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Free Web Novel,Novel online - All in -> Historic -> Rise of America 1620

Text Chapter 230 The French¡¯s reaction (third update!)

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    The French royal family received a letter from the Americas across the ocean. For this reason, the royal family and some nobles have been arguing for a period of time about the information revealed in the letter.

    The content of the letter is very simple. In addition to telling the number of furs, Sarah, the successor of the Samuel family, has arrived there.

    If only this information was available, nothing would happen to the French royal family.

    Because the letter also revealed a lot of things.

    For example, Sarah, a woman, has discovered the intentions of certain people and is using her own methods to defend herself.

    He kidnapped some family members and used this to threaten Leon and others, the supervisors of Quebec, hoping to take control of his territory.

    In response to this, the royal members began to launch their own methods. First, they found Leon's family members.  And sent everyone from the Samuel family to the cell, and began to issue a wanted order for Sarah.

    Since Sara has discovered their intentions, there is no need to hide them, right?

    But in their opinion, Sara¡¯s final trump card is gone. They think that Leon and the others should be able to easily deal with Sara.

    While they were waiting for the news of Sarah's death and starting to plan how to divide Quebec, the territory that originally belonged to the Samuel family, a very bad news came from the Americas.

    The Iroquois have gathered a large army and are at war with Quebec.

    At the beginning of this war, the French handled it well, but in the end they were surrounded somehow.

    When Quebec was surrounded, the French lost their channels of news from there.

    Fortunately, Manhattan can understand the situation in Quebec, so France began to collect information about Quebec from other countries.

    One of them made the French royal family and some big nobles a little surprised, and a little panicked.

    The news is that ¡®Sara married the crown prince of the Song Empire and became his concubine¡¯.

    There is very little information about France in the Song Empire. All they know is about the five-stage shooting technique and linear formation, as well as the production of porcelain and tea in Manhattan, and the unlimited supply of food.

    Of course, according to the intelligence brought by many businessmen after returning to Europe from Manhattan, the army in Manhattan is very powerful.

    This is also something that is now recognized by European countries.

    You know, Manhattan is very close to Quebec.

    "And Sarah married the crown prince of the Song Empire, so Quebec, as Sarah's territory, would legitimately become the territory of the Song Empire.

    It can be predicted that Sarah will not give up Quebec.

    When the time comes, the sky is high and the emperor is far away, what else can they do.

    It was very easy for the Song Empire to send troops, almost in the morning and at night, much faster than they could send troops from Europe.  And there is no such trouble in material supplies.

    They can almost see Quebec flying away from their hands.

    France now only has this piece of land on the American continent. If it loses Quebec, it will not only lose a place rich in furs, but also a large area of ??land.

    It is also equivalent to losing a 'bank' that can provide wealth.

    But considering the Song Empire¡¯s army, France really has no choice now.

    "However, the French are very unwilling to give up Quebec like this.

    On the outskirts of Paris, in a royal summer palace, the mother of Louis XIII was holding a small gathering to discuss this matter with several nobles.

    At this time, Louis XIII was only nine years old, still a little kid.

    He was playing with some guards and some small cattle dogs outside.

    His mother, Marie de' Medici, was an Italian princess from the Principality of Tuscany.

    And his father is Henry IV.

    Since Louis XIII is still young, his mother is in charge of all state affairs, and Mary is the regent.

    "Your Highness, your mother is talking to the Duke of Orleans inside. Don't you want to listen?"

    Outside, a guard who was playing with little Louis XIII asked in a low voice.

    At this time, Benefit Thirteen was very thin and had freckles on his face. He did not look like the future emperor of France.

    When the young guard mentioned his mother, the little guy with an innocent smile on his face suddenly turned gloomy.

    "Li?Please, don't talk about my mother here, it's very disrespectful.  "

    However, the young guard named Richelieu was not intimidated by His Majesty's expression. Instead, he bowed and apologized and continued: "Your Highness, now you have to actively participate in some government affairs, otherwise  It will be very detrimental to you in the future."

