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Free Web Novel,Novel online - All in -> Historic -> Rise of America 1620

Text Chapter 131 We must build our own ship (Third update!)

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    The shipyard is very large, covering an area of ??no less than fifty acres.

    The reason why the shipyard was built so quickly is because it was just a frame made of wood, so it was built so quickly.

    A wall of bricks was built around it to protect it from wind and rain.

    When Zhao Hongyu and the others came to the shipyard, Zhang Tie and the others happened to have built several small fishing boats and were preparing to launch them.

    These small fishing boats are not big, which are the kind of boats that ordinary cold fishermen of later generations used to go out to sea to fish.  There is a pole and two sails on the boat, so you can fish offshore.

    This kind of boat can carry fifteen people and can catch no more than two tons of fish on the boat at the same time.

    And for convenience, the boat is also equipped with a fishing net woven from a vine and a boat-mounted rocking wheel for fishing.

    According to Zhang Tie¡¯s vision, the waters near Manhattan Island are rich in fishery resources.  This is also a way to make money. If you don't take advantage of it, it will be a big loss.

    It¡¯s not like we¡¯re building some high-tech ship, and there¡¯s no shortage of wood nearby.

    Therefore, Zhang Tie started the shipbuilding plan after Zhao Hongyu left.  And within eight days, not only the small fishing boats were built, but also the shipyard was set up.

    "Your Majesty, when did you come back?"

    Seeing Zhao Hongyu, Wang Shan and Song Hu walking towards this side, Zhang Tie hurriedly greeted them while greeting them.

    "I just came back and I heard that you are building fishing boats here, so I came over to take a look. You are busy with your business, so don't worry about me." Zhao Hongyu responded with a smile.

    "Hey, there are abundant forestry resources nearby, and we have a lot of wood on hand. It would be too wasteful to keep it. So I thought of using it and catching some fish for the tooth festival."

    Zhang Tie said to Zhao Hongyu with a smile.

    "The boat over there was just built. I think it's pretty good."

    Zhao Hongyu saw a group of people pushing a boat along the wooden rails towards the sea, so he walked over there.

    "Well, we just built it, there are six boats in total." Seeing Zhao Hongyu's interest, Zhang Tie quickly told the data of this kind of fishing boat.

    After listening to Zhang Tie's story, Zhao Hongyu said: "So we can eat fresh fish in the future? You have to work hard. Fish is very nutritious. During this time, I also want to slow down the taste."

    "Your Majesty, of course we can not only have fish to eat. We can also sell fish. The fish resources here are abundant, which is much better than in the 21st century. We can definitely sell it at a good price through the time and space trader, which will provide us with  It comes from opening up a way to make money.¡±

    Zhang Tie¡¯s words are not without purpose, Zhao Hongyu knows it clearly.

    Although there are still fishery resources in the waters of the Americas in the 21st century, they are far behind compared to 1620.

    In the 19th and early 20th centuries, Europeans carried out fishing operations that destroyed the fishery resources in the ocean. Many areas that were originally rich in fish have experienced fish depletion.

    Therefore, fishing boats are not allowed to engage in offshore fishing operations, and the fish caught are getting smaller and smaller.

    But such a situation would not have occurred in the waters near Manhattan in 1620. There were swarms of fish everywhere.  And each of them is quite big, so they would definitely be valuable items in the 21st century.

    The earliest start of destructive fishing was in the late 17th century, which was still more than sixty years before Zhao Hongyu and the others lived.

    Therefore, Zhao Hongyu doesn¡¯t have to worry at all about Zhang Tie¡¯s fishery business.


    The fishing boat was successfully launched and floated steadily on the sea.

    ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?

    This means success!

    The carpenters in the shipyard raised their hands excitedly, and Zhao Hongyu also had a smile on his face.

    "This kind of ship is too small. We should build more big ships. Now that the Dutch are on the rise, their three-decker commercial and combat ship with forty-six guns is good. You should think more about it."

    Zhao Hongyu withdrew his gaze and looked at Zhang Tiedao.

    Zhang Tie nodded heavily when he heard this: "I set up this shipyard just to build warships. It's just that we don't have the technology to build ships, so we can only explore slowly step by step.", he also said.  The difficulties they face now.

    Shipbuilding is not a game. It¡¯s not like you say to your men, ¡°Build me a ship,¡± and then the warship will be built in a few months.  This is simply unrealistic. The preparation for the keel, ship frame, various types of wood, and the use of the poles are also unrealistic.These are very troublesome things to make.

