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Text Chapter 30 Tooth for tooth

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    The sack on Cax's shoulder was bulging, and he didn't know what it contained.

    But from the look on Baker's face, it seemed like he knew it.

    After hearing what Cax said, Baker looked around the quiet Mohican tribe camp with a strange expression on his face.

    ¡°These damn natives, they actually rejected Mr. Baker¡¯s ¡®well-intentioned¡¯ proposal, so as long as I find the location of the gold mine veins, you will be destroyed!

    Baker¡¯s eyes revealed a strong murderous intent.

    "This little guy wouldn't tell me no matter how much I asked, so I had no choice but to knock her unconscious and bring her back." Cax put the sack on his shoulder on the ground and untied it.  A girl with her eyes closed was revealed.

    This girl is none other than Emma, ??the daughter of Black Bear.

    I don¡¯t know what method Cax used to get Emma out of the tent in the middle of the night, knock her unconscious and bring her back.

    ¡°But Baker doesn¡¯t care about the process, he only cares about the results.

    Although he hasn¡¯t gotten what he wants yet, with little Emma in his hands, he will definitely get what he wants in a short time.

    For this, Baker has extremely strong confidence.

    ¡°Humph, it¡¯s just a little Indian girl, he doesn¡¯t believe that he can¡¯t deal with her.

    As long as he leaves the Mohican tribe, he, Baker, will have 10,000 ways to make this indigenous girl talk, he believes.

    As for the means, there may be a little bit of blood, but Baker doesn¡¯t care.

    ¡°Besides, in the eyes of the white people, these uncivilized native Indians are not actually ¡®human beings¡¯ at all, they are just wild beasts.

    Since they are beasts, they should be enslaved, driven and even slaughtered.

    Isn¡¯t that what the Spaniards did in Central America, and they were very successful.

    So, why can¡¯t the British do this?

    This untamed new continent has fertile land and they need manpower.  And these natives made very good slaves, if only they were not so aggressive.

    Compared with the Mayans of Central America, the Indians of North America were more aggressive, so they were not good candidates for slaves.

    Fortunately, ships are now selling slaves from Africa.

    Baker and his party took advantage of the midnight night to return home, and the sleepy little Emma became their captive.

    At this time, Emma¡¯s disappearance has not yet aroused Mohawk¡¯s attention.

    Before Black Bear could go back, he had already summoned thirty of his men, joined Zhao Hongyu and the others and rushed to the path that Baker and his party must pass through. They ambush them early and prepared to give them a thunderous blow.

    And Black Bear¡¯s wife, Emma¡¯s careless mother, was still asleep under the influence of a drug at this time, and she didn¡¯t realize that her child was missing



    At the foot of the Acachian Mountains, outside a dense virgin forest.  There is a road covered with weeds half as tall as a man, which is the passage connecting the Mohican tribe to the south of the outside world.

    Whether white people want to come to the Mohican tribe, or the Mohican tribe wants to go to the south to contact other tribes, this trail is the only way to go.

    The Mohicans called this road ¡®Laramaque¡¯, which in Indian means ¡®trade road¡¯.

    On both sides of this road, there are dark forests.  And nature miraculously divided the forest into two halves, and then opened up a road.

    Even in the 21st century, humans cannot understand the magic of nature, the creator.

    Zhao Hongyu and Hei Xiong came to Laramaque and chose a small hill.  Wang Shan and other gene people were fully armed, with two low-quality axes tied to the outside of their left and right thighs and a machete in their hands.

    The same is true for Black Bear and the thirty Mohican warriors he led, except that compared to Zhao Hongyu and his genetic people, they have an extra pair of wooden bows and arrows, and a hollow wooden pole.

    Zhao Hongyu took a look and found that the bows and arrows used by the Mohican tribe warriors were all made of wood, and the arrowheads had no iron at all.

    It¡¯s so pitiful that the arrowhead doesn¡¯t even have iron.

    Zhao Hongyu really felt pity for the Mohicans, but he had no doubts or worries about the lethality of this bow and arrow.  You must know that the Mohicans relied on this kind of bow and arrow to hunt and fight against other tribes.

    And among the Moxi cadresDuring these days, Zhao Hongyu also saw hunters from the Mohican tribe using this seemingly unreliable bow and arrow to hunt large prey bison.

    Think about it, the bison¡¯s hide is thick enough, but it can¡¯t protect it from being hunted by bows and arrows.

    If there is a little iron on this shoulder, the power of the bow and arrow should be greatly improved.

    "However, Zhao Hongyu has no interest in improving the combat effectiveness of the Mohicans, at least not now.

    In addition to these bows and arrows, the hollow wooden poles carried behind the backs of the Mohican warriors made Zhao Hongyu look at him even more.

    ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? Blow dart!

    Yes, that kind of hollow wooden pole is the weapon commonly used by most Indian tribe warriors in North America. It can also be regarded as a conventional weapon.

