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Text Chapter 456 Those People

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    Thank you to the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit, and praise our Lord for this wonderful life

    In a house in the labor colony of the business district, a secret gathering was being held.

    The organizers are the hidden church pastors.

    Although after the attack of the Empire in the summer, there are still many low-key priests who survived.

    ¡°These pastors have learned the lessons of their colleagues who were high-profile and ended up in trouble, and they are now very cautious.

    After more than half a year of hard work, the church has made great achievements among the European population in Manhattan.

    Thinking about it, these European workers at that time were only focused on making money. Of course, in order to support their families, they had no energy to devote themselves to the embrace of the Lord.

    After all, no matter how great the Lord is, it is not as important as having a full stomach.

    But as they worked in the Song Empire and received high salaries to improve their lives, their material lives changed drastically.

    As their material life changes, their spiritual life inevitably becomes extremely empty.

    Although there is a red zone on the commercial street, there are countless girls and pubs that can provide simple entertainment and even gambling.

    But there is no way to avoid the feeling of emptiness that has no spiritual sustenance.

    Therefore, the arrival of the priests gave them an opportunity to place their spiritual materials.

    And these European workers are all from Europe and are not too resistant to the church.

    At the same time, the church has dominated people's thoughts in Europe for almost a thousand years. It can be said that its beliefs have been deeply rooted in the hearts of the people.

    Therefore, once we come into contact with these spiritually empty European workers, we effortlessly lure them back into the arms of the Lord and become His lambs.

    And the lives of these pastors have also been fundamentally changed due to the increase in believers.

    After what happened in the summer, the lives of these pastors suddenly lost their source.

    At that time, many people did not want to deal with them because they were worried that the empire would come into contact with the priests.  And drive them away.

    The life of the pastors at that time was very miserable, and they often went hungry for a day without even being able to eat a piece of bread.

    After all, apart from being able to deceive people, these priests have no skills or abilities.

    So, when people don¡¯t want to have contact with them, the skills of these priests are useless.

    The situation is different now. Now believers are actively buying indulgences under the deception of priests.

    Because the pastors said what happened in the summer.  That was the Lord's test for them.

    But the Lord was very disappointed because none of these lambs passed this test.

    However, the Lord is still very tolerant. As long as these believers who have returned to the Lord¡¯s arms sincerely repent of their past mistakes, the Lord is still willing to accept them.

    So, atone for your sins.

    As for the method of atonement, it is very simple, just buy an indulgence coupon.

    Methods like ¡®indulgence¡¯ often appear in Europe.

    It can even be traced back to the dark and ignorant era of the Middle Ages.

    The church at that time used the method of "indulgences" to gather almost all of Europe's economy and wealth in the hands of the church.

    Even now, some bishops in Europe are short of money.  Local residents will also be called upon to buy indulgences.

    As for how to fool the local people, it is very simple.

    You must know that in this era, major European cities, including rural areas, were not very sanitary, and their sanitary conditions were extremely poor.

    therefore.  A large proportion of people get sick and die due to substandard hygiene, which gives the money-grubbing guys in the church a good excuse.

    Look, why do these people die so strangely? It¡¯s because you are ungrateful to God.  So God is punishing you.

    " Such nonsense is made up by these bishops without thinking.

    Because what they said was so smooth.

    And whether people are pious or not.  Only you know.

    But one thing is for sure, basically not everyone is that religious.

    After all, people are selfish, right?

    So, being frightened by the bishops, plus I may not be so pious from time to time.

    So these peopleIt's easy to be fooled.

    Then he began to buy indulgences enthusiastically, and the endless wealth flowed into the pockets of regional bishops and priests.

    ¡°In addition to half of the money being handed over to the higher-level church members, the remaining part will be divided easily.

    Those bishops or priests who received the money used the money to spend their time and even keep mistresses. There are many such things in the church, and basically everyone knows it.

    Only the poor common people don¡¯t know.

    The money they have worked so hard to earn flows into the hands of these greedy guys, fueling their lives of debauchery.

    This kind of thing is very common on the European continent.

    Now, these pastors are using this method again here in Manhattan.

    And, it¡¯s very effective.