    Fortunately, where Zhao Hongyu lives in Manhattan, there is no need to worry about wood problems, as they are everywhere around him.

    Otherwise, Zhao Hongyu can only sigh in despair.

    Of course, Zhao Hongyu is not helpless. He can buy seagoing ships from Europe.

    ¡°It¡¯s just a question of whether he can buy it, and whether they can sell it to him is also a question.

    Now is an era of great navigation. Countries in Europe are beginning to invest their national power in the ocean because they see land and wealth in the ocean.

    ? And sea ships are powerful weapons to protect wealth and land.

    Therefore, these sea-going ships are not something Zhao Hongyu can buy if he wants to.

    Fortunately, Zhang Tie built a shipyard here, giving him a little hope.

    At the same time, the British people in Virginia may come in large numbers to make a living due to the economic benefits of Zhao Hongyu. By then, it is unlikely that any of these British people will be able to build ships.

    "I estimate that starting next year, our place will become lively. I have negotiated a trade agreement with the British in Virginia. When the trade begins, we must have maritime power." Zhao Hongyu said to him  After a while, they may have to face a situation.

    After Zhang Tie heard this, his heart trembled.

    ¡°Of course he knows the interests and crises they will face. If there are not enough ships to defend and protect them, then it is inevitable that someone will have malicious intentions and do something that is harmful to nature.

    At the same time, the huge benefits and wealth will also attract some pirates to wander in the nearby waters. These are all things that should be noted and defended against.

    "Okay, Your Majesty, I will find some manpower to expand the shipyard and start the construction of battleships and commercial-warfare cargo ships immediately. But you are also prepared, we may fail many times."

    Zhang Tie reminded Zhao Hongyu.

    Zhao Hongyu raised his hand and patted him on the shoulder: "I understand all this, just go ahead and do it. Of course there will be failures, but we can't be afraid of failure and not dare to do it. Anyway, there is a lot of wood nearby.  , we can afford the loss!¡±

    "Your Majesty, it's best if you cultivate some genetic people who can do the best job as carpenters. If there are professional talents, then I will be even more grateful."

    Zhang Tie also put forward a condition at the right time.

    "Of course, I also know that cultivating a professional geneticist is extremely expensive. If your Majesty doesn't have enough money, then just wait and see."

    Seeing that Zhao Hongyu was silent after hearing this, Zhang Tie thought that Zhao Hongyu had no money, so he quickly changed the subject when he was a little worried.


    When Zhang Tie finished speaking, Zhao Hongyu laughed out loud.

    "Don't worry, I'm not that embarrassed." Zhao Hongyu was in a good mood. He was just thinking about the feasibility.  "You may not know that I gained a lot from this trip to Virginia. I think it is feasible to cultivate high-level talents, and I have the ability to start executing it."

    Two hundred sets of porcelain, one set of porcelain costs 200 gold coins!

    What a huge fortune this is!

    Zhao Hongyu¡¯s 186 gold coins earlier were sold for more than 40 million yuan. Now he has obtained many gold coins from the British by selling low-quality ceramics that cause cancer.

    Therefore, he still has plenty of funds on hand.

    Therefore, it is not that the condition proposed by Zhang Tie cannot be met by him, and he can even exceed it if circumstances permit.

    The only thing that worries Zhao Hongyu is that it may not be so easy for him to cultivate high-level talents.

    He feels this way.

    "Well, I will equip you with a group of carpenters tomorrow at the latest. You have to wait for the senior talents. At the same time, it is time for you to set up a trading company. We can do it together by sea and land. It can be regarded as a share of our royal family."

    Zhang Tie nodded repeatedly: "I don't know how to divide this share?"

    "I'll take half, and you can divide the remaining half. At the same time, a part should be reserved for municipal construction purposes." Zhao Hongyu said after thinking for a while.

    Zhang Tie carefully memorized Zhao Hongyu's words in his mind, and after he finished speaking, he said: "It generally belongs to you, the future royal family. The remaining 10 will be divided among several of our leading officials, and 20 will be used for municipal construction.  How about using the last 20 as the soldiers¡¯ pension?¡±

    Zhao Hongyu thought about it and felt that this shareholding system could be implemented.

    Now that he has a small number of people, there is no problem in sharing one point.

