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Text Chapter 65: Genetic people may not be easy to use

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    Now the distance between the two sides was only 150 meters, and Zhao Hongyu looked at Leslie and others with disdain.  And people like Leslie looked at Zhao Hongyu and others with disdain.

    "Form up! You guys who are waiting to be fucked, why don't you hurry up and line up! The natives will attack soon. If you don't want to be fucked by them, just take out the suckers  Use your strength to kill the opponent."

    Leslie¡¯s deputy, waving the scimitar in his hand, shouted at the sailors with a ferocious look on his face.

    Under his encouragement, the sailors who were a little uneasy at first really slowly calmed down.

    Father Matthew was behind Captain Leslie and said to him: "Do we need to send someone over to make contact? This is required before fighting according to the rules."

    Father Matthew is right. When two armies confront each other on the European continent, the opposing sides will send or personally conduct high-level contacts on the battlefield.

    After a lot of bickering, it was decided whether to start fighting or not.

    At the same time, even after starting a fight, you can stop at any time and continue contact and negotiation.

    I have to say that the wars on the European continent are very strange.

    This kind of thing rarely happens in China.

    After hearing this, Leslie raised his hand and touched his greasy brown beard, which was already wisps of strands, and then said to Matthew: "This is not Europe, and that kind of thing doesn't apply here. We have better things for the indigenous people.  The way to deal with them is to kill them all and make their property our own."

    Leslie smiled evilly at Matthew.

    Matthew, a servant who serves the ¡®Lord¡¯, heard Captain Leslie¡¯s words again and did not refute his remarks.  Instead, he echoed, "Well, in this continent that is not enveloped by the light of the Lord's glory, sometimes swords are more intimidating than words."

    The meaning of these words is very obvious. Father Matthew supports Captain Leslie.

    In this era, even the priests hold a sword in one hand and a Bible in the other, which is no different from the Crusaders era hundreds of years ago.

    The only difference is that the priests in 1620 were not facing 'civilized' people, but some uncivilized natives.

    Amid the shouts, the sailors lined up neatly in a square formation, and the spearmen stood on the outside with their spears tilted slightly toward the front.

    The sailors holding short weapons stood behind the spearmen, and followed the spearmen with straight faces.

    The matchlock gunners in the last row took advantage of this gap to load gunpowder and lead bullets, and then inserted a long fuse.  After doing all this, the arquebusiers looked at the ignition fuse wrapped around their right wrists, something similar to a mosquito coil.

    After everything went smoothly, these matchlock gunners straightened their backs.

    In the eyes of these matchlock gunners, as long as their matchlock guns are fired, these unseen indigenous people can flee in all directions.

    Because the Spaniards are very experienced in this, when they fought with the indigenous people in Central and South America, they often frightened the indigenous people by releasing loot, making them think that it was the gods setting thunder.

    Because of this, we often win without fighting, which is simply a bizarre victory.

    This kind of story spread back to Europe and has become well known to everyone.

    In addition to the Dutch and Portuguese, as well as the Irish and French, other countries that have entered the New World, such stories have been spread.

    Therefore, for a period of time, Europeans believed in such things.

    People like Leslie are the type of people who believe in these things.

    "It's a pity that Leslie and the others didn't know that the enemy opposite them was not the kind of native they thought they were.  It can even be said that they are far ahead of Europeans like them in terms of civilization and knowledge.

    The two platoons of the Chinese army stayed put!  The two rows on the left and right are tilted to form a cross fire formation!

    At this time, Zhao Hongyu¡¯s side was also arranging troops.

    In terms of the speed of lining up, Zhao Hongyu¡¯s side is much faster than Leslie and others.

    " However, the faces of these young genetic people who were cultivated to have normal human intelligence and thinking are always covered with a layer of uneasy haze, which makes Zhao Hongyu feel very uncomfortable.

    Fortunately, the twelve mute people following him did not show such expressions, which finally made him feel much more comfortable.

     Like 'real' people of flesh and blood, these young genetic people are still very frightened about having just stepped onto the battlefield and about to fight the enemy.

    Thinking about it, this is quite normal. No matter which modern person you are, you will do this when encountering such a thing.  Since genetic humans are bred according to the model of humans in the 21st century, humans in the 21st century will have both advantages and disadvantages.

    This is also the weirdest thing about the time and space trader.

    "Hey, this guy Song Hu is not just playing games. Why does it feel like the formation this guy listed is the flying geese formation in a certain series?"

    When watching Song Hu and his men forming formation, Wang Shan clicked his lips and muttered to himself.

