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Text Chapter 171 Looking at the toilet is also novel

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    Cruise and his deputies, who were wandering around the harbor in Manhattan, were surprised by everything they saw.

    neatly dressed Manhattan soldiers, Indians in green cotton coats, and vendors who kept shouting to sell their goods.

    Lukes was very impressed by the dazzling array of small commodities.

    Of course, it was the European workers on the dock who impressed Lukes the most.

    But through conversations with shop owners in Manhattan, Lukes also knew something.  Those are the people who work hard at the docks to make money. They are just guys from the Virginia area who come here and have no ability because they have no skills.

    ¡°As long as you have some skills, you won¡¯t starve to death here in Manhattan.

    The blacksmith from Virginia next door proves this point. His shop is very prosperous.  Although some ironware is sold in Manhattan, there is no blacksmith in Manhattan. If some iron weapons or farm tools are broken, they must be repaired.

    And some people with carpentry skills have either started their own small business to sell furniture, or they have worked in Manhattan shipyards.

    But whether they are doing business individually or working for Manhattanites, they can earn a good income. Of course, they will earn more if they work for Manhattanites, but they have to take care of their families.

    But as long as you have money, what does it matter?

    The streets of Manhattan are very clean, and there is no stinky smell like those in European cities.  At the same time, you can't see any feces or scenes of feces and urine on the streets.

    This made Lux marvel.

    He has been to many European cities, but none of them have been so clean.

    Although it is already winter, cities in Europe are still smelly.

    How do people in Manhattan do it?

    Lukes and his deputy couldn't help but become curious.

    Soon, he and his deputy learned why.  A European man walked out of a snack bar. After looking around, he walked to a corner outside the snack bar, then untied his pants to relieve himself.

    Not long after he had released the excess fluid in his body, five or six Asans with their heads wrapped in red cloth ran over from a short distance carrying wooden sticks.

    When they saw this guy, they beat him up without saying a word, and then dragged the unlucky guy away.

    The owner of the small shop where Lukes and the others were was not surprised at all by this scene, as if he had seen too much and was numb.

    "What are they doing? Are they not even allowed to pee?"

    Lukes¡¯ deputy¡¯s cheek twitched, then he swallowed and said with difficulty.

    In his opinion, this matter is a little too incomprehensible. Isn¡¯t it possible that people still don¡¯t poop or pee in Manhattan? If that¡¯s the case, wouldn¡¯t he be suffocated to death?

    ¡°Besides, he has no way to control such a physiological reaction.

    You must know that the greatest force in the world, and the one that humans cannot resist, is the power of 'feces and urine'.

    The store owner smiled: "How is that possible? The Song people here in Manhattan are very reasonable. That guy was beaten and taken away by the urban management just because he didn't follow the rules."

    Urban management!

    It turns out that those guys with cloth strips on their heads, like holding a big pineapple on their heads, are urban management officials.

    Lukes memorized the job titles of these people.

    "Don't you think it's very clean here in Manhattan?" the little boss said to Lukes and his deputy with a smile.  Lukes and his deputy nodded upon hearing this, admitting this from the bottom of their hearts.

    The shop owner looked sad and started talking.

    "Everyone who has been to many places at first glance, I don't need to tell you what a European city is like. Anyway, in my opinion, it is simply not a place for people to live. If you ask me, it is better to live here in Manhattan. I live  I don¡¯t want to leave after I get off.¡±

    The shop owner raised his finger and pointed to the street not far away: "In this city, the management of sanitation is very strict. They strictly dump feces and urine on the street, and for the convenience of everyone, they have also built public toilets and public bathhouses. This  It¡¯s better than our homeland.¡±

    ??Here in Manhattan, the Song Dynasty forced Europeans to take a shower and pay attention to their personal hygiene.

    If they do not comply with the Song Empire's requirements, they will be driven out.

    And for the sake of making money, European guys will of course comply with it for the sake of gold coins.??This is a rule, although they are not in the habit of taking a bath yet.

    At the same time, considering that the European guys all have bad breath, Zhao Hongyu and the others also forced the European guys to use toothbrushes and toothpaste, because every time Zhang Tie negotiated an agreement with the European guys, the bad breath of the European guys really made Zhang Tie unbearable.

    As the store owner told the story, Lukes and his deputy¡¯s eyes grew wider and wider, as if they were listening to fantasy.

    ¡°That toothbrush, I wasn¡¯t used to it when I first started using it, and my mouth would bleed every time I used it. But after using it a few times, I found that my mouth is no longer ugly.¡±


    As he spoke, the boss raised his hand to cover his mouth, took a breath, and smelled it himself.

