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Free Web Novel,Novel online - All in -> Historic -> Rise of America 1620

Text Chapter 317 He is so young (third update!)

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    The manor that Queen Mary compensated to Sarah was not far from the Port of Marseille, about five or six miles away.

    After Zhao Hongyu and the others left Marseille, they entered a sycamore forest.

    In summer, the luxuriant branches and leaves on the plane trees just block the hot sunshine.

    Some light shines through the gaps in the leaves, and a little bit of light adds a little mood to the woods.

    From time to time, hares ran through the forest, but they did not arouse Zhao Hongyu's thoughts.

    Now Zhao Hongyu¡¯s thoughts are all focused on that manor.

    "Well, the scenery here is not bad."

    Sitting on the horse, Zhao Hongyu watched and felt the scenery of the sycamore forest, and expressed his views to Wang Shan.

    Wang Shan responded with a smile: "What your Highness said is that the scenery here is indeed good, and it is completely different from America and China. To be honest, if France were not so bad in this era, it would actually be suitable for living here.  Where is the place?¡±

    "Woof woof woof!"

    Zhao Hongyu¡¯s eight dogs were running back and forth around him, and they seemed very excited.

    Yes, I have been sailing on the sea for such a long time, and I am very tired in Lisbon.

    Now that they have finally got off the boat and onto land, how could they not be happy?

    Dogs also have emotions such as joy, anger, sorrow, and joy.

    "Look at how hard it is to hold these guys in, they are really choking." Zhao Hongyu glanced at the dogs around him and said to Wang Shan.

    These dogs stuck out their long tongues and looked around with bright eyes. Although they were running, they were always around Zhao Hongyu and would not run around.

    Even if there are hares not far away, they will not get carried away and forget the existence of their owner.

    These hounds look like calves and are very humane.

    Zhao Hongyu and the others sat on their horses and did not urge their mounts to run, because there were eight hundred genetic guardsmen behind them.

    These genetic guards were neatly arranged into two queues, following Zhao Hongyu and the others with neat steps.  On their shoulders, flintlock muskets were carried and bayonets were installed in case of accidents.

    "Tell me, how will the French react to us bringing the Praetorian Guards to take over the manor? You know, in this era, the number of people fighting in European countries is generally not very large. More than 10,000 people can bear the sky. We all  We can start a small war, right?"

    Zhao Hongyu lowered his voice and asked Wang Shan.

    After Wang Shan smiled, he said to Zhao Hongyu: "I don't think the French will have much reaction. It's understandable that you have more guards around you because of your distinguished status. After all, you represent an empire, and security is  The problem is not something to be trifled with.¡±

    In Wang Shan¡¯s view, His Highness¡¯s worries are completely unnecessary, after all, his identity lies here.

    ¡°And the French in America still need those goods from the Song Empire.

    Therefore, the French will not go to war on this issue and cause anything.

    "Your Highness, don't forget that the French need our American products. If I offend you, the French will not be able to find such profitable products. Even if they want to go to the East or India, they have to  Let¡¯s see if the Dutch agree. Besides, there are also British people.¡±

    Wang Shan has long been confident about the French's stiffness.

    After Zhao Hongyu heard this and thought about it, it seemed that this was indeed the case.

    "As Wang Shan said, the French have their own needs, so they shouldn't care that they bring 800 praetorian guards.

    ¡°Besides, I didn¡¯t show any ill will towards France, so there should be nothing wrong with me.

    "I don't know how they are doing now." At this time, Sara shook the reins and let the mount come to Zhao Hongyu's side. She said worriedly.

    Wang Shan and Zhao Hongyu stopped talking and slowly stepped back.

    "I think you don't have to worry about their lives. After Queen Mary releases them immediately after you marry me, their lives should be well arranged. At most, their scope of activities will be smaller. After all,  He's under house arrest."

    Zhao Hongyu thought for a while and replied to Sarah.

