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Text Chapter 92 Inside the Governor's Mansion (three updates, please support genuine subscription, please monthly ticket)

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    David and his soldiers returned to the British colonial settlement of 'Yaksali' on the Virginia coast three days later.

    Although this colony is called a ¡®city¡¯, if Zhao Hongyu saw it, he would definitely look down upon it.

    At best, it¡¯s just a rural village.

    However, the population here is quite large. There are 18,000 British male and female residents here permanently, as well as thousands of businessmen from Spain, France, Portugal and other countries.

    On the seaside of Yaksali, the British also built a port that could berth five large Galenic sailing ships at the same time.

    The British even built castles and stone walls around the administrative center of the city, as well as the military department and the governor's palace.

    Although the wall is not very high, the wall made entirely of stone is absolutely strong.  Its main function is to defend against Indians. After all, for white people on the American continent, Indians are their biggest enemies.

    The land outside the city was reclaimed, and crops such as corn, soybeans, and potatoes were planted.

    The Indian tribes that originally inhabited this coast were wiped out decades ago.

    The British became the new owners of this land.

    The streets of the ¡®city¡¯ are very dirty and the sanitary conditions are very poor.

    However, there are a lot of people on the street, and there are also many merchants setting up stalls on the street.

    Among the merchants, there were even Indians, who constantly sold their prey, birds they captured, and various fruits to passers-by.

    ¡°Even some Indian women wore European-style women¡¯s clothing and started a very primitive and ancient profession under the leadership of an Indian man.  They kept blowing kisses to the passers-by, and flirting with them to seduce the hungry men.

    Some Indian children wearing European clothes.  Playing in the popular streets, occasionally taking the money bag out of some unwary fellow, leaving the unfortunate creature destitute.

    The drunkards without money were thrown out of the tavern drunkenly, including Indians and whites.  For businessmen, they don't care about the race of their customers. As long as you have money, you are their god.

    If you don¡¯t have moneyI¡¯m sorry, you are just a piece of stinky shit!

    There are those who are down and out, and there are those who are well-dressed. For the British, the American continent is a place full of dreams and opportunities.

    Every year, many people take sea ships.  From the British mainland to the American continent.  Become a resident of Virginia, or die somewhere in the woods and grass of the American continent.

    Of course, not everyone can live in Virginia.

    They will be screened by civil affairs officials and then assigned to other settlements.

    Various legendary stories of wealth are constantly being staged in the British Virginia city of 'Yaksali'.

    Because the British have been living in Virginia for many years.  They conquered surrounding tribes and formed alliances with many Indians.

    Infected by the British living customs, many Indians have changed. This is the same as Zhao Hongyu changing the Mohican tribe.

    The Indians living around Virginia also changed from bartering to using gold and silver coins to trade.

    Good and bad, the Indians learned from the British.

    In the city of ¡®Yaksali¡¯, there are even two ancient gang organizations.

    One was formed spontaneously by the Indians.  The ¡®Machete Gang¡¯ specializes in collecting protection fees from merchants in the city.

    The other is the Sack Gang, an organization formed by unemployed British vagrants who specializes in petty theft and playing fairy dance.

    Wherever there are people, there are rivers and lakes, and the existence of underworld is not surprising at all.

    In the center of the city

    There is a commanding height, where the administrative center of the entire city is located.

    It is a small hill, but you can overlook the whole city from the mountain.

    The Governor's Palace is built there, far away from the dirty city.  Some are like paradise.

    At this time, the quiet Governor's Mansion welcomed its guests.

    A middle-aged man wearing something like a 21st century nightcap and a 21st century clown costume was sitting behind a desk. Standing respectfully in front of him was Major David.

    If Zhao Hongyu were here, he would definitely complain about this man's clothes.

    And he scolded European white-skinned people for being??Turtle.

    Wearing a clown costume, I still feel how awesome I am.

    It¡¯s a pity that in this era, such clothes are really popular clothes, and they can only be worn by rich people or nobles.

    ¡°That weird thing of wearing white socks over trousers, thick heels and a wig would not appear for another 100 years.

    Nowadays, clown costumes are the mainstream.

    The Spanish nobles still wear a ring around their necks.

    ¡°Are you sure what that kid from the Mohican tribe said is true?¡± the man sitting behind the table asked, his voice low and rich.  "You really should leave a living mouth behind."

    After he finished speaking, he raised his right hand and stroked his curly beard.

    He didn¡¯t find anything strange about the death of the Mohawk boy.  What disappointed him was that Major David should have been left alive.

    The whole office is completely British style.

    The wind blew in outside the window, bringing the smell of earth and the fragrance of flowers.

    After hearing this, Major David straightened up a little and replied: "Your Majesty the Governor, that indigenous boy is actually irrelevant. Because I have obtained information from many indigenous tribes along the way, which is basically the same as the information you received about gold.  The information matches. Based on this, I can confirm that there is definitely a gold mine in the territory of the Mohican tribe."

    David combined the news he heard from other Indian tribes along the way, summarized it and reported it to the Governor.

    "What I need to point out here is that your Excellency needs to pay attention to one thing. That is, the gold mine that appears in the Mohican territory is very likely to be a huge ore vein with very rich reserves. The gold reserves there can make all  People are crazy about it.¡±

    Thinking of the news coming from the mouth of the Mohawk boy.  David's heartbeat involuntarily accelerated again.

    The gold veins exposed on the surface are gold that can be picked up easily.  Everything you look at is golden.  On the rocks, in the streams, as long as you bend down and stretch out your hands, the gold will be yours.

    Look, it¡¯s easy to do the above, isn¡¯t it?

