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    The New Year is just around the corner, and everyone in the Song Empire in North America has begun to prepare for the New Year. Except for the slaves and prisoners working in the empire, both citizens and foreign European laborers are very excited.  .

    Citizens of Chinese descent are excited that they can celebrate the New Year in this era, and their lives are prosperous this year.

    Indian citizens thought they could celebrate the festival with Chinese citizens, which proved that the empire truly integrated them into it and did not exclude them.

    Because in the Indian concept, only oneself can celebrate the festival together.

    Especially when I heard that ancestors are sacrificed during the Chinese New Year, and the school has long brainwashed the Indians, saying that they have an ancestor, so this is a big deal.

    Therefore, the Indian citizens are also very happy and take the New Year very seriously. They have prepared a lot of things and are waiting for the New Year to come.

    And those European citizens, as well as European workers, are happy simply because they can celebrate the holidays.

    The law here in the empire does not allow the celebration of European festivals, so these Europeans can only abide by this law in order to make money.

    But no matter what, it¡¯s always a good thing to be able to celebrate the holidays.

    You should know that although European holidays are not allowed by law, holidays prescribed by the empire can be taken off, and those who work during the holidays can also receive generous salaries.

    So, European and Chinese citizens and workers of European descent are also very happy about this.

    In short, when it comes to celebrating the New Year, everyone in the Song Empire is happy and no one is dissatisfied.

    ??Besides, after working hard for such a year, everyone should take a break to celebrate and enjoy the fruits of the year's hard work.

    People.  When you have some money on hand, you always need a few days to spend it properly.

    Therefore, the cities controlled by the Song Empire in North America and the towns being established were filled with a strong festive atmosphere.

    Unlike North America, Central America seems a little weird.

    The huge imperial fleet, after having San Diego as a springboard, used it as a base to rapidly expand into Central America.

    They strictly followed the plan formulated by the staff and used a very insidious strategy to sneak attack on Spanish Nassau, Santiago, Havana, Veracruz on the Gulf of Mexico, Merida and Trujillo.  Cayman's ''Santo Domingo'' and ''San Juan'' colonies.

    And the method is to use the port to supply, and then take advantage of the Spanish to relax their vigilance.  Then the sneak attack was successful in the middle of the night.

    Although this method is not popular, the final result is very gratifying.

    It can be said that in a short period of time, taking advantage of the lack of information from the Spanish, the imperial fleet captured many colonial cities as well as Central American coastal ports and islands in one fell swoop.

    But that was the end of the matter. The remaining Spaniards had already reacted and started fighting.

    Because of the aggressiveness of the Imperial Fleet, the Dutch colonies in Central America no longer paid attention to the situation in mainland Europe and joined forces with the Spanish to deal with the Imperial Fleet.

    at the same time.  The Spanish and Dutch sent envoys to Manhattan to question why the war had not been declared.

    In their opinion, the Song Empire had no chivalry at all, and its behavior was completely like thieves and robbers.

    Now the Imperial Fleet can be said to have complete control over all northern ports and islands in Central America.  Such results made Zhao Hongyu very satisfied.

    Although they did not capture all the Central American colonies in one fell swoop, the results were still impressive.

    With the cities in northern Central America as a support, the imperial fleet can slowly plot the entire Central America region.

    ¡°After all, it¡¯s impossible to become fat in one sitting.  This was not what Zhao Hongyu had originally expected.

    ???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? away from the enemy.

    But because the imperial fleet is cautious.  In order not to leak the news, merchant ships were banned from going to sea, and Spaniards were massacred in large numbers wherever they went. Therefore, the news of the fleet entering Central America was controlled for a long time.

    By the time the Spanish and Dutch were waiting to react, the empire had already occupied a large area.

    Speaking of which, it was extremely accidental that the news about the fleet leaked out.

    Otherwise, the Spaniards and Dutch may continue to be deceived.

    ?But no matter what, there are frequent naval battles in Central America, and the imperial fleet has the upper hand.

    Therefore, Zhao Hongyu was not interested in meeting the Dutch or Spanish envoys.

    In the end, Zhang Tie came forward to receive him and finally gave an answer.

    We have an agreement with France and the Portuguese Restoration Organization. When they attack the Spanish mainland, we will attack the Spanish colonies in Central America to cooperate.

    And because we are allies with France and the Portuguese Restoration Organization, Spain, which is at war with the French, is of course also the enemy of our empire.


