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Text Chapter 58 I created the queuing party

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    In the days that followed, the young people of the Mohican tribe responded to Black Bear's call and joined the Foreign Trade Guards.  He trains hard every day and prepares to start foreign trade.

    At the same time, Black Bear also followed Zhao Hongyu¡¯s suggestion and brainwashed the young Mohican warriors from time to time, telling some historical ¡®stories¡¯ about white people¡¯s arrival on the American continent.

    The main content of these "stories" is how greedy white people are and how they kill people and set fires.

    Once or twice, everyone treats it as history, but what happens after a long time?

    Black Bear didn¡¯t know what would become, but Zhao Hongyu knew that he just didn¡¯t tell Black Bear.

    ¡° Anyway, what Zhao Hongyu said, Black Bear did.

    He doesn¡¯t understand, just tell a story?

    Unlike the Mohican tribe, Zhao Hongyu and the others on Manhattan Island have also begun vigorous military training.

    Song Hu established the Manhattan Island Defense Force in accordance with Zhao Hongyu's request.  Originally, Song Hu had four people, but Zhao Hongyu also gave Song Hu a newly cultivated female gene and three male genes, and at the same time asked him to select two from the fifty warriors sent by Black Bear.  ten people.

    At this time, Song Hu's defense team increased to twenty-eight people.

    Zhang Tie continues to do business within the Mohican tribe, but recently, many people who bought labor protection military black cotton coats came to him, saying that such clothes would make them itchy after wearing them for a long time.

    Some people even have dense pimples on their bodies.

    Faced with the emergence of this situation, Zhang Tie showed his talent as a black-hearted businessman.

    He told the Mohicans that it was because the clothes had been worn for too long, and it would be fine if they were washed in the summer.

    Zhang Tiecai would not tell these Mohicans the real reason. Even if he told the Mohicans that they were wearing black-hearted cotton products, they probably would not understand what "black-hearted cotton" is.

    It has to be said that Zhang Tie does have the qualifications to be a shady boss, which can be seen from this.

    Wang Shan followed Zhao Hongyu, taking his four genetic men with him, and selected ten Indian warriors to train them every day.

    From now on, this will belong to Zhao Hongyu¡¯s guard.

    As for the remaining twenty Indian warriors, they became the managers of the more than three hundred slaves.

    Because there are no equipment, the land on Manhattan Island cannot be cultivated for the time being.

    But these more than 300 slaves could not be kept for free, so Zhao Hongyu had people take the slaves to the forest every day, and then gave them low-quality iron axes for cutting wood.

    Every night when night falls, these female slaves will be escorted back to Manhattan Island to rest.

    Of the more than 300 female slaves, half are old, weak and young, and only half are adult women who can work.

    Therefore, out of 300 slaves, only more than 100 people can be arranged to cut trees.  And the progress of their logging is not fast at all, after all, they are all women.

    Young slaves were selected and given to Qian Huihui as a student.  Qian Huihui was responsible for brainwashing them and instilling some weird historical knowledge and thoughts of loyalty to Zhao Hongyu.

    Elderly women can¡¯t do anything, so Qian Huihui can only teach them some sewing skills and mend clothes for everyone, so as to avoid having to live without work.

    Similarly, the female gene person assigned to Song Hu also became the political commissar of the Manhattan Island Guard, specializing in instilling collective concepts and an adapted version of the 'Eighth Route Army' system into the twenty Indian soldiers.

    I have to say that Song Hu is a bit of a crooked and clever guy.

    He knew what Zhao Hongyu meant, which was to differentiate and integrate the fifty Indian warriors bit by bit.

    After thinking about it, Song Hu felt that it would be right to use the method of the seniors.

    You know, this is something that has passed the test of time.

    At the grievance meeting, Song Hu asked these Indians to tell their painful experiences in front of everyone, which aroused everyone's resonance.  In short, there is nothing wrong with recruiting the ¡®Hong Jun¡¯ in history.

    In a short period of time, Song Hu turned these twenty Indians into his own people.

    And the female genetic person, because of her good eloquence, who always talked about the truth, made the Indians 'feared' to death.

    Because she never gets angry with you and only tries to reason with you.  You can't talk to her at all, and you will be left speechless in the end, so those twenty Indian warriors are afraid and hateful of her, but?I admire it again.

    The twenty Indians who guarded the slave and the ten Indians selected by Zhao Hongyu were constantly rotated to train with Song Hu's escort team and accept the concept of "Hong Jun".

    With the passage of time, these fifty people have become mentally reborn.

    Of course, the "Hong Jun" philosophy instilled in them must have been revised.

    For example, what is the name of the song, how can you make money from a landlord, etc. These cannot be instilled.

    The main thing that is instilled in these people is things that are aimed at white people.

    When the thoughts of revenge, hatred of white people, and correct guidance were combined, Zhao Hongyu could easily control the hearts of these fifty Indians.

