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Text Chapter 406 There is a surprise

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    The development, public security, and public sentiment of Quebec City have stabilized.

    The Somali chief and the Gurkha chief, the two people's governance in Quebec is still very satisfactory.

    Therefore, Zhao Hongyu doesn¡¯t need to worry too much about things over there.

    Lake Ontario City on the west side has become the only heavy industrial city in the empire due to the presence of Song Hu, the integration of a large number of Iroquois people, and the rich local mineral resources.

    Various iron product workshops, warship construction factories, and even farm tools and other products are among the most productive.

    In addition, Song Hu built a small hydropower station and supplied electricity to the city.

    Like later generations, Lake Ontario, a city built on the foundation of Detroit, a heavy industrial city in the United States, had some basic conditions.

    If nothing else happens, Ontario City will become the largest heavy industry city in the empire in the future.

    Furthermore, Ontario City is different from Manhattan and Quebec. Manhattan City is positioned as a port trade city. Its main source of income is commercial trade. It is also the only city in the empire open to the outside world.

    Quebec is positioned as an agricultural region.

    The top priority of its development is agriculture.

    But this is not the case in Ontario City. Because it has many minerals, Song Hu¡¯s construction plan is to build Ontario City into a super industrial city.

    Therefore, it is not surprising that some modern things appear in Ontario City.

    Zhao Hongyu had no objection to Song Hu¡¯s development plan.

    He completely allowed Song Hu to freely formulate plans to build Ontario City.

    At least, it seems that the development of Ontario is still very good now.

    At the same time, Song Hu has begun to extend the city's tentacles to other places in the Great Lakes region, and has begun building fortresses at strategic locations, as well as planning and building villages and towns at locations where the United States will establish cities in the Great Lakes region.

    Manhattan, Quebec, and Lake Ontario are now the three largest cities under Zhao Hongyu.

    Compared with these three cities, the other five developing ¡®township chiefs¡¯ are still in the hard construction stage.

    But judging from the news they sent back, there will be five more cities in the empire next year.

    ¡° In this way, more than half of the land in North America will be directly or indirectly controlled by Zhao Hongyu.

    ??And cities in the middle of the Mississippi River will be able to look out to the West Coast of the Americas.

    As long as time permits and the policy remains stable without turmoil, the empire¡¯s tentacles will extend to the west coast within a few years.

    After turning on the ¡®township chief¡¯ function, Zhao Hongyu felt a lot more relaxed.

    ¡°For things like this, I just need to stay in Manhattan and let my subordinates do it.

    In short, it doesn¡¯t have to be so troublesome as having to do everything yourself.

    And Zhao Hongyu is also happy to be so relaxed. Since he can enjoy the benefits, why should he go to trouble?

    In Manhattan, some smart and skillful Chinese geneticists handmade many red lanterns and started selling them. Zhao Hongyu also bought many and hung them around the castle.

    Although the lives of Chinese geneticists are now very good, and most of them can be considered rich in a strict sense.

    "However, these Chinese people are not content with enjoying themselves. They will still find something to do for themselves.

    Or open a shop or a small workshop.

    Zhao Hongyu is very encouraging of such things.

    Therefore, many wind mills and shops making snacks or cooked food have appeared in Manhattan.

    The owners or proprietors of these shops are basically Chinese.

    Of course, some Europeans who became citizens of the empire also opened bakeries and blacksmith shops.

    In short, anyone with some skills can make a lot of money by opening a small business in the imperial city.

    The citizens of the empire have money, so they are willing to spend it.

    At the same time, it also promoted the empire¡¯s tax revenue.

    Regarding the empire¡¯s tax policy, it has now completely gotten rid of Zhao Hongyu¡¯s funding, and has embarked on a virtuous cycle that can prevent self-sufficiency and still have a surplus.

    With more and more shops, the empire¡¯s finances will become better and better.

    Zhao Hongyu is full of confidence in this.

    But Zhao Hongyu also has something to worry about.

    That means the empire¡¯s population is too small.

    ?Yes, as the British colonies were incorporated into the empire's territory, the Caribbean strategy began.

    ¡°Zhao Hongyu, with a population of only a few hundred thousand, it is really a headache to control such a large area of ??land.

    It seems that developing too fast is not a good thing.

    Fortunately, the empire has gold mines, iron ore, and coal to support it.

    Therefore, the population of Chinese genetic people continues to rise steadily.

    After this year, the proportion of Chinese genetic people among all genetic people has finally climbed to the level of 50.

    The crisis prompt of the space-time trader finally disappeared.

    And the pressure on Indian Asan has reached 800, so that they can no longer think of resisting.

    Zhao Hongyu¡¯s personal account, after this year¡¯s savings, was very pleasantly surprised when he checked it at the end of the year.

