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Free Web Novel,Novel online - All in -> Historic -> Rise of America 1620

Text Chapter 14 Increased manpower

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    After Wang Shan reminded him, Zhao Hongyu remembered it.

    ¡°Isn¡¯t that right? He was proud of himself and came up with a preferential trade.

    It¡¯s either a discount or a big sale, or it¡¯s a big sale by jumping off a building and digging a hole in the ground, which makes the housewives of the Mohican tribe feel like they¡¯re in a state of ecstasy, and that¡¯s how the hot scene happens.

    These little tricks are already commonplace in the 21st century, but they were unprecedented in 1620.

    These Indian women have seen this kind of thing. All they care about is cheapness, discounts, and extremely attractive prices.

    ¡°As a result, the number of furs that Zhao Hongyu can exchange for has been greatly reduced.

    But this also gave him a benefit, that is, his reputation among the Mohican tribe has increased unprecedentedly, and Zhao Hongyu is very popular among men, women, and children.

    The thinking of Indians is very simple, that is, if you are fair and fair, then you can gain my trust.  And Zhao Hongyu was not only fair and fair, he even made the deal "vomiting blood".


    Zhao Hongyu smiled awkwardly and said to Wang Shan and the other two: "I forgot about this matter. If you didn't remind me, I wouldn't even be able to remember it." He was really embarrassed.

    "Chief, you'd better look at the virtual account. It's more reliable than listening to my summary report." Wang Shan said, looking at his young leader with a dumbfounded look.

    Looking at Zhao Hongyu, Zhang Tie and Song Hu also laughed "hehehehe".

    They didn¡¯t look down on Zhao Hongyu, they just thought the young leader was cute.

    For the three of them, it is actually not bad to have such a leader.

    At least it won¡¯t be so boring.

    Zhao Hongyu nodded and opened his virtual account.

    The cash amount of more than 7.5 million caught Zhao Hongyu¡¯s eyes.

    My mother, this month¡¯s income is really too big.

    When Zhao Hongyu saw the amount of his income, his little heart jumped a few times.

    This is just a deal with the Mohican tribe. It will be more than 7.5 million in one month.

    ¡°If he can expand this trade enough, it will not be a problem at all to exceed ten million a month.

    ¡°But Zhao Hongyu also knows that it is unrealistic to blindly expand transactions now.  After all, he was not familiar with the surrounding tribes, and although he was protected by the Mohican tribe, it was inevitable that the European elders would not know about this.

    This will cause a lot of trouble.

    Zhao Hongyu doesn¡¯t want to be exposed too early. Those European guys are at least something he can¡¯t deal with now.

    "It's more than 7.5 million. I have to think carefully about how to use this money."

    "Wang Shan, we now have more than 7.5 million yuan in cash on hand. How do you think I should use this money?"

    As the saying goes, one person can make shortcomings and two people can make mistakes. Zhao Hongyu began to discuss with Wang Shan and others.

    Hearing this, Wang Shan looked at Zhang Tie and Song Hu, then thought for a while before replying: "Chief, please tell me your plan first?"

    It¡¯s not that Wang Shan and the others don¡¯t have ideas, but if they want them to come up with ideas, there must be a prerequisite.  After all, Zhao Hongyu is their leader, and they are not allowed to make suggestions on the development plan decided by Zhao Hongyu.


    Wang Shan¡¯s rhetorical question did not displease Zhao Hongyu. He also knew that they were guided by their own will at night, so they could not give a direction rashly.

    And this general direction must be given to them by ourselves.

    "I want to buy some genetic people. After all, our power is too weak now. And there must be a few new faces. Otherwise, the lie I said earlier that I have a tribe will be exposed.  "

    Considering that they are currently short of manpower, Zhao Hongyu thinks it is better to buy manpower.

    You know, now he only has Wang Shan, Zhang Tie and Song Hu. The number of his subordinates is indeed too small.

    "Chief, this decision is right." Wang Shan nodded, "If we don't have enough manpower, it will be really inconvenient for us to do things in the future, and your safety is also a big problem."

    Regarding this point, Wang Shan has actually been worried to death.

    As soon as Wang Shan finished speaking, Song Hu from the side also interjected: "I also support Wang Shan. Chief, you have too few subordinates. There are only three of us now. If we encounter any danger, I'm worried that the three of us will  Individuals cannot be protectedYou.  "

    Zhang Tie also echoed: "In this era of cold weapons, a large number of people is an advantage. Before you, leader, develop sharp firearms, we can only think of ways to deal with the number of people."

    Seeing that all three of them supported his decision, Zhao Hongyu frowned.

    "I understand and understand everything you said, but I am a little confused. If all the money I make is used to develop the population, then should I develop new products?"

    Zhao Hongyu didn¡¯t hide anything. He told the three of them some of the issues he was struggling with.

