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Text Chapter 335 The Developing Manhattan (Third update!)

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    The sea breeze is gentle, and after nightfall, Manhattan finally cools down.

    These are some of the benefits of a city close to the sea.

    Unlike European cities, Manhattan is busy during the day, but it is also very lively at night.

    People who have worked all day finally have their own time. They wander around the dock commercial street. When they are tired, they can stop and find a small shop to spend a little money and try some snacks to satisfy their cravings.

    Such a life is very comfortable.

    It is also something that most Europeans who come here to seek life have never enjoyed.

    Therefore, many labor workers from Europe will soon fall in love with Manhattan and never want to leave.

    ¡°For migrant workers in Manhattan, the day¡¯s wages they receive not only cover their family¡¯s expenses, but also make them quite wealthy.

    Therefore, there is nothing wrong with bringing your family to enjoy the night market life.

    Shaved ice, a summer snack with no technical content, has appeared on the streets of Manhattan's commercial streets.

    Lemon, apple, banana, and orange flavored shaved ice can relieve the heat and quench your thirst, and it only costs twenty copper coins.

    This price is simply negligible for most laborers who can earn half a longyang a day by carrying bags at the dock.

    ¡°Besides, it¡¯s worth spending the money to make your wife and children smile, isn¡¯t it?

    Marshmallows, ten coppers.

    A bowl of white fungus and peanuts costs thirty copper coins, and there are also ice cubes.

    There is never a shortage of snacks at Manhattan¡¯s Pier Night Market.

    Most of these small business people are Chinese geneticists under Zhao Hongyu.

    ¡°They are idle anyway, and many people are willing to come out and make a little money.

    You know, these Chinese genetic people are basically allotted a piece of land of their own and become the owner of the manor.

    But even so, they are willing to open up their own small business at the dock.

    The gene people Asan are doing their duty to maintain public security, and they are all smiles for these Chinese gene people who set up stalls.

    Because these low-caste Asans know that Chinese talents are the most noble in the Song Empire.

    ??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????OUT out can the Somalis and Gurkhas and Mohicans, and then can they turn can Asan and other tribes of Indians.

    As for the Europeans, their status is not even as good as Ah San, and they are existences that Ah San can bully at will.

    But Ah San will not bully them casually, as long as they do not violate the law or set up stalls anywhere in violation of regulations.

    The ¡°March Crescent¡± logo of the Umbrella Company can be seen everywhere at the pier, and along with the flag of the Umbrella Company is the five-star red flag.

    Employees belonging to the military department of the Umbrella Company wear clothing with black and white octagonal geometric patterns and appear on the streets of night markets from time to time.

    "And soldiers on duty in Manhattan during the day will also come to visit at night.

    In the restaurants near the business district of the port terminal, there are always children from Europe running on the streets carrying food boxes. They are employees hired by various restaurants to deliver takeaways.

    Because they receive low wages and work hard, many restaurants are willing to hire these little guys.

    Most of them came to Manhattan with their parents or alone to seek life.

    But because they do not have citizenship, they cannot enter the main urban area of ??Manhattan and cannot enjoy various benefits.

    However, just finding jobs at the docks and ports is enough for these children to support themselves.

    Here in Manhattan, as long as you are diligent, you will not starve to death. This has become the knowledge of all Europeans.

    "Those who are having an unsatisfactory life in Manhattan, no one will pity them.

    Because everyone knows that as long as you are willing to endure hardship, you can live a good life here in Manhattan.

    And only those who are lazy will not be able to survive.

    You know, Manhattan is much stronger here than in Europe.

    In the commercial street, in addition to migrant workers and inner-city residents, there are also many Chinese geneticists walking around with a few black slaves.  These black slaves are the kind of guys who are extremely honest and loyal to their masters, so they are taken out by their masters to enjoy life in Manhattan.

    These black slaves also wore ordinary men¡¯s clothing from the 18th century.Wearing a white shirt and trousers, he looks just like any other person.

    But if you pay attention, you will find that on the back of their necks, there is a scar burned by a hot iron, proving their identity slaves.

