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Text Chapter 122 Interest comes first

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    Chapter 122: Interest comes first (third update, I work very hard)

    After the British retreated, calm returned to the Manhattan, New York, area where the Mohican is located.  .

    ¡°However, the damage caused by the war will last for a long time, and it has left an indelible mark on some people¡¯s hearts.

    In just a few days, the ruins were cleared.

    Black Bear took 500 Mohican warriors and more than 100 British prisoners to the land that once belonged to them.

    The vigorous construction has begun, and no one can be idle.

    Indians from nearby tribes found Zhao Hongyu again to discuss trade matters.

    Want to trade?  Of course it is possible, but you need to pay the cost of the matchlock gun first.

    Before this war, Zhao Hongyu gave these tribes a lot of guns and ammunition on credit, and now they have to pay.

    The Indians felt that it was only natural for them to pay, so they did not refuse.

    It¡¯s just that the war has just ended, and their tribes have been affected, and they can¡¯t come up with the arms expenses in a short time.

    Regarding this issue, Zhao Hongyu also felt that he could not force them, so he had to come up with a way.

    If you don¡¯t have money, then contribute.

    Now that construction here requires manpower, as long as they send people from the tribe to work, the arms cost can be reduced.

    Of course, the tribal leaders were very willing to take this approach, and even thought it was like pie in the sky.

    At this point, the number of people working in a short period of time increased to about 10,000.

    Zhao Hongyu and the others can build a hundred houses at the same time, and they still have plenty of manpower.

    Everything is developing according to plan.

    The gold mine returned to Zhao Hongyu's hands. He opened up a clearing at the forest gold mine and began to build a small brick fortress, where 100 troops were stationed.

    These people will be stationed here exclusively from now on.

    At the same time, Zhao Hongyu also included the West Point area in his plan, and built a fortress guarded by a thousand people there to defend against the French.

    After what happened to the British, Zhao Hongyu had to guard against the north.

    Although he has no interaction with Beibian now, it is always good to be on guard.

    With people, the construction speed will be much faster.

    Basically, 100 houses can be built in half a month.

    Considering that people from other tribes may need to be absorbed in the future, Zhao Hongyu planned the number of houses built in the town to be one to cope with possible accidents in the future.

    The entire town has a main cross road, supplemented by circular auxiliary roads.

    Such a large amount of work requires a lot of bricks, but fortunately Zhao Hongyu has a lot of money on hand and only builds a small two-story building, so he can cope with it.

    The first thing built was the Gold Mine Fortress, and Black Bear sent a hundred soldiers to garrison it.

    Some women and children from surrounding tribes became new gold diggers, taking on the occupation of the original Mohican women.

    Regarding this matter, the Mohawk women were a little unhappy.

    But now that they have land to farm and cattle and sheep to graze, this resentment has slowly dissipated.

    Around the time of autumn, the construction of this town came to an end.

    A town that can accommodate tens of thousands of people was established in the New York area.

    This city has a thousand small buildings, 200 shops, and a complete street system and drainage system.  It can be said that it has initially acquired the style of the 1930s and is a town ahead of its time.

    The circular city wall protects the city. The fifteen-meter-high and eight-meter-thick city wall can resist any form of attack and enemy, providing absolute protection to the city.

    In the center of the city, a square castle stands there.

    That became Zhao Hongyu¡¯s private residence.

    Although many houses have been built in this city, most of them are unoccupied and empty.

    But Zhao Hongyu is not worried at all, because he knows that there will be more and more genetic people in his hands in the future, and this house will definitely not be enough to live in by then.

    But what does it matter at that time? At worst, we can just build another city in the distance.

    This will also help him to actually control the territory.

    Zhao Hongyu took advantage of this stable development period to invest heavily in scientific research and developed cement, toothpaste, and toothbrushes.?Shampoo, ceramic dishes, iron saws, planes, hammers and chisels and other supplies.

    At the same time, the number of genetic people under his command also surged to about 3,000.

    ??Among them, the majority of these genetic people are Chinese, followed by Somali Laohei.