    This kind of hollow wooden pole can be equipped with a self-polished wooden spike, which can accurately hit the target within 20 meters.  At the same time, the wood thorn is coated with a unique North American anesthetic, which is an anesthetic extracted from plants. It can make the target become a zombie in just tens of seconds, and then be slaughtered by others.

    Zhao Hongyu had never heard of or seen that kind of plant. It looked like mimosa.

    Unfortunately, this plant disappeared for unknown reasons more than a hundred years later.

    But this was 1620. This plant that was supposed to disappear is still growing on the European continent.

    "Today, we will ambush here. It is about half a day's journey from the tribe. If my guess is correct, those white-skinned people will leave the tribe early tomorrow morning. In other words, we can deal with them at noon tomorrow, and they will be killed in the evening.  You can go back to the tribe for dinner.¡±

    The black bear was not worried at all about attacking Baker and his party.

    In the eyes of black bears, Baker and the others are as weak as groundhogs.

    Zhao Hongyu was a little nervous, but he didn't feel much pressure after attacking Baker and his party.  After all, with the help of Black Bear, they already have a huge advantage in numbers.

    Lying behind the hillock, Zhao Hongyu picked a piece of weed and put it in his mouth, then looked up at the bright night sky.  At this time, Wang Shan and the others were also sitting on the spot recovering their strength.

    And the thirty Mohawk warriors brought by Black Bear were also doing their own things.  Some people were lying on the ground and fast asleep, some people walked nearby to 'discharge water', and some people took out the dried meat they brought, tore it off bit by bit and put it in their mouths to enjoy the midnight snack.  .

    Of course, Zhao Hongyu asked Wang Shan and the others to distribute some pickled mustard to these people.

    ¡°I have absolutely no doubt about this.¡±

    When Black Bear came to sit next to him, Zhao Hongyu replied.

    If everything goes well, it will only take ten minutes to deal with people like Baker.  In addition, it would not take long to destroy the corpses and eliminate traces, so what Black Bear told him to return to the tribe for dinner tomorrow night was still reliable.

    "Heitong, your tribe is going to war with Baipi in the north, aren't you afraid of the white man's fire-breathing weapons?"

    Anyway, Baker and his party haven't arrived yet. They came here to ambush early and had nothing to do.  Black Bear sat next to Zhao Hongyu and chatted with him to relieve his boredom.

    "Afraid! But we have to fight."

    His own 'tribe' was at war with the French in the north, and it was originally used by Zhao Hongyu to deceive the top leaders of the Mohican tribe.

    The purpose of deceiving them in this way is to make it easier for these people to accept him.  Generally speaking, the 'indigenous' people who originally belong to this continent are easier to accept than outsiders.

    Zhao Hongyu, who comes from the 21st century, knows that no matter what era he is in, xenophobia is a unique thought of mankind.

    Zhao Hongyu turned over and sat up, looking at the black bear very seriously: "Our homeland was invaded by those white-skinned people, and our tribesmen were massacred. So we must retaliate tooth for tooth and blood for blood. Only in this way can we let those white-skinned people know our  It¡¯s awesome, and it also lets them know that we are not weak prairie dogs who can be slaughtered by others.¡±

    good!  you're right!

    As soon as Zhao Hongyu's voice fell, Black Bear made a fist with his right hand and hit the palm of his left hand hard, while shouting loudly.

    The excited black bear agreed very much with what Zhao Hongyu said, especially the idiom "a tooth for a tooth, blood for blood" that Zhao Hongyu said, which made the black bear feel very appropriate.

    "Heitong, I agree so much with what you said. Especially the sentence of tooth for tooth and blood for blood, I really think it is very accurate." Black Bear looked at Zhao Hongyu excitedly and said to him.??.

    Zhao Hongyu stared blankly at the excited black bear. He could not imagine that he had just said one sentence, and how could he have such a violent reaction from the black bear.

    In fact, how did he know that although the Indians have knowledge inheritance, they do not have cultural inheritance.

    It is simply not as rich as the Chinese heritage of five thousand years of culture, and they can't say the so-called "tit for tat".

    Therefore, it is not surprising that the black bear would be so excited.

    It was precisely because of these words that they struck Black Bear¡¯s ears, but they struck a chord in his heart.

    Originally, Black Bear knew this meaning, but could not express it.  Now that he finally knew the words to express it, the excitement was palpable.

    At this moment, Zhao Hongyu could not have imagined that his remarks would actually be used as a slogan in the future, inspiring countless "angry youths" in the Indian tribes

    "When I deal with Baker and the others, with the gold mined, the number of my men should be greatly increased."

    ¡°As long as he survives for a while, he won¡¯t be afraid of white people anymore.  At the same time, we should also invest in copycat ¡®protective umbrellas¡¯ to develop some new products. It would be great if we could develop excellent seeds.

    Zhao Hongyu knows very well that food on the American continent is now in short supply in Europe.  I own the Great Plains of Manhattan Island. If I don't use it, I would be really sorry for myself.

    Ignoring the excited dancing black bear, Zhao Hongyu¡¯s mind flew into the distance.


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