    But people on the street are not surprised by this, because there are very many black slaves in the manor outside Manhattan.

    There are many Europeans employed in various large estates, so everyone is very aware of this.

    Unlike the black slaves, Europeans were responsible for guarding and taking care of the black slaves in the manor.

    They work hard and work hard, after all, the remuneration given by the host family is very generous.

    And these employers still belong to the most noble Chinese race in the Song Empire, so these Europeans hope to do their best to gain the favor of their employers, so that the employers can obtain the status of imperial citizens for themselves.

    It has to be said that in the eyes of these workers who come here, the "green card" for citizens of the Song Empire is a passport to the real paradise.

    It is even worse than the American "green card" of later generations.

    ¡°The only difference from later generations is that at that time, the Chinese people yearned for the United States.

    But in this era, countless European celebrities yearn for the American Song Empire.

    The situation is completely reversed, it¡¯s really magical.

    Regarding this situation, the Chinese geneticists in the Song Empire were laughing secretly in their hearts.

    The commercial street is very bustling and lively, because the red area and gambling house are specially designated, so if people want to find special fun, they only need to walk a few more steps, while ordinary people can completely ignore those who are not interested.  Enjoy the entertainment brought by the commercial street.

    Grilled fish, kebabs, and cold beer are all sold on the commercial street.

    Basically, the entire commercial street is developed according to the model of the 1960s.

    "Urban-rural fringe" is used to describe the night market in Manhattan, which is a very accurate positioning evaluation.

    The chemical ice produced by Lanxiang Technical School has brought infinite vitality and coolness to this hot summer, and also allowed people living here to taste new things they have never experienced before.

    Indians also appeared in the flow of people. These Indians were integrated into the Song Empire half a year ago.

    Now they have become a part of the Song Empire and are accustomed to the life of the Song Empire.

    Life in the Song Empire was much better than the previous tribal life.

    ¡°At least, now they don¡¯t have to worry about their livelihood.

    Most Indians who don¡¯t like rigid and monotonous work go out hunting just like the Mohicans.

    America is a vast land with rich wildlife resources, so you don¡¯t have to worry about anything.

    And the prey they hunt can be sold directly to restaurants and hotels in the commercial street without worrying about it falling into their hands.

    Although groups of Mohicans graze cattle and sheep on Manhattan Island, which is separated by a strait, many wine shops still like to buy wild game as a selling point.

    ??Besides, the food stalls in the commercial street at night also require a lot of meat.

    ¡°There is simply no supply of beef and mutton on Manhattan Island alone.

    Therefore, the Indian hunters found a profession of their own.

    At the same time, these hunters will also receive a salary from the Imperial Order, because while hunting, they also have to guard the Empire's territory.

    If you encounter some Europeans who want to sneak into the hinterland, or Indians from other areas, then these hunters will instantly transform into imperial soldiers to perform their duties.

    Being able to get money is not a bad thing for an Indian hunter.

    ¡°Besides, it¡¯s also necessary to defend the territory, isn¡¯t it?

    Therefore, with the existence of these hunters, the defense strength of Manhattan has been greatly improved.

    ??Especially a big blow to those European adventurers who want to sneak into the hinterland.

    In the night markets of Manhattan, there is another popular entertainment activity, which is the instant welfare lottery business.

    Seven numbers, six red balls and one basketball, played every hour.

    Once this kind of entertainment was launched, it aroused the interest of many people and participated in it.

    Ten copper coins can be used to buy a bet, and the grand prize is basically hundreds of Long Yang coins.

    Therefore, some people who have spare money will come over every night to buy a few bets.?Take your luck.

    It¡¯s good to win, but it doesn¡¯t matter if you don¡¯t win. Anyway, it¡¯s not much money.

    Many people participate in this low-cost gambling and entertainment activity every day.

    These people are women who have nothing to do at home, and children who are working around.

    Some Indians will also come to play, but they will not be so addicted.

    Today, in addition to cattle and sheep, there are also horses on Manhattan Island.

    These horses were kept on Manhattan Island to prepare for the future training of cavalry.