    &nbspOf course, the people who came later couldn't give it to them. After all, Wang Hu and the others were considered old people who followed them.

    The Sharmas of Gurkha were lucky enough to catch up with the distribution of shares in the Song Empire¡¯s Umbrella Company. Those genetic people who followed did not have this luck.

    "I'm going back first, you guys can get busy."

    After chatting with Zhang Tie for a while, Zhao Hongyu said goodbye.

    He is here just to take a look, but he can't help much.  Anyway, it would be better to leave than it would delay their work.

    "Then I won't send you off. There are still a few ships to go to sea, and we also need to experiment."

    Zhao Hongyu waved his hand: "No need to give it away, I'm not a child."

    Afterwards, Hongyu, Song Hu, Wang Shan and the others left the shipyard.

    After leaving the shipyard, Wang Shan said: "Your Majesty, do you really plan to give us shares?"

    He and Song Hu both heard what Zhao Hongyu and Zhang Tie said just now, but they didn't interrupt at that time.

    Zhao Hongyu nodded: "Of course, you have followed me for so long, and you all deserve credit for your hard work. I am not a solitary person, so I always want to give you some benefits. And in the future, everyone will start a family and start a business here. If you have money,  It¡¯s always better to have something on hand.¡±

    Song Hu chuckled at the side and said: "Thank you, Your Majesty, for forgiving us roughnecks. Of course it's a good thing to have money. My dream is to live in the Three Palaces and Sixth Courtyard. I can't support so many women without money."

    After hearing what Song Hu said, Wang Shan and Zhao Hongyu both laughed and cursed.

    "You're such a useless guy. Could it be that you only think about Sannomiya and Sixth Academy!"

    ¡°That¡¯s right, that¡¯s right, you can¡¯t be a little idealistic.¡±

    Song Hu still had a silly smile on his face and said: "Any ideal you talk about is false. I don't have much ambition. I just need to follow your majesty and eliminate enemies for your majesty, and then live a good life. And I will be rich."  When the time comes, why not find more wives? Anyway, this era does not require monogamy, right?"

    Song Hu is not wrong at all. In this era, it is a bit nonsense to ask them to be monogamous.

    "Don't worry, your ideal can definitely be achieved." Zhao Hongyu assured him as he put away his smile and looked at him seriously.  "If nothing else, let's get stronger little by little. Then you can have any kind of woman you want. The premise is that you can guarantee that you can do it every night."

    Song Hu raised his arms and showed off his muscles.

    "Don't worry, I will have absolutely no problem."

    The three of them joked for a while and slowly walked towards Manhattan.

    "Seriously, Your Majesty, when will you consider your own personal issues? If you don't find a woman to leave a descendant, we people will not know what to do."

    Wang Shan suddenly looked at Zhao Hongyu very seriously and asked him some personal questions.

    ¡°Hey, that¡¯s really weird, why did they ask about such a thing?

    Zhao Hongyu suddenly felt a little weird, because this was his own personal issue.

    "Wang Shan, why did you think of asking this question? I think this is a personal question for me. Besides, I'm not that lustful. I think it's a good thing to focus on development issues."

    At the moment, Zhao Hongyu looked at Wang Shan with a serious face in confusion.

    "Your Majesty, it's a good thing that you are not lustful. This is the first condition for success. If you think about having sex every day, you are definitely not someone who can do great things. But you can't really ignore it." Wang Shan  Somewhat heartbroken, "We are genetic people, there is nothing wrong with being loyal to you, but if you don't find a woman, we will also be worried."

    Afterwards, Wang Shan told some of the psychological changes of these genetic people, and told Zhao Hongyu to let him understand.

    It turns out that genetic people like Wang Shan will not only change due to the improvement of Zhao Hongyu's civil affairs level.  It will also be changed by his personal family issues, one of which is whether he has children.

    As Wang Shan told the story one by one, Zhao Hongyu felt a little pain in his balls.

    Nima, is there a woman in Lao Tzu, and there is still images of your loyalty.

    If I think about women all day long and want to have sex, you will think that I am unworthy and cannot become a great person, and then you will lower your loyalty and rebel!

    "But when I worry about development all day long, you come to shock me because I don't have a woman or heirs!"

    "Wang Shan, what on earth do you think?"

    Zhao Hongyu is finally hereAmid Wang Shan's nagging, he couldn't help but ask.  (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to subscribe and reward (this site). Your support is my biggest motivation.)
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