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Text Chapter 293 His Highness¡¯s plan is very good (third update!)

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    sudden!  sudden!  sudden!

    The iron fishing boat sails smoothly on the lake, proving that it can also 'swim' on the sea.

    Although the hull is rusty, it can still sail, right?

    This is a fishing boat that was originally going to be scrapped in the virtual world, and its most important core part is just its old engine.

    For Song Hu, only that thing is the most precious.

    "This is our secret weapon. It can be used as a cruiser after being filled with diesel. It's just a pity that it has no weapons, which is a bit disappointing."

    The gene secretary put forward his own opinions on Song Hu.

    In terms of speed, steering and mobility, this kind of shabby iron fishing boat from later generations is definitely 13 times better than the stylish seagoing ships of this era, but it is a pity that this kind of boat has no attack power.

    So, even if it can sail on the sea, what is its use?

    Could it be used for fishing?

    The secretary of Gene Man does not think that the fishing boat that was originally going to be scrapped and bought at such a high price was used for fishing.

    Song Hu can never be such an idiot.

    It costs 20 million yuan to own a ship that needs to be scrapped.

    This is not a small sum of money.

    "I have already considered this. If it has no attack power, how could I buy it and prepare to put it into use?" Song Hu turned around and said to the secretary of the gene man. "I plan to use this as a coastal patrol."  Ships? ¬ÒªÊ knocking the shape of the èÈi Fang©Ä strong moisture and broken àAþÉ´ïxji wielding weapons?"

    There has been some worrying news recently from Manhattan.

    Because the trade between Manhattan and Europe is becoming more and more popular, it has attracted large numbers of pirate ships in the surrounding waters.

    These pirates plundered passing ships wildly at sea, and even attacked battleships in Manhattan several times.

    Although there are many pirates who cooperate with Manhattan gangs, not all pirates will cooperate with gangs. A large number of pirates do not like the gangs of Manhattan at all.

    They patrolled the waters near Manhattan without any scruples, as if they were in their own backyard.

    This has brought great hidden dangers to the city of Manhattan.

    And these pirates have learned about the city of Manhattan through various channels and know that there are very few battleships in Manhattan, so they are so unscrupulous.

    And the lack of ships is also the current weakness of the Song Empire.

    According to inference, there are approximately three to four hundred pirate ships in the waters near Manhattan today.

    But the maritime armed force currently possessed by the Song Empire is only a mere fifty ships.

    Although the empire can now build battleships, it takes a year to build one such battleship.

    Yes, there are many shipyards, and even if they start work at the same time, it will take a year to achieve combat effectiveness. And it also requires a large number of skilled sailors, so the Song Empire is quite troubled by this.

    Because of pirates, bold merchants are still heading to Manhattan. And they cleverly formed fleets.

    But the existence of pirates will eventually have an impact on Manhattan.

    And after understanding that the maritime defense force here in Manhattan is insufficient, the pirates are now beginning to communicate privately, preparing to unite all pirates near Manhattan to form a powerful maritime force to attack Manhattan and plunder it.

    You know, if more than 400 pirate ships are really united, they really are not a force that can be glimpsed.

    "Each ship has only 250 sailors, and these ships together have 100,000 sailors.

    You know, these sailors can not only control sea ships, but they can also become qualified warriors immediately after landing on land.

    If the intelligence is accurate and these guys really unite to attack Manhattan, the loss to Manhattan will definitely not be small.

    Maybe a building that has been developed for more than a year will be destroyed in one day.

    This is something no one wants to see.

    Although there are coastal forts along the coast of Manhattan City and Manhattan Island, they are still insufficient to deal with so many pirate ships.

    Therefore, in order to deal with this situation, Song Hu racked his brains and finally came up with such a way.

    That is to buy iron fishing boats that are about to be scrapped from the virtual world, and then use these boats as patrol ships to find pirates and eliminate them.

    Although there are no weapons on this fishing boat, Song Hu has solved this problem very well.

    The copycat gun workshop. With Song Hu¡¯s financial investment, it has begun to copy a disposable shoulder-mounted rocket launcher.