    During this period of genetic human cultivation, many genetic humans with special skills appeared, which made Zhao Hongyu very happy.

    For example, some genetic people are born with carpentry skills.

    Zhao Hongyu made full use of these people, and at the same time, taking advantage of the logging tools at hand, he began to cut down the surrounding forests on a large scale, so that the forestry resources would no longer be wasted.

    There are rich forestry resources around the area where he is located, among which the ¡®yellow shirt¡¯ tree is the most abundant.

    Zhao Hongyu tried it and found that the price of this kind of wood, whose scientific name is Douglas wood, is 1,600 yuan per cubic meter.

    This is simply a treasure trove. The forestry resources around this area alone are enough for Zhao Hongyu to exploit frantically for thirty years.  And in these thirty years, couldn't Zhao Hongyu still rise?

    What a joke!

    With gold mines and timber, Zhao Hongyu has mastered the two most profitable businesses, earning almost two million yuan every day.

    Of course, he still has to sell small commodities and food. After all, the surrounding Indians also need to eat.

    At the same time, in order to determine an economic system and avoid future troubles, Zhao Hongyu announced the salary bill to the genetic people.

    This makes the geneticists very happy.

    Although the gene people were cultivated by Zhao Hongyu, in their hearts they also long for their own property, even the dull gene people.

    To this end, Zhao Hongyu purchased a large amount of industrial silver from the space-time trader and asked the virtual small workshop to create a silver coin for them to circulate.

    The industrial silver purchased from the Space-Time Trader is only 2 yuan per gram, which is extremely cheap.  Even if it is industrial silver, its silver content is much higher than the silver coins of Europeans in this era.

    Therefore, Zhao Hongyu is not worried at all that his silver coins will not be circulated in the future.

    This kind of silver coin weighs one or two pieces. On the front is a profile of Zhao Hongyu, and on the back is a picture of him on horseback holding up a rapier. It is also stamped with the words 1621 and patterns. It is very well made.

    I have to say that even in the virtual 21st century industry, the gadgets produced are still good things.

    Zhao Hongyu has been complaining about the pattern on the silver coins, but after doing it, he can't change it.

    The virtual character Chen Zhenbang is very happy because he can make money again from the silver coin business.

    ¡°After all, although Zhao Hongyu invested in that workshop, he, Chen Zhenbang, also had shares.

    A soldier receives twelve silver coins a month, a lumberjack receives eight silver coins a month, and workers in gold mines receive no salary.  After all, they are from the surrounding tribes who come to pay their debts and work. Isn't it stupid to give them a salary?

    Of course, in order to let the Indians from the surrounding tribes also learn to use silver coins, when they came to the city to sell goods, he would use silver coins to settle the bill, and the Indians would use silver coins to trade what they wanted to buy.

    In this way, the Indians slowly accepted it, and Zhao Hongyu also saved himself the trouble of bartering.

    The original Mohican women on Manhattan Island can also receive a salary every month.  As long as they are doing things, Zhao Hongyu will pay them a salary.

    If you have nothing to do, I'm sorry.

    The Mohawk women have no objection to this kind of thing. After all, they can eat rice and pickled mustard again, right?

    Everything is starting to get on track. Zhao Hongyu feels that although he and the British have gone to war, their money should still be earned.  Therefore, Zhao Hongyu planned to lead some contacts with the British to see if he could also start trade with them.

    The very least is to take advantage of the British before the next war.

    Flintlock guns are definitely not for sale, wooden dishes are not needed, and the British probably have no interest in pickled mustard or anything like that.  However, the British will definitely be tempted by ceramic dishes.

    ¡°If the route to the East was controlled by the Dutch, the British would not be able to intervene at all.

    Only after the Anglo-Dutch War can the British slowly take control of the Eastern Route, but it will take many years before that happens.

    ?????????????????????????????????Today's British guys are actually just hicks who drool when looking at the wealth of the East.

    And exquisite oriental ceramics will definitely sell for a lot of money in Europe.

     Even the Dutch can't get much from Daming now, but it's different here with Zhao Hongyu.