    After listening to Song Hu¡¯s report, Zhao Hongyu was very satisfied.

    I have to say that these methods of the seniors really work.

    But think about it, if it doesn¡¯t work, how can you win the country?

    "Well, pay attention to their ideological dynamics. Although they hate white people, we are unlikely to have a conflict with white people in a short time. After all, our power is still very weak, and there is no great benefit in conflict with white people. So.  Those guys must be able to suppress their psychological hatred. This kind of ideological work will be left to you."

    Facing Song Hu who was reporting on his work, Zhao Hongyu conveyed new instructions to him.

    Time flies, and it¡¯s been two months in the blink of an eye.

    And the time has come to the late spring season in May.

    The foreign trade of the Mohican tribe is in full swing. The most popular items among the surrounding tribes are rice, Erguotou, pickled mustard and matches.

    Of course, iron axes and machetes are also good, but they are not as popular as the above products.

    Because of the expansion of foreign trade, the people of the Mohican tribe have benefited greatly.  Their quality of life has been greatly improved. The yurts have become the residences of the Mohicans. No one lives in the original triangular tents anymore.

    It can be said that with the help of foreign trade, the Mohicans have been able to escape from the "poverty" living situation and move towards a "well-off" life.

    The spacious yurt has more space than before. What makes it warm in winter and cool in summer is the internal temperature.

    The food is even better than before.

    ¡°These are lives that the Mohicans never dared to imagine before.

    With the prompting of Black Bear intentionally or unintentionally, the people of the Mohican tribe all know that this is the life they have ushered in because of their cooperation with Black Eyes.

    Unknowingly, Zhao Hongyu¡¯s reputation within the Mohican tribe was once again improved.

    This was something he had never expected.

    As for Zhao Hongyu himself, he has cultivated another 200 genetic people in the past two months, increasing the strength of his group.

    ??Among these 200 genetic people, there are 150 males and 50 females.

    However, under Zhao Hongyu¡¯s order, all men and women became soldiers.

    Since they are cultivated one by one, the intellectual development of genetic humans cultivated within two months is normal.

    Song Hu¡¯s Manhattan escort team expanded, and he was divided into 150 people from these two hundred people.

    Because, in Zhao Hongyu's plan, the Manhattan Guard is basically equivalent to the existence of the "National Defense Force".

    The twelve dull gene people were gathered around Zhao Hongyu and handed over to Wang Shan to lead.

    Although they are very dull, they are not ambiguous at all when it comes to protecting Zhao Hongyu. They are definitely good candidates for guarding.

    The remaining fifty genetic people were assigned to Zhang Tie, who was doing business in Mohawk.

    His business is getting bigger and bigger, and the manpower is obviously not enough.

    Therefore, 50 of the newly cultivated genetic humans were allocated to him to make up for his shortage of manpower.

    "The fifty Indians who were sent by the black bear two months ago and their families have settled down in Manhattan Island.

    At the same time, because the number of genetic people under Zhao Hongyu increased to more than 200, all fifty Indians were arranged by Zhao Hongyu to manage slaves.

    With Zhao Hongyu having more than 200 subordinates, he felt more confident.

    Although his power is still very weak now, he is not the kind of person he could bully just two months ago.

    Because of the increase in manpower in his group, Zhao Hongyu finally purchased hundreds of old-fashioned matchlock guns and distributed them to Song Hu and his Manhattan escorts for use.

    Song Hu, who owned the matchlock gun, began to train his men.The soldiers practiced five-stage shooting.

    Although the accuracy of the matchlock gun is not very good, the crackling and continuous shooting is still surprisingly powerful.

    Today¡¯s white bumpkins are still using the outdated Spanish phalanx.

    Let me start the second-stroke mode of queuing up to shoot the party!

    After watching the Manhattan Guard¡¯s drill, Zhao Hongyu hummed and thought to himself.

    "Chief, what do you think?"

    After the exercise, Song Hu ran up to Zhao Hongyu, waiting for his praise.

    "It's not bad. It has two more stages than the three-stage shot, and it can be cycled infinitely. However, the number of people is too small, and the power is greatly reduced."

    Zhao Hongyu commented in a pretentious manner.

    "Chief, this is already very good. The accuracy of the matchlock gun is too low. Hitting the enemy depends entirely on luck. It is just used to deter the enemy and reduce the enemy's momentum. The weapons of our escort are matchlock guns, machetes and  Crossed axe. If we really encounter a war, hand-to-hand combat might still happen."

    Song Hu explained to Zhao Hongyu.

    "However, in this area of ??the American continent, I think we can be considered number one."

    Wang Shan interrupted at the right time and reminded Zhao Hongyu.

    And the Mohawk people who were invited to visit the drill looked at Zhao Hongyu with something wrong.


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