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Free Web Novel,Novel online - All in -> Historic -> Rise of America 1620

Text Chapter 338 It should be solved (third update!)

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    Georgia nodded: "Yes, the girl I know was indeed sent to the Inquisition by the regional bishop in the name of a witch, and suffered inhuman abuse from the bishop and others.  Tortured to death.¡±

    When mentioning this girl, Georgia's face was full of grief and anger, which showed that he and the girl he was talking about were not just friends.

    Gladys did not ask what the relationship between Georgia and this girl was, because even an idiot could see it, right?

    "Actually, that girl was not a witch at all. It was just the bishop who took a fancy to her beauty and took advantage of her to woo her while she was praying but failed, so he took revenge on her."

    Georgia knew the reason for this very clearly.

    Gladys said: "Women, sometimes being too beautiful can sometimes lead to disaster for yourself."

    Georgia¡¯s voice was low, with deep sadness in her tone.

    "She was only fourteen years old at the time. How could she react to the bishop who was already in his fifties? And she refused the bishop's advances. In my opinion, there was nothing wrong at all."

    When Georgia mentioned this incident, she still seemed a little excited.

    "Just because of this reason, she was slandered as having the dark power to confuse people's hearts and being a witch." Georgia's teeth clenched!  Creak!  ¡¯ made a sound.

    "In order to save the girl, her parents sold vegetables to buy indulgences, hoping that the bishop would be merciful and let her go. But they knew that their daughter had already died due to the torture of those beasts."

    "But the bishop joined forces with the Inquisition to deceive the poor couple and drain them of all their wealth."

    What Georgia described came from what he witnessed and experienced with his own eyes.

    ¡°It contains extremely dark human nature and is extremely cruel.

    It also revealed the most shameless nature of the church and their original sin of greed and darkness.

    But it is this kind of people who, relying on the name of God, do evil and oppress good people on the European continent.

    This has to be said to be a very ironic thing.

    ?Equality!  Friendship!  fair!  just!  It does not exist in the church. On the contrary, betrayal, betrayal, conspiracy and deceit, as well as all kinds of original sin, are happening all the time.

    This is completely different from what the bishops of the church advocate.

    ¡°These people say one thing and do another, which is a typical example of double standards.

    "Georgia, don't worry. The church has no foothold here in America. This is not Europe at all. Their methods will not work here at all."

    Gladys said to Georgia.

    Georgia nodded and said: "Of course, the church is not omnipotent. If God really exists, then they have done so many evil things and they should have been punished long ago, right? But the person who committed the crime back then  Such a sinful bishop has now gone to the Vatican, and for this reason I no longer have faith."

    Gladys could not comment on these remarks. After all, Georgia's experience was something she had never experienced before.

    Next, the two chatted for a while, and they talked about pirates again¡ª¡ª

    Dividing line¡ª¡ª

    Lake Ontario

    Dozens of iron fishing boats, which will only appear in later generations, float quietly on the quiet lake.

    Not far away, a somewhat tattered Spanish sailing ship purchased from pirates was parked there.

    After Zhang Tie bought the ship, he reluctantly repaired it and sent it over to Song Hu.

    ¡°The main purpose of Wang Hu¡¯s coming to such a Spanish sailing ship is to do a test.


    At this time, five or six figures appeared on the quiet iron fishing boat.  These figures all carried an iron pipe-like object on their shoulders. Then a flash of fire flashed from the front of the iron pipe, and a line of fire quickly rushed towards the Spanish sailing ship.

    ¡°About ten seconds later, those dozens of flaming red lines impacted the hull of the Spanish sailing ship.


    The entire Spanish galleon immediately disintegrated and exploded, turning into fragments and scattering on the lake in the huge explosion.

    Song Hu, who was on a tin fishing boat not far away, put down the monocular telescope in his hand, smacked his lips and said to the adjutant beside him: "This kind of copycat shoulder-mounted rocket launcher is quite powerful. The wooden hull of this era only needs  Fired by fifteen bazookas at once,It can be disintegrated and loses its combat effectiveness.  "

    The adjutant standing next to Song Hu smiled and replied: "Yes, although we currently have insufficient numbers of ships at sea. But with these fishing boats and shoulder-mounted rocket launchers, we will be able to completely control the situation at sea. And  It can also be extended to the army and become a weapon in land warfare."