    "I hope so."

    Sarah has nothing to do about this, so she can only hope that Mary and Mary will be nice to them and not let those women suffer too much.

    But no matter what, thisIt was already a huge difference that these women were released from the dungeon and could live in a manor.

    The harsh punishments in Europe at this time make people shudder just thinking about them.

    "We're almost there, everyone, please be energetic."

    After walking forward for a while, the outline of a building vaguely appeared in front of them. They thought that building should be their destination.

    So, Wang Shan shouted.

    ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?

    Hundreds of gene people responded in unison.

    Suddenly, a knight came from the front.

    This knight wore a French wide-brimmed felt hat, a small black half-length cloak, and carried a thin sword and four short blazing guns at his waist.

    With a standard French musketeer outfit, he must be the guard of the No. 1 pick.

    Zhao Hongyu raised his hand and put it on his forehead. After watching for a while, he thought to himself.


    The knight stopped when he was still more than fifty meters away from Zhao Hongyu and the others, then raised his hand and made a gesture to stop Zhao Hongyu and the others from moving forward.

    "Who are you? This is a private estate, and you can no longer move forward."

    To be honest, this knight didn¡¯t have any confidence in stopping Zhao Hongyu.  Because Zhao Hongyu and the others were quite large in number, but due to his responsibilities, he had to bite the bullet and do this.

    "We are from the American continent. This is the Countess of the Samuel family. We are here to take over the manor."

    Wang Shan shook the reins, rode his horse over, and answered opposite the knight.

    What, from America?

    As a royal musketeer, this knight is no stranger to America.

    Especially, he understood better why the queen used this manor to live in several widows.

    Shocked and disbelieving.

    Yes, although he knew a little bit of the secret, he never thought that Americans would actually come to France.

    You know, there is an Atlantic Ocean between them.

    "Don't be stunned, lead the way. I don't think it will take long before your Queen Mary will send someone or come here in person."

    Wang Shan raised his chin at the knight and said to him.

    In such a situation, this knight really couldn't refuse anything.

    ??Especially in this team, Sara herself is still there.

    You must know that this manor is nominally Sarah¡¯s own property and was given to Sarah by Queen Mary.

    Therefore, he, a little musketeer captain, has no right to refuse a nobleman from going to her manor.

    "Okay, you come with me."

    The knight turned his horse's head and led the way.

    "It seems that our guesses are correct. The widows of the Samuel family are really under house arrest. It is impossible for them to leave this manor, but I think the life is still tolerable, which is always better than being in prison.  "

    Zhao Hongyu whispered to Sara from behind.

    Sarah nodded and said nothing.

    In front, one or two musketeers appeared from time to time, and then the first musketeer to appear explained to his companions.

    These musketeers are all hidden in the sycamore forest around the manor. It seems that they are specially designed to prevent the women in the manor from escaping.

    Soon, Zhao Hongyu and the others came to the manor and arrived at the square of the manor.

    The genetic guards began to set up tents under Wang Shan's order, while Zhao Hongyu took Sara, Emma and Wang Shan into the two-story building of the manor.

    "Aunt Sarah, you are finally back."

    As soon as Zhao Hongyu, Sarah, Emma and Wang Shan walked in, a seventeen or eighteen-year-old girl wearing a black tutu and two big braids rushed over from the corridor.

    Emma looked at these girls with great interest, then turned to look at the decoration in the room.

    Wang Shan had no interest in this. He followed Zhao Hongyu with a straight face, keeping his hand on the hilt of his sword, looking loyal.

    An old woman, surrounded by several women of different ages, walked over from the end of the corridor.


    After meeting this old woman, Sarah couldn¡¯t help but shed tears.

    "Sarah, why are you back?"

    After seeing Sarah, the old woman also seemed a little excited.

    She didn¡¯t know what Sara was doing when she came back,Although I am very happy here, I am also worried.

    Because the women who live here all know that only if Sarah lives well outside can women like them have a good life.