    The largest rancher on the island is Zhao Hongyu¡¯s old father-in-law, Black Bear.

    ¡°After all, the land and pastures under Zhao Hongyu¡¯s name and Emma¡¯s name are now handed over to him to take care of.

    Therefore, Zhao Hongyu¡¯s old father-in-law has deservedly become the richest man among the Mohicans. He is also the one who owns the most cattle, sheep and horses, and the most land.

    In his manor and ranch, he employed many Mohicans, as well as a large number of black slaves and European guards.

    ¡°But the Mohicans have no objection to this, because they feel that their current life is brought to them by Zhao Hongyu and Emma.

    Therefore, as Zhao Hongyu¡¯s old father-in-law, it is normal for him to have enviable wealth.

    At the same time, many Mohicans don¡¯t have to go to Manhattan and can work and make money nearby. What¡¯s wrong with that?

    Manhattan Island has completely become the domain of the Mohicans. With Zhao Hongyu's acquiescence, they established the Mohican Guard to maintain public order, and A San was just a supporting role to threaten them.

    ¡°All the Mohicans know that they must maintain armed forces to safeguard Zhao Hongyu¡¯s dominance and Emma¡¯s status.

    Only in this way can the Mohicans continue to maintain the good life they have now.

    It can be said that the Mohicans have become an armed force that fully supports Zhao Hongyu.

    Even if the world collapses and the earth falls apart, the Mohicans will end up in trouble along with Zhao Hongyu.

    Zhang Tie is also happy to see the outcome of this situation.

    ¡°At least, he doesn¡¯t have to worry about the Mohicans anymore, right?

    In addition to the Mohicans, there are also some tribes that are allied with the Mohicans. They form a small group with a community of interests.

    The main idea of ??this small group is to attack all people and organizations that are not conducive to Zhao Hongyu's rule, and to fully safeguard Emma's status as queen.

    ¡°All this was caused by Zhao Hongyu¡¯s old father-in-law.

    You said that in a certain aspect, this old father-in-law can be regarded as a talent.

    Of course, the Indian tribe he attracted was originally a tribe living near Manhattan.

    As for the Indian tribes near Quebec and Lake Ontario, the 'Black Bear' is not yet very interested in accepting them to join its 'royalists'.

    ¡°However, Zhang Tie believes that as long as he talks to ¡®Black Bear¡¯ and lets him know the powerful relationship, then Zhao Hongyu¡¯s old father-in-law will definitely know what to do.

    After all, if the Indians unite, the power they possess cannot be underestimated.

    If they support Zhao Hongyu, it can be regarded as a check and balance for the genetic people.

    At the same time, we can also work with the genetic people to suppress the Europeans so that they dare not have any ambitions.

    It is precisely because of the integration of Indians and their support for Zhao Hongyu and Emma that the Indian Asans, who are not very loyal among the gene people, have always felt strong pressure.

    Therefore, these genetic people, Ah San, are very honest and do not dare to be disrespectful in the slightest.

    Overall, the development of the Manhattan area is still very stable.

    ¡°But the undercurrents beneath its superficial prosperity and stability are impossible to know unless you are at the top.

    First of all, the greedy priests from Europe are a big problem. Fortunately, we can now start to deal with them.

    Therefore, these priests will no longer be a problem.

    At the same time, the piracy issue that Zhang Tie and Song Hu have been paying attention to has now begun to become more and more acute.

    However, Song Hu¡¯s fishing boats have not yet prepared a sufficient number, so for the time being, we can only let these guys be arrogant for a while.

    And now all Zhang Tie¡¯s energy is focused on dealing with the European priests.

    After the priests¡¯ troubles are solved, they can start to contact Song Hu to deal with it.?Pirates are becoming more and more rampant now.

    Nowadays, these pirates in the waters of Manhattan have become so rampant that they often break into the offshore waters and have conflicts with the fishermen in Manhattan. This is something Zhang Tie cannot bear.

    How could the majesty of the Song Empire be allowed to be trampled upon by these pirates?

    Absolutely not!  (To be continued. Please search Piaotian Literature, the novels will be better and updated faster!)
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