    A fresh smell, which was simply impossible before.

    And after paying attention to his hygiene every day, he found that he was becoming more energetic and no longer as decadent as before.

    toothpaste!  toothbrush!

    Lukes remembered a few more words.

    ¡°Nowadays, Europeans living here in Manhattan, if they don¡¯t pay attention to their own hygiene and dress in a slovenly manner, they will be considered as people who have no ability and can¡¯t get along, and they will be looked down upon.¡±

    At this time, an Indian walked into his shop, sat on a seat nearby and said hello.

    After the boss said something hastily to Lukes, he smiled and greeted the Indians.

    Lukes and his deputies already felt that their brains were obviously insufficient because the information they now received was too much.

    And there is a lot of information that they cannot understand.

    "It seems that this guy is telling the truth. Captain, do you remember the laborers on the dock?" While Lukes was thinking wildly, his deputy lowered his voice and said to him.

    Lukes nodded and responded to the deputy: "Of course, but is there any problem with this?"

    He was a little surprised as to what his deputy was doing with those laborers at this time.

    The deputy said: "I think of them now. Although those guys are working hard, they are all extremely clean. There are also people like this at the docks in Europe, but those people wear tattered clothes and are sloppy and dirty.  They all work in the same profession, why are they so different?"

    As soon as the deputy reminded him, Lukes recalled it.

    He didn¡¯t pay attention to this at all at the time, but now that he thinks about it, it seems that it is really the same thing.

    Although the clothes of the laborers were a little wrinkled, their faces and clothes were not dirty at all.

    This is a very strange thing.

    As his deputy said, the laborers working at the European docks are very dirty and poorly dressed.

    "It's useless to talk anymore, let's go see that public toilet."

    Regarding the issue of dock workers, Lukes did not want to delve too much into it. There were too many things to know in Manhattan.

    The deputy nodded, and the two immediately stood up and left the small shop.

    Before leaving, Lucas thanked the shop owner. After all, he didn¡¯t spend anything in this shop and it also took up some of the boss¡¯s time.

    Even if his true identity is a pirate, he still needs to be polite.

    You know, Lucas has always wanted to be a noble. This has been his dream since he was a child.

    Although this dream is somewhat unrealistic.

    After saying goodbye to the shop owner, Lukes walked along the street with his deputy, and he saw a public toilet.

    This public toilet has a big sign. Although there is no text, there is a big picture.  The painting shows two small figures with thick lines, making gestures of relieving themselves. It is easy to understand at a glance.

    At the same time, this Gonggong toilet has two entrances, and there are schematic pictures representing men and women at the entrances.

    ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?

    ??This also needs to be divided into men and women.

    Lukes and his deputy were stunned for a moment, then they thought this was so thoughtful.

    The two of them went in and walked around, and by the way, they released the accumulated water in the noodles.

    The smell in the public restroom is very strong and very smelly.  However, it is already very good that Manhattan City can provide such sanitation facilities.

    At least, it is much stronger than cities in all European countries.

    In Cooks¡¯ view, that¡¯s it.

    When they came out of the toilet, a carriage came slowlyI drove through the small road behind the shopping street and finally stopped behind the public toilet.

    An old European man, who was also wearing a green cotton coat and a cotton hat, but was about sixty or seventy years old, slowly jumped out of the carriage.

    This carriage is a bit weird, it seems to be an oversized wine barrel made of wooden boards.

    Lukes and his deputy looked at the old man and felt a little strange.  They didn't know what the old man was doing in the toilet, and there wasn't anything good here.

    However, they then knew what the old man was doing.

    This old European went to the cesspit behind the toilet and took a look, then turned around and climbed back on the carriage.  A long wooden pole was taken out from the car, with a large wooden basin tied to one end of the wooden pole.

    Dare to love, this old man is a dung worker.

    There are many people like this in Manhattan.  They were all people who came to Manhattan from Virginia to find work, but because they were too old, they couldn't do many things.

    Zhao Hongyu is not a philanthropist, and he has no intention of helping these people in poverty.  However, considering that he now needs to employ people, and adding Song Hu and others together, the industry of manure diggers in Manhattan emerged.

    After all, genetic people are not willing to do this kind of work, and neither are young, powerful or skilled Europeans.

    So, in order to eat and work, and for the sake of good pay, these old men from Virginia joined this industry.  (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to become a registered member of Piaotian Literature to recommend this work. Your support is my biggest motivation.)
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