    ?This is something anyone can do.

    One thing we can also see from this is that the gold reserves here are very high.

    Just imagining it made David extremely excited.  He couldn't imagine that if he really saw that gold vein with his own eyes, would he suffer from cerebral congestion?

    After calming down his mind, David told the governor the information he got from the boy.

    The governor's expression gradually became exaggerated as David described it.

    Until David finished speaking.  The Governor's mouth is very big.  I was so shocked that I could hardly close my eyes.

    God bless England!

    The governor made a move, stood up from his seat, and made a cross on his chest with his right hand.

    "The gold in the Mohican territory has really come out of the ground!"

    David nodded: "That's what the young man I interrogated said. There is no need for him to lie on this point."  Unlike the Indians near Virginia, the Indians to the north were not much influenced by European culture and life patterns.

    Therefore, the Indian tribes in the north relatively retain their own living habits.

    Rather than like the Indians near Virginia, they learned all the bad habits of white people and used gold and silver coins.

    Therefore, David¡¯s judgment is accurate.

    The Mohican boy had no reason to lie to him, because for the people of the tribe who were still in the bartering business, they felt that gold was just a useless stone.

    It¡¯s not like the Indians living in Virginia at all.  Very greedy for gold and silver.

    The governor slowly calmed himself down, but the excited look on his face betrayed his current mood.

    "That's definitely a rich mine. There's no mistake about it." After much thought, the governor made his final judgment.  "We have to take that place quickly. We must not wait for the Spaniards or the French to react."

    The Governor-General knows.  Just to the north of the Mohican tribe, it was a French stronghold.

    If they know that there is such a gold mine in the south, it will inevitably trigger an attack by the French.

    Gold, for Europeans in this era, its attraction is absolutely fatal.

    As for the Spanish, Portuguese and Dutch, their current attention??They are all in the Caribbean Sea in South America.

    "Your Majesty the Governor, you had the foresight to issue the conscription order early. Our soldiers will be assembled in a short time, and they will be able to annex that area by then. As for the French and Spanish, wait until Moxi is defeated  It¡¯s impossible for them to react if you kill someone.¡±

    Major David gently patted the Governor on the back.

    The Governor smiled, walked to a closet, opened the small wooden door, took out a bottle of red wine and a wine glass and poured some into it.

    "You are right. By the time the French and Spanish react, we will have already defeated that area." He handed the wine glass to David.

    David took the wine glass and said ¡®thank you¡¯.

    "According to your estimate, how long will it take for our soldiers to be mobilized?"

    The governor didn¡¯t know much about the military. After all, he was not a regular soldier.

    The main reason why he became the governor of Virginia in America was to collect taxes on the American continent for the British royal family.

    Therefore, regarding military matters, he had to ask Major David.

    "It will take ten days to gather the militiamen from the 78 nearby settlements. We have 600 regular troops, so we have to rely on the militia." When the governor asked David, he answered simply.  "Our opponents are now the largest tribe in the north, the Mohicans, with a population of more than 10,000."

    David has collected information about Mohawk in detail and has made complete preparations.

    "Excluding the old, young, sick and weak women, the Mohican tribe can mobilize more than 2,000 warriors. If you include underage children, this number may have to be doubled."

    The governor was silent for a moment. The Mohican tribe with a military strength of four thousand people was still a troublesome opponent for them.

    Without waiting for the governor to digest this information, David continued: "We must also count the Mohican tribe's alliance tribes. Those small tribes can also send out manpower to help the Mohican fight. Therefore, I personally estimate that the number of warriors the Mohican can mobilize is  About 10,000 people.¡±


    When he heard this number, the Governor couldn't calm down.

    A military group of 10,000 people is considered very powerful in Europe.

    Although the indigenous people still use cold weapons, they are not the same.

    Although equipped with matchlocks, their main weapons are swords and spears.  There is no difference between the British and the Mohicans in terms of weapons, and there is no advantage.

    If there is any advantage, it is that the British have good defense because they have armor to wear.

    Compared to the Mohicans who fight shirtless, this advantage is huge.

    Seeing the governor frown and become silent, David knew that the military power comparison he was talking about might have frightened the civilian governor.

    After some disdain in his heart, David said with no consolation on his face: "Don't worry about this, Lord Governor, we can summon an army of three thousand people, and at the same time, we can also make the vassals have a good relationship with us or with us.  tribes, attack Mohican together."

    The governor looked up at David. He thought this proposal was a good one.

    ¡°According to what David said, it is not impossible to fight Moxi Gan with just their 3,000-strong army, but there will be huge losses.

    But if we find some indigenous cannon fodder, then this matter will become different.

    No matter how many native people die, the British soldiers are precious.

    ¡°And the more natives died, the better for the British was even greater.  It would be best if they were all dead so that their land could be controlled by the British.

    But the problem is, the natives won¡¯t do things that are not beneficial, right?

    What kind of benefits can the British offer to get those vassals and well-connected Indians to join them in fighting the Mohicans?

    "Your proposal is very good, but what can we do to impress the Indians? You also know that there must be enough benefits. The indigenous people will not sacrifice their lives for us for no reason."

    Governor David Derby has lived in America for a long time. He set foot on American soil eight years ago.  Moreover, he had a lot of dealings with the Indians, so compared to the governor, he knew how to impress those Indians.

    So, he seemed confident.

    "The Governor is right, no matter what it is, it must be beneficial. So we only need to give those indigenous peopleAs long as the interest is enough to interest me, I have already had an idea in my mind.  "

    ,Your support is my biggest motivation.  )
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