    It actually reached an amount of 50 billion.

    You know, there are seven "township chiefs" in eight cities, and the amount they can control is only one billion yuan.

    In other words, the excess amount will be deposited into Zhao Hongyu¡¯s personal account, which they can no longer control.

    Since Zhao Hongyu became the ¡®hands-off shopkeeper¡¯ and left all matters to the subordinates of Gene Man, he rarely turns on the space-time trader.

    Now, when he wanted to sort out the results of the year before the year, he never imagined that there would be such a big surprise.

    What can 50 billion do?

    There are many things that can be done.

    ??To invest in a copycat research, 50 billion is enough.

    If the technological content requirements are not high, you can even invest in many projects.

    If it is used to cultivate genetic people, 50 billion can cultivate many genetic people.

    In this way, the empire¡¯s population shortage can be completely alleviated.

    You must know that, in addition to genetic people, a large part of the citizens of the empire are Indians or French people from Quebec, as well as descendants who joined in.

    In the face of population shortage, Zhao Hongyu had to implement this policy of accepting immigrants.

    You know, the land controlled by the empire now is really too big.

    If there is no population, what control can the empire have?

    ¡°And what Zhao Hongyu requires is not just simple control, but also actual conversion into territory.

    ¡°In this way, the garrison and the city will need a large population.

    Now that he has such a large amount of money, Zhao Hongyu is not only pleasantly surprised, but also feels that his confidence has soared.

    Therefore, he found a free day and began to plan how to use the money.

    First, he checked his copycat investment institution and checked the progress of various investments.

    He found that the investment of Shanzhai research institutions was very scattered, and the fields in which each geneticist village head invested were different.

    Some people invest in agriculture, some invest in heavy industrial machinery manufacturing, and some invest in light industrial chemical products. Song Hu invests in the development of military-type muskets, which has a lot to do with his character.

    Zhang Tie invested in researching and producing better products, as well as battleship armor and artillery.

    Because this is one of the keys to ensuring smooth trade.

    However, because each of them has a limited amount of funds, the temporary progress of these researches is only a little, and some have even only developed 10% progress.

    Researching investment is not a trivial matter. Many times, even if you invest billions, you can succeed.

    Otherwise, Huaxia will not have so much money later, and it is drifting in the field of investment research.

    Even the United States, which is as powerful as later generations, spends a lot of money investing in various heavy industries and machinery every year.

    And it¡¯s even higher than military spending.

    It¡¯s just that these have not been exposed.

    ¡°This does not include the amount of money spent by private institutions on their own investment in research and development.

    After Zhao Hongyu looked around, he had an idea in his mind.

    Song Hu invested in rifle research, and the current progress is 28. There is still a long way to go before the research is successful.

    ¡°And Zhao Hongyu is very familiar with the deceptive performance of copycat research institutions. Even if he invests 100% of the progress, it is still unknown whether he will succeed in the end.

    I will give you a hint (failure) when the time comes. I guess you won¡¯t have any tears even if you want to cry by then.

    When Zhao Hongyu invested in the past, he always used some??food research, and has failed many times, so he knows this very well.

    ¡°But Zhao Hongyu still agrees with Song Hu¡¯s investment direction.

    The strength of an empire must ultimately be built on its army and weapons.

    With world-leading weapons and a reliable army, who else can stop the rise of the empire?

    And although the flintlock gun looks powerful, loading ammunition is still very troublesome.

    It¡¯s just better than a matchlock gun.

    If it weren¡¯t for the empire¡¯s tactics, it would probably not have been possible to win so many wars in a row.

    But after all, the Europeans are not fools. Now they are beginning to learn this tactic, so the Song Empire's lead will be slowly shortened.

    Therefore, Zhao Hongyu must find a way to use weapons.

    "Please invest. The one-time investment in rifle research is at least 100 million, with no upper limit."

    When Zhao Hongyu clicked on the research investment for the rifle, the system prompts followed.

    Because Zhao Hongyu is now a ¡®town mayor¡¯-level official, the system has turned on the voice function. It is no longer like before to just communicate with Zhao Hongyu through the prompt bar, which makes it much easier.

    Is an investment of 100 million the minimum?

    After hearing the prompt, Zhao Hongyu frowned.

    Although he knew that investing in arms would cost a lot, the minimum limit still made his eyelids twitch.

    In the end, Zhao Hongyu gritted his teeth and invested one billion yuan in one breath.

    But looking at the progress bar, Zhao Hongyu took a breath of air.

    The investment of one billion yuan only made the progress bar advance by 8.

    The current rifle research progress has gone from 28 to 36 (to be continued. Please search Piao Tian Literature, the novel is better and updated faster!)
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