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Text Chapter 398: For the sake of the master, rush (third update!)

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    Europe and America are now shrouded in the cloud of war.

    "Compared to America, the war in Europe has already begun.

    Protestantism and the Church, France and Spain, the Portuguese Uprising, the Holy Roman Empire's invasion of France, the American Volunteer Army and the Holy Roman Empire, the melee in the Netherlands, Sweden, Poland and other countries were all involved.

    The year 1621 is destined not to be a harmonious year.

    On the American continent, the Song Empire also began a war against the British colonies.

    Although Britain is far away from Europe, its colonies are inevitably involved in a war, and it is impossible to avoid it.

    The Spanish colonies in Central America had frequent naval battles with the Dutch colonies.

    But after the Spanish mainland was invaded by France and the Portuguese revolted, letters asking for help came to the Spanish colonial governors in Central America.

    Therefore, the naval battle between the Spaniards and the Dutch in Central America finally stopped.

    Because the Spanish troops in the Netherlands did not withdraw from the battlefield.

    Therefore, the Protestant coalition forces in the Netherlands were suppressed. For this reason, the Dutch were also preparing to mobilize fleets and corps back from Central America.

    At this point, the military strength of Spain and the Dutch in Central America began to weaken.

    They simply did not see the danger behind this and the peek from the Song Empire.

    About a month later, the British colony of Pennsylvania fell, and the newly built fortress fell into the hands of the Song Empire's army. The people of the colony either surrendered or were captured, and some fled to Virginia.

    The British were beyond their control over what was happening in the Americas, although they also wanted to mobilize warships to protect their colonial interests in the Americas.

    But there really aren¡¯t many warships in Britain at this time.

    There are only five or six hundred ships, which is far less huge than it would be more than a hundred years ago.

    ¡°And Manhattan even defeated the pirate alliance with hundreds of ships. With just a few battleships, why don¡¯t they still deliver food to the Song Empire?

    Therefore, based on this consideration, the British decided to abandon the colonies in the New World of America.

    ¡°After all, the trouble they are causing now is caused by them themselves.

    Who told them not to carry it with them honestly but to do some tricks behind their backs?

    It¡¯s okay now, the Song Empire knows what they were doing behind the scenes.

    Now, it¡¯s time for them to pay the price.

    As the saying goes, there is a cycle of karma and retribution, and they have no choice but to deal with their own losses.

    After Pennsylvania was easily conquered, the Song Empire immediately announced that it had been incorporated into the crown prince's territory and became the territory of the Song Empire.

    Its land and coast have sacred and inviolable sovereignty.

    At this point, Zhao Hongyu¡¯s land has expanded a lot.

    You know, the land here in Pennsylvania is very fertile and rich in products.

    Although not as good as Central America and the West, it is still an incredible piece of land.

    Even though there are not many resources here, Zhao Hongyu is still willing to see the expansion of his territory.

    At least, the goal of completely controlling the Americas is now a little closer, isn't it?

    There are 2,000 troops stationed in the Pennsylvania Fortress, and it will just grow slowly in the future.

    After leaving 2,000 men behind, the remaining 6,000 men did not stay long and continued to march toward Virginia.

    The British knew that the Song Empire wanted to completely eradicate themselves.

    On the continent of America, the Song Empire would never tolerate itself again.

    Although they understood the intentions of the Song Empire, Britain and its colonies had no solution at all.

    What Virginia can do now is send troops to resist.

    After the governor issued the order, he appointed a military director and set off with the conscripted troops.

    When the troops left Virginia, he took his closest men and left Virginia on a merchant ship.

    ??Now everyone knows that Virginia has no power to fight back against the Song Empire, and it is not a death for her to stay.

    "It's just that in order to give an explanation to the superiors, he issued a mobilization order and sent troops to fight with the Song Empire's army.

    ¡°In this way, he will have something to say when he returns to his hometown.

    No one knew the governor's plans, and the soldiers who left Virginia didn't know yet that they had been betrayed by the governor.

    They are just one?It's just cannon fodder, no one cares about life or death at all.

    The army of the Song Empire marched very fast. After conquering the Pennsylvania fortress in what would become Philadelphia, within three days the army entered the Maryland Plains area on the border of Pennsylvania and Virginia.