    But now that Sarah is back, isn't this a chance for Mary?

    The old woman was very puzzled by this.

    You know, Sarah is now the backbone of the family. If it weren¡¯t for Sarah, these women would have died in the dungeon.

    "I followed my husband back to take over this manor, and I want to take you back at the same time."

    After Sara hugged the old woman for a while, she let go of her, raised her hand to wipe her tears, and said to the old woman.


    As soon as Sarah said this, all the women were stunned.

    It was at this time that the old woman noticed Zhao Hongyu, Emma, ??and Wang Shan behind Sara.

    Zhao Hongyu walked over at this time, tilted his head towards the old woman and said: "Let me introduce myself, my name is Zhao Hongyu, from the Song Empire in America. Sarah is now my wife and the princess of the Song Empire."

    Song Empire?


    Women obviously feel that their brains are not strong enough and they are a bit unable to turn around.

    But the old woman had a flexible mind, and she quickly figured out everything that happened.

    It seems that the reason why he and others were released was because Sarah married this young man from America.

    Although Sarah was the widow of the Samuel family and inherited the title of the Samuel family, there was no law that said she could not remarry.

    Therefore, the old woman did not show any displeasure about Sara marrying Zhao Hongyu.

    What the old woman didn¡¯t expect was that Zhao Hongyu looked too young.

    Sarah is much older than Zhao Hongyu, and she is with him This is a bit too much.

    "Please come inside. We don't know many things very well yet. If possible, can you tell me, an old man like me?" The old woman turned sideways and brought Zhao Hongyu and the others in. After all, it's not always easy to stand here and chat.  .

    The women also showed curious expressions, and some of the younger ones would take a peek from time to time.

    They are also very interested in Emma. Although she is dressed the same as Sarah, Emma's appearance is not European at first glance.

    "Sarah, you know, we have been very worried about you. When we were arrested, we thought you had encountered something unexpected in America, otherwise Mary would never have used the Royal Guards Musketeers to arrest us, and  Rescued those we captured."

    When leading the way, the old woman took Sarah's hand and kept talking to her about what happened after she left.

    "Mother, you are right, I am indeed very dangerous in America. If I had not met him, I would have been killed by them in Quebec."

    Afterwards, Sarah told the old woman all the things she had encountered after being dumped in Quebec.

    The Quebec administrators and military officials faced the threat and danger to Sarah, which made the women gasp for air.

    ¡°These people were originally servants in our territory who were looking after the wealth for us, Samuel. Unexpectedly, for their own benefit, they actually betrayed us and started a war with the Indians.¡±

    The old woman sighed.

    "Mom, you don't have to sigh. All of these people have died at the hands of the Indians. Quebec could not be saved at that time. Thanks to his help, Quebec was recaptured."

    When Sarah talked about Zhao Hongyu, her face turned bright red.

    "how old is he?"

    The old woman asked in a low voice.

    Hearing the old woman ask this question, the women around him also perked up their ears, for fear of missing something.

    The blush on Sarah¡¯s face became thicker.

    "Sixteen years old"

    ??Do old cows eat young grass?

    ??Sarah, your charm has not diminished. You can actually make such a stupid young man fall in love with you.

    You are so young, even younger than me, auntie.

    For a moment, the women lowered their voices and started chattering to Sarah.

    "Shut up, everyone, now is not the time to discuss this matter." The old woman looked back at Zhao Hongyu, who was not far behind, and then scolded the women who were gossiping excitedly.As soon as the old woman opened her mouth, the women left and closed their mouths, but they all winked at Sarah, which obviously meant that they were looking for her to chat at night.

    "Thisthisthis age is a bit younger, only sixteen years old."

    After scolding the women around her who had turned into eight wives, the old woman coughed and thought about her words, and then said what was in her heart.  (To be continued. Please search Piaotian Literature, the novels will be better and updated faster!)
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