    The European-American workers here in Manhattan are very rich. Compared with their compatriots in Europe, they are absolutely wealthy.

    In addition, the living consumption level here in Manhattan is very low, so the salary of these people can ensure that the family lives a very comfortable life. In Europe, it would be like a small landowner.

    It is precisely because of this relationship that the priests in Manhattan receive more money than a regional bishop on the European continent, which makes them very stunned.

    And it can be seen from the situation of those believers that their oppression is not harmful to these believers at all, and they actually have room for further oppression.

    This is really a geomantic treasure land, a good place to make a fortune.

    This is the common sentiment of all pastors.

    However, the believers they have developed now are all European laborers, and these people are at the bottom of the empire.

    Although they are free citizens, to be honest, they have no status in the empire and the money they earn is at the lowest level.

    These pastors have been in Manhattan for a while, and they know this very well.

    They know that in Manhattan, apart from slaves and prisoners, free people of European descent have the lowest status.

    If these people want to make a fortune.  Then it is necessary to absorb people such as Indians or Asians as MMS believers.

    Needless to say, Indians, the men are basically imperial militia reserves and receive a salary.

    But usually they are no longer in the army, but live freely and live a very leisurely life.

    Therefore, these Indians either work as mercenaries and guards for the Chinese bosses, or go hunting in the surrounding areas themselves, or they work as nursing homes for the landlords.

    Therefore, these Indians earn much more money every month than the free laborers of European descent.

    So if these people become believers.  Then the wealth these pastors can obtain will be even greater.

    But when compared with those Asian citizens with black hair and black eyes who claim to be of Yanhuang blood, the Indians are far behind.

    ??Here in Manhattan, the worst Asian citizens are small shop owners. There are even many people who own land, cattle and sheep, and raise pigs, chickens, and ducks in the surrounding area, so they are very wealthy.

    What¡¯s more, they also have fishing boats that can fish offshore.

    Every time we catch marine fish, it basically takes less than an hour.  It will be sold out by people.

    It can be seen from this that such a boss will have no money in his hands?

    At the same time, Asian citizens have a high status in the empire and enjoy many invisible privileges.

    If they can recruit Asian citizens to believe in God.  Then pastors like them can get even more benefits.

    ¡°If they go somewhere bigger, if there are Asians in government departments, or if the nobles believe in God, then their lives will be better.

    certainly.  These things are still a bit too far away for them now. Food must be eaten bite by bite and things must be done step by step.

    They have also come into contact with these people with the highest status in the empire.  But most of them are civilians, neither nobles nor civil servants working in the government.

    But even so, the performance of these people was very disappointing.

    When they heard that they were going to spread the gospel of God to them, these people would immediately grab their arms and loudly call for the Indian police to come and arrest them.

    From these people, you can¡¯t see any interest in God at all.

    And several times they almost lost their manpower and were?Go into the police station.

    The empire has now officially declared that the European church is an illegal organization and a cult.

    Such an announcement made these pastors very angry and helpless at the same time.

    The situation is stronger than the people. Now this is not the place in Europe where they have the final say.

    This is America, the territory of the Song Empire, and everything is decided by others.

    What's more, no matter how great the church is, it was only done in Europe. It is impossible for it to go sideways in America.

    Not only in the Americas, but even in the Arab world in the Middle East, the church does not dare to do anything.

    There are more and more gatherings in labor residential areas during this period, and they are becoming more and more frequent.

    At the same time, the number of participants is getting bigger and bigger, one after another.

    This has aroused extreme concern and vigilance among the intelligence agencies.

    There are more than one million European free laborers in Manhattan. If these people start to cause trouble, it will bring great turmoil and trouble to Manhattan.

    Therefore, this can¡¯t help but make the intelligence agencies nervous.

    On the outskirts of the community, several young people of European descent seemed to have nothing to do, squatting there chatting, smoking and spanking.

    But if you look carefully, you will find that the eyes of these young people are always looking around and into the distance.

    They are all sent by priests to guard the outside. After all, their current gathering is illegal, so they must be on guard against the empire.  (To be continued. Mobile phone users please go to m. to read.)
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