    Here, the Song Empire¡¯s army encountered the Virginia Army.

    At this time, the Song Empire¡¯s army totaled 6,000, of which 500 were Eight Banners soldiers and 5,050 were Somali and Gurkha mixed corps. They had 20 24-pound artillery pieces.

    On the Virginia side, the legion numbered about 13,000, of which 5,000 were regular troops, and the rest were temporarily recruited militiamen or idle guys.

    They have six 12-pound cannons, 600 muskets, and the rest are cold weapons.

    In this regard, Virginia and the Song Empire are completely different.

    Because the cold weapons of the Song Empire were only auxiliary melee weapons, they would not be used in combat without special needs.

    Basically, even in hand-to-hand combat, they are accustomed to using bayonets.

    Therefore, although the soldiers of the Song Empire had machetes hanging on their waists, they rarely used them.

    Unless it is a night attack or a surprise attack.

    In terms of numbers, the Virginia army had the advantage.

    "The Song Empire, on the other hand, had a huge disadvantage.

    But in terms of weapons and equipment, the Song Empire's troops were far ahead of the Virginia Army.

    In terms of artillery alone, the Song Empire had several times more artillery than the Virginia Army, and the caliber was also much larger.

    In this era, the caliber of artillery represents its power and range.

    You know, if the range is longer, the advantage will be much greater.

    On the Great Plains of Maryland, the two armies met and began a brief confrontation.

    The flags of both sides were fluttering, and the tense atmosphere before the war was rising around the Great Plains.

    The Song Empire did not launch an attack immediately, but lined up in an orderly manner, and then checked their equipment to make sure it was complete.

    On Virginia¡¯s side, everyone¡¯s expressions were tense and tense.

    Because everyone knows how powerful the enemy they face is and how sharp their weapons are.

    The Song Empire¡¯s army was different from the Indians they had dealt with before.

    "Let the Eight Banners soldiers show their faces first. This is also the intention of His Highness and Lord Wang Shan. These Eight Banners soldiers must test their combat effectiveness and test their loyalty."

    After the Song Empire¡¯s military formation, a Chinese gene man said to the non-commissioned officer next to him.

    The name of this genetic man is Yuan Xiaoming, and he is the commander of this army.

    Now in the Song Empire, genetic people of Chinese origin can basically serve as officials as long as they have some skills.

    Of course, if it¡¯s the kind of mud that can¡¯t hold up the wall, there¡¯s really nothing you can do.

    Zhao Hongyu wouldn¡¯t raise trash, not even a Chinese genetic person.

    The army being dispatched now is a force with a small number of Chinese geneticists as senior military commanders.

    This can be regarded as some related arrangements made by Zhao Hongyu in order to train them.

    After listening to Commander Yuan Xiaoming's words, the non-commissioned officers all turned their attention to the Eight Banners Corps, which lined up alone.

    The eight-color flag is red, bordered with red, pure blue, bordered with blue, pure white, bordered with white, true yellow, and bordered with yellow, fluttering in the wind.

    Each flag has a large five-star embroidered on it.

    This is the Eight Banners soldiers under Zhao Hongyu.

    Although it is an imitation of the Eight Banners system of the Qing Dynasty, in the Song Empire, only red is the most noble.

    No other color is as good as red.

    Only the color red belongs to the banner soldiers and slaves under Zhao Hongyu, representing their dignity among the bannermen.

    He walked out and said, ¡®Look, we are servants of the royal family.  ¡¯ This is so honorable.

    The leader of Zhenghongqi is none other than Algernon, whom Zhao Hongyu had met at the dock. This time he brought the slaves belonging to Zhengxiangliangqi into battle in order to show his master their loyalty and combat effectiveness.

    Wang Shan has already told Algernon face to face.

    If you want to do well in the empire, you must show your loyalty to your master.

    The few slaves around Zhang Tie are living a really good life now.

    Zhang Tie is in charge of commercial trade, as well as the military and political power of Manhattan. He is an absolutely powerful person.?Great noble.

    Even Zhang Tie¡¯s minions followed the rising tide, and those merchants saw who was being rude.

    Even giving more gifts than others.

    ¡°Now those slaves have married several wives and own large farms and slaves.

    It would be a lie to say that Algernon and the others were not greedy.