    "I plan to trade with the British. The main product is ceramics. What do you think?"

    Since Zhao Hongyu invested in such a product, he has been thinking about this issue.

    Indians don¡¯t like ceramic products because they are fragile and not as useful as wooden dishes.  Therefore, this kind of product cannot be sold in India at all, which makes Zhao Hongyu dumbfounded.

    Zhang Tie was the first to speak: "I absolutely support this. Although we have gone to war with them, the interests are eternal. I think the British will not refuse to trade with us, and they will definitely agree happily."

    Zhang Tie¡¯s words made others nod in agreement.

    "Well, I decided to start going to the Virginia area tomorrow to start negotiations with them."

    Seeing that no one objected, Zhao Hongyu made up his mind.

    "We have to guard against these British guys. After all, we have fought a war. At the same time, we also robbed three of their ships. This hatred is not small." Song Hu reminded.

    Zhao Hongyu nodded: "The British have always been dishonest, and I'm afraid they will use their tricks. So this time I will lead the team. If it doesn't work, I will trick them."

    "Your Majesty, I am willing to go with you." Chelsea said.

    Smiled at Chelsea: "Don't go, stay and defend the town with Song Hu and Lamour. I have Wang Shan accompanying me, and I can handle it with 200 more soldiers."

    Zhao Hongyu is quite satisfied with Chelsea's loyalty to Chelsea at all times.

    "Chief, remember that things are rare and valuable. Don't bring so many ceramics. We have to give these British guys a hard price, otherwise we will really be sorry for ourselves."

    Zhang Tie reminded Zhao Hongyu.

    "Haha, don't worry. How could I not know this? What would I be doing if I couldn't trick the British?" Zhao Hongyu responded with a smile.

    "So leader, what is your identity?" Wang Shan asked at this time.


    When asked by Wang Shan, Zhao Hongyu fell silent for a moment.

    "The emperor of the Song Empire, I only have this identity." Zhao Hongyu thought that he could be considered a person who owned a town now, and he could be considered a king of a principality in Europe.

    "This identity is very suitable. Let's use this identity to deal with the Governor of Virginia when the time comes." Zhang Tie nodded and said.

    "Hey, just the clothes of our warriors can shock the rubbish. Plus, with their royal status, they are not allowed to kneel down and lick them." Song Hu said with a smile.

    Of all the people, Chelsea couldn¡¯t understand Chinese, so he could only watch and enjoy with everyone.

    Lamour does understand a little bit, but they need to talk slowly.

    "While I'm away, the wood will be piled in the warehouse outside the city. When I come back, we can sell it together. That's the bad thing about the time and space trader. I, the owner, must be within a certain range before I can sell them.  "

    Zhao Hongyu ordered.

    Zhang Tie nodded and reassured Zhao Hongyu that there was nothing to worry about.

    "If someone from the British side is greedy enough, maybe we can buy enough ships from them." After Zhao Hongyu and the others laughed for a while, Wang Shan said thiefly.

    His words made everyone¡¯s eyes light up.

    Yes, as long as there are enough benefits, who says this can't happen.

    In this era, as long as you have money, you can buy everything.

    "I remember how much a ship cost in this era?" Song Hu patted his forehead and said.  Lamour next to him said: "If I remember correctly, it should be 50,000 pounds for a Galen ship, and 80,000 pounds for an armed battleship. There are no battleships at this time, so I can't say."

    "Oh, didn't you say you never went to school? How did you know that?" Zhang Tie waited until he looked at Lamour.

    Lamour rolled his eyes when he heard this: "Wouldn't I go outside the church to listen? I studied very hard when I was a child. Unfortunately, my family has no money and I can't go to school. They are all those damn white ghosts. If it weren't for them, my hometown  How could it be so chaotic?"

    When he mentioned what happened when he was a child, Lamour began to resent white people.

    Zhao Hongyu raised his hand and patted his shoulder gently, comforting him and saying: "You will have the opportunity to enslave these white people in the future, and VirginiaThere are many black slaves over there, we can free them.  "

    Lamour felt a little better now.  To be continued.  .
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