    There¡¯s nothing wrong with this rocket launcherIt has high technical content, and the process is not troublesome. The cost is not high either.

    And this kind of weapon was widely used in the wars in the United States and Iraq and the war in Afghanistan.

    It costs less than 120 yuan, and it will be scrapped after one-time launch. Seamless steel pipes can be manufactured.

    Although this weapon has insufficient attack power against tanks and the like, it can still deal with the hull of a 1621 wooden ship.

    Propelled by the eruption of gunpowder, its range can reach 200 meters.

    The power of the explosion can only cause injury at most, but not death. However, the flammable phosphorus mixed in after the explosion can cause great damage to the hull.

    It was precisely because of this that Song Hu began to entrust copycat workshops to start manufacturing such weapons.

    Of course, due to the limitations of the space-time trader, the power of this rocket launcher will be suppressed. However, the technological content of this weapon is not high, so even if the system suppresses it, it will not be able to suppress it to any extent.

    To put it bluntly, it is just a steel pipe plugged with gunpowder, and then combined with a little bit of later technology.

    You know, there will be talented people in future generations who can make cannons and mortars at home.

    Think about it, a fishing boat can carry ten genetic people, each of them has two rocket launchers. With the speed of the fishing boat, it can easily approach the pirate ship and then launch the rockets.

    Haha, it will be a nightmare for the pirates then.

    And the cannons of the pirates still have solid bullets, so their accuracy may not be that accurate.

    Therefore, the feasibility of my plan is still very high.

    It¡¯s just that the price of fishing boats is too expensive. A fishing boat that is about to be scrapped costs 20 million yuan, but my monthly expenditure is only one billion yuan.

    It¡¯s impossible to buy many fishing boats.

    At the same time, he also has to purchase a large amount of building materials to develop Lake Ontario City, and cultivate Chinese genetic people to increase the share of Chinese genetic people.

    So, he can only squeeze in now.

    Fortunately, he informed Zhang Tie and five other ¡®township chief¡¯ level geneticists of his idea. With their help, this plan can be implemented.

    His plan is very simple. Every month, everyone squeezes out 100 million yuan to buy this kind of scrapped fishing boats.

    Then we drove through the dense rivers to Lake Ontario City.

    By this calculation, they can get thirty-five iron fishing boats in one month.

    In less than half a year, they will have more than a hundred such fishing boats. By then, they will be able to form a fleet and start cruising.

    Although they are not as numerous as pirates, their maneuverability is unmatched by pirate sailboats.

    Zhao Hongyu, who is far away in Europe, still doesn¡¯t know that due to the development of Zhang Tie and Song Hu, America has already developed things that he has not yet achieved.

    Although this makes Lake Ontario look a bit nondescript, it looks like a punk city in an abstract science fiction comic.

    Medieval clothing, steam spreading everywhere, airships with wings in the sky, and a steel jungle-like city. Although it has not turned into that yet, it is starting to feel a bit like that now.

    If it continues to develop like this, maybe Song Hu will really make Lake Ontario City like that.

    But I have to admit that if he keeps this development going smoothly, the time for the rise of the entire empire will be greatly shortened.

    Of course, electricity and mining equipment are only available here in Lake Ontario. There are five other cities under construction in Manhattan and Quebec. They have not yet appeared.

    The reason is very simple. Everyone has different development priorities. After all, people in Xuanyin have different personalities.

    And this kind of equipment has a limited quantity. Song Hu got a control and took the lead¡ª¡ª

    Dividing line¡ª¡ª

    "My lord, there is a letter from Europe. Your Highness brought it back on a Dutch merchant ship. Please read it."

    When Song Hu was playing with things that affected the course of history in Lake Ontario, Zhang Tie in Manhattan also received a letter from Zhao Hongyu from Europe.

    "Put it down, you can go out."

    Zhang Tie¡¯s office work is filled with documents.

    Compared with Zhao Hongyu, the hands-off shopkeeper, genetic people like Zhang Tie and Song Hu have a lot of things to do without having to be busy.

    "Okay, sir."

    The genetic man in uniform responded, put the letter on the table, and left Zhang Tie's office.