    ????????????????????? However, people have paid a lot of money, right?

    Zhang Tie¡¯s coated slave is absolutely loyal to Zhang Tie.

    ¡°I will absolutely execute Zhang Tie¡¯s orders without hesitation.

    ¡°On one of these occasions, Zhang Tie was assassinated by pirates.

    It was these minions who fought tooth and nail to protect Zhang Tie from being harmed.

    There is a Frenchman on the island, and there are also Frenchmen among Zhang Tie's minions.

    Despite this, the slave still waved the knife and cut the throat of his captured compatriot without changing his expression.

    From then on, the treatment Zhang Tie gave them became better.

    Everyone can see clearly that he wants to get the attention of his masters and at the same time improve his own treatment.

    Then you have to let your master see your loyalty and other aspects.

    And this time, it is a very good opportunity.

    Among these flag soldiers, many were soldiers belonging to the Virginia Colony six months ago, or ordinary people.

    Now, the empire is going to use force against the British colonies, which is the moment to test them.

    Pennsylvania surrendered without any effort.

    This disappointed the Eight Banners soldiers who were holding their breath to show off.

    Well now, Virginia finally sent its troops.

    The battle is about to begin, and glory and wealth are now.

    "Men, we are all bannermen now. As a bannerman, you have to serve the master. Everyone knows this. I won't say more. In short, whether you will thrive in the future or eat chaff and drink urine, it all depends on you.  Your own performance, the masters don¡¯t like useless trash.¡±

    When I was being brainwashed, the instructors said this to me countless times.

    So, everyone understands it very well.

    "I, the leader of Zhenghongqi, will dedicate my life and soul to my master today, and let his enemies tremble and moan under my sharp knife!"

    After shouting, Algernon, who waved his sword loudly, turned around and led his two red flag soldiers, urging the horses under his crotch to charge towards the left flank of the Virginia regiment.

    These flag soldiers each have a war horse and are the only cavalry force in the Song Empire.

    After the others saw Algernon rushing out, the remaining Eight Banners soldiers also screamed strangely and followed behind them with ferocious expressions on their faces.

    Just looking at the crazy expressions of these people is a bit scary.

    ?????????? Ten pieces of dragon ocean per head, this is the reward that the flag soldiers can get after the war.

    Among the existing troops of the empire, only flag soldiers have this unique reward.

    However, these Eight Banners soldiers formed by Europeans like this kind of reward very much.

    They think it is to their liking.

    There is a war, there are immortals there.

    As long as the reward is appropriate, there is no one who cannot be killed.

    The Long Yang in America is real money, and its purchasing power is comparable to thirty silver coins in Europe, or even more.

    In Europe, thirty silver coins can buy four or five cows, and the minimum standard of living is enough for a family of five to live for more than half a year.

    Therefore, this reward is not low.

    Especially, only flag soldiers have such rewards.

    How could this not make them excited?

    From the perspective of these brainwashed Eight Banners soldiers, this is definitely a benefit brought by their master.

    These flag soldiers were originally elite soldiers. After arriving in Manhattan, they did not want to join the ordinary army.

    With a little bit of ambition, they chose to be the slaves of the imperial nobles.

    The instructor has also said something about what a slave is.

    The empire did not hide this from them, allowing them to have a clear and thorough understanding of the rules.

    As a slave, your descendants will be slaves from now on.

    But there are also advantages to being a slave, that is, you can have a status that others do not have, as well as various benefits.

    After all, their masters are all high-level people.??.

    No matter what, many Europeans have chosen this path.

    It can be said that these Eight Banners soldiers all have good combat effectiveness. After brainwashing, their combat effectiveness has increased by 20%.

    ¡°These Eight Banners soldiers are quite crazy, but I don¡¯t know if they can break through the enemy¡¯s left-wing formation.¡±

    "The number of people is too small, so it will probably be difficult. But looking at their energy, it's quite scary."

    "There will be an opportunity to send these people to China in the future. The Qing Dynasty is quite arrogant right now. I wonder what will happen if our Eight Banners soldiers face the invincible force of the Qing Dynasty."

    In the rear, the senior non-commissioned officers of the Chinese Genetics were chatting and laughing happily.  (To be continued. Please search Piaotian Literature, the novels will be better and updated faster!)
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