    After hearing what the guard named Richelieu said, the little guy made a gesture.  Then several guards dispersed and set up a warning net around them with great vigilance.

    "Did you hear any rumors outside again?"

    Little Louis XIII asked in a lowered voice.

    At this time, the innocence that should have been found on the little guy's face was completely revealed, but instead a gloomy look emerged.

    Being born in such a family and environment, I guess I am destined to miss out on innocence.

    Richelieu glanced at His Majesty and thought to himself.

    "Yes, Your Highness, there have been some rumors circulating outside recently, which are very harmful to you." Richelieu replied.

    Little Louis XIII glanced at the Summer Palace not far away, and then said: "Tell me, what kind of rumors are they?"

    After Richelieu carefully worded his words, he replied: "In some small aristocratic circles, there is such a rumor circulating, that is, some people say that Her Majesty Mary intends to depose you and replace you with the throne.  His Highness Stone is the crown prince."


    As soon as Richelieu finished speaking, little Louis XIII broke the small wooden stick in his hand.

    "What qualifications does that guy Gaston have to be the crown prince? He is just a piece of shit. He doesn't have my father's blood spear on his body at all. The Habsburg family is really messy."

    "Your Highness, please be careful what you say." Richelieu reminded in a low voice.

    "What was the reaction of those nobles?" Louis XIII asked.

    "Your Highness is the heir designated by His Majesty before his death. Even His Majesty Mary can't change it. She doesn't get the support of other nobles at all, so I think your Highness doesn't need to worry too much about this."

    Richelieu¡¯s comfort did not make Louis XIII¡¯s mood better, but made it worse.

    "By the way, do you know what my mother is talking about with the Duke of Orleans and the others now?"

    Louis XIII changed the subject.

    "It seems to be about Count Samuel's American territory. Her Majesty Mary and the Duke of Orleans want to make America their own."

    Richelieu replied quietly.


    After hearing Richelieu¡¯s answer, little Louis XIII snorted coldly.

    "In order to seize Earl Samuel's American territory, their methods were a little worse. Are they going to attack the widow now? Originally, it was okay for my mother to take America back to the royal family, but what I'm worried about is that in the end it turned out to be  Habsburg land."

    Although little Louis XIII talked about his mother and mother, Richelieu could not hear any respect from his gorgeous appearance.

    But this is not surprising, the whole of France knows that Louis XIII does not get along with his mother, especially his little DD Gaston.

    "I heard that Count Samuel's widow found a man in America. That man is the crown prince of a country, so that piece of land in the American continent will probably become someone else's?"

    Louis XIII asked.

    Richelieu nodded: "Yes, it is clearly recorded in the law that Quebec belongs to the private territory of Count Samuel's family. Now that Count Samuel was killed by the Duke of Orleans, it naturally became his widow's inheritance.  Also includes titles of nobility.¡±

    Richelieu thought for a while and replied.


    Louis XIII smiled happily. For him, he would be very happy if anything made his mother and the Duke of Orleans uncomfortable.

    Because little Louis XIII suspected that his younger brother Gaston was actually the child of the Duke of Orleans.

    His mother has always been very close to Orleans, and he saw the two of them having sex in the palace several times.

    "I guess my mother and the others will have a headache for a long time. After all, the man Sarah found is very powerful, isn't he? The crown prince of a country is definitely not that easy to deal with."

    Louis XIII said to Richelieu with a smile.

    Hearing this, Richelieu nodded and replied: "Yes, the army of the Song Empire is very powerful. Our French businessmen all said so when they came back. And they are very close to Quebec. In a few daysThen the army will arrive there.  But we are different. There is a sea between us.  "

    Having said this, Richelieu sighed in his heart. He knew very well that Quebec could no longer belong to France.

    "Little Louis XIII didn't feel anything at all.

