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Text Chapter 460 Is it time to sit on the wax?

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    According to Wang Shan, it must be unjust to kill all the Europeans who were surrounded here in the North District and could not get out.  But if you kill every other person, then someone will definitely slip through the net.

    Therefore, Wang Shan simply issued an indiscriminate massacre order.

    As for those who were wrongly accused, there was nothing Wang Shan could do.

    If you want to blame, you can only blame the priests and pastors.

    ¡°After all, they started this turmoil for their own personal interests, didn¡¯t they?

    And these Europeans are just pawns and cannon fodder.

    After a night of suppression, the thugs in the North District dispersed and hid one after another.

    But even if they hide, they can't escape the empire's punishment.

    The soldiers of the Second Regiment of the Army carefully searched each house. Whenever they met someone inside, they would take them to the street, and then strictly interrogate them before executing them.

    Because the excuses of these people are simply full of loopholes, and at first glance they are the guys who participated in the riots.

    So, at least until now, those people who were suppressed and massacred by the Second Army Regiment have not been unjustly accused.

    In fact, during the riots, the entire North District either participated or were attacked and killed by the thugs.

    In the entire North District, basically no one is innocent.

    At that time, some people were unwilling to participate in the riots.

    But they were beaten to death by those thugs in the name of not believing in God, and their wives and daughters were also raped.

    It can be seen that these people really lost their basic humanity at that time.

    Under such circumstances, many people joined in.  Be crazier than they are.

    At this point, it can be said that there is no longer an unjust person in the North District.

    Because everyone who is still alive now.  Basically none of them were wronged.

    Therefore, there is nothing wrong with the Second Regiment of the Army being able to kill anyone on sight.

    It was already daytime.

    There are corpses lying scattered on the streets of the North District. Some houses on both sides of the street are still emitting black smoke. The originally charming and peaceful community now looks dilapidated, which is completely different from what it used to be.

    "You don't want to live a good life! You bitches, since you don't want to live a good life, then we will make it happen for you!"

    "Master. Master, please let me go! I did this in a black heart, and now I know I was wrong. I will definitely repent! God is my witness!"

    "Fuck you God, God can't control us here. If you do such a thing, you must be punished. If repentance is useful, what should we do?"


    ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?

    Poof!  puff!

    A group of genetic warriors brought out five or six Europeans from a house, but the genetic warriors discovered that there were two female corpses in the house, one large and one small.

    ??And it can be seen that the two female corpses, one large and one small, were abused during their lifetimes.

    ???????????????? Later.  After some cross-examination, these five or six Europeans revealed their flaws.

    It turned out that they were also those who participated in the riot that night, but under the strong suppression of the empire, they had to temporarily hide in nearby residences.

    There happened to be a woman and a girl in this residential house. These people were so animalistic that they finally had the scene that the Gene Man warrior saw.

    When the genetic man stabbed these scum to death one by one with his bayonet.  He also deliberately said loudly: "Your God! Where is the God you shouted when doing things that are worse than animals? You beasts! There are believers like you. Think about it, even if God really exists, I guess he doesn't  What a good thing! Damn it!¡±

    "Speeches like this sound very blasphemous to Europeans, because people would shout a few words every time they massacred those thugs.

    But what frightened the thugs was that, as the Imperial soldiers said, their God did not appear, and there was no miracle to save them.

    On the contrary, it was the soldiers of the empire who kept harvesting their lives with bayonets.

    And the remarks of some imperial soldiers were even more intolerable to Europeans, which completely subverted their beliefs.

    "Listen up, you people. In fact, God does not exist at all. So the church, faith, and your Lord are just some lazy people hundreds of years ago. In order not to do anything, they can let others provide them with advice.  They came up with it. In fact, your Lord was made up by these people, and the so-called miracles were also made up by people in the church to deceive you"

    In this case, the soldiers passing by the empire kept shouting with tin barrel trumpets to let thoseThose who had not yet been interrogated were shocked.

    "blasphemous! These remarks are so blasphemous, they should be burned alive! Heretics! They are all heretics!"

    In an ordinary house in the North District, the priests and priests who started the riot have now completely changed their clothes.

    The unique robes of priests and priests have now been replaced by ordinary European attire.

    They also saw the current situation and knew that the riot had been completely suppressed.

    And the massacre by the imperial soldiers also made them feel frightened.

