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Free Web Novel,Novel online - All in -> Historic -> Rise of America 1620

Text Chapter 88 Righteous words ¡®How dare you bribe me!  ¡¯ (Second update, please vote for me)

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    Food product development investment!

    Investment in the development of lifestyle products!

    Electronic product development investment!

    Construction product development investment!

    Heavy industrial product development investment!

    Light industrial product development investment!

    Military industry product development investment!

    Chemical industry product development investment!

    Agricultural commodity development investment!

    This chapter

    mad Men

    hand type)

    However, Zhao Hongyu soon calmed down his impetuous heart and calmed himself down.

    The top ten categories seem a bit incredible, but Zhao Hongyu saw a little bit of the secret.  Because these nine categories cover almost all commodities, you can completely build an empire by yourself.

    Of course, according to your current ability, it is impossible to invest in all nine categories.  He doesn't have that ability yet, so he can only carefully weigh it and then choose a category of investment that he needs.

    First of all, although investment in food can produce new food products, this is a bit useless for Zhao Hongyu. He currently has old rice and mustard in his hands. Although they are not good things, there is not much demand for videos at the moment.

    After all, what he needs now is to make the group stronger, not to satisfy his own desires.

    At the very least, it¡¯s better not to think about food and drink until you become stronger.

    In this way, investment in food was first rejected by Zhao Hongyu.

    As for daily necessities, you don¡¯t have to think about pots and pans, quilts and bedding. These products are not of much use to Zhao Hongyu for the time being, so they were rejected by Zhao Hong.

    Although daily necessities, including ceramics and the like, can be used to swindle money in this era.  But that only requires Zhao Hongyu to have the ability to protect himself.

    Zhao Hongyu doesn¡¯t think that with more than 300 subordinates, 50 Anuchi Group soldiers and their families.  Three hundred Indian slaves and three hundred British prisoners were enough to fight future enemies.

    Not to mention electronic products, even if you invest in them, they are useless. How can Zhao Hongyu generate electricity?

    So, no!

    Investment in construction products is good. You can develop products such as cement, bricks, and even gravel and marble. But the problem is that it is not of much use to Zhao Hongyu now, so I still deny it!

    Heavy industrial commodity investment, well, you can purchase various machinery, steel, vehicles, including tractor products.  But is it useful for Zhao Hongyu to buy it now?  The machine cannot run without an electric motor.  Even if you have a car without oil, it is useless. You will just put it there to look at when you buy it, so I deny it!

    ??Light industrial products include chemical fiber fibers and fabrics, as well as clothing products.  This has to be denied!

    Zhao Hongyu was a little undecided about the remaining three investment categories.

    ¡° One is chemical products, which is the category of medicines. In this era, Zhao Hongyu only used penicillin and salt water, and the demand for medicines was still quite large.

    There is also a military industry product. You don¡¯t need to think about it to know how helpful it is to you now.  As long as they can invest in the production of products, even a five-shot knockoff pistol will be more powerful than a matchlock gun.

    The last one is agricultural commodity investment.  This thing can invest in the development of various grain and vegetable seeds, allowing Zhao Hongyu to use Manhattan Island.

    The previous seven investments can be easily dismissed, because these investments are not of much use to Zhao Hongyu.

    But facing these three investments, Zhao Hongyu was troubled.

    After weighing it carefully, Zhao Hongyu had no choice but to make up his mind to choose the best among the best.

    He only has 20 million funds in hand, and it is impossible to diversify his investments.

    In order to prevent the time and space trader from cheating.  He had to keep the funds on hand strong.

    ¡°After all, Zhao Hongyu has been tricked by the system a lot, so he has to be smarter.

    Let¡¯s weigh it carefully, there is really no way.

    He took a deep breath and started to think.

    Agricultural products can indeed use the Manehattan Island Plain, but it seems that it is not the time to use it now.

    Therefore, agricultural products have been denied!

    Chemical products are also good, but medicines are not so indispensable to Zhao Hongyu now.

    Therefore, this investment product was also rejected by Zhao Hongyu.

    So in this way, the only things that Zhao Hongyu can invest in are the military industry.Good product.


    As long as weapons can be produced, Zhao Hongyu can run rampant in America with weapons with powerful firepower, no matter how small his population is.

    After occupying the fertile land and resource-rich territory in America, money can flow endlessly.

    With money and strong military power, you can just invest in other products in the future.

    At the same time, now that Zhao Hongyu owns the Mayflower, he plans to visit the Caribbean coast and buy some Inca gold antiques. This will inevitably lead to some trouble.

    Therefore, a military force with excellent weapons and equipment can also deter many people with evil intentions.

    In the era of 1620, those white-skinned people would do anything for wealth.  Zhao Hongyu couldn't guarantee that no one would covet and peep at them.

    Didi didi!

    ??Used thinking to communicate with the space-time trader and chose the military industry product investment option.

