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Text Chapter 189 Cayuga Village

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    Early the next morning, the leader of the small team heading to the Cayuga tribe received a report from the genetic man.  He immediately sent a genetic man back to Lake Ontario based on the importance of the information.

    As for the excuse, it is easy to find, and it will not attract Dunbar's attention at all.

    Because the information obtained from Dunbar is very important, it must be fed back to Wang Shan and let him take some measures.

    Next, the team continues to move forward.

    Because of the sled, which can move at full speed on the snow, the team can move very fast.

    They arrived at a destination that usually took three or four days to arrive in one night and half a day.

    This was a real eye-opener for Dunbar, who felt the power of ¡®technology¡¯ for the first time.

    And it also gave him a strong interest in sledding.

    The sled is not a high-tech product, and it basically has no technological content.

    Therefore, when Dunbar asked, the gene man who was riding in the same car with him answered him affirmatively that this sled can be sold and the price is not expensive.

    ?That is, you can get it in exchange for 300 bison skins or beaver skins.

    In Dunbar¡¯s opinion, this is indeed very cheap.

    ¡°Don¡¯t you know that this kind of sleigh is not worth the price at all, because the value of three hundred bison or beaver skins far exceeds the value of the sleigh.

    But, no one in the entire Iroquois League knows how to do this.

    Besides, this sleigh is only useful in winter. Basically, in three of the four seasons of the year, the sled is completely useless.

    It is precisely because of this that the genetic people will definitely tell Dunbar that this thing can be sold to them.

    Otherwise, you can try it for a shot of a shot, and it will not be sold at all.

    But even so, Dunbar will buy it.

    The reason is simple. With a sleigh and wearing the warm clothes sold by the other party, they can hunt in winter.

    And after hunting, you don¡¯t have to worry about transporting the prey. It is very convenient to transport these prey by sled.

    Let¡¯s talk about the pulling elk, this animal is also very easy to catch.

    When winter comes, herds of elk from further north will migrate here.

    A large herd of elk can be easily captured, it is very simple.

    Led by Dunbar, the team entered the village where the Cayuga tribe¡¯s territory is located.

    The genetic people observed the tribal people in the Iroquois United, and they found that the people here had initially possessed some characteristics of a progressive society.

    For example, there is fertile farmland outside their village, and the houses they live in are not tents, but houses built with wooden structures.

    It can be said that they are now in the stage of development from nomadic hunting to agricultural civilization.

    If it hadn¡¯t been for the arrival of the white-skinned people, perhaps a primitive primary civilization would have been formed many, many years later.

    However, none of the geneticists are very optimistic about the prospects of the Indians.

    After all, even if the Iroquois completed the evolution of agricultural civilization, they would still be far behind the world as a whole.

    You must know that European civilization and Eastern civilization are basically very powerful in the world today.

    Especially European civilization is about to embark on another evolutionary path, while Eastern civilization has begun a dark period.

    In addition, Europeans came to the American continent, so the Iroquois and all Indians in the American continent were destined to be defeated.

    "Everyone, please stop looking and give me a smile. Although they are still very primitive now, we need to have a good relationship with them. Maybe they will all be citizens of our empire in the future."

    The leader of the team turned around and shouted loudly to his companions.

    The genetic people all understood, and the smiles on their faces showed their friendly attitude.

    Dunbar, on the other hand, kept explaining and telling things in Cayuga to the tribesmen who gathered around him.

    Afterwards, many Cayuga women turned around and ran back to their houses. After a while, they and their children took out a lot of furs and ran back.

    At this time, Dunbar stood up and came to the genetic people and said: "Everyone is very interested in your products and thinks the price is very fair, so now you can take out the products and show them to everyone."

    With the genetic changesAt the leader's order, the geneticists got busy.

    They unloaded the goods from the sleigh and laid them out one by one on the ground for the Cayuga people to choose from.

    Many Cayuga people gathered around the sleigh, staring and talking to each other. It was the first time for them to see something like this that could move very fast on the snow.

    Dunbar, on the other hand, was talking to people with an air of dignity.

    Those who listened to Dunbar¡¯s words exclaimed ¡®oh¡¯ and ¡®wow¡¯ in surprise from time to time.

    Looking at everyone¡¯s reactions, Dunbar felt a little proud.

    At the same time, some people kept reaching out and stroking Dunbar's clothes.

