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Text Chapter 450 The Caribbean War Begins

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    This was originally just a lieutenant commander of the Dutch colonial garrison fleet in the Caribbean, but at this time he actually took control of 63 warships and became the commander.

    As the saying goes, times make heroes, but it¡¯s hard to say whether he is a hero now.

    Now his goal is to ambush a Song Empire fleet heading to Cayenne. If he can defeat this fleet, then he will definitely become a hero who can turn the tide.

    Of course, the Song Empire had many fleets in the Caribbean, but most of them stayed in the Spanish colonies and stationed troops to stabilize the situation.

    Therefore, if the fleet of the Song Empire were to invade the Dutch colonies, it would be impossible to resist it with only 63 warships.

    Galliford is also very aware of this.

    But according to intelligence, the Song Empire fleet headed for Cayenne was not that large, with only thirty-seven warships, which was not as numerous as their own.

    In other words, our side still has a great advantage in the number of battleships.

    Although the Song Empire¡¯s warships and artillery have a long range and advanced weapons, it is not impossible for them to fight against the opponent.

    Now the senior officials in the colony are frightened by the Song Empire and do not dare to confront the Song Empire at all.

    But Galliford didn¡¯t think so.

    He had to fight the Song Empire to the end, for the sake of his dead family, wife and children, as well as for his own honor as a soldier and the interests of the country.

    There are many people like him. They gathered together and seized the warships by attacking them. They came to the sea 300 miles north of Cayenne in a mighty manner, preparing to fight to the death with the Song Empire's fleet.

    This is the last maritime power in the Caribbean in the Dutch colonies.

    If they fail, the Caribbean Sea will become the territory of the Song Empire, and the Dutch will completely withdraw from this area, even if there is a chance to return here in the future.  I think there will be a lot of resistance.

    "I found the five-star red flag ahead, which is the Song Empire's fleet heading to Cayenne!"

    Just when Chelsea discovered their fleet, the Galliford fleet also discovered the Song Empire fleet.

    "Come forward! The Song Empire warships have many cannons, and they have a long range. We can only stand a chance if we get close and engage in a boarding battle!"

    Galliford immediately ordered.

    At this time, the distance above was still an hour's flight away, but the tense atmosphere before the war had already enveloped both sides.

    The Song Empire fleet has thirty-seven warships, including thirty-six Dutch-style warships that have been transformed from the village. Each ship has seventy-two cannons, a range of six nautical miles, and is equipped with highly destructive explosive shells and armor-piercing shells.  At the same time, the sailors also had flintlock guns and copycat shoulder-fired rocket launchers.

    The heavily-armed battleship has 108 guns and is inlaid with iron plates for strong defense. It is the flagship of Chelsea.

    Most importantly, in addition to the propellers and engines on the bottom of the heavily-equipped battleships, which greatly increased the speed and improved the steering ability, the other modified Dutch-style frigates all added rollers and some small craftsmanship that were ahead of the times.  It also greatly improves the speed of the battleship's rise and fall, as well as the battleship's ability to turn.

    At the very least, the Dutch warships are completely impossible to compare with.

    ? Just analyze it from the perspective of battleships.  In addition to being at a disadvantage due to its relatively small number, the Song Empire was not necessarily an opponent.

    On the other hand, on the Dutch side, all of them are Dutch dual-purpose commercial and warships, with double decks and three masts.  But this kind of warship is not as fast as the warships of the Song Empire, or as strong in turning ability.

    Its artillery range is three nautical miles, which is only half the range of the Song Empire's artillery.

    At the same time, the maximum number of artillery pieces per ship is only thirty-six, and the minimum number is only eighteen.

    Just the number of artillery pieces.  Much less than the Song Empire.

    Naval battles at this time basically rely on artillery. Basically, whoever has more artillery can take the initiative.

    Although Galliford¡¯s fleet warships are nearly 30 more than those of the Song Empire.  But the total number of artillery is not as large as that of the Song Empire fleet.

    Coupled with the short range, this makes the Galliford fleet seem a bit weak.

    As time passed, both sides spread their sails and advanced at maximum speed. Soon the Chelsea fleet on the side of the Song Empire opened fire first.

    I saw the Chelsea fleet all turning its direction, facing the Galliford fleet on the attack. Hundreds of artillery spit out tongues of fire and released shocking waves.The sound of the sky blasted the cannonballs out of the muzzle.

    On the originally calm sea, water columns were smashed out one by one.

    The battle begins!

    "Sir, the enemy is attacking our fleet at full speed. It seems that they are going to engage in close combat with us."

    At this time, the adjutant, who had been observing the situation on the other side, put down the telescope in his hand and said to Chelsea.

    ??Actually, it doesn¡¯t take the adjutant to tell Chelsea that she also knows about it, because he has also been looking at it with a telescope.