    The other nine options disappeared, leaving only the military industry category.

    At the same time, under the military industry category, some detailed divisions have emerged.





    Please select the investment amount, at least 3 million, no upper limit!

    A dialogue bar popped up, telling Zhao Hongyu the choices he could make.

    Invest 3 million!  Firearms, rifles!

    Zhao Hongyu doesn¡¯t have much money, so he can¡¯t be stupid enough to invest it all at once, and he doesn¡¯t know if this feature is a scam.

    So, let¡¯s first invest 3 million to test the waters.

    After confirming the payment investment.  The system screen turned, and animations in Picasso style and Chinese ink style appeared.

    And the dialogue bar keeps popping up.  A paragraph of narration was typed.

    In a Dianzi with a population of less than 500 people, the head of the village, Zhao Hongyu, began to mobilize villagers to start businesses and get rich in order to develop.

    But since there were no physical resources nearby, they had to go sideways.

    ??The Zhang Nan family, a common citizen under the rule, responded to the call and opened a den for manufacturing black guns. However, my powerful police cracked it down before the product was successfully manufactured

    ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?

    The user¡¯s civil affairs level is too low to deter the public security department and provide effective protection!

    Didi didi!

    Asked whether he bribed the police?

    A question box continued to pop up.

    And Zhao Hongyu¡¯s eyes twitched. He really didn¡¯t expect that the system could play such a trick.

    100,000!  300000!  500000!

    Three bribery amount options appeared in front of Zhao Hongyu for him to choose from.

    ??????????? Bribery or not?  I had invested three million before.

    Follow the prompts given by the system now.  Maybe all your money will be wasted.

    With the idea of ??not losing money, Zhao Hongyu chose a bribe amount of 500,000.

    After the confirmation was completed, another dialog box popped up on the system screen. At the same time, a three-dimensional animation flashed, and a middle-aged man wearing a public security uniform appeared.

    There is no need to mention the facial features of this middle-aged man.  Picasso's style is still very abstract.

    The other party stood there, pointing at Zhao Hongyu with his right hand, his facial expression twisted and he looked very angry.

    Zhao Hongyu was not interested in looking at his expression. He quickly set his sights on the dialogue column to see what prompts appeared in the dialogue column.

    It doesn¡¯t matter, but it really shocked Zhao Hongyu.

    Chen Zhenbang, the director of the Township Public Security Bureau, was furious and scolded you righteously. Are you the one who can overthrow the great police officers?

    The bribery failed and 500,000 yuan in funds was withheld.  Zhang Nan was arrested!

    Zhao Hongyu was completely speechless. He really couldn¡¯t bribe the ¡®great¡¯ police comrades.

    However, just as Zhao Hongyu was complaining, another dialogue column popped up.

    I have accepted the 500,000 yuan, and Zhang Nan will handle it without letting him reveal anything.  It's like making a friend.  I'll leave you an address.  I have to deal with this case, it is related to my promotion

    Then the dialogue bar kept popping up, and some information was constantly displayed in front of Zhao Hongyu.

    "Hide and seek" died suddenly in Zhang Nan Detention Center. Chen Zhenbang made meritorious service by uncovering a black gun manufacturing den. He was promoted and transferred to the County Public Security Bureau, and his friendship with you will be increased by 10 points.

    Chen ZhenBang's abstract face was made into a small piece and appeared in the upper right corner of the three-dimensional image.

    I¡¯ll wipe it!

    When Zhao Hongyu saw this, he couldn't help but cursed loudly.

    ¡° Sure enough, there are cheating attributes, I knew it would definitely be like this!

    After reading the last dialogue column, Zhao Hongyu was completely confused.

    ??????????But Zhao Hongyu also saw a lot of problems from this.

    First of all, my civil affairs level is not useless, but very useful.

    The prompt column clearly states that my civil affairs level is too low to provide effective protection.  The meaning couldn't be more obvious, that is, Zhao Hongyu is not a qualified protector of the side.

    Now he is just the head of the village. If he can become the village chief or the township chief or even the town chief or the county chiefthen with his strong civil affairs level, he can definitely become a qualified protective umbrella.

    This is no different from what happens in reality.

    n¨£in¨£i, I named the research organization the "Umbrella" company, and now it has really come true.

    Zhao Hongyu slowly smiled bitterly.

    At the same time, the strange police officers also made Zhao Hongyu's heart twitch.

    It¡¯s not that Zhao Hongyu can¡¯t bribe, it¡¯s mainly because Zhao Hongyu¡¯s civil affairs level is too low.

    If the other party didn¡¯t care about the 500,000 yuan, God knows what would have happened.

    ¡° However, this also provided Zhao Hongyu with an idea, allowing him to understand some of the functions of the space-time trader. The events that occurred were no different from reality.

    As long as you can recognize this, you may be able to avoid failure again.

    And the system pops up a dialogue bar.

    ,Your support is my biggest motivation.  )
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