    After all, he is still young and doesn¡¯t know much.  Under his mother's deliberate indulgence and restriction, he still does not understand a lot of knowledge.

    Therefore, he will not understand how important that land is to France.

    "Oh, the army of the Song Empire is very powerful. Is it as powerful as our French army?" When little Louis XIII heard Richelieu talking about the military of the Song Empire, he suddenly became energetic.

    Children are always full of curiosity and yearning for military matters.

    Richelieu nodded and replied: "All the businessmen say so. One or two people may tell lies, but if everyone says so, it is not necessarily a lie. And the five-stage shooting and line tactics  It was invented by the other party, and I heard that their muskets are also very advanced."

    "Wow, they invented the five-stage shooting and line tactics. They are really geniuses." Little Louis XIII said to Richelieu with wide eyes and admiration.

    Now, European countries are studying five-stage shooting and line tactics, especially the United Kingdom and France are most concerned about this.

    On the contrary, Spain, a long-established power, has always been intoxicated with their former glory and has been living in a dream without making progress.

    In the eyes of the Spaniards, their Spanish phalanx is invincible, and there is no need to learn the five-stage shooting and line tactics.

    ??Besides, it is useless no matter how good the matchlock gun is, because considering some problems in technology and iron quality and manufacturing, it is impossible for the matchlock gun to become mainstream.

    But the British and French didn't think so. After experimenting several times, they immediately discovered the benefits of this tactic.

    And began to form troops and start training.

    Of course, this tactic does not mean it is invincible. It also has some weaknesses.

    For example, there is the problem of logistical supplies and their low defense.

    You should know that the use of matchlock guns in this era depends on the environment and terrain, as well as weather and other factors.

    After all, the matchlock guns used by Europeans today are not the sophisticated flintlock guns of Zhao Hongyu and others.

    Therefore, Europeans may not be able to copy the tactics that Zhao Hongyu can use in many cases.

    Technological factors determine many things, which cannot be changed.

    For example, the current problem of the chamber explosion of matchlock guns in Europe is that after ten firings, the chamber explosion rate is 30%.

    "But the standard flintlock rifle used by Zhao Hongyu and others has an explosion rate of only 0.5 after firing fifty rounds in a row.

    The reason is simple: Europe¡¯s smelting industry is not good at this time.

    And Zhao Hongyu¡¯s flintlock guns were indeed purchased from the virtual 21st century. Even if the crafting materials are garbage, they are stronger than the special products of 1620.

    This is just one of the reasons, there are many more such wishes.

    "I really don't know how the people of the Song Empire grew up. How could they come up with such tactics? They are so smart." Little Louis XIII kept chattering to Richelieu¡ª¡ª

    Dividing line¡ª¡ª

    "Duke Cabo, what else can we do now? This thing is too sudden. We never expected that this woman Sara could actually become the woman of the Crown Prince of the Song Empire. This matter is too passive now."

    In the office within the summer palace, Louis XIII¡¯s mother, Marie, was discussing matters about Quebec with several nobles.

    Mary looks very young and does not look like a mother who already has two children.

    She has curly blond hair, dark brown pupils, and seductive, sexy thick lips.

    She wore a tutu that exposed half of her breasts, which made her breasts extremely huge, even squeezing out the full semicircle.

    It has to be said that the development of Europeans cannot be compared to the development of Easterners.

    Several male nobles were sitting around her. They were basically dressed the same as the Spanish nobles. They all wore clown costumes with loops around their necks, and white socks were put on their calves to be exposed.

    Spanish attire is still quite popular in this era, and it will take several decades for French court attire to become popular in Europe.

    "ICan we strip Sarah of her title and send troops to Quebec?  ", the words of one of the nobles made everyone couldn't help but roll their eyes.

    What an idiot, couldn¡¯t he have imagined that doing so would cause dissatisfaction with the Song Empire!

    Everyone complained in their hearts.  (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to become a registered member of Piaotian Literature to recommend this work. Your support is my biggest motivation.)
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