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Text Chapter 388 The War in Europe

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    Is all the land here given to us?

    Wang Shan and Zhang Tie are preparing for the war, so there is no need for him to arrange it himself.  <Binghuo#ÖÐÎÄ

    Therefore, Zhao Hongyu had free time to make arrangements for the widows of the Samuel family.

    Looking at the vast plains being cultivated and the black slaves working in the fields, the women of the Samuel family exclaimed.

    Yes, this land is really too big, almost beyond their imagination.

    At the same time, not far away, there is a very Gothic five-story brick and wood structure manor standing there. Zhao Hongyu said that this land and the manor will belong to them from now on.

    How could this not make them stunned.

    Although Zhao Hongyu had promised them before that he would give them some land as a foundation for their lives after coming to the American continent.

    But none of these women thought how big this land could be.

    In their opinion, having hundreds of acres is enough, right?

    But the land they saw today was almost ten thousand acres in size.

    There were no less than a thousand black slaves working on it alone.

    Apart from these, there are also teams of European guards in the field, as well as a manor with luxurious and beautiful buildings.

    "This land is enough for you to live on, and the slaves are also given to you, including the guards."

    Zhao Hongyu¡¯s words made these women extremely surprised.

    Sarah knew that it was for her sake that her little husband would be so generous.

    ¡°But half of the income here must belong to Sarah.¡±

    Zhao Hongyu added one last sentence.


    Because they all know very well that their supporter here in America is Sarah.

    And with Sarah as a member of the manor and land, you will be able to sit back and relax in the future.

    If those who spy on them have any ambitions or ideas, the first person they have to deal with is Sarah.

    But if you want to touch Sarah.  She must face Zhao Hongyu, the ruler of the empire behind her.

    Therefore, their safety is sufficiently guaranteed.

    "The number of black slaves is not enough now, but that's it for this year. Next year you can grow some food and vegetables for sale. After you make money, you may increase the number of slaves next year."

    Zhao Hongyu has been extremely benevolent to them, so he will not arrange everything properly.

    These people are not his relatives.

    Having accomplished this, he already has a clear conscience.

    Of course, the women of the Samuel family are not so pushy. They also know what it means to give up when things get better.  What is counterproductive.

    Now that they have received such great benefits, what else can they be dissatisfied with.

    As long as you work hard, good days will be visible.

    Therefore, everyone expressed their gratitude to Zhao Hongyu.

    at the same time.  It also further confirmed the concept of uniting with Sarah as the center.

    Although they don¡¯t say it in words, they will do so in actual actions in the future.

    Only Sarah is fine.  They will be fine.  Everyone understands this truth.

    After settling the women of the Samuel family, Zhao Hongyu took Sarah and left this place.

    He also wants to take Sarah to Manhattan Island to pick up Emma.

    Emma has been staying with her father-in-law for many days. If she doesn't show up again, her father-in-law will have to pick a fight.

    So, after Zhao Hongyu settled the women of the Samuel family, he went to Manhattan Island to pick up Emma.

    certainly.  He would definitely have to stay on the island for a while. After all, he had been away from Manhattan for such a long time, so he had to have a good talk with his father-in-law.

    It can be said that Zhao Hongyu¡¯s life was quite easy.

    "Compared with Zhao Hongyu, Wang Shan and Zhang Tie's lives are much busier.

    They must contact Quebec and Ontario to arrange for troops to gather in Manhattan. At the same time, they must be careful not to let their intentions leak out, and strengthen the training of those "Eight Banners" soldiers.

    In the autumn of 1621, the European continent was in turmoil.

    And the clouds of war are also brewing here in America.

    The French gained support from the Song Empire and the Protestant coalitionFunding provides great financial protection.

    At the same time, Mary has solved the domestic stumbling blocks and allowed the past to have the greatest control in history. The next thing she has to do is to strengthen the royal family's position through a war.

    Yes, what else can make people love the royal family more than a war that can be won.

    It is precisely because of this that Mary did not reject Zhao Hongyu's proposal.

    ¡°Besides, Mary can gain too many benefits from this war.

    The war hasn¡¯t even started yet, but the royal family has already received a large amount of funds.

    With this money, the royal family¡¯s difficult financial problems have finally been solved.

    A lot of foreign debt has also been repaid.

    Although all the debts have not been repaid, Mary believes that as long as she goes to Madrid and plunders the Spanish royal family's treasury, it should not be difficult to resolve France's debts.