    Hearing what Zhao Hongyu said, Wang Shan smiled and said, "Chief, your thinking is a bit wrong now." After thinking about it for a moment, Wang Shan understood the problem that his leader was currently struggling with.  "Oh, please tell me, why did I get this wrong?" Zhao Hongyu raised his eyebrows and asked.


    Wang Shandao: "Chief, first we have to consider the purchasing power of the Mohican tribe, and then you think about whether they can afford it even if we have new products."

    When Wang Shan said this, Zhao Hongyu suddenly fell silent.

    He thought seriously.

    The Mohican tribe has a total population of 13,000 people, consisting of almost 3,000 families.

    In other words, his products are already numerous in terms of family units.

    At the same time, in the past month, I have almost plundered all the furs in the Mohican tribe.  This is the inventory accumulated by the Mohican tribe for decades, otherwise there would not be so much.

    Some Mohicans even dismantled their own tents and took the furs wrapped in the tents to Zhao Hongyu to exchange for things.

    It is conceivable that in the coming days, the sales of the product will definitely not be so hot.  Instead, it will gradually level off and become a steady stream.

    The reason why Wang Shan said that is probably because he took these situations into consideration.

    You can¡¯t say that Wang Shan¡¯s thinking is incorrect, because they will indeed encounter such a problem next.

    And, this situation has begun to appear during this period.

    And if you develop a new product yourself, you may not necessarily be able to sell it well.  Because these Indians in the Mohican tribe have almost no extra fur on their hands.

    Even if Zhao Hongyu wants to expand the scope of trade and let the Mohicans become second-rate traders.  But we also need to consider some troublesome factors and feasibility.

    You should know that although the Mohican tribe is the largest tribe nearby, there is no tribe larger than the Mohican tribe in the surrounding area.  However, there are more or less grievances between these small tribes and the Mohican tribe.

    Therefore, if the trade is not completed, some sudden conflicts may occur.

    This will be a bit of a waste.

    After thinking about these issues, Zhao Hongyu nodded seriously and said: "Wang Shan, you are right. It seems that what I have considered is not very thorough. It is not necessary to develop new products based on our current situation.  "

    Seeing that his leader had figured this out, the smile on Wang Shan¡¯s face grew wider.

    "Chief, I'm very happy that you can think clearly." Wang Shan said sincerely.  "Now we must add more manpower. Only in this way can we ensure human resources and your own safety."

    Now that all the problems have been explained, Zhao Hongyu has figured it out himself.

    Now what he has to do is very simple, that is to quickly buy genetic people and expand his subordinate manpower.

    Opening the option to buy gene people in the ¡®Space-Time Trader¡¯, Zhao Hongyu bought 12 people in one go for 442,200 yuan per gene person based on the template he had set.

    This total used up 5,306,400 yuan in cash from Zhao Hongyu, but even so, Zhao Hongyu still had more than 220,000 yuan in cash left.

    Zhao Hongyu has planned for the remaining money.

    He plans to save some, and when he has saved three million, he will invest in a "cottage" to produce flintlock guns and paper ammunition as soon as possible.

    As long as there are flintlock guns, matchlocks can be sold in large quantities to the warriors of the Mohican tribe.  Even Zhao Hongyu had thought about it, even if they didn't exchange the furs, they could still buy them on credit.

    He can encourage the Mohican warriors to attack other tribes, or simply attack the "White Skin" settlements.

    The reason why Atido¡¯s father has been suppressing the ¡®angry youth¡¯ in his clan is because of the European matchlock guns and artillery.  If you can provide them with the same weapons, then for the Mohican tribe, the EuropeansIt wouldn't be so scary.

    Although the Indians did not have the craftsmanship and technology to make matchlocks, they did not even have mineral resources.  But there is no way that Zhao Hongyu has a "plug-in". He can supply matchlock guns through the space-time trader without building a factory.

    And the price of the matchlock gun in the time and space trader is not high, it is only 1,000 yuan a shot.

    This price is only the price of two mink pelts or five beaver pelts.

    But you can exchange hundreds of skins from the Indian tribe.

    Therefore, matchlock guns are also a very profitable business, and Zhao Hongyu has long been very envious.

    The reason why he has not sold the matchlock to the Mohican tribe is because he must master the flintlock.

    You can¡¯t let the Indians have guns but you don¡¯t.


    The tent built by Zhao Hongyu looks different from the Indians here. From the outside, it is obviously an oversized ¡®yurt¡¯.

    In this ¡®yurt¡¯, in addition to Zhao Hongyu, Wang Shan, Zhang Tie and Song Hu, there were already 12 more naked men.

    "You three go and choose your subordinates, each of you will have four subordinates!"

    Zhao Hongyu signaled the three of them, and now Wang Shan and the three of them also became leaders.

    And within the space-time trader, some changes also occurred at this time


    {Piaotia Literature thanks all book friends for their support, your support is our greatest motivation}
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