    Hearing this, Chelsea curled her lips and sneered: "Huh! You're smart, but that alone is not enough. Do they think they have to fight a boarding battle? Besides, there is still such a long distance, they  If you don¡¯t see them, you can rush over.¡±

    The adjutant nodded and said nothing, because everything Chelsea said was true.

    The Song Empire had a lot of artillery, and the gunners were very accurate.

    Although there are some bumps on the sea, it is not difficult for these gene gunners.

    Although the fleet of the Song Empire was all sideways, it slowed down a lot when facing the attacking Galliford fleet.

    But after all, the fleet is still constantly moving.

    Therefore, it will take a long time for the Galliford fleet to rush over.

    Naval battles are different from land wars. It is common for a battle to last for several days or even half a month.

    "If someone is running and the other is chasing, there will often be a month of fighting like this.

    At this time, the Galliford Fleet was still five nautical miles away from the Song Empire¡¯s Chelsea Fleet.

    Chelsea and the others are still outside the range of the Galliford fleet, but the opponent is already within the range of their own artillery.

    This is the benefit of having artillery with a long range.

    As the saying goes, every inch is long and every inch is dangerous. This truth is especially obvious in naval battles.

    Faced with the cannonballs all over the sky, all the warships of the Galliford fleet rushed towards the Chelsea fleet at maximum speed with their style in full swing.

    Each of them knew that the only way to do this was to rush in front of the enemy and engage in a battle with them.  Only in this way can you have a chance.

    Unfortunately, the enemy is too cunning.

    Although the opponent's speed has slowed down, they are still moving.

    And the opponent turned the ship sideways, and its artillery fired continuously, causing great losses to the charge.

    Boom!  Boom boom!

    A battleship near Galliford's flagship ignited a sky-wide fire, and then soon exploded from the middle. The entire ship burned into the sky and broke into two pieces in a short time, and then sank to the bottom of the sea.

    The ship was unlucky as a shell hit the powder magazine, causing an explosion and fire.

    And the explosion occurred from within.  The keel of the battleship's hull was broken.

    It can only be that this battleship is too unlucky.

    For this matter, Galliford completely ignored it.

    He did not even give orders to rescue the sailors who jumped into the sea.

    Because he knew that if a rescue order was issued, at least one warship would stop the attack and slow down in this situation where the sky was full of shells.

    This is a very dangerous thing.

    So, the best way at this time is to keep moving forward!

    "Sir, the enemy has not yet entered the range of our artillery!"

    "How many miles are we still away from the enemy?"

    "Four miles away, sir!"

    ¡°Keep rushing!¡±


    at this time.  Galliford's battleship shook, and he staggered.

    Fortunately, he grabbed a nearby wooden pole and was able to stand firm without falling.

    "what happened!"

    Galliford asked loudly.

    "Sir, we've been shot!"

    Galliford¡¯s eyelids twitched when he heard this.

    "Ignore it. Move on!"

    It turns out that a solid bullet was hit on the deck of Galliford's battleship just now.

    The solid bullet penetrated the deck and formed a large hole.

    Fortunately, it lost its power when it landed on the second deck.  Only then did the bottom of the ship not penetrate.

    Otherwise, it would be a lot of trouble and fun.

    Even so, Galliford was so frightened that he broke into a cold sweat.

    However, at this time, the more?The more he understands.  You have to be very calm and don't look panicked.

    Now, my flagship is a weather vane for other warships.

    Presumably everyone on the other battleships is looking at him now.

    And those people must have been stunned by the powerful firepower of the Song Empire.

    "Any action you take here will definitely cause a chain reaction.

    In other words, if you are brave, others will follow suit.

    But if you run away, others will immediately follow you.

    By that time, it will be defeated without a fight.

    Of course, if it is sunk during this period, these people will turn around and run away immediately.

    The faces of the sailors on the flagship were pale, and some were even trembling all over. It looked like they were terrified.

    Every time an enemy shell falls on the sea and a water column is generated, the bodies of these sailors will tremble.

    At the same time, more people¡¯s eyes were dull, and some were mumbling something.

    Galliford knew that the sailors were now close to collapse.

    ¡°They had never seen such intense shelling before, it was very scary.

    And the enemy's artillery fire rate is very fast, basically more than twice the reloading and firing speed of the artillery he knows.

    I really don¡¯t know how the artillerymen of the Song Empire were trained, and how they could reload artillery shells so fast.

    Of course he didn¡¯t know that this was because the artillerymen of the Song Empire were different from his own, and the artillery was also manufactured differently.

    "Sir! The enemy has entered artillery range!"

    At this time, the livid-faced adjutant rushed to Galliford and shouted at the top of his lungs.
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