    The French and Portuguese rebels actually signed an alliance agreement with the Song Empire!

    The envoy sent by the Spanish colonial governor was shocked when he learned the news.

    If this is the case, no wonder the Song Empire would go to war with them. This is not a good thing.

    Nowadays, 80% of the Spanish colonies in Central America are occupied by the Song Empire, and the Spanish fleets have all gone to Europe, and they are fighting lively with the French in the Mediterranean.

    Therefore, they are no match for the Imperial Fleet in Central America.

    Although they have united with the Dutch, so is the Dutch fleet.

    Several naval battles have broken out in Central America, but each time the imperial fleet was victorious. Judging from this situation, it seems that the interests of Central America cannot be preserved.

    And I have no way or certainty to convince the Song Empire to stop attacking the colonies in Central America.

    ¡°Yes, there is no benefit that I can offer in exchange for the truce.

    The Spanish envoy was in a very bad mood. After meeting Zhang Tie, he hurriedly left Manhattan.

    The envoys sent by the governor of the Dutch Central American colonies asked why the imperial fleet harassed the Dutch colonies in Central America.

    Zhang Tie¡¯s answer to this was simple, that is, he was interested in the Dutch colony.

    The concise answer made the Dutch envoy choke.

    He had thought of many answers, but he had never thought of this one.

    It can be heard from Zhang Tie's words that the Song Empire has great ambitions for Central America, and it will definitely not be able to withdraw so easily after sending a fleet there.

    And now their situation is not good. A large number of fleets have been transferred back to Europe and are fighting the British in the North Sea.

    Because the British lost their North American colonies, they have now turned their attention to the European continent and reached an agreement with the Spanish.

    Furthermore, the Imperial Fleet destroyed a large number of Dutch warships in several battles in the Central American Caribbean. With the naval power the Dutch now possess, they are no longer able to stop the Imperial Fleet.

    ¡°And the European mainland has no way to support itself.

    Therefore, it is only a matter of time before the Song Empire seizes the entire Caribbean Sea.

    You are too insidious, starting a war without declaring it, and even stopping to replenish supplies. This is not chivalrous at all!

    ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? Villain!  Thief!

    Faced with the envoy¡¯s words, Zhang Tie just smiled lightly and said: Soldiers never tire of deceit, this is war!

    Immediately, what the envoy wanted to say later was blocked.

    It is a fact that the Song Empire's navy is stronger than them now, and it is also the truth in the world to say things with big fists.

    In the end, the Dutch envoy angrily said 'see you on the battlefield' and left Manhattan in the same dejected mood as the Spanish envoy.

    At the same time, Zhang Tie made an announcement to the outside world that Spanish and Dutch ships found in the imperial waters in the future would be free to sink. Suddenly everyone in the empire knew about the empire's war on the Caribbean.

    The Dutch and Spanish people in Manhattan were panicked for a while.

    Fortunately, the civil affairs officials of the empire appeared and told these people that if they did not want to stay in the empire, the empire could send them to the Caribbean colonies.

    Those who are willing to stay need to renounce their nationality, and then the empire will issue them temporary residence documents and plan a concentration camp for them to live in.

    After obtaining the temporary residence documents, those who stayed will have to undergo a period of inspection and study. If there is an opportunity in the future, they will become official citizens of the empire.

    As for inspections and other things, it is actually brainwashing and learning.

    As long as they have been brainwashed and passed various assessments, thenThe empire doesn't mind accepting these people.

    After all, the population of the empire is too small now.

    So far, except for a few hundred people who are willing to go to the Caribbean colonies, most people have chosen to stay in Manhattan and strive to obtain citizenship documents and become imperial citizens.

    You know, the Song Empire is really too wealthy.

    ¡°If given the choice, no one would want to go back.

    What¡¯s good about this country?

    The nobles preyed on the people everywhere, causing the people to live in dire straits.

    Only here in the empire can they live like real people.

    To these Europeans, the Song Empire today is like the United States in later generations, with an aura that attracts the attention of people from all over the world.

    At this point, an invisible storm disappeared without a trace, and everything returned to its original calm.

    Unlike the empire in North America, people in the Caribbean were really panicked. The imperial fleet pressed on and launched successive offensives. The combined fleets of Spain and the Dutch fought several battles with them, but they all ended in failure.

    For this reason, the people in the Caribbean colonies are all very frightened.

    They don¡¯t know when the imperial fleet will come.
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