    The investigation is currently only carried out on the periphery, and has not yet reached them.

    So, they are safe for the time being.

    But it¡¯s definitely not possible to stay here all the time. They are now trying to figure out how to get out of this hellish place in the North District.

    "It's a pity that all the intersections are blocked, and they can't escape at all."

    "And it's very dangerous to go out on the streets now. If anyone without a temporary residence permit is encountered by the imperial soldiers, they will stab you to death without any explanation."

    Even if you bring a temporary residence permit, but your place of residence does not match where you are, then you will be subject to a series of questioning.

    ??????????????????????????????????????????????????????? When it is finally determined that you lied and deceived others, you will inevitably be stabbed.

    After all, lies will always have flaws, right?

    ¡°Those people don¡¯t live in the North Side, they live in the wealthy areas of Manhattan.

    Because believers provide a lot of financial resources.  So these priests and priests are going to enjoy it.

    But this way, there is a problem.

    According to the temporary residence permit, they live in a wealthy area.  But how to explain coming here?

    ¡°And there was a riot here last night, but they were not hurt at all.

    You know, many honest Europeans have been beaten by the mob.

    Will they be spared?

    This is unreasonable.

    And if they tell lies, they will definitely be exposed when faced with the interlocking questions from the imperial soldiers.

    By then they will inevitably be bayoneted to death.


    They don¡¯t want to.

    ¡°Besides, they haven¡¯t lived enough yet, have they?

    Although they talk about God and heaven all day long, these evil things are used to deceive believers.

    As for heaven, whoever wants to go can go there.  They don't want to go anyway.

    "And whether there is heaven or not, these pastors and priests actually don't know.

    As members of the church, the more they understand the inside story, the less they themselves believe in some things.

    "In fact, these priests and priests have doubts about the evil that the imperial soldiers shouted outside.

    But after all, that is something that only the church¡¯s senior leaders can control.

    Those at the bottom are just making random guesses.

    Does God have any miracles?

    Yes, you can also say no.

    The reason why I say there is.  That¡¯s because it¡¯s all written in the Bible.

    And what is recorded in the Bible happened a long time ago, and there are no witnesses.

    After the church spread from generation to generation, many people believed in the miracles recorded in the Bible.

    It makes sense to say no.

    Because there is a special group of people in the church, they are all old ascetic priests, that is, people who believe in God fanatically.

    They will live in isolation.  All energy is devoted to codifying the things of God and things suitable for dissemination in the world.

    ?According to the words of later generations, these people are the "gunmen" or "media communication" personnel trapped by the church.

    Does God exist?

    If he existed, why didn¡¯t he perform any miracles?

    We won¡¯t talk about ancient times, but starting from the Middle Ages.  It's not like no one has doubted this.

    It¡¯s just that most of these people were burned to death or beheaded as heretics.

    If God exists.  It¡¯s not like there are no fanatics, so why doesn¡¯t God appear when the fanatics devote themselves?

    On the contrary, the church is spreading some news, saying that God has performed miracles.

    A priest here has experienced this once.

    He was originally a priest in a remote mountainous area in Rome.?A plague prevailed there, and large numbers of people died.

    The church sent people to tell them that the plague was prevalent here because some people were ungrateful and did things that made God angry, so God sent the plague to punish everyone.

    At that time, the people believed this very much.

    They wept bitterly and spent all their wealth to buy indulgences in the hope of escaping God's punishment.

    In the end, the church got the wealth they wanted and made a fortune during the epidemic.

    And what the church paid was just a few drops of saliva.

    For this reason, they also vowed to find a few girls, tie them to wooden frames and burn them alive.

    The crime is that they are all witches.

    But as a participant in the whole process, the priest knew all about this.

    Those girls are not witches at all, they are just ordinary girls.

    The reason why they were burned to death was because they were all girls who were deceived and played by the priests through illegal means.

    But after playing with these girls, it is not easy to deal with them.

    Therefore, it is best to burn him to death for being a witch and a heretic, so that the glorious image of the priest and the image of the church can be preserved, right?

    Churches often do things like this, and it¡¯s not a big deal.

    So where is God at this time?

    Listening to the propaganda of the imperial warriors outside the streets, some of the priests were angry, some were shouting, and some were silent and anxious (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to Qidian to vote for recommendations and monthly votes.  Mobile users please go to read
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