    Zhang Tie temporarily put down the documents at hand, picked up Zhao Hongyu's letter and read it.

    For him, dealing with Zhao Hongyu¡¯s affairs is the most important, it is the core of the empire.

    After reading the contents of the letter, Zhang Tie curled up the corners of his mouth and smiled evilly.

      Hehe, I really didn¡¯t expect that? Yes, yes, building roads in Manhattan now requires a lot of labor. Those European criminals can spend money to buy American dry goods.  Living, that is the best thing.

    Zhang Tie agreed very much with what Zhao Hongyu said in the letter about purchasing criminals from Europe and having them come to America to serve as laborers.

    In his opinion, this intimidator is just like those black slaves, they can be commanded ruthlessly.

    ???????????????????????? In this era, building roads by cutting through mountains and rocks is a very tiring and painful task, and sometimes even life-threatening.

    Many times, the Europeans and Indians who worked were unwilling to do things that were too dangerous. So black slaves were needed to do it. Although this was a bit cruel, there was no better way.

    Now that there is such a choice as a criminal, how could Zhang Tie be unhappy?


    So if you let them do some dangerous things, it won¡¯t be a big psychological burden.

    You know, Zhang Tie feels bad every time he hears about the death of black slaves.

    But for the sake of development, he doesn¡¯t care about that much anymore, right?

    In fact, black slaves were also poor people. They were captured and sold by unscrupulous Europeans, and were tortured by Americans like him.

    What he and many Chinese geneticists are doing now is no different from that of Americans in later generations.

    They are all squeezing the blood and sweat of black people and building their own wealth and the cornerstone of their empire on black people.

    However, for the sake of the rise of the empire and the owners of the Chinese genetic manor who have their own slaves, Zhang Tie can only continue the evil slave trade.

    Otherwise, many development plans will not be implemented due to lack of manpower.

    Don¡¯t look at the influx of British people from Virginia and Pennsylvania, which brought labor to the ¡®Empire¡¯, but they usually did not do dangerous work.

    But slaves are different. They have to do the dirtiest, most tiring, most painful and most dangerous things.

    This is one of the reasons why Zhang Tie cannot give up the slave trade.

    Although he felt sorry for the black people, he was not so stupid as to give up the slavery system.

    At least the current slavery system is good for the Song Empire.

    Of course, Zhang Tie will also choose those black slaves who are overbearing and like to bully others to take on dangerous tasks, instead of choosing those who are timid, timid, fearful and honest.

    But criminals are different.

    Zhang Tie would not feel so uncomfortable when dealing with criminals.

    It seems that I have to contact a group of ships. The European side has already started taking action. I will hurry up and transport all the criminals back.

    Nowadays, highways are under construction, but the progress cannot be improved because the death rate is too high.

    Therefore, the arrival of these criminals can change this situation.

    Workers can do jobs that are not dangerous, and criminals can take on the most dangerous jobs. This can greatly improve efficiency.

    Do criminals have human rights?

    Heck, talking about human rights with criminals in 1621 is a big joke.

    Zhang Tie retracted his thoughts and then looked down.

    In the letter, Zhao Hongyu mentioned the establishment of a concession in Lisbon, which made Zhang Tie's smile bloom again.

    Aha, is this a small kind? U Chuang?

    In later generations, Europeans set up concessions in China, but now it has been reversed, and they have set up concessions on European land.

    And the establishment of the concession was not through force, but just spent some money.

    You know, the Song Empire is short of everything now, but it is not short of money.

    ¡°Well, sugar, black tea, toothbrushes and toothpaste, and other products, are you ready to launch a wave of advertising and promotion in Europe?

    Zhang Tie looked at Zhao Hongyu¡¯s letter and said to himself with a smile.

    ????????????????????????????????????? Well, that¡¯s good, it¡¯s also a good thing for Europeans to accept more products. Although ceramics are more expensive and more profitable, they are still not as good as those daily consumable products that are constantly flowing.

    "Who is coming? In five hours, I will hold a dinner in the umbrella company, and during the dinner I will announce a business cooperation."

    Thinking of this, Zhang Tie called his secretary in and explained to him.

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