    Although Wang Shan mumbled in a low voice, it was because he was standing very close behind Zhao Hongyu.  So Zhao Hongyu heard Wang Shan's soliloquy very clearly, and set his sights on the formation of the Gene people.

    At one glance, Zhao Hongyu¡¯s eyelids twitched.

    "No, what Wang Shan said is really not wrong at all. The formation that this guy Song Hu asked his subordinates to list is really similar to the Flying Geese Formation.

    One hundred genetic people were divided into four square formations.  Each grid has five rows of twenty-five people. There are two grids in the middle, and the grids on the left and right sides protrude forward respectively. They also correspond to the enemy at an angle of 140¡ã.

    When the five-shot mode is turned on, it can be said that the enemy will face attacks from the front and sides.

    "Hey! This guy Song Hu, why did you think of using this formation? I think it's interesting, not bad." Zhao Hongyu raised the corners of his mouth, with a vague smile on his face.

    Although it was painful at first, he immediately saw the benefits of this formation and praised it.

    ¡°After hearing what his leader had said, Wang Shan, who was determined to be a good coward, would definitely not say anything more.

    "Chief, how much do you estimate we will lose in the coming battle?"

    Wang Shan changed the topic.

    "It's hard to say. Look at the expressions on the faces of the soldiers. They are really scared. I'm worried that this will have a great impact on the war."

    Zhao Hongyu raised his chin and said to Wang Shan towards the genetic soldiers who were queuing up while Song Hu was shouting.

    Wang Shan also saw the reactions of these genetic soldiers one by one. To be honest, Wang Shan was very dissatisfied with their reactions.

    ??When training, he is very vigorous and looks very majestic.  But as soon as we arrived on the battlefield, we were about to face off against the enemy. Why did it end up like this?

    Wang Shan had some thoughts of hating iron for not becoming steel.

    Zhao Hongyu felt very uncomfortable when he saw Wang Shan standing behind him with an uncertain face.  Knowing that he felt uncomfortable about such a situation, Zhao Hongyu comforted him and said, "Don't think too much about it. We have a huge advantage in terms of numbers. It is impossible for our opponents to defeat us. And think about it."  , they are also flesh and blood 'human beings', and they are young people, so it is not surprising that they have such reactions and conditions when they go to the battlefield for the first time."

    While saying this, Zhao Hongyu was also thinking about this issue in his heart.

    Yes, it is impossible for him to demand perfection from genetic people. This is a very harsh thing.

    And even if he is not a genetic person, if he is given hundreds of time-travelers to help him, those time-travelers from the 21st century who are missing are all fighting elites and guys who have no burden of killing people.

    Think about the fights you participated in during the first ten days of coming to this era.  Zhao Hongyu's reaction at that time was even more unbearable than those of these genetic people.

    ¡°At that time, he saw the throats of living people being slit, necks chopped off, and the scene of blood and flesh flying everywhere, but he was so scared that he peed his pants.

    (Note: I don¡¯t know if someone will start complaining again if I write this, but just imagine how you will react when you encounter this kind of thing.)

    These genetic people are cultivated according to the model of ordinary people in the 21st century, so they have the thinking and intelligence of normal people, and have even learned the knowledge and culture of the 21st century, as well as moral standards and legal concepts.

    Zhao Hongyu has already seen some signs, and these signs are not very good.

    The performance of these genetic people on the battlefield today is a phenomenon.

    "Load the gunpowder lead bullets, check the bullet lining, fuse, and light the incense!"

    After the soldiers lined up, Song Hu gave an order and the soldiers began to pick up the weapons as they had done in training.The black powder was filled and started to be filled.

    Different from the orderly manner during training, these genetic soldiers seemed a bit chaotic at this time.

    It can be seen from this point that training and actual combat are really different.  Even though these genetic people have learned a lot of knowledge and have the education of the 21st century, they are still not good at psychological quality.

    But at this time, Zhao Hongyu had no other choice but to pray that these genetic soldiers would be of great use.

    "Master, let me see, these genetic people can no longer be soldiers in the future. If they really have their own armed forces, they have to be the same as the twelve guys around you."

    Wang Shan pointed at the twelve dull genetic people who had cold faces and no expression at all. They just knew how to obey orders and said to Zhao Hongyu.


    Zhao Hongyu sighed in his heart and said to Wang Shan: "Let's solve the problem at hand first. These European bumpkins will talk about it when it is solved."


    {PiaoTian Literature thanks all book friends for their support. Your support is our greatest motivation}
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