

    Because the black hole of the artillery muzzle is really scary.

    "Captain, there is a battleship approaching over there. They seem to be trying to board our battleship."

    At this time, a crony behind the captain of the Tulip poked him and said to him.

    Immediately, everyone looked in the direction of this guy's finger, and saw a Song Empire warship approaching the preparation, and long wooden boards began to be placed on the opponent's deck, and hook locks were prepared.  (To be continued)
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