    Song Hu nodded: "It's a pity that the fishing boat is too small and can only carry a maximum of thirteen people, and the effective range of the copycat rocket launcher is only fifty meters, which is a bit disappointing to me."

    The adjutant said: "Sir, this is pretty good, isn't it? At least we have copied this kind of weapon, and it is very effective and powerful. The range of sea-borne artillery in this era is short, and the accuracy is not enough. With the iron fishing boat,  We can easily get close to each other's ships, and then destruction will be waiting for them."

    After hearing what the adjutant said, Song Hu agreed very much.

    Yes, no matter how good the iron fishing boat is, its maneuverability cannot be underestimated. It is much faster than the sailboats of this era, especially its steering ability, which cannot be compared with the sailboats.

    Therefore, this kind of iron fishing boat can easily get close to the sailboat, and then use the copycat shoulder-mounted rocket launcher to kill the opponent.

    "A tin fishing boat can carry at least fifty shoulder-mounted rocket launchers and has a crew of thirteen people.

    This means that the iron fishing boat can ensure continuous combat capabilities, making it more terrifying and lethal.


    Song Hu ordered.

    ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?

    Every iron fishing boat is equipped with an engine, so when Song Hu gives the order, it can be started immediately without the hassle of wooden sea boats.

    "Now I have one hundred and twenty ships in my hands. Do you think this kind of power can be handed over to Zhang Tie, so that he can immediately engage in the suppression of those pirates?"

    On the way back, Song Hu asked his adjutant.

    As senior leaders, whether it is Song Hu or Zhang Tie, they now have lieutenants on their side.

    When they encounter some problems, they will discuss them with their adjutants, thus avoiding unnecessary mistakes in their arbitrary actions.

    It¡¯s no longer the time in the early days when they had to make the decision on everything.

    The adjutant thought for a while: "According to the information sent by Manhattan, there are almost more than 400 pirate ships assembled. And the number is still increasing. However, their hulls are large and their maneuverability is not very strong. Therefore, this kind of iron fishing boat  There are still big advantages.¡±

    Then, the adjutant analyzed the advantages and disadvantages for Song Hu.

    When the adjutant finished his analysis, he said to Song Hu seriously: "In my opinion, one hundred and twenty ships are enough to deal with these pirates. Although these fishing ships cannot conduct ocean voyages, they can still fight in offshore areas."

    After listening to the adjutant¡¯s analysis, Song Hu weighed it up.

    "In this case, what are we waiting for? Let's hand over this maritime force to Zhang Tie immediately. The pressure on him is much greater than ours, so it's better to let him solve the pirate problem immediately."

    Song Hu made up his mind to hand over this maritime force to Zhang Tie so that he could use it to deal with the pirates peering into Manhattan.

    After all, the pirate matter has been delayed for a long time.

    If you solve it one day later, you will be in danger for one more day. When you are buying and accumulating iron fishing boats, those pirates are also accumulating strength.

    Therefore, every night brings one more risk per day.

    "Go from the St. Lawrence River to the Atlantic Ocean outlet, and then arrive in Manhattan. Now Manhattan has 67 sailing ships of various types, plus these 120 iron fishing boats, those pirates can still be dealt with.  When the British faced the Spanish Armada, didn't they only have more than 300 ships? You must know that the Spanish Armada at that time had thousands of warships."

    With Song Hu¡¯s order, everything becomes easier.

    When they returned to the lake, the adjutant quickly conveyed the order.

    One hundred and twenty iron fishing boats, all filled with diesel, began to enter the St. Lawrence and the river connecting Lake Ontario, leaving the Ontario area.

    As for the diesel problem after the iron fishing boat arrives in Manhattan, that is something Zhang Tie has to consider.

    At the same time, each ship is equipped with fifty shoulder-mounted rocket launchers.

