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Text Chapter 153 The Crisis of the Sioux Tribe

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    After winter, a disease they had never seen before suddenly became popular among the Sioux, an Indian tribe near the Akalachi Mountains.

    The disease spreads so quickly and widely beyond their knowledge.

    Anyone infected with this disease will be covered with disgusting acne in a short period of time. Patients with ruptured acne in Suizhou will eventually die in pain.

    The wizards of the Sioux tribe have tried their best, but they cannot control the situation.

    Half a month after winter, when the first patient appeared, one-third of the entire tribe has now been infected with the disease.

    And among these patients, almost five hundred people have lost their lives and have returned to the nature of nothingness and the spirit of all things.

    And the people who are still alive are suffering from the disease every day, which puts a lot of psychological pressure on the tribesmen who have not yet been infected with this bizarre disease.

    Inside the tent, the old wizard used ancient Indian methods to chant obscure incantations and chant incantations to get rid of illnesses.  In his hand he held a plant that could only be used when casting spells. After lighting it, bursts of green smoke came out.

    This is a unique plant that grows in North America. It has the ability to put people into a drowsy state. It is used by most Indian tribes to reduce the pain and suffering of patients in the tribe.

    The smoke produced by the burning of this plant will not only make people drowsy when inhaled, but also cause confusion and hallucinations, and at the same time put all the body's senses in a dull state.

    In this tent, the patient's relatives and friends sat in a group, their bodies swaying from side to side with the wizard's high and low tone, and from time to time they also made deep sounds in agreement.

    However, the patient lying on the wooden frame in the tent was still moaning in pain.  Several strong Sioux warriors held down the patient's hands and feet to prevent him from moving.

    Because if you don¡¯t hold down his hands and feet, not only will he move around, but he will also use both hands to constantly scratch the acne on his body.

    Unfortunately, the spells used by wizards to get rid of pain are of little use in treating patients and diseases.  The patient slowly recovered under the influence of the smoke.

    But other Indians don¡¯t think much of it. They only think it¡¯s the old wizard¡¯s powerful magic.

    At the same time, the people sitting around also inhaled the gas and began to have strange and weird hallucinations.

    This disease comes very suddenly, without any warning.

    Suddenly the Sioux clan fell into panic.

    They had never seen such a disease or such a painful death.

    For unknown things, besides curiosity, the most common thing human beings have is fear.

    And when all of the Sioux tribe today face this epidemic disease, their most common reaction is fear.

    Outside the Sioux camp, many tribesmen are holding cremation ceremonies.

    Every day, more than a dozen clan members die.

    Those who are alive, in addition to enduring the pain of the death of their loved ones, also face the fear and torture of unknown diseases.

    Put the remains of the deceased relatives on the fire rack and light them.

    After the relatives cried bitterly for a while, they sang ancient Indian folk songs around the fire.

    After everything is done, they will return home to take care of other sick relatives.

    Whether it is the Sioux or other Indian tribes, they are not used to living separately from sick people, which makes the epidemic more conducive to the spread of channels.

    If Zhao Hongyu were here, they would definitely separate the infected and unaffected Su people, and they would never let them continue to live like this.

    "It's a pity that Zhao Hongyu is not in the Sioux clan.

    ¡°And the Sioux people don¡¯t know anything about this.

    In the hearts of all Indians, family ties are very important.

    When their loved ones are sick, it is when they are needed, so they must not abandon their loved ones.

    Therefore, Indians at this time often eat and live with the patients.  In addition to taking care of the patient at this time, it can also reassure the patient and let him know that his loved ones are by his side.

    There is nothing wrong with doing this. After all, family ties are what Indians value most.

    ¡°However, doing so gave the epidemic disease the opportunity to spread, which the Indians were completely unaware of.

    Historically, the Spaniards introduced smallpox to the Incas, and the Incas died in droves because of this.

     The lack of knowledge about disease prevention and hygiene has led to the Indians not paying attention to these things at all.  Moreover, the Indians were still in a very primitive and ignorant state and society at this time.

    They also believe in witchcraft and use witchcraft to cure diseases.

    Only a few wizards who know herbal medicine can use simple methods to treat minor illnesses.

    Once they encounter a bigger disease, these wizards are doomed.

    Relying on witchcraft is very nonsense, but the Indians believe this.