    The rebel army in Portugal was a chess piece arranged by Zhao Hongyu, and Mary knew it well.

    Fighting on two fronts, the Spaniards could not win the final victory, and Mary had a clear understanding of this.

    Besides, the Spaniards still have most of their military territory and are still stuck in the Netherlands.

    Now is the time when the Spanish are weak, and it is also a God-sent opportunity for France.

    By destroying Spain and killing the Portuguese rebels, France can unite the entire Western Europe and become a powerful country on the European continent.

    When the time comes, your name can also be recorded in history, right?

    Mary is also an ambitious person.

    "It's just that her previous ambition was to become the real master of France and control the rights of France.

    Now that her wishes have been achieved, she must have a bigger goal, right?

    Yes, now her new goal is to expand the territory of the country and make herself a great queen that can be recorded in history.

    Finally, on the fifteenth day after Zhao Hongyu returned to Manhattan.  That is, half a month later, the French army finally crossed the Western-French border.

    The Spanish royal family was finally startled by the French's move across the border.

    Originally, they just thought the French were just bluffing.  It's impossible to really fight yourself.

    After all, if the French really did this, the church and the Holy Roman Empire would not agree at all.

    You know, the Spaniards have always been good thugs for the church.  Therefore, the church will not see itself at a disadvantage, right?

    At the same time, Spain's national power is now weak, and its military strength is also very weak, and it is simply unable to resist the French invasion.  This is already very obvious.

    Coupled with the Portuguese uprising, this made the already crumbling Spanish Empire even more unsustainable.

    Originally, the Spaniards were still thinking of mobilizing troops from the Netherlands.  to defend the homeland.

    But the selfish church did not agree.  This suddenly put the Spaniards into greater passivity.

    If the Spanish proposal is adopted, Portugal's Rano and Pedro will not have an easy life.

    And Mary will become more cautious.

    ¡°Maybe, the Spaniards really escaped this disaster.

    ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? It¡¯s a pity that this is all just imagination.

    The war in the Netherlands has reached a stalemate, and the main body has fallen into the crisis of fighting on two fronts.

    At this time, Spain has no choice but to keep asking the Vatican for help, "for the sake of years of friendship."  Give me a brother¡¯s hand¡¯.

    At this time, the Vatican was also a little panicked.

    They originally thought that France was just showing off and would not really take action against Spain.

    ¡°And the Pope was still thinking about whether he was using his words to promise some verbal benefits to the French and let them withdraw their troops from the border.

    But now, everything has exceeded their expectations¡ª¡ª

    Dividing line¡ª¡ª

    Line up!  Raise the gun!

    In the small city of Donde on the border of southeastern France and the Holy Roman Empire, volunteers from the Americas are fighting against the troops of the Roman Empire.

    The equipment of the Holy Roman Empire still followed the Spanish approach.

    Heavily armored cavalry, spearmen, two-handed swordsmen, phalanx and a small number of matchlocks.

    Such a unit, in the eyes of the American Volunteer Army,??, it's just a dish.

    Wearing black and white party uniforms, Somali and Gurkha soldiers lined up neatly in five lines, and took turns shooting in an orderly and unhurried manner.

    Facing the charging Holy Roman Empire troops, you can¡¯t see a trace of panic on their faces.

    Shoot!  Boom!

    Shoot!  Boom!

    Commanders continued to loudly issue orders, instructing the soldiers to pull the triggers.

    Every time blue smoke rises, the Holy Roman Empire troops charging across the battlefield will leave behind a large number of soldiers and then retreat like a tide.

    No matter what methods and tactics they used, there was no way they could get within fifty meters of the American volunteer volleyball team.

    And after they continued to launch crazy reunions, the price they paid was heavy casualties.


    help me!

    My hand, my hand!

    Brother, brother, what¡¯s wrong with you?  Get up!

    Once again, the charge of the Holy Roman Empire was repulsed, and without exception they left countless corpses.

    Of course, there were some 'lucky ones' who didn't die immediately. They lay there and kept making piercing wails.

    "Clear the battlefield!"

    The rapid drum beat sounded, and a row of genetic soldiers marched in neat steps towards the direction of the sound.

    Well!  Wow!



    After a while, the muffled sound of a hard object piercing the body echoed.

    In the sky, countless crows circled, waving their wings and making unpleasant chirping sounds.

    You can¡¯t kill me, I am a noble, I will pay ransom, Ipoof
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