    This is already the limit of Song Hu. After all, here in Lake Ontario, this kind of copycat rocket launcher is released every month.The quantity of ?? is very limited, and it is very troublesome to purchase seamless steel pipes from the virtual world.

    Therefore, if we want to mass-produce, there are still many problems to be solved.

    But, this takes time.

    When General Song Hu ordered one hundred and twenty iron boats to leave Ontario and head for Manhattan, in the Detroit area west of Ontario City, a city belonging to Zhao Hongyu's empire was also slowly developing.

    The administrators of this city are, in addition to Wang Shan, Zhang Tie and Song Hu, the Chinese genetic people who were later cultivated by Zhao Hongyu.

    The name of this genetic person is Wei Dayong. He is from Northeast China in the virtual world. He is twenty-three years old and has a primary school education.

    Because Quebec was captured at that time, the threat from the north was resolved, and the time and space trader had new functions, Zhao Hongyu created five genetic people and gave them the title of "township chief", allowing them to be pioneers to pioneer for themselves.  New territory.

    These five genetic people chose completely different places for development.

    Some went to the southwest, some to the middle of the Mississippi River, and some to central America and near the Ohio River. Only he came to the place where Lake Erie and Lake Huron are connected in the Great Lakes region, which was later the city of Detroit in the United States.  development nearby.

    Because of the defeat of the Iroquois, the Great Lakes region no longer had an overlord.  And some small tribes were slowly absorbed by Song Hu and integrated into Ontario City.

    Therefore, Wei Dayong encountered no threat at all in Detroit.

    Although there are many small tribes here, their numbers are so small that they cannot pose any threat to Wei Dayong.

    This area is rich in iron ore and was the main source of iron raw materials for the United States in later generations.

    "It's a pity that Wei Dayong's current technology is not enough to support him in digging iron ore here and utilizing this resource.  So when Wei Dayong first came here, he did the same thing as Zhao Hongyu did when he first came to the American continent.

    They all use rice, mustard, and other commodities to exchange with local Indians to make profits.

    Fur, American ginseng, fresh fungi, some scattered gold particles, etc In this way, after several months of business, Wei Dayong finally established a small village in this area.


    Because Zhao Hongyu has long confessed that when Wei Dayong and the five ¡®township chiefs¡¯ they cultivated later develop the city, they must all cultivate genetic people of the Chinese strain, and they must not breed genetic persons of other strains.

    Because the number of genetic people of the Chinese strain under Zhao Hongyu¡¯s command is somewhat disadvantageous, the Time and Space Trader has already given a reminder in this regard, so Zhao Hongyu is very careful.

    As a subordinate of Zhao Hongyu, you must carry out the boss¡¯s orders, right?

    Although the resources in the Detroit area are rich, they cannot be used now, which makes Wei Dayong a little disappointed.

    Because this will make his development very slow.

    But there is nothing he can do about this situation now.

    The houses in the entire small village are built with logs felled from the nearby forest. After all, America has a lot of forest resources in this era, so there is no need to worry about it.

    Outside the village, a circular wooden fence serves as a city wall, providing security for the genetic people living there, allowing them to live more peacefully.

    Although the Indian tribes here are very small and the population of each tribe is not large, the relationship between the various Indian tribes here is very complicated.

    In the half year since Wei Dayong came here, he has seen many tribal vendettas.

    ¡°And we were also attacked by some Indian tribes. Such attacks occurred almost two or three times a week, which translates to once every two or three days.

    This is already a terrifying number of times.

    Fortunately, Wei Dayong is not an idiot. He learned a lot from Wang Shan, Song Hu and Zhang Tie.

    Therefore, he made good use of this knowledge and attracted a group of Indian tribes to join forces with them to fight against other Indian tribes.

    And relying on sophisticated weapons, he began to slowly show his head and feet in this area.

    " Zhao Hongyu, who is far away in Europe, has no way of knowing what is happening on the American continent.

    Now Zhao Hongyu is discussing things about Spain with Mary.  (To be continued. Please search Piaotian Literature, the novels will be better and updated faster!)
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