    However, even in the 21st century, an era of information explosion, some people still believe this, right?

    Are the gods punishing us?  Just because we had a war with the white man?

    Many Sioux people are praying quietly in their tents, and some are repenting of the sins they have committed.

    Most of them believe that the epidemic that has broken out since the beginning of winter is a punishment from the gods for the war they waged in the summer.

    Because in the eyes of Indians, Europeans with white skin are actually messengers from heaven sent by the gods.

    This idea has been recognized by many Central and North American Indians for a long time.

    It was only in the end that the Europeans were greedy and invaded Indian lands, causing the Indians to lose their homes, and the Indians were forced to resist.

    After such resistance, the Indians discovered that the white-skinned people they regarded as gods and men in the heavens were just like them.  They will bleed when the sword cuts them, and they will suffer and die.

    Everything, nothing is different.

    Just when the entire Sioux tribe was in an atmosphere of sadness, panic, uneasiness and fear, a sleigh pulled by four elk drove in this direction on the thick white snow.

    The Sioux people knew that this kind of sleigh could only be found in Manhattan.

    Because in late autumn, the Mohicans living in Manhattan, under the instruction of their Queen Emma, ??captured many migrating elk.

    After these elk were captured, the Mohicans put harnesses on them, and then built a very strange vehicle that could slide quickly on the snow for the elk to pull.

    After winter, some warriors of the Mohican tribe who were free traders often drove carts pulled by elk to do trade with them.

    The Mohicans would exchange goods from Manhattan for furs and other items in their hands, and then return to Manhattan to sell them.

    Because roads are blocked by heavy snow after winter, the Sioux people are also happy that someone is willing to come all the way to trade with them in such bad weather.

    After all, it is still very difficult for them to go to Manhattan under such harsh conditions.

    But the Mohicans with their elk and sleighs can travel between the two places very conveniently.

    On the snow, the elk ran very fast.

    ? And sleigh rides are even more convenient.

    As a dedicated mohawk vendor, Paparo (Note: Indian for cedar bark) likes this kind of life.

    Since joining Mohawk City and becoming a member of the Song Empire, his original life has undergone earth-shaking changes.

    In the original Mohican tribe, he was not a very good warrior.

    ¡°Whether it¡¯s archery or setting traps, he¡¯s not very good at it.  So in the past days, he always caught the least prey.

    So, his wife is always hungry.

    And he himself was often laughed at by other soldiers.

    He thought that he would be like this for the rest of his life.  But no one could have imagined that people like him would have good fortunes.

    With the acquiescence of Hei Xiong and Zhao Hongyu, the Mohican warriors retained their name as warriors, and they suddenly became free from having to go to the temple every day.

    However, they can no longer receive their monthly salary.

    This is understandable. How can you get a salary if you don¡¯t do something?

    ¡°All the Mohicans think this is nothing.

    Only he, Paparo, thinks other people are fools.

    There is no need to fight with wild animals, and there is no need to worry about food every day.  As long as you defend the city faithfully, you can get twelve silver coins a month. These twelve silver coins can make a family of five live a carefree life.

    He really couldn¡¯t understand why those tribesmen had to live freely?

    But whether he wants it or not, His Majesty and the Queen have already issued an order.

    ? ??As a small character, you can only accept your fate, right?

    However, Paparo was very smart and immediately thought of a way to make money.

    Other Mohicans, as well as people from other Indian tribes, all trekked hard from their tribes to Manhattan to sell their goods.

    And why can¡¯t Paparo go to other tribes and buy those goods from people who want to sell them?

    You know, many people may not be able to come to Manhattan because of one thing or another.

    ? Then, wouldn¡¯t it be easy for me to purchase the goods they have?

    ¡°Besides, they don¡¯t have to travel all the way to Manhattan, so they have to give themselves a discount on the price.

    I have to say that this guy Paparo really does have a little bit of business talent.

    He actually saw such a business opportunity.

    And the emergence of the elk sleigh in Manhattan solved a problem for Paparo.

    Originally, this kind of sled was a tool prepared for the Mohicans who went out to hunt in winter, and was not sold to the outside world.

    But Paparo took advantage of it and embarked on his journey to become a wealthy Indian-American.  (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to subscribe and reward (this site). Your support is my biggest motivation.)
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