    Because Dunbar is now wearing a green labor protection army coat, and a green labor protection cotton coat underneath. He is no longer wearing the leaky leather jacket.

    "This clothes is very warm. I sat on this sleigh all night and didn't feel cold. If this were normal, I would have been frozen a long time ago. Don't you think it's amazing?"

    Dunbar is like a man who has just embarked on a fantasy journey and is telling his tribesmen about his fantasy journey.

    "Come on, let me feel it for you."

    Dunbar took off his clothes, pulled over an older Cayuga man who looked to be in his fifties, and then put his military coat on him.

    The Cayuga man imitated Dunbar's example, put the coat on and felt it.

    Then, he stared at himself and nodded while talking to his companions around him.

    What he meant was that the clothes were very warm. Dunbar was not lying. This thing could indeed withstand the cold.

    This time, everyone became excited.

    You know, both the Iroquois and other tribes on the American continent are afraid of winter.

    Because they have no effective ways to keep out the cold or clothes to keep out the cold.

    Therefore, many of them will freeze to death in winter.

    But now the foreigners brought by Dunbar can change this situation.

    Those foreigners have such good things that can keep them warm during the winter. How could they not be excited?

    At that time, many people made up their minds to buy it.

    ¡°And I heard from Dunbar that this kind of clothes is not expensive at all, and it only takes ten beaver skins to get it.

    Ten beaver skins are nothing, basically everyone has them.  Moreover, clothes made of beaver skin leaked air, were not warm at all, and were not as good as this kind of clothes.

    So, many people think the price is worth it.

    " However, these foreigners brought more than just clothes to keep out the cold. They also brought many products that the Cayuga people had never seen before.

    "Everyone has come to take a look. These white flowers are rice that is unique to our Manhattan area. This kind of food is very fragrant after being cooked."

    "What's in this little box are matches. Just a small one can light a fire." The genetic man took out one and drew it on the outside of the box, 'Zi!  ¡¯ After a sound, it immediately burst into flames.

    The small match attracted the attention of many Cayuga women.

    The Indian tribes of this era still made fire by drilling wood.  And in every tribe there is a fire that burns forever and is guarded.

    The purpose is to prevent the fire from going out and to make it easier for everyone to make fire.

    But even so, sometimes the fire will still go out, and they also have a lot of headaches for this.

    Therefore, every time it is extinguished, everyone has to drill wood to make fire again, which is very troublesome.

    So would the Cayuga tribe.

    After all, the tribal fire is the result of everyone¡¯s efforts, but every household does not have the ability to take care of the fire.  So it would be great if we had matches, and the originally troublesome problem would be solved, right?

    Besides, the price of matches is not expensive at all.  A piece of bison skin or a piece of beaver skin can be exchanged for ten boxes of matches, and a box of matches contains a hundred matchsticks.

    In other words, a box of matches can be lit a hundred times.

    These Cayuga women were not very sophisticated about numbers, so they fell into the 'trap' of the genetic people.

    "Made in Manhattan, with excellent workmanship, ten rounds of gunpowder and lead bullets are delivered. You can exchange it for bison or beaver skin of the same height as the gun body. If you have such a golden thing, that's fine. Don't buy it."Come and take a look.  "

    On the other side, a gene man took out a matchlock gun and stood on the sled, shouting loudly.

    The people around him were all Cayuga males.

    It seems that this is true both in ancient and modern times. Things like weapons only attract men.

    "Is it true? You really sell matchlock guns?"

    The Cayuga people can¡¯t believe it, because even white-skinned people don¡¯t dare to sell to them, so how dare these foreigners do it?

    "Why can't we sell it? This thing is produced by us and has nothing to do with those white-skinned people." The genetic man looked around with a smile.  "Besides, we all brought the matchlocks over, don't you believe it yet?"

    The Cayuga people around thought the same thing. They had brought over matchlock guns. How could it be a lie?

    So all of a sudden, the emotions of these Cayuga men were ignited.

    ¡°Wait for me, I¡¯ll go back and see if I have enough fur.

    Hey, I have that golden thing. I have saved it for many years.

    I¡¯ll go home and see what I have, and then I¡¯ll get a matchlock gun.

    ¡°Come and give it a try, everyone can test fire one shot for free!¡±

    ¡°Well, there is such a good thing!

    The men in Cayuga suddenly became more enthusiastic.  (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to become a registered member of Piaotian Literature to recommend this work. Your support is my biggest motivation.)
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